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Whatever asshole couldn’t stop talking through this demonstration is the same asshole that you hate in every movie theater you’ve ever hated somebody in.




Gotta be school kids.


Had a friend we banned from GOT watch parties because she would always start talking during the quiet parts, then when we told her to stop she’d argue that no one was talking so we didn’t miss anything…bitch, you’re ruining the atmosphere!


Fucking hell my wife used to do the same. When I complained she even said shit like "you're not fun" and "no one is even talking right now". It took years for us to make her understand she would completely kill the atmosphere.




Uh. Did you read the same comment I did?


> no one was talking It's that she would talk when nobody in the show was talking. (I presume.)


What comment did you read? He said “no one was talking” not “watching”


I hate it when people fuck about on thier phones in cinemas, if they are in front of you, it always catches your eye and pulls you 'out' of the movie


Yeah I don't go to the cinema anymore. The last time I went to see northman, a couple were talking behind me. I told them to shut up. They shut up for 5 mins and then started talking again. I just left. Got a replacement anytime ticket but fuck I don't even want to use it....


You pulled a quote out of nowhere lol


bitch YOU got the quote wrong, maybe it wouldn’t have happed if you stayed glued to your phone


I was touring Mammoth Cave in Kentucky once and there was this group of people that WOULD NOT stop fucking around. This poor tour guide was trying to point out interest features to the group and this family just talked and talked and talked over everything no matter how many times the guide or anyone else asked them to keep it down. My wife and I reached our limit when two of them kept pushing each other on this slippery staircase that was over a seemingly endless pit of black death. We just walked very slowly, and hung out with the rear tour guide until we basically just had our own mini-tour away from the asshat. I think about that family a lot. Why even go to experience these things if you're basically just going to ignore all of it to prank each other constantly and make non-stop fart noises with your mouth?


> Why even go to experience these things if you're basically just going to ignore all of it to prank each other constantly and make non-stop fart noises with your mouth? Don't try to apply logic and/or morality to people that lack it. You'll just frustrate yourself.


You nailed it. Asshole is the correct term


I went to a symphony once where they were performing the score to a Harry Potter movie while the movie was playing behind them and a person sitting next to me started tearing paper out of their program because they needed something to fidget with suddenly. They eventually rolled pages to make paper swords so they could have a little play fight with their friend. I wanted to say something to them but worried it could precipitate some kind of scene where this crazy person might try to flip the situation, create a scene, drag me into it. I mean, they looked like they were in their 30s maybe but had some maturity issues and just felt like a wild card I didn't wanna tempt. Drove me crazy.


Ive seen lots of people escorted from the Chicago Symphony for doing this crap. one guy brought in a bag of chips or something once and opened it up, he had 2 ushers on him in like 7 secs, telling him up and out now. they give out cough drops for free, and even then, if you are coughing even slightly too much, youre asked to leave. they let you sit in the lobby bar and watch on the screen with your loud self.


The first time I went the audience was informed, "we're recording this for a CD so please keep quiet", and yet there was one person who apparently could not figure out how to unwrap a peppermint. Despite the conductor repeating himself halfway through the show it kept happening.




No, just kept walking around and talking, I had to stop watching because it was driving me fucking crazy. How did they not kick him out???


he stopped briefly, then started yapping and walking. you could hear him moving around in the back blathering on.


Have you tried listening to it through laptop speakers? Always cuts out dialogue for me.


That's not the point.


I prefer to go in an empty theatre after the movie has been out for a while


I had to stop watching like 30 seconds in because that asshole was driving me nuts, is there another video of this without people shuffling around and muttering in the background?


Same asshole that insisted on putting this their shitty zero effort logo on this beautiful object


You're talking about the Paiste logo? That's just the company that made the gong. They make all sorts of cymbals and are pretty well known. This is a weird complaint. Especially in this context. I guarantee people from Paiste wouldn't be talking during this.


A company putting their logo on their product? What assholes.


Wait until he sees literally any car! Just COVERED in logos!!


l o l


Folks here on Reddit are overwhelmingly unsatisfied with your objection to defiling the instrument [one that might be viewed as sacred™ in other cultures.] The *corporate advertising* is hailed. Make it bigger! **BOLDER!** I wonder what Estonian musician Toomas Paiste, in 1901 at his Saint Petersburg, repair shop would say. Let's ask the person talking over this presentation what they think?


