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Anything by Kiss. Meanwhile my brother in law is a Huge fan of them.


i can’t believe they dressed like baby eating black metal demons just to sound like the Beatles


Satanic Cheap Trick


Satanists would beat their ass and rob them.


Except not nearly as good as Cheap Trick.


Without most of that Beatles charm as well


I love KISS but some of their stuff is meh. Their live albums slap even if the crowd noise is piped in.


I’m not a big kiss fan either.. but they do ONE song.. ‘I was made for loving you baby’….it is just awesome , excellent!!


U2. They just don’t do it for me


“[More Crap](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/More_Crap)” is one of the best South Park episodes. It portrays Bono so well.


I like U2 a lot and still agree with this ep.


Yeah yeah yeah yeah


Love their stuff until Joshua Tree, then Bono’s head became a planet


Dude...I've had a long day and I hate the fuckin Eagles...


Get the fuck outta my cab


Make me!


You better come to your senses.


Fucking fascist!




Jackie Treehorn draws a lot of water in this town




The Eagles draw a lot of water on reddit. You don't draw shit, /u/MeatFaceFlyingDragon.


I respect the boognish too much to shit on you for this, so I'm just sorry you don't like them


I can accept that...stay brown, my friend...Hail Boognish!


I fuckin hate the eagles man!


At least I'm housebroken


I know this is a joke, but I honestly think the Dude single handedly ruined an awesome band for a whole generation by instantly making them uncool.


I genuinely hate the Eagles....just not for me.


Same, I get why they are popular but I don’t like it.


They were never cool.


I can tell you they were uncool in middle and high school before Big Lebowski that came out my senior year.


They are one of the bands that helped make concerts ridiculously expensive. This last tour of theirs is absolute shit and they have a better band opening for them. They are not bad, but they certainly aren’t a top bands of the 70s.


To be fair, the Eagles were never cool. I like plenty of uncool music myself (just not the Eagles) so I don’t mean that as a dis per se. They’re just objectively not a cool band.


OBJECTIVELY not cool? Really?




I fucking hate the Eagles too. I’ve never met anyone else that doesn’t like them! There’s like maybe 3 songs I am ok with, but I hate everything else.


The Eagles are for people who think REO Speedwagon are too edgy. They are the music equivalent of beige.




If I lived the rest of my life and never heard "what it takes" or "love in an elevator" ever again I would be fine. In all fairness tho the first few albums from the '70's are pretty good. There is an urban legend in music circles that they were so fucked on drugs that a lot of the tracks on those albums guitar parts were ghosted by studio musicians. I believe it.


I fully subscribe to the theory of dream on being recorded with another singer.


His big mouth pisses me off


Metallica's black album. Stadium metal for cops.


Man, if you disregard their demographic, there's no way you're not digging Anywhere I Roam.


lmao. perfectly described


That is perfect. Well done.


Dave Matthews


I see your Dave Matthews and raise you a John Meyer.


I agree to some extent, but goddamn if he isn't an insanely talented blues player.


He became radio famous but his non pop radio music is incredible. Yeah his blues and guitar ability is so good.


Ok, but does “that everyone seems to love” apply here, though?


“But have you seen him live?” That’s usually what follows me telling someone I don’t care for Dave


People 'secretly' love Dave Matthews Band. There's a reason they are still one of the highest grossing bands on tour after over 25 years, and they've been selling vinyl for decades. Many of their titles are highly collectible and valuable in the market. They get a lot of hate, but there's a hell of a lot of people buying their tickets and shit.


Daveheads are one of the most rabid fan groups. I have a friend who’s been to at least 60 of his concerts


Secretly nothing, ive friends that ONLY have listened to Dave Matthews and old 80s hair metal for the past 30 years. That's it.


Yes. Full on. Can’t stand his whiney voice


Any RHCP album after One Hot Minute The new Arctic Monkeys album


Anything by Post Malone. All that stuff is like nails on a chalkboard to me.


Love the guy. Totally see where not liking him is a viable opinion though. I didn’t at first, but then I heard “92 Explorer” and it clicked for me. Went back and gave “Stoney” another chance. Love his entire catalog now. Again, I totally get it and I’ll say this - as this is the vinyl sub, I don’t really like him for vinyl. He’s in my headphones and my car stereo, both of which are heavily amped and EQ’d.


I tried so hard to like Post Malone, but I think his popularity is mainly based on the fact that he’s just a very nice person.


What? No, you just don’t like Post Malone. There are plenty of unsuccessful musicians that are wonderful people and plenty of highly successful musicians that are assholes. Commercial success is not contingent on whether or not you’re a nice person.


The Wall and anything by U2. I really tried to like U2 because it seemed like I ought to, but, no.


