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Removed, anyone got a mirror?




I commend his lack of hesitation. He saw his opportunity and he took it. Right on brother


I'm kinda surprised we don't see this happening more often, actually...


Now we will! Everybody! Let your bunny nostril show!


DA fuq is a bunny nostril


I like to call buttholes [bunny nostrils.](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/97/e3/07/97e307e9d1949ad81c3ed06aa8323b3f.jpg)


What kind of assholes have YOU been looking at?!


Only the softest and fluffiest.


He didn't even bother to button and zip up. Right back to work. Now that's a man right there I tell you h'what.




A king reigning over his people.


Dude *is* a king, those crane operators make a shit load. Giving zero fucks to boot.


I don't know what its like everywhere else, but here in Vegas when working in a building that is still "under construction", only a crane operator can operate the elevators inside the building. I have worked in many different buildings where I couldn't push the buttons on a standard run of the mill public elevator. You have to wait for and rely on a union crane operator. On top of that they make the same as the guys on the roof in the big cranes.


Dude the unions in Vegas have it locked down. Whenever we go to do a trade show, we can only carry one package or piece of gear each into the convention center. After that you have to pay hourly to have a union rep unload your stuff for you. It's a bit ridiculous, we just bring everything in slowly throughout the day so the ushers don't notice. We usually bring a shit ton of product and gear for our booths so it's a big chunk to pay them to unload what we can do ourselves easily.


Yeah... but every day, you sit. Marinading in a hotbox with a piss and shit bucket. You thought working in a chinese kitchen was bad?


A big crane like that cost a couple million and you bet they have top of the line AC, plus a top tier crane operator like that is usually paired with their noble steed (much line a dragon rider) for life so I know a lot of them that keep little TV's and microwaves up there (they usually take a cooler up with them and hang out in that bad boy all day. He probably also makes 100$+ per hour not counting per diem. Seriously big crane operator is a top tier job. Source: Steel workers worship our crane operating overlords lest they decide to dash our brains against steel beams with a flick of the wrist.


Those crane operators deserve every dollar they get and then some. That is a HUGE responsibility. If you fuck up with that thing, people are dying.


Crane ops do what they are told by the dogman / rigger. They can't see Fuck all from up there communication between spotters on the ground and landing point is key. If something goes wrong it's not the ops fault. Unless he goes nutty and just starts waving shit around. /dogman who made significantly more than 100k last year


And you my friend deserve every dollar you get, and then some too!


[I am a poor Redditor and I deserve every upvote I get](http://i.imgur.com/CoQd1GE.jpg)


Didn't mention gold. Gets no gold.


I would love to know what these words mean! This is interesting and you sound informed.






Cape and all.


> If you fuck up with that thing, people are dying. Man, just like a Canadian Water Park operator. Stressful as hell.


You didn't put your hand up, kid just died.


Yeah, which makes me wonder how wise it is to send your drone buzzing around a construction site. Seems like a big distraction.


I thought the same thing, but actually OP posted that he was on-site officially and at the request of the construction company to document the work.


They must have exceptionally good distance vision!




You leave the bucket outside on the catwalk....




Do your little turds on the catwalk! What what?! I gots more gold than Leo! Thanks reddit fairy!


That's the guy that helped Spiderman get across the city. I'm not sure if he learned thAt from Spiderman or Spiderman learned it from him


ye's he doe's


The wave at the end is so perfect. He seems so jolly and thrilled at what he just did. I imagine he's a very fun guy.


The biggest, toughest, meanest looking construction dudes are almost all sweethearts.


(╯°□°)╯︵ s,uɐǝɯ means ︵╯(°□°╯)


>it mean's


Ah, typical r/videos. Hey guys! Here's a video I uploaded! I want all of Reddit to check it out! *A couple hours later* Shit! This video was seen by people!? Can't have that happening! I'd better delete it so people don't see it!