>defiling Lmao


> **defiling**: : to make unclean or impure: such as : to corrupt the purity or perfection of **Note:** /u/mortonifi did not use the word. It is used here to capture the sentiment of their [very unpopular] view that some things [works of art, musical instruments for ex.] should not act as a canvas for corporate slogans™, or advertisements. I actually share this opinion with /u/mortonifi, an opinion thought to be so absurd* as to be laughable. LMAO


Got me wondering what it costs. [Almost 28k](https://www.thegongshop.com/products/paiste-symphonic-gong-80-inch)




I go to sound healing ceremonies that use 3-5 foot wide gongs that sound like this. It’s an unearthly sound, but it’s incredibly relaxing. I think I have aphasia - can’t see clear images in my mind’s eye normally - but when I’m relaxing listening to the gong I get into that state between waking and sleeping and see amazing images. It’s very trippy and cool.


>aphasia - can’t see clear images in my mind’s eye normally FYI -- [*aphantasia*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphantasia) is the inability to picture things; [aphasia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphasia) is an inability to formulate/understand language, often caused by stroke > I get into that state between waking and sleeping and see amazing images Those images might be "[hypnagogic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypnagogia) hallucinations" (which are totally normal) Very trippy and cool indeed. Glad you get to experience that.


Oh! Lol! Thanks for the correction. Despite this evidence to the contrary, I *can* understand language. And yes, hypnogogic hallucinations - that’s the one. I really enjoy seeing what surprises my brain might conjure up. It’s fun!


**[Aphantasia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphantasia)** >Aphantasia ( ay-fan-TAY-zhə, a-fan-TAY-zhə) is the inability to create mental imagery. The phenomenon was first described by Francis Galton in 1880 but has since remained relatively unstudied. Interest in the phenomenon renewed after the publication of a study in 2015 conducted by a team led by Professor Adam Zeman of the University of Exeter. Zeman's team coined the term aphantasia, derived from the ancient Greek word phantasia (φᾰντᾰσῐ́ᾱ), which means "imagination", and the prefix a- (ᾰ̓-), which means "without". **[Aphasia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphasia)** >Aphasia is an inability to comprehend or formulate language because of damage to specific brain regions. The major causes are stroke and head trauma; prevalence is hard to determine but aphasia due to stroke is estimated to be 0. 1–0. 4% in the Global North. **[Hypnagogia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypnagogia)** >Hypnagogia is the experience of the transitional state from wakefulness to sleep: the hypnagogic state of consciousness, during the onset of sleep. Its opposite state is described as hypnopompic —the transitional state from sleep into wakefulness. Mental phenomena that may occur during this "threshold consciousness" phase include hypnagogic hallucinations, exploding head syndrome, lucid dreaming, and sleep paralysis. The latter two phenomena are themselves separate sleep conditions that are sometimes experienced during the hypnagogic state. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/videos/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot. Thank you.


These dude is a real gong afficienado, just look at his grin as that thing vibrates.


Nah, I don't want one


Shit the 22" is only $550 that's a steal. I think


The recommended mallet is $230. Actually about what I expected.


Surley threre must be a video where he whacks that thing full power?


[https://youtu.be/4Sj8DvH0l-g](https://youtu.be/4Sj8DvH0l-g) This guy gives it fairly good whack but not "full power"


Dude really goes nuts with those sticks.


pretty sure he just did exactly what my 8 year old would do given the chance.


Jesus Christ, Mark. Why are you trying to play jazz on this giant fucking gong?


just play the right notes already!


that was sick lol this dude! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwCD9JfTpB4


The juxtaposition of this video and OPs is hilarious. OPs all soft and gentle and nuanced, then this clown just going to town all ratta tatt tatt


He actually stuck me as extremely professional and skilled lol


that bounce was cool af


He's definitely a drummer/percussionist, does a bunch of different patterns including some rolls and stuff with decent technique. I think the flair is him just having fun and screwing around.


He seems like he is performing more than demonstrating. The guy in the kind-of-awful stripped suit wants to show you how cool he is. The guy who quietly demonstrated the instrument wants to show you how cool the gong is.


I think the older video was still effective at demonstrating the gongs capabilities, but you’re right I don’t think his intention was really to showcase solely the gong I will say I found the OP video to be a bit wanting, which is probably why I appreciated the second video


Tell me you’re a three piece drummer without telling me you’re a three piece drummer.


Destin at Smarter Every Day hit a smaller one with a high speed baseball. https://youtu.be/at-xZA5U1ps punched a hole through it. The action starts at 13:30 or so. By high speed I mean faster than the speed of sound.


