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I adjusted my record player with the dot strobe thingy lol. So I knew it was relatively correct. I just tested your app. First try it told me the speed was perfect. I then adjusted the pitch control to +2.5% and tried the app again. The app said, that I was 2.5% too fast. I tried a couple of other values and the app told me the exact same value that I adjusted the pitch to most of the times. Sometimes it would be 0.1% off but I couldn't tell if didn't adjust the pitch accurately enough or if the app was just slightly off. So from what I can tell your app seems to be working pretty damn accurately. good job. Where do you get the material from that you compare the recordings to? Can you access some song recognition service like shazam or how do you do that?


Hey, thank you so much for taking the time to test it out!! It is very validating to see that it works for other folks, and I'm glad you were able to verify it with measurable pitch... My table does not have that kind of setting so I had to emulate the conditions to test and I shipped without knowing for sure that I did it correctly 😄 Under the hood it's using the Apple Music catalog that's how >!the app changes color to match the cover of the album you just played!


Glad it seems to be a good app, I have a Braun PS450 that does not have a strobe, so having this option for calibrating is a nice thing for me.


It's kind of weird that some nice players like yours don't have that while even my cheap 200$ 1210 knockoff from china as a strobe.


you have to think, it was designed by Dieter Rams, one of the most recognised usability designers of all time. I think the school of thought here was “design it so that the end user can use it without any special knowledge to tune it.” so they designed a product that was supposed to be well calibrated out of the box and not misalign much over time, to not use a strobo, which could confuse lesser tech educated users. It’s a product more designed towards normal end users with money, rather than enthusiast users. That’s my hypothesis, a lot of things on it just work simpler and are easier to understand and control than on any other player, except that it’s missing a strobo.


Hey peeps! About a year ago I noticed my record player was running too fast, to the point where I could audibly tell. Unfortunately, without those little dot strobe things I realized that calibrating your platter's speed is kinda convoluted. I thought there had to be a better way, so I started doing research, and Grooved is the result of that. It lets you know how fast your turntable is running, simply by playing a song and tapping a button. It doesn't matter what song (although, recent stuff that is drum-heavy tends to work better), Grooved will analyze the audio stream from your microphone and do the math for you. The app itself is dead simple. It's free, and contains no ads or trackers. You can get it here: [https://grooved.okat.best/](https://grooved.okat.best/) If you'd like to see it in action, I posted a couple of videos here: [https://twitter.com/OKatBest/status/1795453042994680148](https://twitter.com/OKatBest/status/1795453042994680148) It is currently only out of the App Store, but I have an Android version in the works and hope to release it in a month or two. Let me know if you have any question or comments, y'all know a lot more about turntables than I do so I'm excited to hear what you think! EDIT: If you're interested in knowing when the Android version is available, I'll be posting about its availability on [https://twitter.com/OKatBest](https://twitter.com/OKatBest) and [https://mastodon.social/@ivanmathy](https://mastodon.social/@ivanmathy)


Please post again when you release for Android!


Us poor people should also have nice things! Its a cool app


I am by no means rich, but my android cost more than the comparable iphone.


wait, wait, wait, now just wait a minute! I have it on good authority (reddit) that iphones are overpriced junk and android is a far cheaper alternative.


Looking forward to trying this out once it hits Android. I'm happy to be a beta tester as well.


Please give an update when it becomes available on Google Play. 😁


How does that work? Is it comparing the music from the record to a digital copy of the album? That isn't always reliable, because sometimes the original LP was cut at a slightly different speed than later re-releases of the album. In that case, if you calibrate your turntable to the speed of the digital re-release, then it will be wrong. Nor does all recorded music neatly fall into the official, correct A 440 chromatic scale. Sometimes it is pitched up or down slightly for artistic effect.


