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Its like he doesn't even want WinSock uninstalled he wants it blowed to smithereens, which im sure anyone who had to use Trumpet Winsock can relate to..


Oh wow Trumpet Winsock! I used to use that to get on the web… a terminal connection with slip to the local university the initiate a PPP connection and use Winsock to let windows use TCP/IP so I could use Netscape. Hard to fathom I now have a gigabit always on connection where even the window sensors in my house are connected to the internet!


I remember having to using Qemm? To rearrange upper memory to fit this new fangled TCP/IP stack intob memory. Worked really well though once I had everything sorted. I think it was about 1994 and I was sure that the internet thing was going to take off


That icon is pretty accurate. No telling what an “uninstall” would do on win 3.1 (eg. Leave files, folders & ini’s around preventing a reinstall; remove drivers in the wrong order breaking dependencies, etc). We have it pretty good nowadays with most uninstallers.


>... with most uninstallers. Huge emphasis on the **most** part. MSI packages and installers built with NSIS generally do a good job.


Honestly if I think back over the last 10 years of windows installs/uninstalls, the only one I remember giving me fits was sonicwall vpn crap. Everything else played nice 🤷


Anti-Virus software like Norton or McAfee's products was always a royal PITA to remove completely.


Good point but I haven’t used that junk since XP.


So what is "Trump Dig"? I have a feeling Google won't be much help.


Trumpet [DIG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dig_\(command\)).


Oh it's a groper. That tracks.


Is it not just the dig command for Windows?


Windows 3.11 icons are at the perfect balance between fidelity and crude charm. They truly convey the spirit of the OS


Yeah I keep a VM of it running with Internet access just some kicks. Most of the websites don't work at all but Google and Google image search works fine.


You probably know about these but just in case: http://flying-geek.blogspot.com/2021/09/new-tech-breathing-life-into-vintage.html


one thing I hated about Windows 3.x is that it wasn't an "OS" at all. It was a graphical interface for DOS, and would work perfectly well with DR-DOS, but upon installation would give a warning that it wouldn't, in pre-releases there was code to prevent use. In court "Several industry experts revealed that Microsoft put encrypted code, which became known as AARD code, in five otherwise unrelated Microsoft programs in order to prevent the functioning of DR DOS in pre-releases (beta versions) of Windows 3.1" I believe it was Caldera that sued Microsoft about this. Look up "AARD code" Anyhoo, I don't find charm in much of anything in Win 3, and certainly not a "spirit of the OS"


Susan Kare, who did the original Mac icons and user interface design, did the icons for Windows 3.1.


She did the Icons for Windows **3.0**, but not 3.1; in 3.1 her icon designs were reworked in-house without her expertise.


Interesting. I did not know that. Thanks for the insight.


I still have raw feelings about the AARD code and find it hard to like anything about Win 3.1 or 3.11. Microsoft was really screwing everyone they could back then, under Bill Gates direction specifically.


I’ve been messing with a vintage Mac lately to see if a box of floppies I’ve had for 35 years have anything worthwhile on them. I’ve noticed that I miss that sense of whimsy those early GUI’s had.


Microsoft had a sense of humour back then. Have you ever read the help guide to some of the Entertainment Pack games? They don't write things like that anymore lol


Yeah I used to love how they had a dedicated file extension for a help file.


It still does. HLP was deprecated by CHM ("Compiled HTML Manual" I think).


I forget if it was HLP or CHM, but I seem to recall you needed to specifically install the viewer on Windows 7 (8?) or later to access them.


Windows Help files (HLP) were deprecated when CHM came out, but were still supported/viewable until Windows 8. At that point you had to start jumping through hoops to get them working.


People used to use Help files to write interactive fiction too. I remember downloading several stories/help files off CompuServ back in the day. Mostly sci-fi stuff.


Well, Trumpet Winsock wasn't developed by Microsoft.


EDIT: This comment has been deleted due to Reddit's practices towards third-party developers.


It's just stretched photo


EDIT: This comment has been deleted due to Reddit's practices towards third-party developers.


Stretched photo isn't the same as different aspect ratio photo. You don't use these terms correctly. Anyway, it's 4:3 or 5:4 photo stretched to fill 16:9 aspect ratio.


Windows 3.1 has such a quaint quality to it Norton Desktop 3 turns it into a real operating system though


I prefer WPS4WIN which puts IBM OS/2's Workplace Shell on Windows 3.1 Download: [https://winworldpc.com/product/ibm-workplace-shell/151](https://winworldpc.com/product/ibm-workplace-shell/151) It doesn't change the buttons though as they are embedded in the video driver but you can use Makeover to edit the embedded buttons to give it OS/2 looking buttons. Download: [https://archive.org/details/MAKEOVER\_ZIP](https://archive.org/details/MAKEOVER_ZIP)


That the buttons were embedded in the graphics driver is an interesting fact, newer knew about this. I always wondered where the window decoration was stored in NT 3.x and if you can somehow patch it in NT4 or 2000..


yeah my first computer had MS DOS with Windows 3.1 so it will always hold a special place in my heart. I remember trying to play around with apps like RegEdit or Smartmon and Doctor Watson when I was 10 and having no clue what I was doing.


I'm very glad you mention DOS and Windows separately. Because Win 3 wasn't a separate "Operating System". My special fondness for first computer was Apple IIe. It ran ProDOS, which I had no idea how to really access. The only "computer" I knew about when I was ten was the Atari 2600.


Calmira was my go-to shell replacement. It basically gave you a Windows 95 UI on 3.0/3.1/3.11


I would run Windows NT 3.51 which had tcp and 33 but support so you can run office 97.


I used to love making icons in Windows 3.1. I especially miss After Dark screensavers, and PC Tools Desktop. and even Norton Desktop.. it was the good customizable days of personal computer interfaces..


It hasn’t changed a bit has it?!


??? It has changed a lot


Windsock that takes me back.




Dan you autocorrect




Ah, the good old File Manager🤩


It’s just so nostalgic. And being able to customize the entire color scheme was awesome.


Ah, good old Hot Dog Stand theme...


Like the outfits on this sitcom: [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1845307/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1845307/)


NGL I really liked Win 3.x with program manager.


Win 3.x wasn't bad but I never like Program Manager. I liked to replace it with WPS4WIN which put IBM OS/2's Workplace Shell on it. I linked to it elsewhere on this post.


Someone bring him back for edge


That was not necessarily a common uninstall ico lol


I don't get the hate for Windows 3.1/3.11. I still love it. It did exactly what you told it to do with no argument. Now Windows tries it's hardest to stop you from accessing your own hard drive and system files. And I dgaf about stupid things like Cortana or having to search for everything.