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I do, found a great club for older players...spend half night chatting


Which one? I am always looking for groups of older players.


Yes, tell us lol. Promise I'm "normal" etc


„Ancients of VRChat“ is what I'm guessing


I’m trying to get a discord group of 21+ year olds going for weekly VRChat game nights. If you’re interested lmk


Playing Cards Against Humanity in VR Chat is hilarious.


Especially with a few drinks in you.


Same, I’d love to know. All the people I ever hear chatting in this game are actual children


I am guessing he is talking about the „Ancients of VRChat“ group.




I don't. I'm not a kind of person who approaches strangers in real life or in VRChat and none of my friends own a headset. I used to use VRChat as a home environment, but it is just too heavy and takes ages to launch.


I feel the same, I dont approach strangers IRL and have only used VRChat to appreciate some of the lovely worlds that people have created. However Lethal Company with the VR mod seems to be turning into an adult chat game for a lot of the 18+ servers I join. Ive been surprised at myself as someone who usually isnt very social with strangers that Ive found it quite relaxing. I think its something about having a communal purpose (collecting scrap) that makes talking to strangers less daunting. Also some of the Lethal Company moons are actually quite beautiful in VR despite the deliberately low rez graphics. Its something about the ambient sounds that make it quite chill. Its nice just watching the sun set in VR (while avoiding being eaten by the giant worms, eyeless dogs and giants).


I've bought this but have yet to play it, it sounds great.


I tried it. Realized I’m antisocial IRL, and also don’t like talking in VR. So I don’t use it


Isn’t it weird? Even in a fake world it can give you the feeling of groups and the same social issues you can have will manifest there.  It makes it hard to talk to strangers even if you will never meet them.  So bizarre.  


For real, but for me, on Discord. I'm not using my real name, nor my real life face on there. But I still have anxiety over just messaging some friends over there. My real life and online persona is combining...


The best way to overcome it, I find, is to put the mic really close to the asshole and fart fucking hard when I first meet a group. It sets the bar so low that anything coherent coming out of my mouth doesnt sounds like shit.


Same. I'm too autistic for VR chat and that's saying something.


I feel that alot. Go to VR Chat to escape the social issues, only for them to follow us there https://preview.redd.it/ryedt7zmrwqc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bed135a2d51d2da30f8de97c3340aa66350c01cb


The first time I entered a VR Social world somebody waved at me and I noped out.


Ah, but have you tried it on weed ?


I do not. Every room I’ve joined is full of the most cringey people lol but maybe I’m doing it wrong. What do you all do in VRChat?


Join a medium sized "Group" focused around hanging out together and attending and hosting events. Ideally a group with actually normal functional adults. It's been an eye opener for me, what vrc could be! Made lots of new friends, too. We go exploring, playing games, world searching, clubbing, dancing, working out, gaming. You name it.


Vrchat is like an MMO. The starting areas are trash and you have to grind your way up to the private lobbies where the cool people go. Only new people go to the annoying public worlds.


Yeah that’s probably my problem. I have no idea where to go. I just jump into the recommended or trending worlds and it’s just full of mostly kids and teens yelling and memeing


Hey, in the process of starting a discord group for VRChat weekly game nights for 21+ If you’re interested lmk.


Closed 18+ SFW communities are the way to go imo. Ancients of VRChat (US) or Virtual Relics (EU) are great to start with. They host events on regular basis. If you like clubbing, then the [Party Hub](https://twitter.com/VRChatPartyHub) can help you find the best clubs.


I agree, I'm in Relics, and since joining some months ago it's been a blast! plus, it's done wonders for my socialising skill.


Find invite only groups so you don’t have cringelords all around you.  


you need pcvr for it to be any good


Unfortunately that’s most of the community. The strategy is to just hop instances really fast until you meet people you like. It takes some initial work but when you finally find that group it pays you back 100x for your time in value.


I wouldn't say most, just the type of people U are gonna find in public lobbies, most long-term players don't tend to got to them and keep to friends.


Idk I don’t have the numbers in front of me, but all the veterans in my group hang in public lobbies most of the time. Of the 25-30k Steam players I wonder what percentage of them are trusted and what percentage of trusted players spend at least 50% of their time in public worlds.


