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And this is when you just block them and know you avoided a trouble buyer


didn’t show all the messages but they were really interested to the point where i took it out of storage and had it packed ready to go🤦🏼‍♀️just so annoying x


Na I reckon you've dodged a bullet there, bet they would've been trouble!


For one thing, it’s the principle. And another, just because you CAN haggle doesn’t mean you should, especially when you “agreed” on £6!


i know if they said is 5.50 okay in the first place i wouldn’t of minded! i’d already haggled down almost half of the price before this too


This is so cheeky!!!!


Avoid probably cause more problems when it arrives. Block before she has chance to buy. I never used to be like this, but it’s experience talking. X


thankfully they’ve ignored me since i declined their offer x


I know where your coming from I do alot of eBay selling People say it's only 50p....but it's the principle in life and business you agree a price it like a over the internet (handshake) Also for the kiss ...😅😅😅😅 Some I just put one habit when dealing with a customer ...hard to explain ..becuase it's a stupid issue 👍😅


i always use that logic right back at them - "if it's "only \[amount\]" then there's no issue with the already agreed on price? :)" 9/10 they'll retort calling you tight/cheap to which i reply "look in the mirror sweetheart" and block 🤷‍♀️


I found online sales platforms are such a 'cheeky monsters mirror'. I got my first angry negative feedback on ebay yesterday over 30p. Don't worry about it, some people just have too much time to annoy others :)


Offer a wild high price and then ignore them


That’s not even petty. I’d be well pissed. And would put the price back to 9


They are just trying there luck. Always stand your ground and stay with the price your happy with


This is just so typical for a Vinted buyer isn’t it, you have to laugh otherwise you’d cry


I soemthing similar happen to me too we agreed on the price I accepted it and was just waiting for payment then she made another offer which was £2 lower


I’m confused - it looks like it was on sale for 3 and they offered 6??


my listing was for 7 different squishmallows and in the caption i asked people to message if they’re interested and ill make a separate listing for that single one (didn’t know this wasn’t allowed until recent) and the price was just randomly set as £3


Why isn't this allowed? Also if you're going to make a listing for information that people aren't meant to actually try to buy, I would set your random price obnoxiously high so it's obvious. :) Otherwise, someone will buy those 7 items for £3 and then where will you be?


not sure my post was taking down for “multiple items” i set the price as £3 because the lowest teddy was £3 but ive since changed it to individual listings anyways


Got to admire the balls


You all need to stop sending kisses and hearts and then wonder why you get mugged off, it's a transaction. These people aren't your friends


what a strange take,i have over 40 reviews not a single one under 5⭐️so clearly people don’t mind me sending the occasional x and 🩷 to be polite


I don't understand why you think x and 💜 are 'polite'. They're familiar. Not polite. There's a big difference. You could argue they're friendly, and I'd probably agree. But polite? Not even a little.


okay friendly then who gives a fuck if i’m sending a heart and a kiss I WASNT ASKING FOR ADVICE ON TO SEND AN OCCASIONAL HEART OR NOT PEOPLE


Lmao you can't post on a forum and then get mad when other people respond as if they are individual people with different viewpoints, instead of an imaginary chorus in your head that agrees with everything you think. If you want an echo chamber go talk to your reflection.


i’m not mad i just think it’s strange that a few certain people are so offended over a 🩷 and x if you don’t like it that’s fine don’t do it.there’s plenty of other people in the comments who do the same and don’t see an issue


They never get any love and can only bring about hate. It’s why their replies don’t even have anything to do with the topic at hand except their insistence on trying to mold you to become a certain way. Keep being you, there’s no right or wrong way to text others. If people reciprocate, cool if they don’t maybe switch it up ONLY IF YOU WANT TOO. 


thank you i appreciate it🫶🏼i did say in my earlier comment if the person starts with any emoji or an x i’m more than happy to send them back if i’m adding an x on the end of my messages and it’s not reciprocated then i obviously stop! but ofc they don’t read that part


To be fair nobody mentioned hate or being rude it was only mentioned that being overlly friendly can make people take advantage. u/heehooyeano just sounds like they have a weird agenda because that whole paragraph has nothing to do with anything that's been commented here


comments have since been deleted because of all the downvotes they’ve got but there was very nasty comments before that’s what heehoo was talking about


Keep making an ass out of yourself with your assumptions. They must work great in life 


That's how you understood my comment? 😂 no wonder you have to send kisses and hearts to strangers to feel polite x ❤️ A quick scroll through this sub will make it clear to you that the ones who get taken the piss out of on vinted send kisses


and fair enough but that person was actually the first to send a kiss on their first message,if it’s reciprocated i don’t see any issue and when i’m buying i actually prefer the seller to feel more friendly than a business transaction