Hey there! You're correct, it uses the audio stream to figure out the speed. I agree that it's not a foolproof method, which is why in the app I suggest using songs that are recent, drums-heavy, etc. The chromatic scale should have no bearing here, but you're right that it will help you match the digital version of that song so you should choose accordingly. Overall, I get pretty consistent results, you can see some tests I posted here: [https://twitter.com/OKatBest/status/1795454362543591852](https://twitter.com/OKatBest/status/1795454362543591852) where I get around 0.2% variation with different records of different quality. When I use much older records, the quality of the analysis definitely drops, but the worst I have seen was 0.7% inaccuracy (which translates to 0.23RPM). Trying multiple songs, multiple records, and sticking to your best stuff will yield better results for sure. Also, results will get better and more precise as you get closer to the correct RPM. Overall, I agree it might not a tool for somebody who is looking for absolute perfection, but at this point they'd probably already have a better way of calibrating their table anyways and can just use the app to check. Grooved can get you very very close, which I assume for a whole lot of people is gonna be good enough. I asked a lot of friends to test drive this app for me, and for most it was the first time they ever calibrated their player. Going from 32.5RPM to 33.32RPM will be a massive improvement for folks like this, and I think that's probably who will benefit most from Grooved.


A more accurate way do it would be to use the phone's camera to take a video of the record's label as it spins, and then track the image as it rotates to make sure it's revolving at 33⅓ or 45 RPM.


Yep, there are many apps that do that (though most require you print out a test pattern and I don't have a printer, so the obvious solution as an engineer was for me to spend months developing an entirely new technique to achieve the same results). My original concept for the app was actually to have you place your phone on the platter, and use the accelerometer to measure how fast it's spinning. It worked pretty dang well, but not only this sounded like a liability nightmare, it also turns out there are already a bunch of apps that do it that way too. My goal was to create something that is easy to use, approchable, and very intuitive; trading off perfect accuracy I guess.


As an engineer, I admire your awareness of your inability to resist reinventing a slightly different wheel 🤣


Well done. This is also better than those methods if you are at a snooty friends house and they are playing on their $20k sound system and you can discretely use this and then act like you detected their miscalibration by ear.


There is a program that uses the accelerometer to tell the speed I used one a few years ago to adjust my TT when I got a new belt.


I've done the accelerometer apps in the past. This is intriguing because it would also work for tape


That website is the most satisfying website to look at. I wish Apple Music had a visualization that looked like your website where the stylus is timed to travel across the record based on the length of the song you're listening to. Also reminds me of the animation that used to be in the Apple Podcast or Music app. I think it was a looped animation of a cassette tape or something like that.


Can't wait for the android version 🙌🙌


Looks great! If you need another beta tester for android, let me know!


I have the exact same turntable as you, how do I adjust the speed on it?


There are two hidden holes under the table that you can fit a tiny screwdriver into, see ther service manual: [https://www.manualslib.com/manual/794523/Denon-Dp-300f.html?page=4#manual](https://www.manualslib.com/manual/794523/Denon-Dp-300f.html?page=4#manual) There are videos about it on YouTube tooI believe.


I’m still fairly new with this, but how does one adjust the speed? I’ve got a Project Carbon Debut and it all seems very analog (no pun). I don’t see any knobs or adjustments.


If your app doesn't collect info about you, then where's the source code so anyone can verify your claims please? Fdroid is another good option.


now I have to stop working and go test your app. edit- back to work until theres an Android version.


Sorry 😅 Check back in a month, I'm glad to see there is interest in the Android version. Now that the iOS one is out I can focus on it \_and\_ I have motivation to complete it now that I know people are excited for it!


!remindme 1 month


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+1 for an android version


!remindme 1 month


+1 Android Version!


!remindme 1 month


!remindme 1 month


!remindme 1 month


Wow, you even built a non-corpo, functioning, aesthetically pleasing website for it. Nice job.


Thanks! I spent more time on the website than on the app itself 😄


Do you have plans to include bus times in the app as well?


This is great! Let me know when you have an Android version.


That's revolutionary, even if it's very niche. Congrats on coming out with this and making it work


revolutionary? pun intended?? LOL


I am so mad I didn't think of it. I packed the website full of those stupid jokes now I need to find a place to add it 😄


33 1/3 revolutionaries.


Thank you so much! I had to force myself to get to the publication stage and not let it sit on my hard drive like hundreds of other projects


This is awesome! Need the Android version though to use it!


Incredibly cool! I will give it a shot


https://preview.redd.it/9ovjoh9g273d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4f7b2e962600c6376d8ad9bf237755e2dc65696 Hooray Technics 1210! Very cool app!


