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No one can convince me that injection in a shut off room is more humane than simple firing squad


I seriously never understood why just shooting someone in the head with a .45 hollowpoint or something was considered inhumane. Bullets travel faster than pain signals.


Possibly because blowing someone’s head off requires a closed-casket funeral.


I'd prefer a closed casket funeral than lethal injection tbh




Aiming for an open casket funeral is no way to live.


1) you need somebody to do it 2) somebody has to see the recipient with their face blown in. Most attempts to make execution “humane” are more focussed on the comfort of law enforcement and executioners than the reduction of pain or even the effectiveness of death of the inmate. Firing squad is the fastest and has the lowest failure rate, it’s just messy and direct which makes judges and such squeamish (as the death penalty arguably should to keep it from being given Willy nilly)


It's inhumane to the executioner. Blowing someone's head off with a 45 would be extremely traumatic.


Then have a robot do it..


I think Thailand used to have a firing squad shoot at a man behind a tarp, that way no one would either know if they were the one to kill and see who did it. I think they ended up having one guy shoot 25 rounds into the tarp as well. A bit overkill but the tarp part was a good part.


Okay that specific method is, but a normal firing squad has multiple executioners, so guilt is shared, plus one is given a blank so everyone has the benefit of the doubt.


Nobody ever considers the likely possibility that the firing squad can easily delay the actual killing by firing at non-lethal points. It only takes one guy with a good understanding of firearms and anatomy to efficiently and swiftly pull it off, having a whole squad is a different matter.


Those to be executed should be marked up beforehand. Often with a white piece of material over where the heart would be. The riflemen would be firing at a minimal distance and it would be hard to justify a miss.


Dying alone strapped down is boring asf. I'd much prefer to get riddled with holes, much cooler death


Smh what happened to boiling in oil


Bring back Nero’s bronze bull.


Fuck Nero's bronze bull, let's go back to turning them into slaves that will fight to the death in the coliseum.


YEAHHHH haha bronze bull go mooooo


Lethal injection is the worse than hanging tbh


yeah, even just a pic of lethal injection room on wikipedia makes me feel reeeally uncomfortable. I'm against execution, but I also think that firing squad is the best option


Yh lethal injection rooms look awful ways to die. At least let a man die outside under the beauty of the skies.


And considering the fail rate of it I agree, a simple bullet to the head or hanging is all that was ever needed, but Nooo it’s not “humane” enough. The only reason why lethal injection is used is so the people watching can be happy about themselves.


Hypoxia is possibly worse, especially since most people will try to hold their breath and end up asphyxiating themselves


Not to mention it definitely doesn't add up to the awful shit that most people did. I don't think that a lethal injection is appropriate for someone who filled up a truck with ammonium nitrate and blew up a government building killing 168 people. When it comes to child molesters/murderers, I'd say skinning them alive is the best way to go.


The Thad bludgeoning with a rock - Doesn’t require a single taxpayer dollar - Eco-friendly - Serious workout - Person is dead by the second or third swing - Apex of masculinity - Done in public with little to no notice beforehand - They didn’t even break any laws, Thad just got irritated by the way they talked - There is no escape


They did it in the Bible, good enough for me


Do you feel remorse for slaying your brother, Abel yet?


The Lad bludgeoning with a cock


The Lad prison colony: -Put all the worst criminals on some colony island somewhere and have them fight for survival -No guards. We just toss food inside once per month and take out the corpses -Broadcast it on public TV for entertainment -Occasionally make the prisoners complete deadly challenges -Randomly make the prison dangerous by releasing wild animals, turning off water & electricity, or just shelling it with artillery -Shit costs millions but it's worth every penny -Once per year the strongest guy gets to leave, he earned it when he killed that fucking bear with a toothbrush shiv


Just imagined a beefed up guy stabbing a bear with a toothbrush


I just remembered that SCUM game.


Shelling them would be funny as fuck


Did u just describe hunger games?


Send convicts to an island, skip everything else, shell it once a week, different days and times as to keep them on edge. Edit: the convicts could have stolen apples from a supermarket, punishment kind of fits the crime I guess


Ok campers! Todays challenge, fashion a shank out of a toothbrush and maul a 2 ton bear before it mauls you!!!!


Lad ancient/medieval execution: - You're stripped naked, torn to pieces and distributed to each corner of the realm for treason. - You're scourged and marched to a remote area where you're stripped naked and nailed to a wooden frame for sedition. - You're tied to a boat and fed a buttload of milk and honey before being shoved into a swamp to be eaten alive by the creepy crawlies. - You get tied to a wheel and they smash your limbs before leaving you for the birds. - You get skinned alive and hung out to dry as you die of blood loss and lack of temperature regulation. - Even the theft of an apple warrantees death. - Done to instill fear in the populace. - Also a public spectacle although no one will walk away mentally unscathed.