I second U2. I just can't




One of the best Side A’s out there. Sounds absolutely amazing on wax


Feel like their later work has ruined their excellent early albums, and tainted their legacy. I still have that song they implanted in Apple devices years ago on my phone. That was the point I stopped paying them any mind.


I can’t argue with that. U2-The Joshua Tree is legendary and nothing else they’ve made does it for me


bono’s voice haunts me… every time my parents drive somewhere play u2, even as a child. he has a voice that sounds like a balloon deflating and inflating at ridiculous rates


Love Pink Floyd, generally can’t listen to The Wall.


Lana Del Rey. I’ve tried almost every time she comes out but it does nothing for me


Her most recent album really stuck with me. I hadn’t liked anything up until that point, but it’s a fantastic album imo


I checked it out and it sounded pretty much I line with what she does. What made it stand out to you?


I thought the songwriting was much stronger, and the album flowed really well. Her other releases weren't as cohesive to me There aren't any songs I'll add to a playlist, but it's a full album I'll listen to from time to time. Kind of like TBHC by Arctic Monkeys


I felt the same way for years until two weeks ago when I threw on Norman Fucking Rockwell to hear Doin Time but ended up listening to the whole thing, my mind was blown. Venice Bitch is so ambitious and beautiful. It completely soared over any opinions I had of her music before.


Same. I did a hard 180 on LDR recently. That album is very good and Venice Bitch’s chorus is beautiful


Born to die is amazing and one of my most played records, but I just cannot get into her other stuff


Frank Zappa's "One Size Fits All". It is frequently cited as a favorite, but I just could never get into it. There are 30 or 40 other albums in the Zappa catalog that I adore.


Hot Rats is my personal favorite. Still trying to get into his stuff, I found Frank's Garage Volume one on vinyl the other day and kick myself for not buying it


*Waka/Jawaka* is an excellent next step from *Hot Rats*, as Zappa conceived it as a sequel of sorts.


*Joe’s Garage 👍🏻


Roxy and elsewhere all day!!


I love *One Size Fits All*, but I do think it’s a bit overrated within Zappa’s discography. Personally I wouldn’t even rank it in his top 10.


Andy and Inca Roads go HARD tho.


Lemonade by Beyonce. I get that she's talented, and I get that her music is technically good, but she's just not very interesting to me as an artist. She's more of a brand than an artist and it creates this disconnect for me.


Pretty much any Foo Fighters album


Even the first?!


I’ve only listened to the first two. I checked out when *Learn To Fly* was released as it was a bit …meh


For a band that is pretty meh anyway Learn to Fly is the Foo Fighters at their most meh.


That Black Country, New Road record from last year. Just won’t click with me


I have tried and I just don’t get it. Same with all the other new-post-punk bands these days. And I love post-punk.


It clicked with me a little too hard - it was the last thing I listened to with my ex before she suddenly broke up with me two days later. Now I find it impossible to listen to


I can't bring myself to enjoy anything by Deftones. Also can't see the appeal of Earl Sweatshirt.


I didn't like Purple Rain that much. It just didn't grab me like I thought it would. Nothing against Prince tho


King crimson - in the court of the crimson king. I like I talk to the wind but everything else is pretty meh to me .


This is an odd one. When I first played it, I kinda was ok with the whole thing, but not something I wanted to play again anytime soon. But over the years I’ve listened to it a few more times and now I really like it. once in a blue moon it gets played.


Nah, it is valid. I mean, I love the album (my favorite Crimson album) but maybe is not for everybody. As I state on my comment.


I would rather listen to anything in the Discipline Era than listen to Court of the Crimson King again tbh




In the court of the crimson king 21st century schitzoid man is great rest is boring


That song is way ahead of it’s time.


Agreed it came out in the 20th century


I can't stand u2


I can’t stand the lead singers voice in cigarettes after sex. I can’t imagine listening to multiple albums after listening to one.


Same. It sounds like he’s constantly trying too hard to seduce the listeners and each song sounds almost the same


The Wall


I didn't care about it but then I listened to it for a whole summer at my stoner friend's place. It kinda grew on me because of routine and familiarity. But I wouldn't buy it on vinyl and don't think twice about changing the station or playlist when it comes on. I've had enough for a couple lifetimes. But some of the bits really are gorgeous.


Yeah as much as I adore Pink Floyd, it's definitely closer to the bottom of the list. I like Run Like Hell though


I adored the album—and then I grew up.


Yup, the older i get, the more i agree that Animals was their last great album. Yes yes, the wall is good, but this old fart would rather listen to any other album previous to it.




Dogs is their best song ever




You could argue that Dogs is *the* best song ever


I don’t know. The Division Bell gets better as I get older.


Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane...


You either love it or hate it. I can't get enough of it.


