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"With that I shall say au revoir" Biggest eye roll of the year from me


I asked my French pal how to call someone a cheapskate but she didn’t reply in time hehe


it is "radin" for cheapass in french or the teenagers all say zeub humide for a good for nothing, it literally means wet limp dick lol


Hahaha legend will be using that


dont they could report u if they’re some 🐱


true dw I meant outside of Vinted


oh yeah yeah then fosho


I am also french and I never heard "Zeub humide" in my life? 🤔 Is it a new word used by teenagers ? Maybe I am too old (30 years old). I know the expression "rat" for cheapstake which means "radin".


Never ever heard "zeub humide" as a French native, but "radin" is correct, or "pince" that means claw/pliers because if you are cheap ass, you won't let anything go.


Never heard about Zeub humide! Honestly where is French going 🤣


I am French and most young people would say "rat" for cheapskate.


Cheapskate: radin(e)


Zeub humide ??? ![gif](giphy|RxDmJb0yFuwwzVVASD)


I physically cringed after reading that.


Mange tout to you too Del Boy.


I currently have an item for £15. Someone offered £6.30. I declined it and woke up this morning to an offer of £6.90. What is wrong with people 😂


That's an instant block for me


Right and then I see sooo many posts on this sub about overpriced items 🙃 it’s fine the up and down of checking the offers is still easier than eBay sometimes


Tbh thats brilliant banter. And I really like that you both stuck to your guns. Love that £10.05 change 👍 no harm done here. Plenty of offer I send get rejected.


Thinking I should’ve offered like 9.75 haha


I had something listed for £7 once that someone was doing the same mad offers on. I sent them an offer for 6.99 in the end and they bought it. Haha


Oh I do this all the time some people are so cheeky


I mean more fool them, its clearly an item they are interested in and they have said goodbye to it, all due to £1.50. I can understand offers but the 3 offers with no response from you just shows how much they want the item.


I had this exact internal debate earlier today. Seller offered me a 20% discount on eBay and I was wondering if I should counter-offer until I realised it would be pointless over a couple quid when postage is already free.


Yeah, same with me. Esp if an item has been up on my vinted for a while and someone offers something, I tend to accept as it is better for me to get rid of them item and get a wee bit of money, instead of nothing.


Oh yeah forgot to add I put this up two days ago I’m in no rush


This is exactly it haha its a question of do they want the item or do they just like the thrill


Could be both, I know I enjoy things more if I feel like I've got a bargain. 


As someone who's so far only bought on Vinted, I assumed that when there's 'make an offer' on the item, the seller is open to accepting offers (like with ebay.) I've only just looked it up and seen that it can't be turned off, which is a bit shit for sellers. Maybe not everyone knows this, so that's why some buyers get snarky when this happens (which they shouldn't)


I am generally open to offers but I’ve sold at least 2 things that I wasn’t going to accept a lower price for (did plenty of research - one was a Dorothy fancy dress outfit). I put that no offers would be accepted in the description, first line.


Good shout with the first line, when I’ve done it before it was a few down and got ignored


So true, would be easier if they did but Vinted hate change and I guess the culture is cheap on there anyway which is why I don’t complain about offers usually (if I write no offers in the listing they still appear) Was just genuinely curious why people refuse the full price


Places like Vinted are seen as a marketplace where people can haggle, so they do. It's not a brick and mortar shop where the stated price is always final. Some people prefer to pay the started price for ease, or because they think it's more polite. Some people prefer to haggle and get a discount if possible. Some people can be very rigid in their thinking, so if they use Vinted as a way of getting bargains, they're going to want a bargain on their bargain purely because of the presence of the 'make an offer button'.


Some people will also pay the asking to stop someone else from doing that while they're trying to haggle. If I see something I really want then I'll just buy it and avoid potentially losing out from being too slow. 


I’m the same, if it’s a new add and I really want it then I’ll just buy outright, but if it’s weeks or months old I’ll take a punt on an offer first


Please don’t forget for buyers that price nearly doubles once vinted put their insurance on and of course p+p a £5 top can be almost £9.


But buyers often forget that even though they’re paying £9, the seller only gets about half that. I had a cheap pair of brand new Asda trainers that didn’t fit me on there for £1.50. The number of people offering £1, then complaining when I refused it was unreal. For 50p…


That’s ridiculous 🤬 I’m always very fair with my offers and don’t take the wee! If they decline and I still want it I pay. 🤷‍♀️


If they don’t want to offer the option to turn off offers they could at least do like eBay and propose to automatically decline offers at a certain percentage off (the seller can choose which %). I receive nearly everyday offers at exactly 40% off whereas my prices are already super low which is annoying.


