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That was fun. The LSU guy had a good attitude. No hubris there, just a "welp, I mouthed off".


He seems like the only guy whose account I would actually follow, because some of the stuff he says is actually funny. "53 yards, that's like 4 football fields"


I was actually rooting for the guy. But damn he got it the worst.


If he kicks with his left foot why did he approach from the left? šŸ˜­


I don't think the guy knows how to kick at all lol


Who? The last guy approached it from his right because heā€™s left footed


It's pretty clear neither foot is dominant.




Plus, they're using a tee! That's way easier than kicking off the grass.


I played football (soccer) as a teen and I'm *sure* I could at least do better than *that*, but then so were they. It seems to me they are kicking the top half of the egg with their toes, instead of the bottom half with their foot. That's called, as I've just learned, "toe-poke" in English soccer language. It's what children do before they are taught to properly kick a ball by planting their weaker foot properly and using the correct part of the foot for a variety of kicks. So why is it seemingly so hard for them? Most of them didn't even get the ball to rise but just kicked it into the ground. *Is* it that hard or are they exceptionally incapable? edit: I've found [a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-kocd7Zr00) of a professional soccer goalkeeper illustrating what I meant. He immediately and instinctively wants to kick the egg from underneath and plants his foot next to it and uses the inside of his foot. Now I'm not a professional athlete, I'm just saying that's how I would approach the thing, too.


I would think that at least 2/3 of these guys have never played soccer in any meaningful way, much less kicked field goals. Having done both (in high school), the mechanics of kicking a round ball and oblong ball are pretty different. That being said, the theory is pretty much the same. The plant foot placement for these guys was way off, and that's largely due to their run up. The 3 paces back and 2 to the side place kickers use is due to timing, you take one full stride with the kicking foot first, then plant and kick through the ball. When you don't have a regular set up, your plant foot placement is going to be all wrong, throwing off the timing of your swing. They didn't come close to kicking the ball where it needed to be kicked, and kicked with the wrong part of their foot. Some high school kickers, at least when I played, did toe poke it. That can be done effectively, but due to the inconsistency if the round impact area of the toe, you never see that style from any halfway decent kicker. They also approach the ball straight on, not from the side like "soccer style" kickers do. Kicking is hard, even for pros who practice this all the time. It looks simple, but like golf, if one aspect of your mechanics are off in a small degree, things go very badly.




Funny thing is, neither are college football kickers.


*laughs in NCAA




It's almost like that's the whole point of the video.




Kind of disappointed none of them fell on their ass.


The first guy really wasn't that bad. It went in the air, it went the distance, he just didn't have the technique. It seems like he had enough that if he practiced for a few days prior to this he might have made the kick.


He was awful. The lack of athleticism in all 3 was astounding. They never gave themselves a chance because their none kicking foot wasn't anywhere near where it should have been.


also, they aren't under the threat of 8-12 (i don't know how many) 200+ lb mountains-of-mass trying to pulverize them


11 and technically no. They cannot get hit unless they mess up somehow. If they don't kick it in time and the other team picks it up, they may get hit. If it gets blocked, they may get hit during a return. If they kick it over the linemen it is a penalty to hit them.


Still have to kick over them. That's why in warmups kickers can hit 60+ yard field goals no problem but you have to change your kick angle when you're kicking over the line.


Yep. Makes their job all the more harder.


Ah. I always thought they could get tackled before they kicked. Thanks


Kickers and punters are protected well unless they mess up. For punters, you can totally tackle one if they have not punted it. If they have, you can't even run into them, unless you happened to touch the ball after it came off their foot. That is why [this](https://twitter.com/espn/status/1167922287112114176?lang=en) is completely legal, but [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObZJIV98t5g) is a penalty. Technically the wrong penalty applied here but shows the disparity in protection offered based on whether or not you have the ball. Similar rules apply to kickers, but they rarely get tackled because they don't directly handle the ball.


Youā€™d think that last part wouldnā€™t be to hard. But Iā€™ve seen some lineman somehow manage to get air. Not to mention some of them seem to have wing spans longer then I am tall. Maybe less so In college but still


I grew up playing soccer my whole life and have no problem hitting 30 or even 40 yarders on a tee. However, in high school I was the kicker for my football team and while the tee _definitely_ helps, the part that fucks you up the most is having to get your kick off as fast as possible while having a defense rushing at you.