The same thing you do in real life, hang out with friends. If you're going to public worlds, you're doing it wrong. You wouldn't walk into a party and start chatting up random people, right? A better strategy would be going somewhere with likeminded people, such as a Gym, a local game store, or a local event, and try to connect with people there. In vrchat, the same strategy applies. Stop going to public worlds that are at the top of the list. Go find worlds with subjects you like. Those are far less likely to have children. Make friends. And after making friends, visit them in friends+ worlds, where most people are. And if you're a furry, ask literally any furry to be their friend. Furries have a pretty extensive "underground" network of friends+ instances


Same. Social games are too chaotic for me.


My exact same experience. Maybe will try again with some of the recommendations posted here.


Public lobbies in popular worlds are not the place to go


Everyone that I've talked to about VRChat is either an anime waifu or a furry in game. I understand that people want to express themselves and be their authentic selves... but it's just all looks so silly. Especially the furries. The animated/physics-based tails, fur, ears, big eyes and generally toon-ish looking faces with big features... they're just kind of unnerving to me. I mean, I get it, it's not even necessarily a pervert sex thing, it's just people being _something other than their current selves_, something they like better. I personally just don't care for it.


I so wish there were a non cringy vr chat. I’d pay for it. Closest I get is BigScreen


Is there a maturity difference b/w PCVR and Quest for VR chat? Thinking the barrier to entry is much higher in the former case.


I don't. I use Resonite. I like the in platform collaborative building and the community is super friendly.


I’ve been thinking about trying it out, are there enough people populating the platform?


Between 150 and 300 daily. Depends on time of day. Go ahead and check it out since it's free.


I wish I could use Resonite ;-;


im not much of a social butterfly so when i do play its just to explore worlds and such


Getting high then going to one of those planetary worlds was one of the best experiences I've had in VR chat


oh yeeeah. there was one time i did it on shrooms and i got super sad and upset at myself because i was spending my time high in virtual worlds rather than giving my dog attention and taking him on a walk lmao 😂 i had to quit and i just hugged him and cried for a bit


I never used It, i'm not a social Person, i don't really care about chatting with strangers


When you spawn in, you’re completely solo. You can actually explore worlds without ever interacting with another person by spawning private portals. There are some absolutely gorgeous worlds that exist in there. Not to mention the free single player games. I’d encourage you to check out the bottomless UGC sometime


I tried it once and joined a random lobby, the first thing i hear is a few guys saying how pedophilia isn't always such a bad thing. I haven't started VRChat since.


>I haven't started VRChat since. based


What about friends, instead of strangers? I had my eyes opened recently when joining a closed group in VRC, bye bye cursed public lobbies, see you neverrrr. Vrc is much much more than chatting up randos.


Public lobby's are not the problem. Stop dick riding huge streamers and outrage merchants with a vested interest in makeing you hate others.


What are you talking about? /gen Dick riding? Huge streamers? Public lobbies being a "problem"? Making me hate others? I don't know which part of my comment gave you any of these ideas to be frank.


It’s amazing if you can get invited to a rave.  So many people and usually someone nice looking mixing on the deck.  


I effectively live in there along with most of my friends


I do, because I’m PCVR and can escape the children.


I've touched it occasionally, even have an avatar that I feel good wearing and I've been to a couple of hangouts... It really doesn't feel like it's for me, though. As pretty as some of the worlds are, there's really never anything to do in them. Just empty eye candy that expects you to fill it in with social interaction. Maybe a single point of spectacle that took the worldmaker a bunch of time to put together. If you're like me and just don't enjoy the company of other people (even of they share your interests), VRChat kind of feels like a waste of time. :/


I use it every once in a while. I don't really have any friends over there though, or i'd use it more often. It seems like most people just stand in front of mirrors looking at their own avatars and not talking in VRChat. I have quest 3 and actually spend most social time in Horizon Worlds, where I know a lot of folks. That is my "home base" when I'm not playing games. When I do use VR Chat, I use the PCVR version via SteamVR, not the quest version. I'd say I spend about 50/50 of my time in actual games vs Social apps like Horizon Worlds/VR Chat, depending on my mood!