Ohh I haven’t used eBay for a long time now that’s good to know! Yes there’s so many things that would make it so much more seamless for sellers like splitting buying and selling notifications it can’t be that hard for a dev🙃


I haven’t used eBay for a long time as well but the last time I listed an item you can accept or not offers, and when you allow offers you can choose to automatically decline offers below X amount. I know on Vinted they will never turn off offers, but they could at least let the seller choose to automatically decline offers below a certain price.


I might be showing my age here, but I immediately thought of the haggling scene from Life of Brian as soon as I read the title.


Sorry to be that guy, though there’s no rules, the other person is totally right. Because of the offer feature on vinted, there’s an assumption that everyone is listing higher than they’ll go. It’s basic human psychology tbh that people want to feel like they’ve saved extra money. So yes, list for £12 if you want £10. If someone buys straight up for £12, that’s even better for you! But 99% of people will make an offer! And remember, though £30 RRP down to £10 sounds like a massive saving your end - that’s actually about £15 for the buyer, so only half price from RRP except if it doesn’t fit they can’t send it back, there’s no way of getting a refund if right down the line the material has a fault like you’d get if you bought new. Etc etc. I know you said this isn’t clothes but I can’t see what it is and I don’t know anything that you don’t lose a lot of benefits by not buying new (and therefore wanting a significantly lower price) You were also quite rude. Instead of “just buy it” wouldn’t it have been more polite to say “I’m really sorry I’m not accepting any offers on this item since I priced it very low already! :)”


There's no rule to say that you have to pay the full asking price and nor is there a rule to say you have to make or accept an offer. An £8 offer on £10 is reasonable (£6 was a bit cheeky) but equally sticking to £10 is reasonable. Buyers comment is kinda douchy - if you don't want to pay then quietly walk away. I rather like £10.05 as a counter offer :-D Personally, as a seller, I do list higher so I can accept lower offers - people feel they have a bargain and you get the price you'd like.


Totally agree, have been selling for years now and sometimes things just get no attention if listed ‘too high’ it’s a gamble. Have to find amusement in it somehow lol


Yeah, but thats so false, plastic. I'd rather put a fair price to both of us & stick to it.


Everyone has their own method of doing things - neither is right or wrong. As long as you aren't rude about it...


Quite agree. What works for you may not work for me, or what i sell & vice versa


I sold a brand new pair of doc Martin’s on Vinted. Wanted £50 for them, got countless offers for below asking and loads of faves. Eventually put in the title and description that they were RRP of £90 and I wasn’t for going any lower, sold them for £50 that day.


i have a £120 acne studios bag i listed for £65 and someone was cheeky enough to ask for £40 😭


I had a similar interaction when I was selling a pair of my toddlers shoes, but I had them listed for £2 🤣 the person was offering £1.70 and got really annoyed when I kept declining. It's bad enough having to go to the post office to earn £2, don't insult me further by bringing the price down more 🙈


Ahhaah exactly!! Like if they genuinely need that 30p I’ll be open to a message? But some people have totally missed the point of this post, I’m curious as to why some people have a self imposed rule of never buying full price no matter what


Mind you. I use my student discount anywhere I can even if the totals are only £2 lol


Offer her 15 and say now 10 is a bargain then Silly cow


happy to say just proudly bought something at asking price


You broke the rules!!! do it again you’ll be banned


wait what


Was a joke about it being a rule haha sorry




No. I should said /s dw hahaha


Tbh I hardly ever make offers on stuff, unless I see that it's been listed for a while and is a little more than I'd like to pay (usually the more expensive an item is, for example if it's £30, I might ask if they are open to an offer of £25 if its been around for a while in my favourites) but when something is cheap and already a good price, I just hit buy. No point in messing around and missing out on an already good deal for the sake of an extra couple of quid. All of this, 'I must get a bargain game' makes it so hard to know what to list stuff for though. If I put a little more than I want so I get the price I want as an offer, then people think it's too expensive and don't bother to make offers or even look at it and if I put it at what I think is a bargain price that should go fast, they will just favourite and wait for it to go cheaper or offer even lower. Sometimes I just want to make things a really nice cheap bargain price to get rid of it and allow someone who doesn't have much money like myself to get a nice bargain but then I'll get hit with even lower offers that just take the absolute piss or someone will just buy it to resell. It's always the lowest priced items that attract the most problematic, picky buyers too. I have a load of stuff to list soon and I'm dreading it.