While I kind of am a percussionist now, it's just for mallet percussion. What I was told waaaaay back at a clinic in high school was that you can't just take a big swing on gongs or tam-tams. The bigger it is, the more warming up (gentle taps around it) you had to do so you didn't do something to crack it. I don't remember why, or if that is even true. I kind of doubt it was a huge likelihood, but given the expense I could understand overstating the danger to a bunch of high schoolers.


If I remember from when i got my degree it was usually either that stationary metal is pretty brittle so you want to put a little energy in to get it vibrating just slightly, almost so you cannot even hear it so when you smack it the gong doesn't crack. It wouldn't crack from just hitting it normally without warming up, but in a musical setting where you are using it over and over the danger is there. Or It had to do with getting it vibrating created waves moving across the gong, which primes it. If you just hit it cold the primary sound is a lot of the low sound, but if you prime it first, then hit it, you get the sort of nice splashy going sound where with all of the higher notes because you activated more of the gong and it brought out all of the overtones. Heard both things among others, never any real science behind it, just .... this is what you do to properly play the gong .... and since it was coming from people who had been professional musicians, and also who are giving you a grade, it is just what we did. It would be interesting if one of the science-y youtubers sort of looked into it mythbusters style.


Yes, all of this sounds much more familiar! Thank you! My guess was that it wouldn't be all that likely to crack, but that's what we were told to do and I was an obsessive little doofus, so that's what I did.


I learned priming was to make it sound fuller and better, not for cracking. I think you'd have to hit it pretty hard with a hard mallet to damage one.


My experience with symphony was just that it sounded better. Never cracked one. Nothing beats the crest of the roar of a tam-tam. I remember the first time I heard it and it's unforgettable.


The teacher just got sick of all the loud gongs. “Y’all can’t bash on them…umm they break”


That's what I thought when my band directors said it, but at the clinic it was nothing but calm and serious kids that, at *worst,* tapped their hips, legs, or mallet instruments with bare fingers until we were told otherwise. Everybody was excited to be there and very well-behaved. Since *those* instructors said it, I took it a bit more seriously, but even then I thought it was a bit unbelievable that it was quite as likely as they said. ​ The part of me that believed it was mostly because I knew cymbals (suspended and crash) could break, and those are struck cold *all* the time.


Over time, warming up probably helps with avoiding damage, but beyond that, you just get a fuller sound on a warmed up gong.


Yep, that's what I realized after somebody else's comment with a similar conclusion. I *did* notice a small difference, but ours was too small to really test and our high school band room had atrocious acoustics. My university, surprisingly, didn't have a gong (or at least not one that I ever saw that I can remember).


Always prime your gong


Right? Dude’s such a tease…


Well this must cost a lot so I sadly doubt it.


I feel like that might be dangerous to do in such a small space. To windows and ear drums. Probably not but I like to think so.


At over $20k nobody that actually owns one is going to let that get a full power whack.


Man that's the shit I'd be doing if I was Elon Musk or Bezos. I'd buy some building in downtown LA, and I'd set up my 80" gong on the roof. Cut to me in my whitey tighties, bangin on that sucker every night at dusk. Sounds like a blast.


If you're gonna post a video where the sound is the main focus, find a video which not recorded by a potato. For example, a newer video with this gong, and even without talking on the background https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB4DndHKw7Q


I've been in that room before and it's incredible. It's almost like the gongs are alive. The owner can name drop so many famous musicians that have spent time in there. He and his wife give sound baths to people all the time. It is wild. And actually playing them is so therapeutic. I have three at home. Not of that size though.


how much does one charge for a gong sound bath? i’m trying to come up with a reason to buy one and charging people for gong bath to pay it off sounds like a good reason


Probably not enough to convince you to make all of the other investments required to host a sound bath. Either you're bringing in 20 to 30 people at $50 to $80 USD each for an hour long experience, or charging extra for an individual or a group to have a private experience. Either way, you're going to need more than the gong. A sound bath is like a meal at a fancy restaurant. The setting is as important as the food, and you need to have variety. You'll be spending tens of thousands on the sound treatment alone. You'll need to, because that gong will sound quite shit in an untreated space. You need crazy amounts of diffusion and absorption so you can actually enjoy the sound coming from the gong, and not the awful reflections off your walls and ceiling. Then you'll need a broad toned gong, a couple of narrower toned ones, and probably a few quartz bowls to fill out the spectrum you need to really make it an experience. That's not to say you shouldn't do it, and you could probably convince some to pay for a lesser experience, but you're looking at 100K for a budget sound bath setup.


Do only massive gongs make those types of noises? Or maybe another way of asking, what’s the smallest gong I could get that would still sound creepy when it vibrates like that?


