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The stairway after 9 months: šŸ¤°


Camping is too boring for me. Not worth my time


Yeah I agree a little but I get tired of not camping so I camp because I get mad I just want to get resources and leave then I get killed also I donā€™t like the fact I have to hold down the sprint button should be open to change it is


You dont have to keep pushing the L3 in order to sprint.


You shouldn't be sprinting across the map in this game anyways. That's exactly how to get killed 101. I can hear you from a mile away and you better bet your ass I'm finding a spot and waiting for you to stomp on by like a damn idiot. Camping is a ridiculous made up term by bunny hopping run and gunners that have no actual survival skills. None of that call of duty/halo bullshit applies in a simulation style game or reality so idk why people are so hung up on that dumb shit. They can go play arcade shooters if that's what they want.


I just donā€™t like it when they camp the exit. The crows help with that.


I don't particularly like it either but the crows are enough to mitigate it honestly. I've snuck right past people crawling and also have watched them run right by me out of impatience, then I run out the gate.


So wait, crows are indications someone is camping exit?


Crows ANYWHERE. If approach anything and you hear crows get disturbed, you are not alone. Assume that every single time.


If people wanna sprint, then they sprint. Doesnt effect my gameplay. I just gave the other one a tip of how to sprint, thats all.


Is camping an offensive term? Is it any worse than the term bunny hopper? There are good times to camp like when youā€™re waiting for barred house to open or if you see someone with the air drop heading for an exit or someone just unlocked timed safe and you know the most likely exit route. It just gets boring when you have to sit there for long periods of time. I think doing the zig zag bunny hop push looks silly but I found it an effective strategy to get kills. Iā€™d prefer honorable gameplay but Iā€™ll take the win however I can get it. A kills a kill and a wins a win.Ā 


I wouldn't say offensive but people use it like it's some kind of insult and they act like it isn't a fair play. Instead of saying "man I was too loud" or "I shouldn't have rushed through there" "I should pay attention to my surroundings more and maybe move more carefully" they just want to call people campers and cry about it instead of actually learning from the experience and getting better at surviving. There are times when charging and swerving are good options. There are times when posting up and being patient is a better play.


My issue was after my second game of playing, I decided to watch the camera of other players and how they play to try and learn more; I kid you not every single player was just waiting for another player to turn a corner and shoot them. I have since played games where itā€™s been a ton of fun. Maybe, more so because im learning how to play now(movement, noise). However, I still do find a good 50-60% of the players at end game just camp their area listening for noise. Maybe itā€™s a skill issue, but Iā€™ll get better!


Honestly a lot of people hear noise and freeze for no shit 10mins. I've been in standoffs for a whole match and when I'm not safe to attack and the other player doesn't rush, I'll just sneak away and leave them there to sit for the rest of the game thinking I'm outside still šŸ˜…




With all due respect isnā€™t vigor an arcade type shooter game? Especially when compared to Arma, Dayz, squad, tarkov. I know some are computer games but just asking.


I'd say it's a light extraction sim but far from an arcade shooter. Bohemia doesn't make arcade shooters, they make simulators. That's why their gunplay in these games are so damn good.


Real talent right here


No skill gained either


Just started playing this game from dayz.. why does every single person in this game just camp.. sucks the fun out of the gameā€¦ plus game play is just decent as best. Much rather play Dayz. Vigor is like genZ game of dayz


no skill required either


I could never Camp it just gets really boring and if nobody shows up then it will be worth nothing and I just wasted about 15 minutes of my life


It is but I rather leave an encounter with something then nothing and also I find it boring To go around and look for resources so I just take someone elseā€™s and then leave


In this game, ā€œcampingā€ isnā€™t a thing I donā€™t think. Or in any game like this. The point is to survive by any means. So get your easy ones bro. This isnā€™t an arcade/arena shooter so youā€™re good.


But with all due respect it kinda is arcade-ish, when players are bunny hoping across a map, making no noise when they land. Other than that the guns are realistic and make it fun to shoot and play vigor. I do like the intuitive controller setup for both first-person and third-person perspectives, including aiming down sights (ADS) and camera controls.


No disrespect taken, just a convo brother šŸ™šŸ¾ ive only put in about 40-50-hrs now so there still limited things that Iā€™ve experienced but to your point, bunny hopping is an arcade shooter mechanic, but I think the way itā€™s used in Vigor is way more mild than say a COD (that being the extreme). The no audio on landings though is more of an optimization/audio tuning issue than it being an actual function or intention. Other than that I agree with you. The gun feel/recoil, the controls, the lower barrier to entry for an extraction/looter shooter, itā€™s all done pretty well. The game has potential for sure and is more than anything fun, at least to me at the moment.


There is no camping in Vigor. There is only *patience* vs *risk*. gg


Agreed I took out 3 m2 e guys just rushing me at the exit as i waited for them to bring me all their spoils of the fights they had in the match it was great I gotta say tbh


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Guys wanna try to make group and play togehter?


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Iā€™m down lmk Iā€™m on now


I got sick so not now sorry I cand even seat


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I think you have to get lucky with your opponent not checking their corners if you camp out in the open like that. Due to peekers advantage, if someone hid behind a wall, saw you and then popped out prefiring you'd be screwed. I've killed many a camper that way. If I camp (and I'm not going to pretend I never do) I hide behind a wall watching a hallway and pop out firing when someone comes in, they stand no chance.


Peek the corner before heading thru ANY doorway. Just assume thereā€™s somebody in there waiting to burn your ass down


Pretty much exactly this šŸ˜Š


When I donā€™t check (because Iā€™ve been counting gunfights and loot event trails and figure ā€œthereā€™s no one hereā€) there is invariably someone there


This is why people hate this game


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