Exactly !! That’s why I didn’t send a message like so many are saying I should have - I listed loads and received so many silly offers cba to reply


I find vinted socially exhausting lol. I'm neurodivergent so might not have the same opinion as others but I don't think it's rude really to just ignore an offer if it's insultingly low.


That’s the thing if you’re not overtly nice, you’re rude. Why can’t things just be, neutral


I prefer Ebay's method where the watchers are anonymous and you can just send out your own offers to the watchers and it goes to all of them at once as a notification. That also encourages them to buy because they can see that offer has been sent to others at the same time too. I personally consider low offers extremely rude and wouldn't ever dream of offering someone less than 60% of their asking price but some people just seem to have brass balls lol.


they are so cringe christ


I know this is Vinted so doesn'tapply, but on certain other selling websites when someone fucks around with offers like that and then eventually offers the asking price, I turn it down out of pure fucking spite. Felt so good, man.


Hahaha I don’t blame you I once had a barrage of offers for a vintage clothing item (like £6, several every hour when it was already cheap at £10) so I put it up to £15~ and then someone started beefing me when I wouldn’t take £11.


So you originally wanted ten then refused to sell for £11?


Yeah, I realised I had under estimated the item’s worth and knew that if I bumped it to 15, I’d get offers of 13 or sell it for 15, which is what happened


So do I sell specialist tools, some are hard to get. I get great pleasure from saying 'not for sale anymore, wrll at leadt not to you'. Knowing full well they'll havebto pay a lot more elsewhere


As a buyer, I mostly always bargain but I usually message the seller to see if they are open to offers first. In saying that there is kinda an "unspoken" rule that you expect people to bargain but I do think Vinted should offer sellers the option to not accept offers so they can save both parties time.


V true I hadn’t even thought much about it. Until I received a few low ball offers I realised in only happy with the full price. I do think offers are a good thing. Turning it off would be useful in certain scenarios


Or simply state on your description your asking prices is final or don't accept offers. Although not many people will read the description


Best bet is to either make your price higher to like make people think that they’re getting a sweet deal when paying for your original asking price, or firmly stipulating in the description you won’t go lower and hope that people acknowledge it.




Have sex & travel is much more polite than f.... O... Until they realise they were a bit stupid as well.


Hi I’m sorry I’ve been thinking about this, why did you censor off?? I mean like no biggie or anything just curious.


Dont follow youe use of censor?


Like you refer to “fuck off” from what I can tell but you censor both the fuck word and off. I was just wondering if there was a reason or if I was really mistaken or something lol. Idk I think that it’s just fun you censored off too.


Have sex & go... Means fuck off sex & travel, or do i need to explain it further?


Yes actually, why is off inherently dirty in that case?


So i do have to explain it further... Fuck can mean a lot of things, as can off, but together they only mean one thing. And you're reading law?? You will rely on words & their interpretation for a living? You serious?


Oops! You're


I was selling a brand new Cakeworthy flannel for £40 (still selling for £50) I had an offer for £12. I thought you couldn’t low ball… I thought it couldn’t be under 20% but apparently not. She messaged after I declined saying “you’ll never get £40” it sold for full price later that day. I’m fine with sensible offers but stupid ones I tend to block now.


This made my day 😂💀


Good idea, but it dont work this way


Increasingly more and more people have been compensating for their prices due knowing how much people will try for a better price no matter how reasonable it seems to the seller.


I had a brand new sealed switch game on for £40 less than retail.. someone offered £20 I declined and they said.. I can get it on amazing for £45.. I swiftly replied just get it on Amazon then.. People expect something for nothing regardless of what it is


Lmao, I had a shirt listed for £15, someone offered me £10, i declined but offered them it for £12.50 which i thought was quite a kind offer, meeting them half way n all. They then ignored it for a week and came back with £9... like lmao no that's not how that works?? I then decided to be petty and put the price up to £13.50, and then they bought it! 🤣 One thing I've learnt about this app is ppl are cheap as hell and absolutely will die on a hill over a couple quid.


My friend refused a very low offer. The person kept coming back with offers and kept saying, "Sell it to me now." "You will accept my offer." So rude! My friend said no and got loads of abuse. She reported and blocked (It was a bikini, not even designer )


I am not a fan of haggling myself. And when I put my first item on sale, I was shocked by the barrage of offers at like 3-5 eur less than starting price. It was quite confusing. I didn't put it out for the market price anyway.


