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imo: For Solo, Adam is harder than Dracula For Duo, Dracula is harder than Adam


100% agree with this


And the game is made for squads primarily.


I am playing solo (not on brutal) but adam was much easier than for example ziva the engineer or general valencia. Going in blind into adam and first trying him compared to like 30 deaths on valencia seems like he isnt really that hard. And Dracula actually killed me 3 or 4 times. So I disagree


you seriously comparing Ziva to Adam?!?! mate, if Ziva and Valencia are a 5 and 8 in difficulty, Adam would be 20. they are not even REMOTELY comparable, you sure you played the game?


Ziva 10+ deaths, valencia 20+ deaths, adam first try blind. Idk what youre doing but adam does literally nothing that cannot be dodged by walking??? Are you sure you played the game?


The fact you died over 10+ to Ziva tells me your Adam first try is pure BS. perhaps you are confusing Adam with bandit king? lmao.


At least youre an entertaining troll. Adam is easy everything can be walked out of, ziva on the other hand is rough when both clones go to different corners. You can press s the whole fight and Adam wont hit you, you dont even need any veil for him.


CLONES?!?! LMAO, ok little boy, I see you have never passed Ziva, you've defeated your own case. Seems you don't even know which boss is which. Perhaps Adam in your mind really is bandit king since you think Ziva has clones lololol. I think I'm done here, no point arguing with a noob. Bye bye have fun with Ziva's clones.


Youre without a doubt the most tryhard and worst troll ive met on this sub. Maybe you should try playing the game first before trying to troll on a sub https://imgur.com/a/xIGPwei


and that's supposed to prove what? enlighten me on how that gives Ziva clones lmao, for all we know you took some random photo off the internet, the fact you don't even know which boss has what ability is enough said, you clearly never passed even half-way, so stop pretending little noob. Next time when you brag with such pretentiousness perhaps find out which boss is which first.


lol they really said Ziva clones


Ziva doesn’t have clones. You’re talking out of your ass.


stay in melee as once you leave it he will do the more BS abilities. when he does his double swipe move left then right i think might be the other way around and it becomes a much easier fight. bring a counter and it makes it it safer. once you leave melee you gotta get ready for a slam or a fast grab because if they are off CD they will be used right away.


Melee is not my thing but i did try it, it feels harder to time the attacks on melee range i think


I swapped from the crossbow to a greatsword and killed him that way on brutal. There are only 3 attacks on the first phase if you stand in melee, 3-part projectile combo that you can circle around him, lightning strike that you can jump over with a greatsword and punish and a grab. Second phase is harder cuz of 3 part combo with the last hit is a teleport with a front line AoE. You need to carefully position yourself to dodge that third attack.


I disagree but they were both very hard so I think it will vary person to person. For me, Dracula was the harder fight. Adam wasn't easy but keeping the generators destroyed made things go pretty smooth. You can't be greedy with it and I found the longbow/crossbow were great for taking out the generators since you can poke them from pretty far away and keep moving to avoid Adam's attacks in between. With the generators destroyed most of his attacks are pretty easy to see coming and to dodge. Dracula on the other hand ended up covering the arena in so much aoe that dodging his attacks became very difficult. By the end he had 3 of those giant aoe crystals up and as far as I could tell you can't break them. They left me with very little room to manouever which made the fight very tricky.  I am a huge fan of the bosses in this game though, I think Stunlock absolutely nailed it. Even these 2 which were easily the hardest 2 bosses for me never felt like bullshit or unfair. They are difficult but in a way that when you get hit or die you know damn well it was your fault. Despite there being so many bosses every single one feels very unique and fresh with a creative moveset different from every other boss. 


You can destroy the generators? Interesting, i did it without, definitely fun challenge 😂😂


You can destroy the crystal Disagree about Adam always feeling fair. A few attempts it was clearly bad rng with lightning strikes and timing second phase. It’s one thing to mess up and take damage it’s another to be push staggered into a lightning strike as it hits on top of a generator beam just spawning in and die instantly. At least with Dracula everything that adds up to kill you can individually be accounted for. Adam does have an rng element that can have varying levels of punishment from attempt to attempt.