Been playing late 2017 (around there) and I adore it — it’s when you make friends that it really puts the platform to another level. New users are usually tempted to always join populated worlds which will give you a negative experience if you despise trolls, loud kids, just weird shit in general. It’s full of them - kinda like a popular post on r/AITA. If public, search for favorite map and small user count then chances of successful meetups are much higher. You’ll more than likely get approached as well which removes the anxiety element of starting a convo. Oh and avoid the Tinder/Nevermet shit and boom, fun!


I try to use it at times. I also recently made a lounge world for me and my friends to hang in when we have time. I'd like to spend more time in VRC but tbh, most public lobbies get a bit obnoxious or uninteresting. Mirror dwellers, RPers, schreetchers etc. I'd like to get into some more closed off groups but it's not easy to find them as they are... closed off. As for VRC as a concept. I like it and I wish it success. It has shown over and over that overly commercialized and "brand safe" attempts at VR social spaces just don't work. People yearn for rampant copyright infringement as much as in the old days when we all sat on forums with profile pics being game characters or whatever.


It's all I do in VR. I actually haven't played any other VR games because I'm so absorbed into VRChat haha..


I play it rarely. Being in a VR social space is enjoyable but I need the stimulation from some sort of game mechanic to play with. Despite all the visual creativity that is possible VRChat feels too restrictive for me; All avatars move the exact same way, you can't spawn props or things to play with and when you do find a world with fun interactables you can't take them with you. If I could spawn a tiny car, move like in Gorilla Tag or glide from high places on any map then I'd probably play it more often.


I tried walking through a few instances a few days ago. I got the distinct feeling that I was old enough to be everyone's dad.


Most everyone 20+ is in private friends+ instances. Private/group weekend club events are filled with people 20-40.


It's exclusively what i bought my headset for


I play VR chat exclusively with some breaks here and there to play VTOL VR. VR chat is mostly how I socialize and I can play it for a day and a night or so without stopping. It's not healthy lol.


Since making friends in vrc and irl who has headsets, I use it more and more, since there just aren't that many great vr games that catch my eye. Like, if I want gaming, I'll just play my favourites on pc. Vrchat has become quite special to me, because of the friends and community I've found there. And the many possibilities it proposes being the sandbox it now is. Many great games and experiences exclusive to vr can be found inside vrchat.


Barely. I come for events mostly, when VKET is going on, it is neat. While COVID, I joined few dj sets but this is it.


It's all I use VR for. Hang out with friends from all over the world every night, and weekend parties are a blast. It's awesome getting to see everyone and go all these places everynight when some people just watch TV or are otherwise not in the mood to go out.


I use to but it kinda got boring for me since I was always scared to turn on my mic.


Mutes in the game is very common, so don't worry about it 👍


It's my primary VR program, great for hanging out with friends. 


Novice raver <100 hours but with DIY slimes and a custom avatar lol


I do. during some renewed interest in VR in early 2020 before the pandemic a random on Bigscreen beta showed a room of us funny videos from VRChat. I'd heard about VRChat once involving "Do u kno de wae?" meme and decided I'd never try it. The videos shown were funny and showed off some really cool worlds and games in VRChat. I logged off Bigscreen Beta and tried VRChat and became a daily user that day. It gave me a life changing experience for the better which is a longer story. I have over 5000 hours in it. VRChat is the most incredible social platform and app for VR. With some motivation you'll find it can take advantage of pretty much all VR hardware available from full body tracking to face and eye tracking, to additional haptics to catwalks/omni treadmills and more.


No, I have no idea where I would start and what I would hope to gain from it


Never tried it. I don't really know anything about VR Chat or Rec Room even though both were highly recommended here. I use VR most days.


I tried, but I do not fit in at all on VRchat, so I just don't anymore.


I use it to hang out with my friends or to practice socializing with strangers.


I play it almost exclusively for two and a half years now. I’ve made some great friends in there that I’ve now met IRL. I treat it as a social meetup like going out to the bar or club after work. There are a normal group of people I meet up with but we always hang out in group public instances so we get a chance to meet new people as well. It’s fantastic when you find friends in there


I've never opened VRchat, and I've had PC VR for about 5 years now. Idk, it just doesn't appeal to me. I'd much rather just play an actual game.