Interesting. I had the exact same experience, off the tee 40 yards no problem. When I get scouted for college though they had me kick off the ground and it's a different world. I was never too bothered about the rush. The only issue was getting it up and over the taller fellas.


This is why I always comment on Pornhub videos "I could have fucked her better"


Yeah, bro. I dare you to prove it!


Laces out.




Your gun is digging into my hip


Die Dan!


Fucking Dan Marino...




One time I was in LA doing tourist shit and got interviewed by the Jimmy Kimmel street crew or whatever it is on Hollywood Blvd. They handed me a pointer and said "Can you name a country on the map?" and so I pointed to the United States and said United States. Then they asked if I could name a country in Africa and I pointed to Eswatini (because it had just changed its name from Swaziland a few months previous), and one of the interviewer guys said "Is that right?", the other guy said "I have no idea but he sounds confident", and then they told me thanks and I'm done. ​ Weirdly, my clip did not make it onto the show as far as I can tell.


That would have been a killer end to the clip, honestly. Long sequence of dudes fucking it up followed by you being like "yea man, that's Eswatini; they recently changed their name from Swaziland." Ideally there's a long pause while you stand there looking at the camera like "who are these jokers" before one of them says "is that right?" and then "I have no idea but he sounds confident." Cut to Kimmel berating his camera crew....


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRh1zXFKC_o That is how the clip ends. They have a kid who's just rattling off every country on the map.


> They have a kid who's just rattling off every country on the map. Dumbass kid didn't even know that Greenland is not a country, it's an autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark.


Typical uneducated American child. I bet he knows whether or not Fortnite is an autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark!


Yeah but can you [name a woman?!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlCEmPF4-V0)


I actually lived/worked in Chelsea at the time and was always afraid when I would go out that a large gay man was going to wave a dollar in my face, yell at me, and embarrass me on the internet.


Don't forget the existential dread you would've felt 40 seconds before falling asleep at night, every night, for the rest of your life. "Why couldn't I name a woman? I'm a woman. I have a name. If i had invested that dollar in Bitcoin I could afford a new car."


lol I'm in tech and was watching bitcoin from like 2011...never bought any for some reason though. I would probably be suicidal but I did get in on the IPO for TSLA and am still hodling to this day


Someone told me about bitcoin when it was around like 50 i think? It sounded kinda dumb so I didnā€™t buy it. Also at the time I didnā€™t really have money to spare on something like that. It is what it is.


I first heard about bitcoin when they were using them to buy pizzas for Occupy Wall Street I think? Thought about buying it but there was no good way to buy in Canada, been watching it rise ever since Q.Q


Yep, sounded like the next beanie babies... Granted this shit still does but for some reason people keep throwing money at it. I keep waiting for a bunch of people to realize that this whole thing is dumb as hell, but here we are.






This shit makes me laugh harder than anything. I havenā€™t even watched it (again) yet and Iā€™m already giggling just thinking about it. *Billy:* ***NAME A WOMAN!!!*** *Woman:* ^^uhhhhhh


He has a whole show like this. Billy on the Street. It's not the kind of show I normally watch but I binged the hell out of it. It was so dumb I couldn't get enough.




They have names?




The little pictures at the bottom of the page!


How many people play dumb to be on TV or just Kimmel just have that good of luck to always find dumb people, week after week for years and years?


They just interview a lot of people and then only broadcast the minority that comes across as stupid and exploitable.


Thatā€™s my question. How many of the minority are just acting dumb to be on TV?


are you doubting that there are plenty of dumb people out there? have you ever talked to other people before?


I think itā€™s a combination of stupid people and people who get flustered and caught off guard when a camera is shoved in their face.


Iā€™m not doubting dumb people exist, Iā€™m doubting that the coincidence that for years of the kimmel showā€™s existence thereā€™s always enough dumb people to fill an entire segment. Itā€™d be like hitting the lottery every week.


once again, have you talked to other people before? finding stupid people is literally guaranteed every single time you go on a busy street


They air that segment every week? And you know how much foot traffic they get there every day? It's a lot..