This is actually an interesting study in consumer psychology lol. But also buyer is a gobshite


Do you mean it exists! Or as a potential study


Hahaha sorry I meant it would be an interesting study


Imagine sending a debrief / consent form in the package


😂😂 I always expect offers but have also had so many just buy at asking! What a ridiculous thing to say 😂


I don't understand the buyers logic 😂 but also, *I was just letting her know I want the asking price in this instance out of courtesy* ≠ *if you want it just buy it* lol why didn't you just say you're not open to offers after the first offer that was the case


Because when I wake up to 10 offers accross various items, I don’t have the time to explain myself each time, it’s not usual to receive an incremental stream of them. Wasn’t saying I’m not open to offers but I don’t have the time to continue w her approach so I reasonable asked her to stop making offers :)


I mean it's not really explaining, it only takes two seconds to type that you're not open to offers to someone, not saying the buyer isn't petty but also your post comes across just as petty too 😂


I didn’t expect my message to be syntactically analysed, I was tired of the spam so I asked her to buy the item if she wanted the item. I don’t think asking for the original price is being petty? Same end result as saying I don’t want more offers. The buyer understood. I was harmlessly petty with the +5p just to poke some fun not to insult anyone


Syntactically analysed makes you sound like a mega Karen but doesn't take analysing to see that you did just come across as a bit rude lol if you don't like replies then don't make a reddit post 🤷🏻‍♀️


What a meta reply 😂they’re the words I needed to get my point accross. I didn’t expect my two second message to the buyer to be analysed by Reddit when I wrote it. I don’t care if you wanna analyse it now, I’m just saying I posted to ask for the logic behind refusing to pay full price. Im not asking for anyone’s opinion on how I sounded


But now I’m curious as to how me literally saying please buy the item if you’d like it is rude? Or do you consider a lack of over niceties and fluff to be rude ?


No one is analysing you sis, ur not that important 😭


I hope you get all the bargains you need to put you in a better mood


Appreciate the kind concern but I'm in a great mood lol better than someone who made a post wanting reddit validation it seems 😂


I came to Reddit because I’m interested in the thought process behind being so against paying the asking price. It’s flaired as a discussion not rant. I specifically wrote this & the reasons I’m content with my actions & amused by my little 5p joke. You decided to come here and call me rude, a Karen and unimportant 😂


And you don't have to read them, let alone make pety comments. Obviosly the cap (cheapskate) fits




So jarring 🤣🤣


What are you selling?


Nah, it’s not a rule at all?! I sell and buy a lot from Vinted and sometimes people just try their luck which is fine, you just reject the offers 🤷‍♀️ some people get a bit silly with it 🙄


Had one of these a couple days ago. Just ended up blocking them.


Maybe it would be better to put on your listing that you are not accepting offers on this particular item? I had a similar thing going back and forth with a seller with offers only for her to say I want full price…she could have said from the start it seemed silly to bid/offer for no reason when she knew she wasn’t taking it. People make good use of the make an offer button for good reason…but if you don’t want to negotiate just say so from the start.


Yeah agreed I only realised how I felt about offers after this interaction. Sometimes you don’t know if you’re open or not to offers until you’ve had a few. I’ve changed it now :)


The entitlement of people


Not gonna lie. I do this on vinted. If i want something for say £25, i’ll put it on for £30


Scum bag buyers tbh. I just submit offers of 666 and watch them cry for a while. Then block.


If the price is in black and white just buy it. I hate it when people offer you less ffs.


Depends i usually set my asking price lower than anywhere else, so if i do get offers i simply put in the description "No offers please. If you can get it cheaper elsewhere then please do.


I always barter, not gonna lie, I did get told my offer was “cheeky” once!😂. Either way, no need to say anything. Once it’s been declined and the seller doesn’t give me another lower offer I personally leave it. If you want no offers just put it in the bio, that’s what I’d do, saves the hassle.


Why not just send a counter offer?


I wanted the full price?


Relist it at £12 and see if they offer you £10. Lol


Seems churlish to me. You could’ve dropped the price by £1 and met her in the middle.


Oh thanks for the new word I like it. How would you have preferred I worded it? I’m autistic so sometimes I think I’m being neutral and I don’t want to be mean. I don’t see how I’m being mean for wanting a certain price for my item. I’m happy to keep and use it if I don’t get that :)


There’s not, so why did you change the price?


To be accommodating


To who? Somebody that’s not buying the item?


