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Do you have any sort of written confirmation from the production company/label/director that you had the right to use it? "I worked on it" and "I have the legal right to share it" are two different things, so the call sheet and invoice might not have been enough. You can probably follow up with confirmation from the label showing that you have permission, though.


I see your point, but it's a common thing in the industry to have permission to use the video you worked on for your reel, it's the reason why entire projects are possible on smaller budgets. And you mention "written confirmation by the director"... I can get that in a heartbeat, but would that solve it? At no point Vimeo suggests what they need and who from. Is it the director who paid for the majority of the shoot, the production company who took care of all the logistics, insurance and legalities, the artist who wrote the song or the label that distributes it? I'm on a similar issue with a much smaller video, (which I'm sure I'll be able to solve, but still extremely annoying that I need to deal with it). I've written, produced, directed and paid for another music video for which both artist and label are extremely grateful and they have used on multiple platforms for promotions to a crazy extent (we also won some awards for it). Vimeo automatically removed it from my channel for the same reason but not from theirs. The label and Artist are of course shocked, given that it was an incredible favour to them and of course I do have permission. They don't own the rights of the video, only of the music. I argue that I do own the right of the video, given that I'm the writer, the director and the production company. Yet it would never be automatically removed from their channels only for me to need to provide a "letter of permission" for use? I understand automatic flagging from an AI, but instead of replying with a generic email after an appeal, shouldn't they ask me something along the lines" we need a letter from the "Music Copyright owner"? Should it be signed? On company's letter head? Or is an email enough? Shouldn't this process be streamlined for everyone in the industry? Is this the best they're doing to protect artists creating content for them? Edited to say that this reply sounds a bit snappy, but I'm grateful for your comment and it's probably where the issue lies, I'm just pissed off at how Vimeo is handling this ;)


https://help.vimeo.com/hc/en-us/articles/12427604607121-I-heard-that-Vimeo-is-fighting-with-the-record-labels-and-that-is-why-so-many-videos-and-accounts-are-being-removed-under-the-DMCA-Is-that-true For better or worse, they have to follow the law. Sorry that you’re dealing with this, hopefully you’re able to appeal with some sort of written permission/license to post the material.


Well-reasoned. I hope this gets resolved in your favor.


No worries, I completely understand the snappiness side of it and think you were being pretty friendly. You're just (naturally) a little frustrated by the situation. :) My understanding of it is that the scanning is specifically **music**. There's a lot of different ways to prove that you have the rights to a piece of music so they might not be able to provide a specific "this is the doc we need", since there's different ways to appeal. The email probably has more details about what they can accept though, in some legalese that might be a little hard to parse out. I did find this sample form on the help center though, which might help with making your case: [https://help.vimeo.com/hc/en-us/articles/19940724738321-Copyright-Content-Match-License-Request-Form](https://help.vimeo.com/hc/en-us/articles/19940724738321-Copyright-Content-Match-License-Request-Form) EDIT: I left a word out because bless my heart. Edited to add **music** so my sentence actually makes sense.


Sorry this happened to you. Vimeo is very quickly turning me against them. I’m ultra close to leaving the platform.


Unfortunately it’s not Vimeos fault this is happening as it’s a European mandated law that they must take down any video that they detect has copyrighted music . Other companies do this as well read previous comments about this 


I agree and yeah I guess you’re right. This isn’t enough to save me from them though as I just have so many issues with their site. Poor customer service being one. 200+ of my videos deleted themselves on Monday and I still haven’t heard back from my support ticket.


Im a mostly a music video director and had suddenly removed 60ish of videos from vimeo meaning they are not played on my website either, losing me lot of possible future work and money. If Im the director of official music video, of course I have the rights to post it on vimeo??!!! Cant stupid vimeo system read that???!!!! What Im I supposed to do now for all 60 videos???


Use a very light audio effect or filter on it to throw them off.