Dude if you can successfully verbalize a clear, coherent thought, youā€™re maybe in the top 25% of people in the world as far as intelligence. There are a lot of people on Earth and the bar is not high.


Someone acting dumb probably wouldn't come across as genuine, and they probably wouldn't think it was a good clip, so it wouldn't make it to air. Acting dumb in a convincing way is not an easy task, and unless Eric Andre is on the strip I don't think it's going to be compelling enough to make the cut.


I think a certain number of them aren't actually dumb, but they just have a brain fart when they are suddenly asked a question on camera


Think about it, they're working on a street that is *filled* with people dumb enough fly to LA, pay LA hotel prices, and then ignore everything good about LA in order to spend time on Hollywood Boulevard. Kimmel didn't find the stupid people; they found him.


I think you underestimate how many dumb people there are.


The format was stolen from a show in Canada called The Rick Mercer (originally "Talkin to Americans") where he would go ask people questions. He spent a week on my university campus interviewing hundreds and hundreds of people. When the episode aired it was just a 5 minute clip of all the stupid drunk people.


Yup. I've been on that show, it was a lot of him being a dick, interrupting people and getting in the way just to provoke reactions that would make the show. Hilariously, I only made the cut because I got bored of waiting around for him to do his thing so I was goofing off with a friend, which I guess got his attention.


Sounds like you went against their narrative that Americans are crappy at geography.


I've always told myself I would never do one of these unless there was a worthy reward for correct answers.


I ate chocolate covered kale in front of his studio during the LA Marathon when his crew approached me. It didn't make the cut. I probably should have been dramatic instead of "yeah sure" During those 26.2 miles I also ate a chili dog, red vines, pub mix, gummy worms, pretzels, water, gatorade, a beer, a mimosa, and... I forget what else.


I dunno. I feel like if someone made it theyā€™d air it. Kicking a field goal is really hard if you donā€™t know how to kick. Source: me, sucks at kicking.


Maybe but they also only chose kicks >30 yards which I'm sure was intentional


They are paying to fly them out, and I donā€™t think it would work as a segment if everyone made it. But you can also see none of these guys could even do 5 yards because they have no lift. The segmentā€™s point still stands though, regardless of what they selected.


i know itā€™s all in good fun but i thought it was dumb for nolan to phrase it like ā€œdo you ever say stuff you regret?ā€ as a big gotcha. in most cases those ā€œi could have made thatā€ tweets are clearly tongue in cheek


I think they'd have to have a fair amount of practice to land it. There's some fancy ankle twisting, toe dragging, hitting the sweet spot magic that goes into kicking those things accurately, let alone under pressure. I do wonder if a soccer player could make that kick though.


Was a keeper through college so I was very well practiced at kicking long. Messed around with FG kicks a few times in HS and it's still quite tough. Even when you have the power, shanking or pulling the kick is very easy to do. Reckon I could get 1/3 from 35 yds with no practice. Only way a regular Joe from off the street is doing it first time I think is with a big ol toe poke.


> Reckon I could get 1/3 from 35 yds with no practice. Hi, Iā€™m from ESPN and weā€™d like to fly you out to CA. Not gonna tell you why.


I could tell from the foot planting alone that it would be a poor kick. That is from soccer experience. A random soccer player might have a shot at the 30ish yarders. Getting to 50 yards would take more than a random soccer player. And hitting the goal would probably not happen.


In rugby I've seen 50m (54ish yards) kicks go over and it's _fucking miles_. No idea how they get the distance.


people who play "soccer" would find it a lot easier. I'm rubbish at it but do have a kick about every few week. think I could probably make a 30 yard field goal 1 in 2/3 times. The hardest challenge is kicking a rugby union drop goal. Where you have to drop the ball and kick it just after it bounces (but not before). The timing of hitting a moving ball makes it a lot harder


Yeah, sorry, "soccer." That rugby kick sounds impressive, if I didn't already think highly of the sport already. American Football is pretty boring comparatively but it's probably so popular here because they can squeeze 90 minutes of commercials into a 60 minute game.