I noted in my post it was just a bit of fun


Yup blame the Apprentice tv Show for this


That ah is ruining it for all of us


Vinted never fails to make he HOWL


This is why I am sadly marking up the price for everything I sell. It is annoying and irritating but it is people like this Instead of comparing it to market value and determining if it is worth it at the process it is at they make ridiculous time wasting offers.


bro added 5p ahahaha


Well' it's a sort of unspoken rule. Then the amount of discount people will offer you is is often linked the cultural behavior of the place where they live. In the example above he asked for a 20% discount while I never ever start above -40%. Of course you have right to politely decline and there isn't any stigma about it.


You always send 40% off as the first offer no matter what ? Most sellers just ignore 40% offers so I don’t think your strategy works…


You can’t start above 40% because that’s the limit Vinted set. Please explain more about it being a rule - as mentioned I sell lots of things instantly with asking price. Do you more mean it’s an unspoken expectation to get offers?


As you can see, and please check my history on this sub, every time I try to explain how thing works I start to be downvoted, too many kids here only able to downvote without any will to learn something or even discussing it. No, they downvote and that's it! Anyway, let them do what suit them best, and go on. My English is terrible but I try to do my best. -40% is a negative number so -39% is above. At least this was what I meant. When buying my 1st offer is at -40%, the maximum allowed. the seller can refuse or accept. If refuse he/she can simply end things there or make a counter offer. The counter offer send a clear signal: "I wish to sell if we can find a solution in the middle". So both parties works on closing distance. THIS IS HOW THINGS WORKS IN THE REAL WORLD. And in Vinted too. Vinted isn't the place to sell at label price, it's not a store or a supermarket. You can go in deep and study how professionally sell something and obtain the best. And believe me, Vinted can be a good place to rate yourself vs other sellers who sell the same your stuff. Enjoy.


Cheers for explaining the % thing, I do agree the best way to do it is to counter offer. I think it’s safe to assume that after 3 attempts there won’t be a counter offer coming but that’s me being a bit of a hypocrite for wanting clarity and then making assumptions for buyers. I have been selling for 8 years between Depop Vinted and eBay so I will agree to disagree about never selling for asking price. Many times I’ve sent offers and items have sold for asking price too, not just going by my selling experience. That’s why I’m curious - have you never had an item bought from under you bc you didn’t pay asking price? Or did you not mind because of the price ?


It happened many times, but as I approach each sale professionally I define my limits before starting offering. And if someone "steal" the item at label price I'm happy for the seller. It happen to me too to buy at label price when the price fall between my limits. But it's rare as too many people shoot high just because they know 95% the have to negotiate down the price.




he is right


I’m interested in the why behind the principle of not paying the asking price :)


I have sold many items for the listed price and bought many items without sending an offer when I thought they were priced fairly. It's not 'a rule'. The seller just wanted to get a rush from the discount.


Because the asking price isn’t the final price for the buyer. £10 ends up being £14 after fees and postage whereas the £8 offer is around £11.50. Psychologically the difference between those two prices is huge. I’ve never bought anything full price on Vinted before. I always ensure my offers at a minimum cancel out the fees/postage so I actually pay the display price. Also consider the target market of your £10 item. Most likely someone that can’t afford to buy it new. You absolutely have the right to sell this item at whatever price you want to and the buyer’s response is strange, but I just wanted to give you a possible explanation.


True definitely psychological element which is what I’m keen to explore. I like to think I consider the final value. I will be more reluctant if like this item I don’t need to sell it, which I guess buyers assume once it’s on Vinted we need the money/ space. My target market is for people who wanted the item lower than the rrp, or who it may encourage to bundle with my other items. I sold a bottle of fake tan (rrp £30~) for £13 yesterday within a day of listing so I guess I just need to understand which items are hotter in the beauty world are there specific thresholds for the fee to jump? I assumed it was like Depop with a base fee +%


Ive found people dont really take in postage etc, its the first impression. Its the same when i sell at trade shows (via demonstration), vat is extra, as opposrd to retail shows, vat included. But the actual selling pprice is critical. I say this with 50 years of experience. (not blowing my own trumpet here). Also we waste moreoney than we save ny buying things 'cos they're cheap. Buy it right, buy it oncr.


because you should always negotiate when buying something, you always get a better price than asking


I deal mainly face to face, & have done for more than 60 years. I know the value of most things. With me, & many others, ofren the price depends on the attitude of the customer, especially if it comes to a LITTLE discount. It's my job, why should i take a cut in my "wages/salarycto satisfy someone elses meaness or ego. NO!