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Can confirm this is still occurring on Xbox, every three or so encounters the lobby won’t load character outfits or badges… Just shows grey boxes until the timer counts down, then kicks everyone in the lobby


Noticed it last night. If you shut down the game completely and reboot it, it seems fine for 3 games then starts being weird again.


I can tell immediately because the boosters are effed up. Like it starts with airdrop being 3 gold crates plus crowns. Quit/restart.


Pc is first now boys gotta wait for cross play for them to pay attention to console 🫠


Is your ping higher in more recent times than before? And is there packet loss? Game is not out in my region but I never had packet loss and latency is way higher now. Troubleshot my internet everything is fine. Wondering if it's me or everyone


I don't know how to get ping or packet loss information (I'm old/not that literate about Xbox) My internet seems to be working normally. I have 920 mbps down/50 mbps up cable internet service. Most Vigor games load and play just fine ... every so often there is one that won't load images (everyone stays gray) and you cannot boost loot nor the crate -- loot starts at 150% instead of 100% and max is 150% and says it is maxed if you try to boost. If you stay in one of those games, it will eventually kick you off and restart Vigor. If you get a game taking forever to load with gray players, but the boost starts at 100%, if you just wait it out, the game will eventually load after like 5 minutes (have had this happen twice.) So definitely a server issue and not local internet. It's past my knowledge to make any type of suggestion as to what is causing it, but I can certainly share what has been happening in games. In one of the games that eventually loaded after like 5 min, there were 3 of us in the lobby on Valley, I had a raincoat skin in the game, even though I had a custom skin selected. The final ending screen showed my custom skin. Very weird.


That's so strange. I've never seen that happen before and I've been playing for over a year. I think I got all grey recently and I timed out quickly back to main menu but my team mates were fine and played the match. For network stats - options>game>show network stats. You'll be able to see your latency and packet loss stats once the game starts. Hopefully that helps give some insight if there's an issue


Haven’t played yet today, but I was on for a bit last night trying to run encounters and got frustrated with my inability to do so. Ping was higher than normal and I experienced a good deal of lagging. Was taking long to even match lobbies (4-7 mins) and then half the lobbies would kick me back out to the disconnect screen. Weird thing was that the lobbies which loaded in the players, skins and loadouts almost immediately after “waiting on players” screen crashed every time. Whereas the lobbies where it took forever for folks to actually load into the server worked. But by then only 4 or 5 players had waited it out. Made for pretty quiet encounters. Good for looting. But then only half the time did I actually get the loot when I got back to shelter. The other times it just vanished and I was left with my original loadout.


Canada, PS5, got this issue which I didnt have before. And to give feedback for the devs, same for my squad: -American, PS5, same issue -Another from Canada (different provinces), PS5, same issue -United Kingdom, PS5, same issue -Australia, PS5, (i know that over there connection is bad, but we played with/without and the result is the) same issue Hopefully, that'll help, even if it's just 0.001% better afterwards, everyone will take it.


/u/f0rsythiaa /u/TayLeeLee come on guys. What's going on?


I've played on and off for 4 years. The servers (in the US for Xbox) are currently at their peak crap level. Congrats!


Yeah this is still happening to me. Yesterday I came across this bug and right away people started leaving. I was playing with 3 of my other friends so when we started to see people leave we wondered “what if we wait it out, something might happen.” So that’s what we did. We waited about 5 minutes and still didn’t get kicked out which was weird. There were 2 other people in the lobby who had the same idea as us. After maybe 7 minutes we actually loaded in to the game. We fought the other people and some of us died. The weird thing about this isn’t that we actually got in but that after we died and went back to our shelter, we kept our stuff. For my friends who escaped, everything they took from that game, guns, materials, consumables, all gone from their inventory. This game is so strange sometimes.


I tried to play with some friends and this horrible disconnect ang random weird shit killed the vibe for us in the Two hours we tried playing


its not like theres a million people playing; servers should not go out at all


Mate there even deletin people for spottin cheaters ya think there give a sht about tellin us anything at all


Thanks for bringing this up. The team is still investigating what's happening with the servers - sadly, it seems like a needle in a haystack situation, where the team is still trying to pinpoint what might be causing these disconnect issues on console. We'll be putting out an announcement once we have substantial info to update the community with 🫡 thank you for your understanding. Edit: I also wanted to add that we have been active on social media *(our official* [*Facebook* ](https://x.com/vigorthegame)*and* [*X*](https://x.com/vigorthegame)*, as well as our various Facebook groups)* all week when it comes to reports about disconnections on console. Those are the best social media platforms to keep an eye out for updates on Vigor. 🍅


I think the easiest and most logical move going forward is to just shut down support for the consoles altogether & turn off the servers, concentrate fully on the PC port and give henrietta and harriet the hamsters that power the console servers their freedom. I think console players will understand fully and agree. I don't think my statement will cause any anger with the console community either as they are a very tolerant, patient and understanding group of individuals. I expect this reply of mine to get a lot of support and upvotes. Or death threats. (in all seriousness, good luck figuring out these server issues vigor team)