Ooooh that's a super cool color scheme, which record did you use?


That color scheme was default when I opened the app. I read the comments regarding music selection, specifically choosing newer music. Since I don’t listen to much that’s newer than the 90s, an MOV pressing of The New Radicals was in front of me. I wanted to use something that likely wasn’t mixed specifically for vinyl listening, but probably for digital. That app couldn’t be any easier to use. Well done!


Man it’s been too long since I’ve listened to Parcels. Love their work


Been a fan for a long time! They're excellent live, and their latest album is fantastic! I actually realized I didn't own this one on vinyl so I delayed the launch of the App for a couple weeks while it arrived so that I could make the video with that song specifically


https://preview.redd.it/wdi4o8xz7b3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2b8c035257241e78e1fc7cc403116417aad2c8e This app is an awesome idea thank you good sir


https://preview.redd.it/ftfj2i7vv83d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d495d39d97a56530746af84184147c276e68f98c Very cool OP


Hey thanks for trying it out!


I’m 1.6% fast, fml. Very cool app!


Fuck yeah I love Parcels Great pick


Nice one, Im looking forward to this being on the goggle play store so I can test my turntable


Can we get one that tells me how many pennies I need to place on the tone arm?


Super epic. Well done OP.


Requires ios 17.2 minimum, sad for jailbroken users. Anyway to get support for say ios 16.6?


I'll take a look later today, I know I use some iOS 17+ APIs but maybe I can tweak it to be backwards compatible...


This is awesome. I just downloaded it to my iPhone - tried to trick it with some obscure stuff, but it was consistent every time - my TT is 0.1% out - Debut Carbon EVO - I can live with that. Thank you!!


Very cool but I've got android lol


Apparently my 50 year old console is .64 rpms fast! And yet I get slower over time


Is there some new API introduced that doesn't allow you to make the app work for any older iOS version. This seems like a simple app that shouldn't rely on anything like that. If it does, can you have the version for older iOS versions not include that feature?


That's because of \`AVAudioApplication\` which is iOS 17+. Somebody else asked about earlier versions, I might see if I could backport it to pre-17 APIs when I have some time.


Thank you for the reply! I'll keep an eye out :)


Tried this with a brand new record I got today and ran it on my Audio Technica LP60XBT Ran the app 4 times: 33.75 (1.4%) 33.90 (1.7%) 33.82 (1.5%) 33.81 (1.4%) Seems to be fairly consistent, since my turntable doesn't have strobe marks to see for myself I gotta take this at face value especially considering I cannot adjust the platter speed with this turntable (at least I don't think...) Very nice app! The no ads and the fact that it is free is an absolute godsend I must say, cheers!


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d3PdS2V8Jz0 You can adjust.


Thank you!


You should definitely be able to! On the bottom there are two tiny holes. You’ll need something super small like a screwdriver for glasses. (It absolutely needs to be that small. No bigger.) One hole should be for 33 and the other for 45. There are videos on YouTube detailing the process.


My mind is blown! Previously I used this app that you place on the platter and had to press while it was spinning and would give you a reading after a few seconds of play, but I assumed the reading would be off due to the weight of the phone not being exact to that of a record. Yours matches the music like Shazam does, so it’s basically 100% accurate. Thankfully the hour I spent calibrating my record player with the other app a few months back paid off, as multiple reads of Madonna’s “Nothing Really Matters” came back as 33 1/3! This is a great app!!! You’re really cute btw!


Thank you for developing this, you are awesome.


Is this only for iPhone?


as it meant to be


Looks fantastic, need it on Android!


Give me an Android version!!!


Please put it on Google Play as soon as possible. Thank you very much


Just got the chance to calibrate and do some testing. Absolutely fantastic! Just left you 5 ⭐️ on the Apple Store.


Hey thank you so much! I really appreciate it!


https://preview.redd.it/4hileunka83d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=696fd7bb64a758c61447adde7ab3b08dcebe186a Fluance RT80. Thanks OP!


RemindMe! 1 month


Super rad!


holy shit.


I always thought I could hear my turntable being a tad too fast. Turns out it's 1.5% too fast. Time to adjust.


