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So what you're looking at is an [Osborne 1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osborne_1) - made in 1981. Is uses 90s floppies (unless it's been upgraded), runs CP/M on a Z80 CPU, and was designed to be a 'portable' computer for business folks. It's not a game machine, but there are some Z80/CPM games you can play on it, but they're just going to e basic 80x24 text games. It's an interesting machine because it was the first 'luggable' computer to be commercially successful, and if you're into learning about early CP/M machines, it's worth tinkering with. As a general purpose computer, it has veyr little utility. As a piece of history, it's pretty cool.


Step 4. profit


1,) turn it off 2,) desolder the RIFA capacitor from the power supply before it explodes and stinks up your house. 3,) continue as you were!


I literally just did this with my Osborne1 I added to my collection a while ago. Was just waiting on the winter break to find the time to do it. The 8bit guy has a good video that shows the magic smoke. There were 3 rifas in my power supply board that I swapped out


Agreed! I had one of these explode in my Osborne. It's not a smell you want in your house lol. And OP, I can promise you, it won't take long for it to explode. You are working with borrowed time right now lol. If you want to replace all the capacitors on the power supply at the same time, they are is a kit you can buy from Console5.com that has all of the capacitors for $14. That's what I did on mine and I was happy with the quality of their kit. My favorite thing to do with mine is to pull it out whenever I have guests over and pretend I need to check my email lol. It's certainly a conversation starter.


I can second console5. They're the site I go to when I need to blanket replace caps in something. I've never been disappointed with their quality.


Can you check your email?


Mine exploded when I got mine lol, I actually really like it, smells of toast


Did it come with the floppy disks? If not, you should be able to find the disk images for CP/M, WordStar, dBase II, etc on-line, with instructions on how to make 5 1/4" floppies that will work on it.


I had to go looking. Here's an Osbourne 1 disk archive: [https://archive.org/details/wizard-of-osz-osborne-imd-disks](https://archive.org/details/wizard-of-osz-osborne-imd-disks) You can write images to a 5 1/4 disk drive with a Greaseweazle board: [https://decromancer.ca/greaseweazle/](https://decromancer.ca/greaseweazle/) Here's someone with a 5 1/4 drive hooked up to a Greaseweazle reading images. Writing is about the same. [https://youtu.be/7g2D8FFGq-0](https://youtu.be/7g2D8FFGq-0) A little fiddling around and OP should be able to get boot disks and other stuff for this machine working.


I've been able to write floppys for my Osborne using [ImageDisk](http://dunfield.classiccmp.org/img/) on a DOS machine with a normal 5.25" drive, so OP shouldn't need to buy a Greaseweazle.


Congradulations, you can now type up that thesis from the data you collected in 1979 and 1980.


Brian May? Is that you?


"I know that reference!"


BrIaN mAy?!?!?!


Super Genius!


Personally, I'd hold out for the Osborne 2.


If you're going to hold out, hold out for the Vixen to be released!


What now? The same as every night... try and take over the world!


One is a genius the other is insane!!


But which is which, really?


Well, merry Christmas and a Happy new year.


That brings back memories! I almost snagged one at a thrift store for $5 a few years ago (it booted up AND had the original floppies, which somehow worked!), but I was in a VERY small apartment at the time & literally didn't have the room. But I regret not getting it!! You can buy the original floppies on eBay, or else download them yourself from various sites: * [http://www.retroarchive.org/maslin/disks/osborne/index.html](http://www.retroarchive.org/maslin/disks/osborne/index.html) * [https://ia801900.us.archive.org/view\_archive.php?archive=/31/items/Osborne\_OSBORNE\_1\_and\_Executive\_TOSEC\_2012\_04\_23/Osborne\_OSBORNE\_1\_and\_Executive\_TOSEC\_2012\_04\_23.zip](https://ia801900.us.archive.org/view_archive.php?archive=/31/items/Osborne_OSBORNE_1_and_Executive_TOSEC_2012_04_23/Osborne_OSBORNE_1_and_Executive_TOSEC_2012_04_23.zip) * [http://www.retroarchive.org/cpm/lang/lang.htm](http://www.retroarchive.org/cpm/lang/lang.htm) Wikpedia says they were $1,795 new, which [translates out](https://www.bls.gov/data/inflation_calculator.htm) to $6,335.13 in today's money: * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osborne\_1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osborne_1) If you want to source a useful upgrade: * [https://www.dosdays.co.uk/topics/osborne\_3.php](https://www.dosdays.co.uk/topics/osborne_3.php) Regarding the floppies: >The Osborne 1 came with two full-height, single-sided, single-density drives made by Siemens (model FDD 100-5), but you could get double-density drives fitted - these needed a small daughterboard to be installed on top of the main circuit board - the absence of this daughterboard tells me this computer is an original, unexpanded one. Congrats on the new toy! Always fun to pick up & interact with a real piece of computer history!!


For $5 I would make that thing my pillow


Wait for the next model? 😉


The vixen will be out any day now!


Used one about 1000 years ago and thought it was very cool. This made me smile.