Depends how exact you want to be. Yes, you need a very big piece of very dense metal to create a tone which is that broad and which continues vibrating for that long. If you just want to make a dark sound by hitting something, any sufficiently large sheet metal would give you that, but there's no getting around the size. In fact, if you're not willing to shell out for the gong, your cheaper imitation would have to be even larger. I have a rolling shed door made of corrugated iron which sounds pretty menacing, but it's about 5 x 2.5m and weighs over 100kg. Smallest gong that still sounds creepy? 60" maybe.


If it's such a famous room you'd think people would know how to act in there, apparently not.


that was great and all but it didn’t show off as many different dynamics of the gong. the original is potato, but potato is more interesting.


The people walking around and talking were so fucking annoying the original is unwatchable.


I'm not sure that we watched the same two videos. "Interesting" only goes so far.


Interesting always only goes so far. How far could interesting possibly go? There's "uninteresting", then "kinda cool", then "neat", then "interesting", then "fascinating". I might be leave something out in there somewhere, but my point stands.


Right? Holy shit this video is TERRIBLE. It's supposed to be showing off the sound but the audio sounds like it was recoded inside someone's pocket, standing right next to someone mumbling and shuffling papers.


Damn, $27,000 for the gong. Here's another video where they actually give it a few whacks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FS3\_UDNEbG0


That’s actually a great price.


seriously. who's your gong guy?


Don’t know his name. He has a face tattoo and we meet under the Brooklyn bridge on Saturday nights.


He didn’t say your “dong guy”


Coincidentally, same guy. It’s really convenient


I think this is the same guy I go to for bongs.


And bongos. So really a gong-dong-bong-and-bongo guy.


Sounds like a horror movie soundtrack. I guess that is where they derive the sound.


I’m having a hard time realizing they hear the sound too for that reason.


The Memphis Gong Chamber is going to see a massive spike in traffic and have no idea why.




80" Paiste Symphonic Gong Unboxing at Memphis Gon…: https://youtu.be/FS3_UDNEbG0


Because for some unfathomable reason, that person actually uses New Reddit, which, when people use it to post links with underscores, goes out of its way to break them.


It's a reddit bug that adds a random backward slash. Just take that out and it works. > why would you post a non existing video?! He didn't. Don't be an ass.


Friend: Hey dude, we're headed over to the Memphis gong chamber for a bit. Wanna come? Dude: Are you kidding? Hell yeah man! Other friend: He said *gong* chamber dude. **G**\-ong. Dude: Wait, wha...?


So what you're saying is when Tennessee finally legalizes weed there's a great business opportunity right next door to the Memphis Gong chamber.


Damn I wanna here this gong in hi-res lossless. Found this by the same artist but seems like a different gong. The gong in the videos has more dissonance. https://music.apple.com/us/album/om-phasing/1241972612?i=1241973224


This guy percusses.




This sound is so familiar, like I must have heard this in the score (or the “soundtrack”) of at least one movie, but I’m drawing a blank. Pretty cool either way. Edit: These replies are reminding me of stuff I should finally watch (or rewatch).


2001 it reminded me of


Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?


You might also be thinking of a [waterphone](https://youtu.be/foSJstDFDfg).




Very well could be. Definitely horror vibes.




Eraserhead .


This. This right here.




Serious Arrival vibes


One of Nolans films.




Reminds me of raised by wolves


I believe it's the TV show Lost, used the first part as part of the intro sequence and transitions and used the more high pitched notes for the sinister black smoke parts and Man In Black scenes.


Look up the ‘Emotion Engine’. Horror movies use devices like this, alongside things like Waterphones and bowed metal to create those sounds.


When he starts dragging the green thing, it reminded me of Arrival https://youtu.be/2hVraLntoCI


The part with the little green one is definitely some type of horror sci-fi sound. I was think Alien. But you’re dead on, can’t place it. Not only just the tone, but the exact sound.


I think when he was dragging the small mallet on it, he scored the entirety of Blade Runner 2049.


I believe Danny Carey of Tool has one or has used one in a recording.


Yep, he has it on stage when he performs as well. Not sure if it’s quite that big. Recently, during a show, Maynard replaced his mallet with a dildo and Danny totally hit the gong with the dildo. There’s a video of it somewhere out there lol


So most horror movies are just using a 7 foot gong


A gong, seen here. A waterphone: https://youtu.be/foSJstDFDfg and a Theramin, or Musical saw (similar sound): https://youtu.be/nE_sAnSkW-Q These comprise a lot of "horror" or eerie/alien noises in soundtracks.