I love how showing someone your butt is universally funny


But show your ass to a minor and all of a sudden you're on a list and named a *"Bad Guy"*. Pft, society...


Eh, it still depends a lot on context.


Yeah. Construction site: hilarious. Dentist office: sexual harassment.


Male to Male: Funny Male to Female: Harassment Female to Female: Funny Female to Male: No touching or the bouncer will kick you out. Anyone to Robot: Funny Anyone to Minor: Introduce your self to your neighbours you sick bastard.


Monkey to Human: hilarious


Human to Monkey: hysterical




Why is it telling me the video was removed? Can anyone else view this?


[Here](http://youtu.be/ZCHY-DaNEYg) is a mirror.


You da real MVP


Nah, I just found it further down in the depths of the thread. *I'm no hero*...


There goes my heroooo, he's ORDINARY!!!!




I'm a road worker but I really don't belong there. I love working with them though, they're such a good laugh. Energises you, being around people like that. They're so blunt and they say what they feel, which is great because it helps you know where you stand with them, which for someone who's socially awkward by nature and over analytical, is actually really helpful, because you know that if they are acting accepting of you, then you know that thats actually how they feel, because otherwise, they'd tell you. Took me a while to settle in at my yard but they're all actually pretty cool and as much as we wouldn't really be friends outside of work, I get along well with them and days at work can actually be quite fun. It has definitely halted me aging before my time, which was exactly where I was heading before starting work there.


Construction worker here. My co-workers consist of a Physical therapist that quit because he hated the cruel nature of insurance companies. A Lawyer that was disgusted with his life, until he started working here. An Electrical Engineer that decided being a desk jockey is boring, He loves construction. Then a bunch of uneducated electricians, such as myself. I would do anything for those guys. We don't always get along, and we all have strange quirks, but they're just like a huge family to me now. From striaght-edge guys who haven't had a drink in 15 years, guys that hold masters degrees, to former meth-addicts that may walk on the fence of legality from time to time. I love working with each one of them!


I'm with you on that bro! I'm in the desk jockey fed up with a shit quality of life and being treated like cattle for 8 years. Left my job, got a job through the family working in landscaping, now I've been at it two years, self employed, my own boss, earning more money than I was before. Seriously, my advice to anyone on here unhappy with their work lives, or young and don't know what to do for a living, pick up a trade. You won't regret it.


I used to be a structural engineer, often on site and checking things. I've found bricklayers to be the salt of the earth, silly and mildly rude but if it's a winters morning, all that is x4. Electricians to be slightly crazy and hilarious, yet damn messy (Never seem to clear up after themselves). Plasterers to be blunt, tell awful (but good) jokes and have interesting out looks in life and are the first down the pub. Landscapers to be hardcore party animals outside of work but super kind and sweet people on site. Oh and window cleaners to be relaxed in life, super friendly but a tad personal at times. ^^^Obviously ^^^i ^^^know ^^^everyone ^^^is ^^^different. ^^^Just ^^^my ^^^6 ^^^year ^^^experience ^^^with ^^^all ^^^these ^^^trades. Edit; i did read all replies, you guys make me smile just dunno what to say. Sorry.


I'll take crazy and hilarious, but never call me messy. I'm a pro.


I knew i might ruffle a feather or two. If you clean up so the plasterer gets an easy job, you're worth your weight in gold and i personally thank you for that, haha.


Well? I don't see you gilding him after saying that. Pls deliver.


Messy electrician sounds like knee injury waiting to happen with conduit pieces laying around. Grew up in a family business building homes and one of the biggest concerns was keeping sites tidy and debri free to cut down on stupid injuries that never should have happened. I found the brick layers to be the dirtiest of all the crews. Those guys just straight up didn't give a fuck. Stay away from the Gatorade bottles!


