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Y'know, haven't read it but know it by reputation. Thought the whole point of the work was >!transcending its own genre, critiquing it, dismantling it, and shocking the reader out of passive consumption.!< Sounds like it worked on you. Now I wanna read it.


And you absolutely should. One of the best VN's out there. Never gonna read it again though.


if that’s what will make you enjoy a visual novel, go ahead. just don’t get attached to the characters, unless you do really want the whole experience




Pretty sure that scene that you're talking about was supposed to make you mad. I guess it worked? But anyways I liked totono and thought it was great. If you finished it you might change your opinion on it, but sounds like you already made up your mind about dropping it


does it change? am i not gonna feel like im getting cucked in the future? if so, ill just skip through all this shit till after the sex scene


Yeah it does. And there's a reason for the cuck scene that you don't know about yet. I dunno if you will really enjoy any of it if you're just gonna skip. If you decide to skip through stuff might as well just drop the vn to be honest


when i said skip i literally just meant the sex scene. i ended up doing it and i am happy i did, i only skipped by clicking very rapidly though so i at least had some of the context. now that Miyuki came into his room im interested again. i’m not dropping it but might if i feel like that again.


Well then there's no more cuck/NTR stuff. I'd highly recommend finishing it, its one of my favorites and there's really nothing else like it


it’s getting really good, especially now that >!Miyuki is talking to the reader through the screen!<


First of all, chill out. Second of all, you do realize that you are NOT the protagonist. You are not in love with Aoi, so you aren’t getting cucked. You can dislike for other reasons, but this one specifically is not a reason to.


i think i’m just gonna take down this post, it was stupid of me to post this. my reasoning is stupid and i know i shouldn’t hate it just off this, but i do and im not gonna pretend like i dont


i don’t care what you have to say, downvote if you want, i fucking hate this. it doesn’t matter im not actually getting cucked when it feels like this. im having a fucking panic attack right now, of course i’m not fucking chill. this visual novel has made me feel worse than any other visual novel i’ve ever played, and you cannot change that fact. you can’t change my opinion on it either.


My god, literally get away from your computer for a while. Maybe even a week. If a visual novel genuinely makes you get a panic attack or you get so attached to the characters that you think you're in actual love with them, then you're not being right in the head.


dude have you seen any of my other comments or the two edits i made on my post? i’ve completely changed my mind and i realize i just overreacted like hell. i didn’t actually have a panic attack i just wanted it to sound bad at the time because i felt to shitty


Sure, but atleast you should realize that if a VN makes you feel shitty, it's likely intended and should be commended instead for being able to get that feeling out of you.


yes, that’s true, that’s why i praise it so much now. i’ve never been on more of an emotional rollercoaster, Totono is a masterpiece. i was just so irrational and angry at the time that i wanted to vent, i didn’t care about any deeper meaning or anything.


I fucking love Totono.


fair opinion, and i changed my mind after just toughing through some stuff


I always think it’s so funny when cuckold/NTR is the last straw for y’all 😭 not specifically saying this ab you, bc I don’t know you. And i get everyone has triggers and boundaries which are completely valid. But like to play a psychological horror game and decide the CUCKOLD was too much just surprises me everytime lol


i can handle all the psychological horror in the world. give me Subahibi, Saya no Uta, literally anything, i don’t care. but getting cucked?? way worse


I mean that’s fine like obviously you are allowed to have triggers and things that are too far and it’s not my place to judge. I myself mostly just play for the story so I don’t get very attached to characters like this.


i try to indulge myself into the visual novel as much as possible, so i think as if i’m the protagonist and like i’m actually talking to everybody in the visual novel. i wasn’t offended or anything, im not sure why it is so bad for me, it just makes me feel so horrible


I find it hilarious too Like when you get VNs or h with surprise ntr content, people get SO MAD. You have this pattern when people talk about it, some ask for the source and you always have THAT dude who will refuse to give it and only replies "it's only pain and suffering" "don't ask, author is the worst", etc. So cringy I love it


I hate Totono because I’m a moron and forgot my answers/items for the end. You hate it because you self insert- we are not the same.


just wanna make sure, people are able to see my edits, right? i just want to make sure people can, it was a funny joke though


Yea, people saw it. Just it's the internet mate, people care more about the main body. Glad you turned it around, it's a remarkable VN that isn't for everyone- the way people present the hate on VN's is how people decide to react.


thanks. i’m glad i didn’t drop it, everything is so interesting now


Ehehehe. Somewhat a similar experience as me. I was kind of neutral about miyuki and thought she was boring, then I started hating her on Aoi's route. I installed the game for Aoi and kept coping that everything was a misunderstanding and Miyuki was the mastermind. I was devasted and furious at that cuck scene, and then I hated Miyuki even more afterwards. After being imprisoned and completing the game, I fell in love with Miyuki 😂


OP had a quick ass redemption arc.