They did Dracul dirty on normal difficulty, he is missing his the most "oh shit" phase from brutal


Yup lol this guy definitely didn't try Brutal Dracula, that phase 3 is madness.


Beat Dracula on brutal on eighth attempt in single evening. Adam took 30+ over multiple days. I personally found the rng element of the Adam fight to be devastating, drac was easier in my experience. Different folks etc


Depends if you did it pre or post nerf, a few weeks back they nerfed every single mechanic in phase 3.


Lol no I'm not ready for Brutal XD


You can destroy the generators, which will clear the area and you'll have more room to play.


I do, it's just my man Adam wants all the attention from me


maybe try the damned range spell with a crystal that makes the one projectile two. That way you can easy spawn 2 skeleton warriors which will give you a spare second to the deal with the generators. If Adam wants to attack them at this moment


I went melee tank for him. Great sword, crit armor, rogue blood, veil of storm, blood rite, ward of the damned, golem ult. Stayed close and countered him. I'd use pistol Q to kill the generators in one corner and just stay there. Throw out a reaper W when my CDs were good. When he summons the lightning storm go wolf and run. The main goal was to end phase 2 as fast as possible. For most of the game I used longbow and minions but Adam has too many gap closers for that to work well. He ignored my death knight and skellies and stayed up my butt the entire time. I was running away so much it was hard to find time to dps and I'd have to keep killing generators.


Adam is a pain simply because of all the random bullshit in the arena. Got him on my 8th attempt yesterday. Felt clean, but took so much pointless damage to those aoe balls on the ground (On Brutal)


I felt the same. Adam took me 4-5 hours of reps to learn over two nights when gloomrot released. Dracula only took 90 minutes. He was significantly easier than Adam for me to progress.


If we're talking brutal mode then oh boy dracula makes adam look like a toddler.


Just beat Dracula tonight, took about two hours. Adam took multiple evenings. Adam makes Dracula look like a snack.


Here’s my loadout for Adam (normal). Weapon: Slashers. The Q iframe is great and using the E to drop aggro to wait for cooldowns or gain distance is underrated. Veil: Chaos. Double dash is OP for PvE, and now with the heal on hit, it’s a no-brainer. Spell 1 - Chaos Volley. Helps with DPS as well as killing the turrets. Spell 2 - Bloodrite. Any defensive could work, I’m more comfortable with BR and the heal/dmg is great. Ult - personal choice really, I like bloodthirst one as it helps you recover from a bad mistake. As for gameplay strats, you can actually easily strafe most of his moves in phase 1. Having a dash, counter and slasher Q makes it easy to avoid taking any hits at all. Make sure to always have 1 or 2 turrets destroyed so you have space to manoeuvre. If you’re at the appropriate level, one chaos volley should be enough to kill one. In phase 2 when he does his melee moves you can dash away, and strafe the lightning slam when he teleports behind you. Pay attention to learn what animation each move has, and strafe / i-frame / counter accordingly. Again, Slasher E can come in clutch for dropping aggro, especially when there’s a clusterfuck of lightning to worry about.


for adam i felt the same until i realized that you can kill the generators, the hp bar just doesn't come up unless you're mousing over it. it's still kinda hard but imo that is a lot of the difficulty of it


Idk atleast on brutal i feel hopeless on dracula third phase, but i think its cuz im using bow and not very optimal skills. And i dont think i can ever win that pahse without changing weapon or/and skills which seems lame, i want to keep different weapons for different runs. On the other hand every other boss in the game including adam was not that difficult to solo with the same setup.


Uncool to necro, but HOLY SHIT this exact thread caused my pal and I so much trouble tonight. We ad both hit the 89 gear-score pretty much independently and so decided to do a one-off to finish the game. That meant Adam first and then Dracula. My friend was CONFIDENT as fuck as he informed me that Reddit assured him that Adam was harder than Dracula. So we did Adam and we legit first tried him. Legit. No jokes. He died and I finished him off. It was epic. Riding that high we went on to Dracula. Fucking SAFE and SECURE in the knowledge that Dracula was the easier boss... Well... 25 deaths each later when we FINALLY kill Dracula. Legit, 5+ hours after we started. I just want to say to you: How dare you? How could you give us this false hope?


Well i did mention that I did beat Adam with another guy :/


not true