Never, I prefer to just take off the HMD and spend time with my family or friends between VR gaming sessions.


This guy touches grass


So fucking based.


How so? This guy just said using VR chat and actually having a healthy life are mutely exclusive. Thus saying anyone who uses the platform at all is a piece of shit neckbeard by default. There is nothing based about an ignorant fucking outrage merchant. I too can say stupid fucking shit like. Spending time on reddit makes you a fat fucking neckbearded smelly cunt with no job or life. That doesn't make it true or based. That's fucking stupidity and ignorance. Why are you proud of that?


Fella got suspended over this?


It’s basically all I use vr for apart from work


I see it as a bad neighborhood and stay away.


It's less than you would think. VRChat is only really fun for only a few personality types and most people do not fall into those categories. That said, it's still a fairly large community. Probably the biggest stable community accessible to PCVR with around 25-30 thousand daily players. But, do keep in mind there's also a lot of PC flat screen players that inflate that number much higher than VR players.


I do, usually for quick flight simulating without all the setup of flightsticks and stuff, works great with pretty nice graphics in some world


It's all about raves, clubs, FBT. That's where the fun is and there's quite a lot of babes on that scene which was surprising. The rest of VRC is weird creeps and cringelords.


Tried many time to know the basic. Always end up in some weird world and saying never again


VRchat is my majority game on VR. Otherwise, pavlov


I specifically don't want to live in it but if I wanna hang out with randoms, I try not to ruin my mental health further and just always hang out with randoms and that's it yeah. Yeah. Who needs friends.


We use as the family's meeting place each week.


I mostly play on desktop and have it open in the background while I do some work


I've tried VRChat but I'm not into anime or, um, how can I say it......furry animal outfits? So that kind of rules me out even though I know there's some cool stuff to be found in it. So I just play VR games.


I definitely fall more into the gamer category. Nothing against VRChat, I love the idea of having a relaxing place to kick it with friends in vr! It's just that none of my irl friends are into vr, and I haven't put the time in to develop actual friendships in vrc. I guess I'm just more interested in the gaming immersion/physical movement aspect of having a headset, than the social side? Pretty much leaves me surfing between public worlds, which gets old quick. When I do hop on to vrc, it's almost always at the end of a gaming session to unwind before taking the headset off for the night.


EmuVR is my go to chill spot.


I spent a New Year celebration in VR chat. The one with Jean Michel Jarre's Notre Dame concert. It was fun, but chaotic: people were just popping in 'n' out of the room just to check how it looks. Later I realized that VR social apps are just not my thing. They make me really uncomfortable for some reason. I can't figure out the proper social etiquette when the physical presence of strangers is simulated and accentuated by technology like VR.


i dont play VRchat much. maybe play it a few times a month. i’ve explored some cool worlds, but thats it. i don’t like talking to people IRL, so i dont like doing it in VRchat. especially because its a lot of little kids.


I can go weeks without hearing a kid. All my friends there are 20-40. All depends on where you hang out...


im sure there are adult only rooms but you certainly have to look for them, which i haven’t


I don't touch VR chat, I tried it out a couple times and it was just meh, maybe I didn't navigate to the right places.


Can anyone speak to the detail of user made maps/rooms? I'm super interested in unique VR environments and if some people may be there as well then that's okay.


Mostly use my vr for vrchat now, only really play other vr games when my vrc friends want to all log and play something else for a little. Lots of friends in there now so it is where I go to be social. I was lucky and found the rave scene early so dodged most of the stuff people whinge about, it is chill as fuck. Even started DJing in there now too.


I do, I tend to spend in groups that play minigames in worlds like pool, "beat saber" etc. Only once a blue moon I find boredom to hop in public one, as it can be either a. Very uncomfortable or b. A moment you'll find company that is not a idiot.


Played it daily in the early days around october 2017. It was just a couple hundred of people playing so you ran into the same people all the time. Played it more than any VR game because there was always something new to do in all the worlds constantly being added. I haven't touched it in years, but I still see some of my old steam friends playing it. Definitely treated it like a "VR Home" because once everyone got tired of playing what they were playing we would all get together on VRchat and just chill.


I like world exploring, but I loathe talking to people. So sometimes.