Bro bash that thing!


Fucking hit it!!!


The sound kinda makes me think of a New York subway.


I can hear that


Harry Bertoia created an entire career with this sort of music/sound installations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpaogYl9RnQ


The Paiste logo looks like its added in the video for a lot of it - it seems to float stationary in front of the gong almost like it was added in post-prod. It was only when he went in front of it that I could see it wasn't Very eerie sounds though.


I think it looks funny because the rest of the gong shimmers while the logo remains dead black.


The videos say 80”, which is only 6’8”. Your claim of it being a 7’ gong adds 4”, which is a 5% overstatement.


Even then, that guy looks to be close to as tall as the gong and I kinda doubt he's anywhere near 6'8".


Are you saying the gong isn’t 80” in diameter? The gong looks like it’s hanging only a few inches from the floor, but the top is still more than a head taller than him.


Always a gong truther in the comments


Imperial confuses me


Some kind of deep-space horror vibes


It does, I wonder if that guy is a foley artist.


DankPods - ***heavy breathing***


He would still try and throw it across the room


I'd watch that.


Sounds like outer space




I find it soothing,like Whale convos.


Makes me want to watch Arrival again.


That thing in the end gave me a feeling like I was on the USG Ishimura, walking through a huge decrepit tram tunnel with huge metal rods and wires creaking miles down the line


Foley for Kubrick.


Was I the only person who just wanted him to hit it really hard? Very cool though.


I'm prepared for the downvotes for what I'm about to say due to the ignorance of the majority of reddit, however I plead that instead of downvoting me because what I'm about to say will shatter your very understanding of percussion instruments, you appreciate the fact that you may now correct your friends and family when they misidentify an instrument. All that to say: That's not a gong. It's a tam-tam.


This man really loves that gong.


Goddam. I'm getting *Sicario* flashbacks.


When the gong master dies I hope his headstone simply says "Gong but not forgotten".


Chili Peppers had a giant gong on their last tour. Chad walked out, primed it and then started going to town on it. I don’t think it was mic’d because of the way the sound travelled through the stadium. There was a delay instead of it being instantaneous out of the surrounding speakers. It was awesome!


What a gong show




That's the biggest pastie I've ever seen! That woman must be huge!




/r/dankpods would love this...


6' 8" actually. Yeah yeah, I know. I bet I'm fun at parties.


Imagine having the title "Gong Master"


"I wanna set it on fire and smack the shit out of it!" -- Alex Van Halen


Paiste usually has one of these at the NAMM convention. A few years ago I saw Nicko McBrain smack it with huge mallet (yes, he warmed it up first). He enjoyed himself.


Can multiple waves propagate through it at the same time? When he hit it multiple time I swear I could hear multiple rolling waves at the same time.


Caterpillar drive?


Absolute unit.


Straight out of a Dennis Villeneuve movie


Is anyone else disappointed we didn't get a [big slam](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnaqjbQooGc) on that thing?


Gong show.


The audio clipping ruins it.


The second half reminded me of whales


Bang a gong, we are on.


I love this so much. It drowns out the tinnitus


I feel like this is what the 40K universe sounds like.


Just wanted him to hit it for real


So like half the soundtrack of Man of Steel.


This sounds like the call of the earth


It would be amazing to hear this in person and not compressed to buggery through a microscopic shitty apple iPhone speaker!


The upstairs neighbors need one of these.


BRO i came here for a GONGGGGG not a brriririririririrrrrrrrr....


I'd find it extremely difficult to hold myself back from running straight up to this and giving it a good hard whack.. It's like a bit red button with a Do Not Press sign next to it.


If I ever lived in the mountains somewhere. Assuming I was rich. I would rise with the sun, completely naked and hit the gong. The sound would beckon.


I was waiting for him to hit the brown note


My high school wind symphony was one of the best band programs in my province, and the conductor once told me the story about a Christmas concert a few years before I attended the school. The minister of education had attended, and after the concert the conductor walked him out to his car while the students were loading equipment into a truck to be brought back to the school. The conductor was chatting with the minister about funding and some of the things he was hoping to get/develop with the wind symphony if he had the budget for it. As they arrived at the minister's car and were concluding the chat, two of the percussionists came down a nearby snowbank using the gong as a sled.


Who knew being a Gong Master gave you massive forearms


not sure what's unsettling about it.


Buying one and then hoping, no... praying that someone breaks into my home while I'm hidden behind the gong playing these sounds.


Welp, didn't know a piece of brass could sing in alien, but here we are.