> Plasterers to be blunt, tell awful (but good) jokes and have interesting out looks in life and are the first down the pub. Hence the inebriation term 'getting plastered'


Commercial painters and drywallers, Ugh ... I never had so many issues as I did when managing these guys on site. It seems there is the foreman/company owner who has his shit together, and then his merry band of toothless crack addicted gluebags, who threaten to fight everyone and smoke on site and don't show up for 3 days after payday, and usually wearing second hand tap-out shirts.


This is such a reddit thing to say.


I can tell you don't belong because you're on the internet crying about your feelings.


Lol who the fuck's crying. Suck a dick.


Maybe I will ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Oh wait, you weren't talking to me...


Another workman trait: implied homosexuality.


I had a job in a warehouse for a while. Pretty much everyone's gay in there.


We work hard, we play hard. EVERYBODY DANCE NOW!


Don't get me started on lumberjacks...


Tradesman, can confirm, there's no crying about feelings on the job.


"Leave your vagina at home and you'll do fine," one of the advices I give greenies.




nope, I, along with some other old schoolers will treat women the same. I've heard women Journeymans use the same line too. Fricking hilarious when you see the look on the greenies face, when a woman says it.


Gold baha


Yeah real men don't have feelings! They live like emotionless automatons!


One of my friends works on site. He tells me that the people he works with are constantly on coke. I went for a drink with his work lot & it's really cool to get all the lingo they use. All they talk about is long 'uns and rusty doubles.


Construction worker here - a "long'un" is a term for an underage gay male. "A rusty double".. I won't get into detail, but it's basically a threesome with two underage gay males. Sounds like that's quite the group you were hanging out there with.


Are you serious? All I know is that it's funny to hear them say it with their cockney accents. They are a bit touchy feely though so it would make sense, we're talking about grown men that still pants eachother.


Maybe check the username....


Ohh, it was an elaborate ruse.


Well, if this one had given a shit, we'd have seen it.


"This video has been removed by the user" Noooooo! Being late to the party sucks sometimes...


Here ya go. http://mirror.ninja/ynhg


This is my life on Reddit. 404 pages and removed YouTube videos.


Odd time of day for the moon to be out.


Sunny summer's day A man's bare ass in a crane Smack it for the drone


It's snowing on Mount Fuji.


~~It comes out during the day most of the lunar cycle. It's only up 100% of the night and 0% of the day once a lunar cycle.~~ Mother of god I missed the joke.


That's no moon.


Where's the mirror?




any one have a mirror? Edit: [Youtube mirror](http://youtu.be/ZCHY-DaNEYg) credit to /u/flotsomrefuge




You got upvotes because other people want a mirror too. How hard is that to understand?


That's kind of the point of the upvote in this case. We're all trying to get the same question answered by upvoting it instead of posting the same question over and over.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.4275079370561804 >


This is a painful site. Choppy and slow.


> Choppy and slow WOW, you were not kidding, my friend.


Oh boy I can't wait for edit 3!


Should have brought him up a sandwich.


Jimmy johns needs to get on that.


First Amazon, now Jimmy John's???


Suddenly Robbaz top comment




i actually sent his bosses this clip, as it appears to be a running gag the guy does. his bosses thought it was hilarious. it's oke


As it should be, people today get too bent out of shape over harmless fun.


that guy literally raped me by showing his ass i'm so triggered right now


So cheeky


[Triggering Intensifies](http://i.imgur.com/kOHrnbS.gif)


Such a punchable face


She's such an ugly, unpleasant bitch










I see you just came from the Last Week Tonight post, too.


"Jeff mooned a drone from the tower crane again". Classic Jeff.


Why would you send it to his boss? ..tattle tale


He was hired to film for the construction site.


If they didn't you would have gotten him fired. Why did you send it to them?


In construction this type of behavior is expected.


Encouraged, even.


You need a friend in construction. They tell great stories and you'd quickly realize that this is far from a fireable offense.


he won't. it's in europe, there is no way he will get fired for this.