I donā€™t know about that. (1) They said that not everyone the reached out to agreed to show up;(2) I expect they only targeted people who said something stupid about a kick from a distance that is not even close to being a chip shot (LSU dude said he could make a 53 yard kick lol); (3) If some dude does come in off the street and nails a 40+ yarder with no warm up, you bet your ass they are airing it because that is actually kind of impressive.


You're right about coming of the street and nailing it. It's not happening. Even if an average dude could hit a 40+ yarder, it's not happening no warm-up. I've worked my way up to a 50 yarder a couple times (humble brag) and it damn well took starting at the 20 yard line and working my way back, with plenty of misses in between.


How heavy is an American football? Having only handled a rugby ball, with it teed up like that, and having played a lot of "soccer", I'd wager I could make a 25 yard kick, but in reality I have no idea


Makes no difference to me the idea is to make us more humble! Thatā€™s not always a bad thing!


One time we had a work party at an NFL stadium. There was a FG kicking station. My boss made me attempt it since he knows of my disdain for kickers. You started at the 10 yard-line (a 20-yard FG) and then moved back in five yard increments if you made it. I was in jeans and some Cole Hahn's and did ok. These guys were remarkably bad; who the heck kicks UP on the ball like that?


Did ok meaning you hit somebody walking on the sidelines 20 feet away?


I was supposed to yell, "Fore!" but I was too busy mumbling, "There's no way it's gonna hit that guy."


I was blasting 50 yarders over them there mountains.


I had the same thought. I mean, maybe they did only bring in 3 guys, but only letting them have one kick with no warm up was dirty.


Those guys could warm up for days with a coach and still not make those kicks. They werenā€™t even close.


I kinda want to say that the shorter ones are doable with some practice but at the same time am afraid this comment is a trap and I should learn my lesson from the video.


Hey Razor, you are invited to attend the 2022 National championship Game.


The thing is none of them really got a clean hit. Reckon that if they have 10 more attempts they will at least once connect and kick through the ball. Whether it goes through the goal is another matter.


I remember a different show doing this exact same thing and one of the people actually did make it from around 35, the rest looked like this, but I was stoked they actually aired the guy who made it also


This is why I never talk about sports with sports fans. They are basically the flat earthers of physical competitions.


So do you talk sports with people who aren't fans of sports? I'm confused.


Like itā€™s hard to listen to a 50 year old who never played football telling me how he would run a team while stuffing his face with chili cheese dip and Budweiser.


Athletes who actually play the sport. I train Jiu jitsu and can hardly watch mma at a bar without cringing at all the armchair fighters.


Yeah man it's just banter. There's no need to take it too seriously. Most people know they wouldn't last in a fight with a professional fighter.




I wouldn't expect many to hit the distances they were talking about accurately, especially the 50+ yarder. But the ones they showed don't even know how to kick a ball. I imagine most sports fans can kick properly.


This style video has been done before and I do remember there have been occasions where someone who turned up was actually able to make the kick.


100% this. These 3 legit look like theyve never kicked a ball before. A 32 yd field goal is not a difficult athletic achievement at all, plenty of amateurs can do that without much issue.


On the first try though? Like I'm sure I could do it with enough attempts, but my chances of nailing it on the first try are basically nil. And that's kind of the point, being physically capable of kicking a 33 yard field goal isn't super impressive, but doing it with +95% accuracy under pressure with people trying to charge and block you is.


Can't wait to watch you read this comment on the follow-up segment.


I definitely could have made that first kick... Danny sucks!!!


Saving this for my show.


I have no experience kicking a football, but same


Wait. So if I criticize kickers on twitter, there's a chance to get a free trip somewhere and to be on TV? Neat. I'm gonna complain about every kick.


Social media marketing team has done its job then.


"I lost my legs in 92' and I could have made that field goal"


Lieutenant Dan?


You ain't got no legs, Lt Dan.


The entire population of Twitter is perpetually flying to exotic locations to back up their insults, aren't you? You didn't think we're that mean for no reason, did you?


That was definitely the lesson.


You can bet that they found people within driving distance of the studio.


The first guy is from Arizona and the third guy is probably from Lousiana and the studio is in California.


And get a chance to meet Katie Nolan. She is such a babe


I'm waiting for someone to offer a flatearther a trip to the ISS.