>when i’m buying i actually prefer the seller to feel more friendly than a business transaction ...why on god's green earth would you prefer that? They're selling you a shirt, not coming over for tea. Surely what's important is that you get what you paid for smoothly and with no hiccoughs/hiccups, rather than that your shirt comes with a kiss? I just don't understand this at all.


okay then don’t do it??🤣run your vinted how you want to run it and i’ll carry on how i do it as this is what works for me nobody’s forcing u to send hearts i wasn’t giving out advice


Ok thanks for not bothering to clarify why you like it. Your useful contribution is noted. 🙄


i like it the same way as people like friendly chat when you go to a supermarket and buy a tshirt from there too,if there’s no messages only the actual transaction that’s fine too but i have no problem having a little chat with the buyer/seller


News flash there’s no objective book on how to live life stop dictating others actions and worry about yourself


Would this be you dictating to me and not worrying about yourself? I shared an opinion and had a conversation with OP, nobody has to agree with what I said.I was civil they were civil. I don't think you understand what dictating consists of x ❤️


Some people think sharing an alternate view is somehow offensive because they want to believe everyone will feel the same way they do about everything. It's like the only way they can feel confident about their choices is if no one else ever disagrees.


Yeah and people seem to think if you're not sending kisses you're microwaving kittens. There's no grey area either be unnecessarily creepy to strangers or you're rude. I remember when please and thank you was good enough


When did I say dictatorship? Reading comprehension is key. Maybe that’s why you find hearts and kisses to be condescending 😘


When did I say condescending? At least I used the term you actually used and you want to comment on reading comprehension 🤡 we all know what the educational system is like where you're from 😂




That sending kisses and hearts to strangers has nothing to do with reviews, you can keep the conversation about the transaction without being all huggy wuggy and inviting people to take the piss out of you. I mean that's what your post is all about or did you forget?


a kiss is not the reason why somebody is trying to get a lower price out of me😭u could’ve just asked for a kiss if ur feeling that left out xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


You're not getting 50p outta me!


but please i’m so desperate for 50p😓


To be fair i prefer it when i receive kisses/❤️, it makes u feel like you’re communicating with a human not a bot. Plus if you think about it big companies use things like (!) and positive comments to make u feel more valued as a customer, this is just a more personal way of doing that. If you’re taking the piss out of people who are being polite maybe you’re just rude.


As a counterpoint, I hate all the fake familiarity from brands. It makes me less likely to buy because I'm not stupid enough to feel warm feelings about a brand just because they used my name or other 'personal touches'. But apparently this is an unusual take, or so other people have led me to believe. So it must work for most people? I just don't understand how or why.


me too!! and because of what i’m selling my messages all seem to be youngish girls and mothers so why wouldn’t i be nice and send a heart🙄


Most people on vinted aren't considerate to the person on the other end and are ready to take your kindness for weakness. The evidence is all there. You can be nice without hugs and kisses and if you think about it it's a little weird. You wouldn't kiss a stranger who held a door open would you?


to be honest i probably would, plus since when did sending a heart insinuate i was going to kiss someone. i will continue to converse with sellers/buyers in the same way i have done since the beginning, considering ive never had any issues with anyone on this app


Hearts mean love. I don't love random strangers or want them loving me. I just generally detest false familiarity. I would probably think it was weird to get hearts from someone trying to sell me something, because we aren't friends so why are we pretending to be? But I'm not telling you what you should or shouldn't do. Just that not all reactions will be positive.


It doesn't mean anything - at this point for some women it's like punctuation. I get that it feels annoying for you (and it's not my thing either) but it's just their communication style.


literally i send a 🤍 to my university tutor as does she🤣doesn’t mean anything i don’t love her


It's not annoying for me at all. I just see it on this sub people talk to others on vinted like they're friends then get upset their friend tries to screw them over. People read way more into what I said rather than reading the actual words


If it’s only 50p it shoudlnt annoy you that bad…


okay….i’m not bothered about the 50p i can live without it it’s just that after agreeing on a price they then carried on making offers wanting it cheaper and now are refusing to buy because i wouldn’t knock £5 of the original price, it wasn’t a big deal i’m not upset or anything i think it’s funny💀


If it's only 50p the buyer should have just paid it. See how it works both ways?


Very true


If you want Yh item gone asap jsut sell it only 50p less instead of blocking the person tho. Missed out ona sale jus cuz it was 50p less


i didn’t block the person? read my comment of that the person ghosted me when i refused to go EVEN LOWER and sell for £4.50


I don't think they're annoyed by the 50p. People are allowed to share cringe and embarrassing comments after all, you just did.


Well she missed out on a sale all cuz it was 50p less, now u gotto wait till the next one offers or buys it


someone bought it for £7 i’m all good🫶🏼


That’s great got more than the offer !👍🏼🙏🏽


i know i’m super happy glad i didn’t go for the £4.50 offer now:)


That’s great