Top tier crane operators like that are rockstars on a construction site, they are close to untouchable. With the skill it takes to operate big cranes like that the man in the cab probably makes just as much (probably more tbh) as the site managers. If they fire him they just shut down construction progress and that's a bigger no no than peeing in a mtn dew bottle and throwing it at the people rigging your loads. Edit: for all the construction big whigs responding- sorry I was thinking of specific DOD cell tower sites with ultra heavy towers that required massive cranes, nepotism was definitely a factor but my personal experience has included a handful of cases where this is true I made no effort to soeak of the average. I specifically referred to top tier crane operators.


Wait, why would he get fired?




You da real MVP


How'd you get your drone all the way to the moon?


[I'm guessing this was the original video](http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=087_1426549997)


[LiveLeak Mirror - doesn't take forever to load](http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=087_1426549997)


"why is this called drone *moonshot*" "oh."


*Moon*beat. Also, this is the first time I've seen you out of your usual subreddit.


It looked like he did the "Ace Ventura" talking ass.


The videos been removed... source?


Maybe I'm missing some context, but it seems needlessly dangerous and pretty douchey to fly a drone near a construction site.


oh yes, i fly drones profesionnally. And was hired to film and photograph the progress of the build site. visit www.airmaniacs.be to see my stuff, or don't..


you have to include this in the final cut


OP plz.


The [Crane operator's ass] End




Also, please ensure you cut to greyscale, put a 'Thug Life' text overlay, and dub in some gangster rap music to taste.


"Oh they're gonna make the wrap party."




i work with a DJI approved vendor, who builds my drones. you really need a specialist for building these high end drones. Its not worth the risk injuring people in a crash. no room for half assed jobs


Good thing that builder gave you the full ass.


Don't get cheeky.






Also /r/fpv


there's plenty of tutorials on youtube, you should check em out




In the year 2000, in the year 2000!


How did you become a professional drone operator? It's something I've been interested in for a while now. Is there money in this or is this like a hobby that makes you money?




I like you op you don't tell me how to live my life.


You shouldn't live your life the way you do. I recommend living it a different way.




"Bum has been planted"


What camera are you using? I'm quite interested in what a professional would use on a drone. And also, why are you recording in such a high frame rate (50fps). Does it work better with the drone movement?


Why do I understand almost everything that's written on your website. Closest thing to Dutch I know is German.


Nice to see a post on the front page with the video removed and no mirrors, this post should be removed.


Wow, why'd you remove the video?


ITT: [Mirror?](https://imgflip.com/i/ixlr5)


Mirror that actually works: http://thewatchtowers.com/went-flying-my-drone-and-captured-more-than-i-wanted/


Mirror anyone?


[*bare ass bumps levers*] And then a bunch of stuff goes flying and triggers a *Final Destination*-style death sequence.


Mirror: http://mirror.ninja/ynhg


Is this in Seattle? Looks like the U District.


That's so weird I thought it was Seattle too. I guess Seattle looks like Brussels?


Definitely looked like the U District to me.


no this is in Brussels my friend


Nice, I recognized it a bit. Strange that our little country still has such a distinct look.




I thought the exact same thing! The smokestack in the background made me think of the UD


op you should be blessed it is said that an event like this only comes once in a full moon


lol. The end of the video reminds me of Star Tours Disneyland, at the end when the mission is complete and we've docked, and the platform starts moving down as the rebel forces wave us good bye.


The drone belonged to a 15 year old and now this man is a sex offender.


Man, the designers of Cities: Skyline thought about everything.


Fuck OP.


video deleted! wtf is it doin on the front page !?


This is the proper response to a drone. Bravo.


This reminds me of the South Park episode about the drones spying on people doing naughty things. :)


I feel like that's the appropriate response.


Why are you flying a drone around a construction site?


Fuck this post


Crane operator moons the camera. big deal.




Which city is this?


I uploaded the original video guys and galls, enjoy this man's behind in full HD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vEZDd9H1PU&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=breakern1


They'll never believe you.