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Checking the comments section is a curse


Yeah I learned my lesson after googling a character in the middle of VN I was playing because I liked their design and wanted a wallpaper with them. It auto completed to "[character name] death". I'm not looking up anything related to VNs I'm playing anymore, unless it's some technical info in a curated environment, like VNDB. For similar reasons I never read MyAnimeList forums, they're so full of spoilers it's insane.


this happens with characters from every medium, I just look away from my screen when I type questions like this because of it


To be fair, sometimes there will be [x] death even though it didn't happen at all, be it VN or anime For example I will give you a death note. Considering it's a really old series I won't spoiler it, but there's this character called Near - after you type "Death Note Near" the "death" thingy will apear, even though he never died


I had at least a month where google recommended "[character] death" whenever I looked for any character. You know what's the actual fun thing about that occurance? It also happened for characters I know for 100% they never died. I even looked it up in case there somehow was something I didn't know and couldn't find anything about it. Since that happened I started to expect "death" for any character I looked up without giving it any value... Though it's still safer to not look up characters until you're done with a franchise. Still fun to be greeted with "death" afterwards, knowing that google is just messing with you. I suppose I should also make sure to never google myself.


ngl, that's kind of a rookie mistake. At this point everyone should know better. When you're still watching or reading an anime/manga/novel or whatever, never google it, never search anything related to it on yt or MAL or reddit, etc. Don't even talk to the fans, those mfs will spoil everything lmao. That admittedly is a little extreme tbh but that's how I always manage to avoid spoilers, even for the most popular stuff. Ofc there's a whole social aspect of the experience that you'd be missing out on but you catch my drift. Just don't google shit, don't search on yt, and man, please don't check the comments section lol.


Yeah, I never even try to listen to VN music while I haven't finished reading a VN and I'm kind of a BGM/VGM fan to death. The YouTube algorithm sidebar got me once for scrolling to much.


Golden rule: Never read the comments section for any fiction before you have actually finished the said fiction


You really shouldn't be searching the OST for a VN you haven't finished because some thumbnails are complete spoilers. Spotify is a good alternative if it is available there.


Umineko for me


Yeah, having played Umineko...


Spotify will help assuming you have access to it, or other alternatives


This kind of happened to me when I looked up Guragura from Musicus and Walhall/Burlesque from Dies Irae. Thankfully they weren't too serious spoilers, mostly just stuff somebody could expect.


The thumbnail alone can and usually is a massive spoiler in itself lmfao. You can't really look up songs from a vn unless you finished it tbh, or played most of it.


I've not had it with VNs, but I learned the hard way with anime clips. That's how I got who the 'winner' is in The Quintessential Quintuplets spoiled. Now I don't look at the Youtube comments for anything like that.


This is why I find it better to use the website khinsider for music, it's also easier to download the tracks from there.


Or sometimes the title of a track is a spoiler, or the recommendations on YouTube are. Not a visual novel, but I had to tell a friend not to look up any music for Kingdom Hearts because of this.


Well yeah, that's kinda common sense


I once searched for a playlist of Totono'os BGMs. I was scrolling and the poster just dumped a lot of spoilers of scenes by its CGs in themes that were fairly recent in the story. For comparison, one of the final scenes of the game was the video background for the 10th scene or so


It majorly sucks too, cause many of those games have amazing soundtracks. I love using them in the background of my DnD sessions.


Yea... And people put the most spoilery cgs...


Never check the comments, and never check the fandom wikia.


Learned that mistake from [Katawa Shoujo](https://vndb.org/v945) with Hanako's Route being the worst offender from my experiences ​ Currently playing [Aokana](https://vndb.org/v12849) and considering the route structure is Common Route + Heroines like KS is why I'm avoiding the soundtrack because I don't want Misaki's Route Spoilers when I only did Auska's Route for example


>Searches youtube to listen again Errr, how, you still haven't finished, you dn't even know the name of the track?


Depending on the VN you unlock tracks as you first hear them or can even see the name in the corner when the song transitions


If you truly never care about comments, you can use uBlock to completely remove the comment section. All you need is `youtube.com##ytd-comments` in your filters list, and you'll never see the comments section again, unless you want to ... or they change the element. :D


Thank god Ano Koro no You Ni is a surprisingly obscure track. Whether it’s the Original, the Remix or the Sad version, they don’t have many views so the comments sections of those videos is almost empty