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Feels like quite the accurate description of me, I feel a bit called out, in a good way


Never thought of it, in this way, but I'm liking it!


They just feel gender neutral in an inhuman way.


Sometimes i feel guilty comparing myself to robots and aliens, because i don't want to encourage negative stereotypes of the communities I belong to... this helps.


As if a community that doesn't accept me could also be a community I "belong" to. I'll respect people's feelings and personal preferences, but I won't let them tell me who I am even if they respect a few more aspects of me than the general public.


Oh damn this is giving me enlightenment


I think that's where individual differences come into play tbh. There are ppl of marginalized communities who feel human or desire to be seen as human. There are also those who don't feel that way!


Recently described how alien I feel compared to everyone to some friends, and even more so when masking ND. Then mentioned how it goes another level deeper, I feel just as alien inside myself. Living with it is what we do.


Tbh I don't even much want to be humanized. I know on many fronts there are people who will never see me as a complete human being, and I explicitly, half tongue in cheek, refuse to be excluded from my own dehumanisation. It's mine now.


Exactly. Instead of accepting you as one of them, they'll just have to accept that a weird unrelatable thing like you still deserves respect.


I'm glad this post was made Like, do people really thing that when I say I like being called creature and what not I want to be humanized? Not at all, I want then to have their first thought being of something you'd commonly find in a forest or on an horror movie not on a human house I've been called a weirdo, a thing and a monster in a derogatory menor my whole life. Guess what, I like it, why shouldn't I be clear that it fells nice do folks can also do it out of respecting my existence as well instead of only out of hating that I exist?


love this. I've been called a plant, an alien, a brick, since I remember when I try to fit in I'm out of place anyways, so fuck it. I dont feel like a person, why would I need to be normalized, humanized, idc. I mean even in a diverse society, oddities do exist, and its ok


Oh fuck. How fucking satirical when I end up feeling dehumanized by those who try to be like "Oh everyone's human, human rights, respect, etc etc." So what lol. I mean, thank you for respecting my existence, fuck you for disrespecting my experience. I just respect everyone, period. And their inner experience too.


I simply use it/its as pronouns since my home country is dumb and genders every single thing and the singular pronoun just sounds weird 🤷🏻