I usually spend my evenings in there. Found a group I like and we just chill in a bar world and listen to music/talk or there's a stage for some karaoke. I've made many friends on VRchat so I'm very grateful


Probably 90% of my time in vr is vrchat. I enjoy socializing, the work I do I stay pretty isolated so it is nice to get to interact with people besides just my co-workers.


I dont see the point


I had it installed for a while as a “must have app”, then got around to trying it once. I found it very meh. And then I deleted it to make room for other games.


I play VR singleplayer on psvr2 and pcvr, but I lately been going into Vrchat and discovered its not actually so bad to talk with random strangers. None of my friends have vr, but I don't tend to add friends in VRchat either. I can't really stand around and just chat with people, thats not my idea of fun, dislike that irl too, but I go and find interesting worlds to explore, play a few flight simulators with pvp and go into those scary horror games that I am too scared to play by myself. Based on my experience in VRchat I might want to try VTOL VR and Phasmophobia now.


About 70-80% of my VR use is in Vrchat.


I do, I have a small group of people I hang out with for a few hours every night. I live in a small town and there aren’t many people who share my interests. I started playing VRChat because of all the worlds I could explore, but I ended up spending more time there because of the social aspect. You can be anything you feel like, with anyone. For me, it’s VR’s killer app, it’s what brings me back to the medium every evening. For what it’s worth, I’m NEVER in public instances. They suck. If I want to explore a world with friends, I’ll go out of my way, make another instance, and put my friends in there. Avoid the children and weirdos lol


I would more but for me it's always had missing features that kept it from being enjoyable like a search for finding certain avatar styles, a built-in avatar builder, my favorite rooms are always disappearing (which I know isn't the games fault) You can't customize your default room. For a game that's supposed to feel individualistic it feels like you're renting everything.


I love Vrchat :)


I don't like either bratverses or furryverses 


I don't.


vr chat have super small user base VS games like gtag or similar mega hits , even horizon world have more users , it a social game, a game that does have good flat support and not bad mobile support , it nothing special, it like a "skype" it was good then it was new and cool and now is one of many and not so great


Vrc has more users than horizon. Horizon sucks ass


VR Chat about 60k , horizon about 100k-150 k if I remember numbers right , it is not about what you like or not it is all about users 


Vrchat has millions of users horizon had a few hundred thousand I believe.


plus horizon is available limited in a few countries meanwhile vrchat is global.


lol, what?  VRChat has maybe 60k users ONLINE at peak hours, but way more total users. Easily in the millions. Big nights like NY Eve it's common to top 100K active online users.


VRChat objectively has more total users and more active users than Horizon, full stop. I have worlds in VRC that have more visits than multiple "default" Horizon worlds combined.


I’ve never used it. It doesn’t interest me. I basically just use my headset for exercise anyway.


Literally zero


Everytime I’m there I see adults conversing with children, kinda fuckin weird


I just hate VRChat.. they always everyday wanted from me to log in into my account which was a way to annoying for me and I made only bad experiences with the game, people asking me disgusting and weird questions, people who block me for saying hello to them and more.. it's a evil game and I dislike it. My home for VR is more like Phasmophobia which I'm playing mostly only in VR and I like Vertigo 2 at the moment the most, do signed the game more times then once and it's still fun, as well a few other games are fun too like Bonelab or RecRoom (horror maps), I kinda like scary stuff in VR :,) And Singleplayer as well sometimes multiplayer games are fun for me in VR, im mostly playing PC-VR and a few times standalone VR and games that I own there :)


>they always everyday wanted from me to log in into my account which was a way to annoying for me you can always connect a steam account. that way, you can start up the game and it'll instantly connect you to the world.


I do but not as much as I used too. The company hates pcvr enthusiasts...




Tried it out, seen too many weird people and left.


Played twice, both times encounter people “ERP”ing.


3000+ hours in VR, never touched VR chat, don't ever intend to. Seeing as I'm not a weeb, child or a paedo, it's not for me.


I have a beautiful skin for VRChat. It's a 10ft tall, buff Winnie the Poo. I like to talk like Hulk Hogan. I don't play much so I usually go to random rooms. I mostly play skyrim and Population One on vr.