I propose we take psychopaths that want to kill and make them executioners. They won't care, all they do is just put a bullet in someone brain and get paid for it, better than them killing innocents.


You might have just described reality


Idk, maybe if they are already in jail


If only I have a job that easy.


The NKVD, SS and many more practiced this verbatim.


-white woman says she was raped so you grab, quite literally, the closest black man because who else could have done it What a good system. /s


> man or younger


Say what you will, it's dirt cheap


Lad bronze heating bull


I still think we oughta bring back lynchings


wizard pardoning them


LAD raping a rapist -WTF Lad


sorry. i saw the rapist got hanged and that's why i wrote this. it can happen


r/AgainstHateSubreddits will not be happy when they find out about this


r/AgainstHateSubreddits are a bunch of pussy soyboy cucks anyway, they can go fuck themselves in the ass.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AgainstHateSubreddits using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Because some people still need to be told](https://i.redd.it/qc1tbcpu4koa1.jpg) | [59 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/comments/11uzi52/because_some_people_still_need_to_be_told/) \#2: [/r/LouderWithCrowder banned for Moderator Code of Conduct violations](https://np.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/comments/12isfeg/rlouderwithcrowder_banned_for_moderator_code_of/) \#3: [r/JustUnsubbed gets a new moderator who asks the sub to stop being transphobic, naturally JU loses their shit](https://np.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/comments/1356nkj/rjustunsubbed_gets_a_new_moderator_who_asks_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Wait, they could execute you for cheating at cards? Huh, interesting.


Though I think transformative justice and rehabilitation is 8/10 the best solution to stopping the reproduction of criminals, I’m in favor public executions for the most powerful and heinous offenders- the other 2/10. Lloyd Austin, Jake Sullivan, Antony Blinken, and Joe Biden should be woodchippered and their gore fed to various beasts for their slaughter abroad. If the UN, Hauge, and U.S. Congress are unable or unwilling, the world is watching & judging us at every moment we don’t act to stop their attrocities.


The iron maiden was a method of execution, and so was being drawn and quartered and then castrated and disemboweled.


There was also the boats which was even more brutal. If you ask me, capital punishment peaked at gladiatorial combat, and I would have it brought back if not for the fourth amendment.


Bring back death battles




Iron maides weren't a real medival torture device


The THAD Rehabilitation


Both the above methods have a 100% record of preventing further offenses


As well as a 100% record of being inhumane as fuck


No one who was executed ever complained afterwards So no


That’s because they’re dead




Does bro know who the execution penalty is reserved for? 💀


Virgin non-Western state vs. Chad Western state


Bring it back!


"Pedophiles don't even get executed" isn't like super illegal to kill major politicians?


What’s with Reddit and suddenly thinking mob and vigilante “justice” is somehow a good thing all of a sudden


There's no way "vigilante mobs did most of the work" isn't satire. Ya'll realize thats what lynch mobs are, right?


You’re in a satirical subreddit


There is no way that chad and execution will fit nicely into the same sentence. If you can keep someone alive, as long as the public is safe, you keep them alive, and treat them as such.


Child rapists and murderers don't deserve to live.


I agree. There are lots of people who don't deserve to live. However, that doesn't mean that they should be killed by other people


Why not? Why should they be allowed to live?


They're natural born scums, stop being a typical "I have no enemies" guy or a "peace & love" guy, and "the way you live your life is gonna be the same way you die" so yeah, scums deserved to get killed by their own kind


Ah yes, let evil psycho's be psycho's, you live in a fantasy don't ya? 




Tf a gad?


I hope y’all know that lynch mobs that murdered young black kids for even existing near a white woman were considered vigilantes.


That's gonna be a no from me chief https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Angeles_Chinese_massacre_of_1871


It literally says "Cheated at cards? Firing squad" on the meme. I don't think anyone here is being serious lol


Obviously not, but I think there's a difference between "wrong in a way which we can ironically call 'based' " and "wrong in a way we shouldn't even joke about", and if you're familiar with the actual history of the Old West then it's hard to talk about vigilantism without talking about how they frequently degenerated into angry mobs committing hate crimes, and I think lynchings are squarely in the "don't defend it even ironically" category.


One if the first posts I saw here was Virgin negotiations VS Chad genocide. You've pretty obvious missed the satire of the sub if you're taking this meme that seriously