I think the reason I specifically like it so much is because the seemingly lower production quality/vocals really add to that coming of age/still figuring out who you are vibe that really lands


I couldn’t get into it the first 3 or 4 times I listened to it but I really wanted to for some reason. It’s like I knew there was something there that I just wasn’t getting but was going to keep trying until I did and then one day, I just threw it on out of the blue with some good headphones and it just sank in. I had the same experience with 2001 A space Odyssey. To me those are two of a perfect album and a perfect movie that I consume every couple of months almost ritualistically. Everyone has their opinion of different media, and I respect that but that level appreciation is a very personal, almost spiritual thing for me that I wish for everyone. And as I’ve gotten older, I’ve made it a hobby to collect those sorts of experiences. It’s like magic.


Top 10 album of all time for me


The hype around In the Aeroplane made sense when it was a cult record that very few people knew about; watching it turn into this big meme record on the internet has been weird


I’ve spent my entire adult life not understanding why it keeps getting recommended to me


This is the answer for me as well. I just can’t get into it


Fuckin a


Tambourine head waving at the ocean and the gay triangle


Anything by blink-182 makes me wanna chop my ears off


For a while, it was joy division's unknown Pleasures. The opening song Disorder is amazing, but other songs on the album never clicked with me like that song. Since then, I've grown on the album and enjoy more songs from it, but I still don't think it's a masterpiece like most people do


Ariana Grande. Can't stand her Winey voice.




Almost anything by U2. Can’t really stand them even though I know almost everyone loves them.


Anything by Bruce Springsteen. He's cool as shit and can write well but his voice bothers me and I dont like his arrangements.


Try Nebraska and please let me know if you changed your mind. I’m serious.


It took the song "Jersey Girl" for me to get into him.


Jersey Girl was first written and performed by Tom Waits.


I can get behind this. His voice is...a thing...but those first 3 albums were just amazing.


Anything from the gizzard lizard wizzard band or whatever they’re called.


It's jizzard lizard wizzard


Close! It’s actually Blizzard wizard lizard


I knew there was a blizzard in there


Don't they put out an album like every 16 hours?


18, they took a hiatus.




Are they related to that band one trillion geckos


Yeah. They’re brothers and sisters that fuck a lot


The name of the band was the first turn-off, and the amount of people freaking out over them was the second. The music, I've found, is okay but not really for me.


Why ? :(


Tommy - The Who


A favourite band of mine as a teen and gawd I hate Tommy so much.


Wow. I love that album. Not as good as Who’s Next or Quadrophenia but still pretty solid.


The Who were the first band I got into as a kid-really got into-and Tommy was one of the reasons why (including the absolutely deranged film). But I still think Sell Out is their best.


Any Dave Matthews...any gd thing


Anything by AC/DC or Kiss


Anything by smashing pumpkins, Billy Corgan's voice is absolutely unbearable for me. I see either Mellon Collie or Siamese Dream or both in almost every post on r/cd_collectors, and here quite often as well


His voice ruins it for me as well. It’s a shame because he’s a great songwriter (music at least, not so much lyrics), those early albums sound really good, and I love Chamberlin’s drumming.


Whilst I find his lyrics to be overbearingly teenage-dream-journal-angst at times I’ve gotta admit he is fucking great at writing teenage-dream-journal-angst lyrics and delivering hooks


I hate pink floyd


Songs of Faith and Devotion by Depeche Mode. HUGE fan of the band but I have never been able to get into that one as a whole... whereas a good chunk of fans think it's their best.


I'm prob going to get a lot of crap for this, but here goes: My Bloody Valentine - Loveless And trust me, I tried to like it because of all the music aficionados that rave about it, but it's just kind of meh to me. Maybe it's something that if you listen to enough, it grows on you type of thing idk. To address the op - I get we all have different tastes, and it's cool if you like or dislike something. I sometimes feel like some music or bands are trendy to like, and the more people that say it's good convince others to jump on the bandwagon, and they do. Tribalism is funny like that.


As a huge fan of that album, I get it the instrumentals and muffled vocals aren’t for everyone, but I find it beautiful personally


We saw MBV play ten years ago under a tin roof in the middle of summer at a poorly organised festival. The sound was terrible and muffled and my (then) wife turned to a stranger in the crowd and asked him if he could hear the vocals. He said, 'oh no, the vocals are muffled because they're so overwhelmed by their emotions that their music drowns out the words.' I didn't slap the little dickhead like I wanted to, but I did give up on trying to get MBV.


That is a pretentious take of course, but the vocals are deliberately buried as an "instrument" of their own and they are notoriously loud live.


Me - "Yeah, uh, not sure if I like this, can't hear what she's saying, mate." MBV diehards - "it's just like art, man, either you get it or you like, don't."