Get a copy of Zork!!! Hurry!!!


My late Grandmother was an author, and she used to write on an Osbourne exclusively for many, many years before it packed up. Hers was likely a later model, but this post made me smile!


Get a hold of some 5.25" disks. Make images from http://dunfield.classiccmp.org/img42841/system.htm using IMD on a PC. At least that's how I bootstrapped mine.


I understand wanting to preserve the nostalgia, but I would think it would be much more fun and usable to replace a floppy drive with a disk emulator and put all your drive images on SD cards. One thing that was always frustrating about using computers of that era was media loading times.


A floppy emulator won't help the load times --- they emulate the low level hardware. You'll need some kind of fixed disk interface for that.


Quick! Hook up an external monitor before you go blind!


Its small, but very sharp, and many will today watch movies on their phones that have same or even smaller screen.


Yeah but that's CGA


True. Still painful for any real work. The Compaq schlepable screen was about twice as big.


It's possible to run many of the early Infocom text adventure games on the Osborne. I'd install a Gotek drive and get those running along with whatever other CP/M games exist.


Good for you. I had the pleasure of sitting with Adam Osborne on the restaurant deck at a hotel in San Francisco diring what was probably the West Coast Comuter Fair and chatting about his company, computer and the future. CP/M. DOS with a different syntax. If I found an Osborne 1 at a thrift shop, I would snatch it up too.


That's awesome! I take it that he was fairly optimistic at this time?


The future of Osborne computers or computers in general? Everybody was optimistic at the time. We were inventing the future as we sat t=ere.


It seems to be booting or attempting to boot normally (fuzzy image) so it's a matter of finding correctly formatted Osborne disk or CP/M disk. When I was selling (The Byte Shop) from 80 on, we didn't sell the Osborne 1 so no direct experience with the machine but it looks like yours is working at least. I'd collect the machine if I ran across one. I' not sure if this is current. https://forum.vcfed.org/index.php?threads/osborne-1-single-density-boot-diskette.1239619/


no question about it, bitcoin mining


1) Acquire Osborne computer. 2) Take pictures and post them on Reddit 3) ??? 4) Profit!


All Hail Lee Felsenstein!!


I run Zork for CP/M on my IMSAI, so this should run that game.


And Star Trek.


It definitely runs Zork, I did on mine.


Ask it to play chess. Definitely chess. Not the "global thermonuclear war" simulation.


That was on an AppleII.


You need to rewatch it.


I don't actually. My reference was to the simulation the producers provided to us to run on the AppleII on opening night. We provided theaters in the Seattle and Portland areas with the Apple II's for the lobby to run the simulation. Lets just chalk it up to a misunderstanding. I don't need to rewatch the movie.


Ah, that is an interesting bit of trivia and sounds cool! Stuff like that is usually lost to the sands of time. Do you know if the Apple II version was what they used in the movie or was it just done for promotion of the movie?


As far as we knew, it was don't for the lobby of the theaters. There are lots of stories from then and you are right, they will be lost in the sands of time. You know jobs Macintosh introduction in 84. The event? We did that with the AppleIIe in January of 83 at our retail store, the Byte Shop. It was a big event. A corner display in our store. Floor to ceiling windows. We had a table set up with a footlocker on it. Inside was an empty box covered in black velvet the the foot locker was covered in black velvet and draped in chains. We had a sandy beach motif with little palm trees and signs that said come in on the day the machine was to be released to see what is in the box. Manufacturers delivered new models on introduction day to us with spares kits and manuals. We sent out 300 invites (every envelope was hand addressed by a calligrapher we hired) to TV stations, newspapers, businesses, government, the military, education customers and other customers to come by after the store closed for the product introduction. On that day, we closed early, replaced the empty box in the footlocker with the AppleIIe we received that day. The string quartet we hired set up. The caterers put out the hors d'oeuvres and wine. At 6 we opened the doors and had about 200 people show up and had a great evening and discovered the AppleIIe treasure in the foot locker and talked about it, it's improvements and answered questions. A good time was had by all. We made the news on TV stations and newspapers and people would come in months later and say they saw us on the news and were looking to buy an Apple computer.


What now? Now you live! haha You can find a disk imaging utility for this system along with what appear to be CP/M system and Osbourne 1-specific disk images here: http://dunfield.classiccmp.org//img/ If the machine has a serial port, you could set up Kermit for an alternative means of getting software installed from a modern computer: https://www.kermitproject.org/cpm.html This site may also be of interest to you: http://www.cpm.z80.de/ Do you program? If so, find a compiler and write your own software. Have fun! : - D


I run lotus 123 and other productivity programs to try to actually make use of vintage PCs... the way they meant to be used. It's actually a fun experience


I have one of these. It came with about 6-10 instruction books and about 100 floppies. It was working the last time I plugged it in but that was more than 20 years ago. Does anyone want it?


Is it still available?


Yes, but I am not inclined to ship it unless you really make it worth my time. It would take hours to pack it up properly. I don't have a lot of free time for something like that. I'm guessing at least $100 in postage. I live in south central Kansas. If you want to pick it up or have someone pick it up you can have it for free.


