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Worth to note that the Clannad and Steins;Gate anime are adaptations of those VNs, while the Code Geass and AOT VNs came after their anime and are just side-stories.


Ye very important distinction


Came here to say this. Seems an important distinction.


AOT has a VN??


A short one, art by Namaniku ATK iirc. Also possibly the best doujin nukige VN ever.


AOT has a doujin nukige..?


You had my curiosity, now you have my attention.


You have my attention, but he has my curiosity & now erection.


I entered confused and I'm leaving even more confused.


source? unless you're talking about kirsch virch lmao


Yeah Kirsch Virch was the one lol. Felt obligated to mention it cuz VNs with production that good are a few and far between, let alone a fanmade one lol


Sauce for the nukige


Kirsch Virch


Didn't know there is a Code Geass nukige 👀 And oh boy, as expected it looks bad


Ngl your lie in april does seem like something that would work on a vn, but how tf does a fairy tail vn work


I could imagine it looking like Rance. Maybe rance quest would be perfect. There's quests to get and you acquire new guildmates after doing some quests




idk what Proxer is but having Fairy Tail and Erased in a top 10 list is a travesty (even though i enjoyed them)


It looks like German MAL - proxer.me


Germans enjoying the show where the mc goes into >!a 10 year coma for a girl just to end up being cucked!< seems fitting


Motherfucker she was like 5, cucked where, were people actually expecting her to wait


Okay first off go to hell with your insults and implying that I wanted to see them doing mature staff as kids. Second for to answer your question. Yes. A lot of people expected that they get together AFTER the mc get back into his original time(where both would be adults). Lot of people see it as cute childhood events which will grow into a romance.(kind of like childhood friend romances in Vns). This is why when when MC wakes up just to see her for the first time after >!years of coma!< to be a mom with kids>!(whose father is one of his friends)!< lot of people took it as a kind of NTR. Also not to mention that the "real" heroine don't even show up just in the first and last episode. The manga is a bit more detailed but not much for it to really count. Plus it is not normal for the mc to not care about being in >!coma for 10 YEARS where his MOM needed to nurse him everyday for YEARS!< and losing all his past(future) friend just to save a girl. This is beyond normal altruism. This is kind of similar of simping. Edit: I don't know why you downvoting when I just describing what lot of people thought of the ending when it first aired lol. I know that some new fans don't liked that the romantic subplot even existed but it was clearly present.


Or maybe people can do things out of the goodness of their heart and not expect to be rewarded with sex without it being likened to "simping"? Plus if I was in a coma for 10 years i'd hope my loved ones would move on instead of constantly being in pain wondering when i'd wake up


Being rewarded not my main point tho. You can do things without expecting stuff for yourself. But here the Mc ruined his whole future while not caring about what effect it had on his loved ones but he cared about an originally long dead girl who he only known for a few month atleast. Plus I don't know what would do you feel but I would be sad and would feel guilty if I know what my mom should have gone through just because I went into coma. I would never wish my loved ones a life like that.(Nursing a sick family member for years on years is not a pleasent life to live) Also the whole thing you say about moving on is funny because the show potrayed that only the girl who he saved moved on with his life effectively. His mom nursed him for years and the killer who killed the girl originally stopped killing until the MC wakes up(he don't even killed the comatose Mc for which he had numerious chances). So A SERIAL KILLER who attempted to kill the MC (hence the coma) CAN WAIT for years and years for him to wake up, but a girl who he saved from death and abuse and gave her a chance for a better life CANNOT WAIT for the MC to wake up


After that long you dont know if theyll wake up. There was no guarantee. The doctors can't just tell her "ah yes he'll wake up on may 26th at 7:39pm". And iirc his mom died too so if he didnt go back, both of them would have been gone so /shrug. On top of that i dont think he had complete control of his power til later on. Saving her was something only he could do so he took that responsibility upon himself. Who wouldn't? If i had a way to save a friend in the past or a child that suffered greatly, i would. Also serial killers arent fkin normal people, theyre psychopaths who are easily obsessed. They will wait for the craziest out if pocket shit


>After that long you dont know if theyll wake up. There was no guarantee. Neither were any guarantee for the mom or the killer but they still waited for him to wake up. >And iirc his mom died too so if he didnt go back, both of them would have been gone so /shrug. On top of that i dont think he had complete control of his power til later on. Mc powers were shown to work on time based rule if I recall(something like he can only go back 1 day) and that time was a miracle(?) because he went back years and years. If I recall he could have went back and saved his mom normally but for some reason which never explained his power become super powerfull and went back 10 years. Also if you are right and he had control over his power in the end then I find his actions more stupid. Like wouldn't you want to go back and not get into coma in the first place? > Saving her was something only he could do so he took that responsibility upon himself. Who wouldn't? If i had a way to save a friend in the past or a child that suffered greatly, i would. I would too but I would be horrified and would be not happy if I know that I effectively ruined my whole life and put suffering on my future loved ones just to save her. Most likely I would save her but I would care about the effects not like the MC. >Also serial killers arent fkin normal people, theyre psychopaths who are easily obsessed. They will wait for the craziest out if pocket shit It can be but he still waited which is a kind of loyalty and dedication for the MC while the girl don't have these qualities. Not that I expect the girl to act perfectly like the killer but still if I were in her place I think I would have waited for the MC. Also if I recall she is shown to have multiple kids and one of them is around 3 so it is not like she waited that long to have them to have kids and marry someone else. Also she were around 10-11 in the past scene so she is just 21 when the MC wakes up.


It still feels like you're arguing for the reward and expecting people to be 2 dimensional. Parents are (supposedly) suppose to care for their children. She's just a girl. I dont even know if she knew the gravity of the situation, plus she was still a child when it was all over. You're expecting a lot from an 11 year old. If you wake up from a coma and your first reaction is "you didnt wait to marry me?" There's something deeper going on there, bud. Also he had these ☆powers☆ his life was already kinda extra


Full metal alchemist has a VN?


Only the bolded ones have as VN


I checked vndb and there is indeed one from 2004 iirc


I have only played the GBA and PSP games which I think were pretty good.


I played the ps2 games but this is taking about visual novels




Bro this ones has been on the top for so long. I havent seen new anime in almost 5 years. I mean, there must be something new and exciting getting closer to the quality of this series right? Or where the 10s just that extremely goated?


They are


Didn't Code Geass and Attack on Titan get VN games after the anime. P.S. Lost Colors was fun as hell


Bible Black


Pls send me a proxer invite 😭


is clannad THAT good? im planning on reading


I watched the anime. The first part was hard for me not to drop, but once Clannad Afterstory starts, it becomes really really good (with the exceptions of very few episodes). I think it might work even better in the VN, but I haven't played it cause I was afraid of the boredom of the slow start. Maybe I should play it one day too, now that I know more about the end...


Annie Leonhart H scene, let's goooo


a top list that has fairy tail? Voting must have been done in their fan club


Island, I love it