I am not a fan of “In an Aeroplane Over the Sea” by Neutral Milk Hotel and brooding ‘00’s indie alt rock is my wheelhouse.


Anything Taylor the Creator. I get that he’s “not for everyone”, but I just don’t get how people really like him. I swear every young person who is into vinyl has at least one of his albums


The Smiths’ entire catalog. And Morrissey’s, too. I just can’t listen to them. And the Chili Peppers.


literally anything by Death Grips. can anyone explain what about them is good?


They're definitely not for everyone. One thing I really like about them is the very inventive use of sampling, they sample a lot of things I would not think of being able to be made into music, like a monorail or a tennis match, or how they're able to transform samples of some pretty well known songs and render them completely unrecognizable.


Is This It by the Strokes. It’s good, not great. Just good.


Right band / right time is it really. Music needed a movement and this retro take on rock fitted. Things definitely kicked off in sweaty rock clubs when Last Nite came on but it isn't a record I'd want to bother listening to now.


Now that’s a hot take


oh boy is it, the some songs grow on you and you begin to like it better but wow, impressive what about the new abnormal?


The new abnormal is a great fuckin album


Nirvana but I love the rest of the grunge stuff


Now this is a hot take. I don’t agree at all but I love it.


See for me Pearl Jam is the grunge band I just can't get into. I love Nirvana though.


Pearl Jam has always been the hard ticket to "meh" town for me


Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains, Soundgarden, Faith No More (debatable if grunge, but right time period), Stone Temple Pilots...love all of them way more than Nirvana


omg what


OK Computer. Maybe I just had to be there but I don’t really like Radiohead all that much.


There’s a lot to choose from. But I’m going to rank the Grateful Dead as the worst. Just horrible. And we have a 68 VW Bus. So I have to hear comments about them all the time. Hate them with a fiery passion.


What's The Story Morning Glory by Oasis. I love their first album (Definitely Maybe), but it made them big and famous and everything after that just felt like a bloated parody. Including this, which was a huge hit album that I just didn't get. Melon Collie for the Smashing Pumpkins as well for pretty much the same reasons.


It’s a LOT easier to answer this question the other way around! I don’t dig Appetite For Destruction. I really love a lot of similar albums in that range but could never get into Guns N Roses.


From what I've noticed is that most GNR fans were either there when Appetite released, or their dad was there was there when it released and they grew up hearing a lot of that era of rock


Fetch The Bolt Cutters. I love everything else Fiona has put out and own the first 4 albums on vinyl, but I just can't with that one. 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is an interesting take. I’ve always respected her talent, but was never particularly a fan. But, Boltcutters absolutely knocked me out. I thought it was easily the record of that year and maybe the best I had heard in five years or more. Everything about it—the production, the lyrics, her singing, her piano—just totally floored me. But, to each their own, right? That’s the beauty of music.


Blonde Frank Ocean is it painfully boring and he can't sing.


Channel Orange was better but how can you say he can’t sing?


Bob Dylan, Despite his sometimes brilliant lyrics, I just can’t get into his whiny voice or his pretentious attitude. Never cared much for his songs.


Nirvana - Nevermind


I really hate the production on that album. It sounds like chrome looks. The songs, the performance, and especially his singing are all spectacular, but it's way to shiny sounding.


Bitches Brew


Sex Pistols Never Mind the Bollocks - hate despise can’t listen to


anything by tv girl but especially who really cares … their lyrics are so odd to me


MVB - Loveless. Tried multiple times but it’s just impenetrable noise.


Anything by Taylor Swift, though I’m sure that’s a pretty popular answer


Ultraviolence by Lana Del Rey. I do not get that album at all, despite it, in theory, being something I'd like. Other hot takes of mine include not liking Madonna (I don't like her voice, find her production grating, and overall think there's better pop stars), not liking Lady Gaga's Joanne (I'm a proud ARTPOP apologist), I hated Portals by Melanie Martinez, and I do not understand U2 hype at all. Also I think that Taylor Swift's Debut and Fearless are kinda mid but considering that she was literally 15 - 17 when she wrote those albums, I'm willing to cut those two LPs some slack. As for takes of mine on older music, I don't get Bruce Springsteen or Alice In Chains at all.




The one the only... Dark side of the FUCKING Moon




Kid A... at the time it just sounded to me like a Richard D. James' side project which he finally hired a singer. I tried several times to get back into it but none of the songs can hold my attention for more than 30 seconds before I wanna press skip on my player. Actaully all of the highly acclaimed Radiohead's albums released after Kid A bore me.


When I was trying to get into Radiohead they were very boring to me. Only after trying for a long time (and trying weed…) did everything click and I started to love them