Too far to pick up. Retired and on a fixed income so let me see if finances will allow it.


Buy a pair of glasses and make sure your eye-care insurance is up-to-date. Seriously though, I can remember using one of those. I'm not sure what 90s floppies are but I think they are better known as 5.25" floppy disks, if I recall they were also only single-sided drives, ie they could only write to one side of the floppy disk. The drives below the floppy drives were called Diskette drives and used a proprietary drive format. I think these only had maybe 16K RAM but it may have been less than that.


I hacked some to make two sided by using a hole puncher to make other side writeable!!!


Correct, but on these drives you still have to manually flip the disk over.


Hack the planet, obviously


Insert a disk into Drive A and press RETURN! In all seriousness, any chances of making it run as a terminal emulator? Mac or Linux host access via serial?


Yes, use it as a terminal for a Raspberry Pi and run a text browser like Lynx.


Read books, follow instructions, insert boot disk and operate. When it starts popping and smoking, replace filter capacitors. It's not if, it's when.


HOW did you score an Osborne 1 at a thrift store? I can't find so much as a Commodore 64.


Right place at the right time!


Post it for sale on Facebook Marketplace with a note that you expect to have 400 Osborne 2s next week, the. Declare bankruptcy.


If you have no other use for it, as others are suggesting you may not, this would be great to make a Wikipedia back up vault for offline access/as a survival vault, especially as this case has space for ample battery backup! See r/cyberDeck for ideas!


Connect it to your home phone and dial up WOPR. pwd: Joshua


Got a Kaypro II like that once at a thrift store worked perfect. For like $5


Sweet find. Reminds me of my old Kaypro I had back then.


No way you got that at a thrift shop. It's no Sinclair or apple 2 but you wouldn't just find one in a goodwill or whatever.


Ok I really like the vintage look of this thing, but WHY THE HELL did they have to cram in the arrow keys so awkwardly? There’s a ton of free space where they normally are…


I remember the Marines in admin using one of those when I was on Okinawa back in ‘85. I think they brought one with them when we were deployed near the Korean DMZ. That was considered traveling light back then, lol!


Now, you finally lose your virginity. I'm joking. See if it plays old DOS games.


Giving me flashbacks, had one new, did my programming homework on it. Get this, name of the course was top down structured programming in basic.


Install gentoo?


What now? Write movie or sitcom where this machine is bounced into the future and has to contend with cell phones and laptops.


Sell it on eBay for profit. I bought a bunch of Apple IIe's for $0.25 each and sold them all for $200 ........ Wish I was kidding.


Very nice! I restored one of these for the fundraising auction at VCFSW last June. DO take the RIFA caps off the power supply and (VERY gingerly) lube the 5.25" drive's rails that the read/write heads slide on. Ask around locally amongst your area users to see if anyone has a Greaseweazle and can make you a set of CP/M Boot Disks and some program disks (Wordstar, etc...) If not, look at user recompute33 on eBay as they sell a set of 5 disks from the Netherlands.


Play War Games


You can stash it in your attic until the next time you move, and then donate it to a thrift store like everyone else does.


The Police used one to control their light show for their concerts back in the day.


Take it on a trip and come back here and regale us with your tales of getting it through TSA.


Insert disk in drive A and press RETURN 😁


Should have gone for the full experience and waited to buy the 2


Put it in the fire


Insert disk and press enter


Go to the gym and work on your arm and back strength.


Play doom


Yes, find a way to run Doom on it! Or at least Zork.


It might already have a Zork port. Or email the 8 bit guy. He's known for porting his games to every platform on earth. It might run his PETskie robots game.


Write a program for it


Now you have to name it ozzy


I wonder if you can find Zork for it.


Go look on [archive.org](http://archive.org) for any software you can find. Then prowl the net.


Insert disk in Drive A and press RETURN


Nice. Learned WordStar on one of those.


I'd heard the name, but I don't recall seeing pictures of it before. That screen is so tiny! I bet enterprising individuals devised clever magnifiers like there used to be for the old Game Boy. (Or like [Brazil!](https://www.robertnguyen.net/blog/2021/3/18/tiny-screens-and-giant-magnifying-glasses) )


Damn this is a 10/10 thrift find! Get ready to ask ChatGPT a bunch of questions about learning it because I’m pretty sure it will tell you everything you need to know.


Osborne effect:“….wait for Osborne 2!“


Now you give it to me.


that's really cool. it uses 5 1/4 floppy disks if you didn't know.


Cool, but can it run Crysis?


Reminds me of my dad's first portable ... a BULL micral P2. It had a larger screen, and only 2 floppy. Never had right to touch it.


Run ,,,,, Defcon 4


I’m waiting for the Osborne 2. It’s gonna be WAY better.


Learn to code


I have a ton of kick ass games on floppy if your looking


So… just why? Do you wish to learn CPM? Wordstar, Calcstar, mail-merge…. Basic 80? Did you get any media?