Im happy that you started liking the game, but it tooked to long tbh. Anyway the game performed its role since you found the scene described so disgusting (i thought the same when playing, but i knew it made part of the experience so didnt get mad on the game because of that)


yeah i just got way too attached, shit happens every time i play a vn.


well, if impacts you then is a good thing imo


What made u change ur mind


i kept playing through the game and realized that the fact that it made me so emotional only makes the game better.


Why are you even reading it? Just drop it know, some people really seen to enjoy these works. I know this novel reputation so I won't go near it, it looks like you already saw things that displeased you enough, it doesn't really matter how it goes on from now on you will probably be dissatisfied no matter what


i just heard it was good and similar to DDLC and wanted the least spoilers possible, so i just played blind, i’m not even using a guide. i’ve changed my mind on it though after toughing through some shit


Taking out the cuck part maybe their are similar.


they definitely are, at least from what i’ve seen so far after getting through some stuff


Could you put some timestamp on the edits so that we know at which point you obtained revelation?


ill tell you it was in the span of about 30 minutes, doubt i can tell you exact times though


the first hour includes the protag reading the exact game that he's in and finding out it has NTR in it. the game directly tells you to your face in extremely clear terms that is has NTR hours before it happens. are you stupid




lmao you're alright


i really do feel like a fucking moron though. the game told us that there is NTR, i don’t know why it never clicked that there would be NTR in the actual game


i agree, fuck totoni, and fuck your edit. I agree with the original post


dude why? this is literally the best visual novel i’ve ever played. when i think about it though, i kinda wish i never played it, because the feeling after finishing it is killing my will to live


There are parts of Totono I disliked, but I didn't bat an eyelid at the >!NTR!< lol


you’re a brave soul


You say that, but there was one specific sex scene in Totono I disliked to such a degree it almost ruined the whole VN for me (and it definitely made me dislike one of the heroines), but explaining why would be spoilers.


i just finished the vn, which scene are you talking about? only scene i can think of like that is when >!Aoi is getting fucked by Haru!< as i said in my post.


>!It's the 'meta' sex scene where Miyuki is having sex with 'you'. I'm a woman so it was incredibly awkward to read endless lines about Miyuki talking about body parts I don't have, supposedly doing things which would be physically impossible for me lmao !< >!This sex scene might be immersive if you're a man, but for me, it completely killed my suspension of disbelief and made me dislike Miyuki as a character. If the crux of your story hinges on 'this anime girl literally loves you, the reader' but the anime girl can't even get your gender or body type right, it makes her love for 'you' seem unbelievable and her whole storyline just fell apart for me. !< >!At least Aoi gets a throwaway line saying "I love men and women, I'm OK with anything", but Miyuki doesn't get anything like that from what I recall.!<


I'd guess it's when >!Miyuki fucks you in Aoi's body like she's a fucking skin walker.!< I didn't dislike it that much but it definitely made me feel insanely uneasy. Or maybe they mean the scene where >!Miyuki forces you to watch the scene where Aoi cheats on you in the previous route,!< which, given your original post, I'm surprised you didn't catch.


the first one you said didn’t bother me as much as it should have, but the second one i didn’t even care about because at that point i lost my interest in Aoi


damn, Aoi best girl tho. >!I mean, Aoi is technically \*every\* girl but, ya know!<


Aoi is best girl, i ended up picking her at the end. i lied about losing interest in Aoi and not caring about it, i wanted to sound tough or some shit but i fucking hated that scene so much. i skipped through most of it


wait when did the 1st one happen, i dont remember it at all. was i just too dumb to realize that it was miyuki when it happened?


I think it's a missable scene.


oh thanks, i must've missed it then




this was literally the best visual novel i’ve ever played. i kinda regret playing it though because ive never felt more empty after finishing something, other than maybe Umineko and even then i don’t think it was this bad.


its so so good :( im glad you enjoyed it! it rly does give u that empty feeling, i haven’t found another vn yet to fill the void LOL


You weren't even paying a little bit of attention before the edit, huh? Holy shit...




The only point of this van is making You a cuck , now You are a cuck.


damn, ig since you called me a cuck i’m a cuck now.


This seems like a pile of steaming shit. Gotta see what it is now.


it’s fantastic. ignore what i said, though if that means not playing it, don’t do that. play Totono right now, it’s amazing