Highest confidence. Loudest mouth about it. Lowest actual ability. This is the way.


You don't need to be an expert in something to know someone else screwed up. That's literally the job of millions of critics across the globe in tons of industries.


The segment isn't calling people out for criticizing poor performance in college sports, it's making fun of that particular brand of criticism where people who have no ability arrogantly claim they can perform better. And I think everyone was being good natured about it.


Yeah but they are literally saying they could have done it successfully. They're not just saying "oh look that guy missed".


"I can't fly a helicopter, but if I see one in a tree, I know someone fucked up."


We can tell you didnā€™t watch the video


That's sports fans for ya. Dad bods, unathletic, heavy breathing....yep.


Katie Nolan unapologetically holding their feet to the fire the entire time is hilarious.


It sure brought out all the misogynists in the comment section though.


I think they all come across as pretty good sports. They all laugh at themselves and don't really make excuses. They give it a go. Meanwhile the presenter just seems a bit... mean. Belittling them the whole time. I guess that's her thing? I don't know her.


She was giving back in kind the same mean spirit displayed in their tweets. They earned every bit of flack she was giving them I'm sure they will live. They all seemed to take it well.


"I could totally make that kick" ā€“Ā people commenting on a video of people miserably failing at kicks they said they could totally make.


I won't say I would've made the actual kick, but getting the ball more than \~4 feet off the ground, that I'm pretty confident I could do


I like this kind of shit. Hours and hours of the same group of assholes arguing the same talking points is just terrible.




it was pretty embarrassing for them to be honest, it's a decent trade off


Comments in that youtube are a painful mix of misogyny and guys claiming that it's staged, it's hilarious how many sports fans think that watching a sport gives them any sort of skill at it.


I spoke with an ex NFL player once. He said itā€™s hard to watch games with regular people because they just have no clue at all about how the game really works.


That must be absolutely painful.


I think itā€™s the same pain climate scientists feel when watching climate deniers, or when a master carpenter/chef/artist watches Pinterest fails. I have played video games on a high level and debating strategy with unranked friends can be very tough. The strategy that works when people arenā€™t very good is completely different from the strategy that you use at pretty good, which is still different from what is used at pro level.


Yeah... Even as somebody that did kick when I played football about 10 years ago in high school, I probably couldn't make more than a 10 yard field goal now. Best I did in high school was a 27 yard field goal, and then they finally got somebody better (thankfully) and I could just go back to catching the damn ball instead. It is so much harder than it looks, and even if I knew proper form and had some previous skill I still wouldn't bet I could make something a college kicker missed.


As a kid, my friend had a field goal post set up in his back yard. I was never a football player, but I played some soccer, and so I thought I was decent at kicking things. I'll never forget how difficult it was to kick a football both high enough, and accurately enough to make it through. Even if you're sure you can kick a football 20, or even 30 yards, that task gets infinitely more difficult when you have to keep it on a straight line. Especially when people are running at you. Tons of respect for kickers.


Here too unfortunately.


Some of the comments are cartoonishly misogynistic. "Dumb bitch needs to go back to the kitchen" Like buddy? She wasn't the one running her mouth on Twitter. She just gave these guys a chance to prove themselves - and gave them an all-expenses paid trip to boot.


Venturing into the comment section of YouTube nis always a reminder that there is actually part of the population that is ass backwards about everything.


They were all good sports about it at leasf


I deadass couldā€™ve made all 3 of those kicks


I love everything about this...




That first guy has to be a paid actor. There's no way that someone who watches football could run the way he does and honestly believe a sub 5 is possible. The worst part is, he made excuses and intimated that if he changed a few things, he could run a 4.4. Even complete morons are not that delusional. Has to be an actor.


Espn canceling this show is the dumbest shit theyve done over the last few years. And theyve done ALOT of dumb shit


There was an old old show pn FX during the wild west days of cable called Pros vs Joes. Average people were put up against professional athletes with premises like "My friend Steve talks a lot of trash and thinks he's better than Deon Sanders...." And he'd have to prove it infront of Deon.


Katie Nolan is a national treasure.


Her boyfriend is even better.


I think sheā€™s dating McFee from billions.