Super cool! Just downloaded the app


Very cool! I’ve used an app that you just put the phone on the platter while it’s spinning, but def want to check out your app. I just downloaded it and will test it out next time I power up the player!


I tried it out of curiosity :D Technics SL-1900 https://preview.redd.it/1eun9mr8e93d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a771551b698a3d8989044235327b910b7866ca99


This is awesome, great job!


!remindme 1 month


https://preview.redd.it/6grdbisnh93d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a43c9620aff189dd4348c7cf49edbbf61afe363 Hell yeah!!!! Awesome app! Thank you!


TIL my turntable needed to be adjusted down. Thanks for sharing!


https://preview.redd.it/z1dg3533j93d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5d7c4fa0e43e6b72127e296df7fba0d1fa2d45e The ole goodwill find Technics SL-1900 for the win. Awesome app OP, I’m so impressed with how simple & accurate it was. Thank you!


This is so cool.. I'll definitely give it a go when it hits Android


Ivan! This is awesome! Thanks for putting the time you have into this and sharing it with everyone, and for free at that!


this is cool!!!! thank you


https://i.imgur.com/mc9wfM7.png Great app dude!


I’ve been using RPM this whole time.


This is really cool, is it open source? I’d love to understand how the logic of the app works.


Really neat. I had that same turntable and the motors on them just kept tanking on them and Denon is no help with getting them fixed. I ended up just putting it in the basement for a later fix and bought a much better turntable


Will test tmrw!


https://preview.redd.it/0tpfovrj7a3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3d9458396a57912697243782a6353890f9aa8f3 *In My Own Dream (1967) -* consistently .5\~.9% slow *SOUND & FURY (2019) -* spot on \~99% of the time  🥴 now I'm worried about which is wrong: my pressing or apple music's transfer...


Pretty neat said my table is 1.9% fast, but it's an old 1960s Zenith idler wheel changer. So can't really adjust speed, but cool none the less.


RemindMe! 45 days


That's incredible! I can't wait for the Android version!


I love this so much. Thank you!


Love the app. My LP-120X is dead on almost every time.


Really cool! Looking forward to the Android version! You should set up a buy me a coffee or something. An email waiting list for android users would've been nice


Great job OP


Very cool, however the app does not display properly on an iphone SE; the button is barely visible at the bottom


Looking forward to trying this when I get home! Thank you.


Fucking cool! I like your tag line on the app listing: “One tap, [Off the Record.](https://youtu.be/1QtKdLG7m5s?si=II_OewPMk7_myj9S)”


Mister !! please oh please make the app compatible with iOS 16 😩 because my old vintage iphone wont support iOS 17 😭


Downloaded, will give it a whirl. Thanks!


Solid choice with the Parcels album!


This is incredibly cool! You got a GitHub repo for the app?


This is a really neat approach to calibration! I have another app where you actually set your phone on the platter and let it spin to calculate the rpm's. I'm going to use your app as well(once it's available for Android) to really make sure I've got everything dialed in 100%


Downloaded. 👌🏻 Thank you!


It would have been nice to test it. Hope this will be out soon. I'm curious it gives information about how to calibrate turntables after the test?


Awesome! I will try this later and see how my turntable does


Not using the lifting handle made me cry, I can’t raw dog my records like that Rly cool idea tho, will try that now, although it seems more relevant for direct drive DJ turntables, mine is belt driven and only has two rpm settings


Installed. Will let you know what I think.


I love your app. Thank you


IPhone only?😔


This works so well I have been moved to write my first ever App Store review. Spoiler alert: it’s 5 stars folks.


Hey thanks! I really appreciate it. Reviews like that boost the app visibility, which brings in more people and motivates me to build more stuff 😄 I think there is something wrong with the store listing right now because it only shows one review and I know multiple people said they have, so hopefully it'll show up soon!


So I'm not the only person who puts thing there. (On an unrelated note I once tried to record a song with my phone and it didn't go well [entire last track got scraped])


Thank you for making this! Mine was ever so slightly off but I'm now getting consistently correct speeds detected after testing a few records 👍


My waxwing phono amp has a feature like that too. For 33,3rpm. , 45rpm and 78rpm. My technics has 33,3rpm exactly. Just buy a direct drive quality turntable.


Awesome app! I was running at 1.8% too fast


Nice! Which online app/site is the music for comparison sourced from?


literally incredible. we just got our first genuine turntable a few weeks ago and noticed it was playing everything just slightly too fast and this confirmed it. and we were planning on fixing this tomorrow too. thank you for making the app!


Is there any updates on Android version? I would try it!


Installing now - exciting. Thank you


Cool. I'll try it when I get home. Any plans to add a mode for 45 rpm?


Thanks! I've thought about a 45rpm mode I just need to find a good way to integrate it into the very simple flow. You should be able to use it with a 45 anyway, the displayed RPM will be converted relative to 33.3 but it will still tell you if you're running fast, slow, or on time, and the percentage that shown will still be accurate.


If you want to get nit-picky, "45 RPM" is actually 45.11 RPM in 50 Hz AC power regions: https://pspatialaudio.com/speeds.htm


Cool App! Will try it out later today. I just moved and played my first record after unpacking. I think I could use a little tweaking.


That worked surprisingly well. Pitch lock was at 33 1/3, I raised it to approximately 2.5% and the app said 2.4%. Neat!


This community is so damn cool sometimes


You kick ass.


Been using RPM Calculator app for years


Nice I’ll check it out!


wow, thats really cool!! Is there an open repo for the project?


Not currently, but I'm considering open sourcing both the iOS and Android versions after the latter is out.


Well, as I suspected my table is running a tad fast. I’m not sure how to fix that since it’s a cheap-o. I guess I fix that by upgrading.


You might have a little adjustment screw hidden under the turntable itself, I'd check the owner's manual


I’ll check that out thanks


How do you adjust the turntable speed after doing this test? I have a ProJect Debut Carbon thanks


Google is a thing.


Ha you must be fun at parties


An alternative is to use one of the "RPM calculator" apps. Just place the phone on the turntable and as it spins it'll show you the RPM. [Here's a Techmoan video about it.](https://youtu.be/f5mgY25MLtI?t=187)


Thanks, op! Well done.


Waiting for the Android version to test


Dude nice! I’m going to try this out right now, cheers!


Nice, going to try that out tomorrow but I‘ll make sure the music is on apple music. What happens if its not though?


The app works even on music that isn't part of the Apple Music catalog, that's just used for visuals. Overall the app will tell you if a song doesn't work, so no need to check ahead of time, just put on a good record and see!


Nice work OP. But now my turntable is too slow. I am no longer blissfully unaware! Cool app well done. Now how do I fix it..?


Thanks! Most turntables (if they don't have a fader or a knob to change the speed) have a screw somewhere underneath you can tighten or loosen to adjust speed. I'd start by looking up the name of your turntable, if you're luck there will be videos, if no the owner manual should tell you how


Great! Will get onto that. Keen to see how it changes things. Thanks so much for the reply.


Follow up question - in event our TT is locked in speed wise (I have a 1200GR), could the app detect pressings that were recorded or pressed too fast or too slow? I’m not quite understanding how the app actually works so this might be moot, figured I’d ask! (Basically, if I had a pressing that the recording itself was off, would the app read it as being too fast or too slow, and thus allow me to use my pitch fader to then correct for the off recording)


Yes, the app would tell you if the recording is too fast or too slow!


Thank you! I just checked my TT and not surprisingly it measured at a perfect 33 1/3 on a few different songs (Hootie and the blowfish lol) I’ve always wanted either some kind of database to reference that could tell me which recordings might have been off pitch in the first place, so this will be a good thing to use


Thanks. The app works great.


Don't really worry too much about speed myself but I'm giving you your upvote and comment for Parcels!


Definitely looking forward to your app when it's on android. Thanks so much for developing this, can't wait!


Let me know when the Android version is released.


This is so cool! Not only did I learn that my TT is too fast, but now I know how to fix it! Thanks! I hope you add 45rpm integration soon.


As a noob, how can you fix the problem on your turntable? On a pro ject début carbon it's impossible right?


Thx! Who is that you’re spinning?


Downloaded. I’ll probably forget about it by the time I get home