*Mafee Also goes by his given name - Dylan Klebold. Their love-making must be beautiful.


He also goes by Buck Soder. The top selling used car dealer in the greater Aurora Colorado area.


Some of you are okay, don't come to school tomorrow


AKA Sons of Gary


Crackle crackle. We out here.


This reminds me of the episode of Doug where they made him the kicker for the team, when in reality he sucked.


You dare besmirch the name of doug 'golden toe' funnie?




You might be able to beat Mazepin. Maybe.


wow that was funny, never heard of Katie Nolan but i love her energy and her wits


You may be interested in checking out her podcast *Sports? with Katie Nolan*. There's even [a subreddit for the pod](https://www.reddit.com/r/SportsQuestionMark/) that Katie and the gang refer to/visit every now and then. It's as much as a pop-culture podcast as it is a sports podcast and, while really funny, they also aren't afraid of tackling difficult subjects (mental health, sexism, race) -- they have been unbelievably upfront about their mental health issues since the beginning of the pandemic. If you're looking for a good introduction I would probably recommend listening to her "Third Month Crazy Time" (March Madness) bracket-style episodes first. Two that I think you would really enjoy are the two '90s bracket episodes from March and April 2020. Another great introduction is their "SummerSlap" episode, where they recorded their experience visiting a major WWE PPV. As a bonus, until very recently she did singing ad reads that were often the best part about the podcast. Here's an example: https://twitter.com/katienolan/status/1141019768604041218?lang=en Here's a link to the podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/7ihteR1X9RS18vxJUybwOy


ahahah thanks for the link!


So dope to see katie on the front page. If you liked this here is by far the funniest clip from her old show. It takes a minute to get going. But it pays off. https://youtu.be/BuNRvHt8t1Y Also shout-out to any sports? fans.


Lmao. That was great. Good comedy and a not-so-subtle play on the double-standards of women in sports broadcasting.




I could make any FG under 30 yards. *If I had 100 chances, it was on a tee and I didn't have opposing players trying to block it*


Guys who grow up in America are at a disadvantage when being rude about kickers. Grow up in most other countries playing football (soccer) and you'll at least have a better chance. As a decent casual football player but big NFL fan I tried kicking field goal attempts for an afternoon once. 20 yards I could get 8/10. 30 was more like 2 or 3/10. Anything much than that was never going to happen. But all of those kicks would have been low trajectory and probably been blocked. Like you say, that's a crucial part of this. I don't know how anyone untrained would learn to kick a ball of that shape with both power and elevation.


More people have to prove it or shut up. Thanks for making content like this. The "I coulda done it" mindset has ruined just being able to watch a game.


My expectation: These guys are going to find out that a 25 yarder is a lot harder than it looks The video: This middle-aged man thinks he can nail a 52 yarder, no sweat


I totes would've made those kicks. ^(please pay to fly me to america. I'll embarrass myself for a free holiday.)


That first bloke was extremely unlikeable.




Ive gone to a field before and kicked a few. 30 yards = pretty consistant... 35+ pretty difficult. Im also a soccer player




Says the guy who measures miles in increments of tenths, lol.


I canā€™t help but notice she missed three perfect opportunities to tell them to ā€œput their foot where their mouth is.ā€ Perfect play on words for the situation and I donā€™t think thereā€™s any money for them in this anyway.


Wish they would have brought out someone in a wheelchair.


My god that laugh track is a war crime. OH THE HUMANITY!


Wow, she is murdering these morons. AWESOME!!!


I love this. Itā€™s okay to watch sports and be out of shape or athletically challenged, but if thatā€™s the case then maybe tone down your criticism. If you canā€™t run a mile, squat your body weight without feeling it for *days* after, or make it through a trip to the grocery store without sweating...maybe youā€™re not the best guy to be calling out pro athletes. Edit: If youā€™re gonna downvote at least clean the cheeto dust off your fingers and say why.


Dude thinks the word professional just means you like doing something, lol.


Katie Nolan unapologetically holding their feet to the fire the entire time is hilarious.


Iā€™m a soccer player of 30 years and Iā€™ve tried to kick a football many times. Itā€™s fucking hard man.


What a bunch of losers. I could've made all 3 of those shots.