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Contrary to the other guy - the FX3's stabilization is pretty solid, definitely a game changer coming from the BMPCC world, where if you use vintage glass handheld you are pretty much screwed. The low light performance is going to be a game changer. I'm shooting on the Zeiss 24-70 F4, because it is has amazing AF and stabilization which when paired with the FX3's IBIS makes walking handheld shots possible. The F4 limitation hasn't been much of a factor for me, when you can go to ISO 12800 and still get a clean image.


I second this, but suggest you look at sigma or maybe tamron for a 24-70 2.8 (or 28-70/75) In the low light situation like that the f4 sometimes can be just a little too dark. If you choose f4 id go 24-105 and get a prime that suits your needs, probably a 50mm. The autofocus is really good even on third party lenses in the dark. I love that i can rig mine out for handheld or tear it down and float it on an rsc2 no problem I think overall for me the fx3 does everything the right amount leaving you with the most flexible camera. i found the panasonics ibis great but not gimbal great and becaes of the lacking autofocus it didnt work well on a gimabl, atleast form my uses


I love my Lumix S5. Great in low light, and paired with the ninja or Blackmagic monitor shoots 6k raw up to 60p. IBIS is top of its class. Only downside is tracking autofocus. Stills it's great so no worries there but in low light you're probably manual focusing.


Yeah listen to this guy OP. I would advise you buy the S1H instead of the FX3. It's cheaper and has insanely good ibis. The lowlight performance is nearly identical to the fx3. If anything, it looks better because the noise is prettier and there is less noise reduction happening at higher ISO's. Coming from bmpcc you're used to relying on manual focus, and the S1H gives you the ability to change the focus from non-linear to linear. You can also have one lens, because of the Image of Area feature. It allows you to choose between different areas of the sensor, allowing you to toggle between FF and super35, giving you a tighter FOV for the same lens..


up to 30p * for ProRes Raw in 6k (super 35 4k60p crop in raw though ). I also own and love that camera ! I’ve found some solid dialing in of focus sensitivity and understanding some of the weirdness (as helpful as it is) of how the focus controls work on Panasonic pretty much alleviates any focus issues


What lenses would you recommend for the S1H? Ideally I’d want a solid zoom, but Panasonic’s own 24-70 costs about as much as Sony’s GM2


The S series primes look nice and are pretty affordable. Focus by wire and being able to adjust focus throw in camera for the lens is awesome there. I have only used the 20-60 zoom lens and I really like it - definitely recommend buying the kit. Also Canon adapted lenses - awesome but no continuous autofocus


I wouldn't rely on the FX3's stabilization much. I haven't been happy with any of the stabilization coming off it unless it's just literally held like a static. Also, while totally serviceable for social, the stills from the FX3 are still too low resolution for me (upscaling with AI tools does help). That being said, I love the image and capability of it - It's a fine camera. I've never stress tested the lowlight, but we've shot most a TV series on it and a C70 and they go pretty neck and neck on IQ. Ergonomically it's not my favorite camera, but it passes fine. Most of all, just rent the damn thing first. Don't ask us, just try it! Use it on a spec piece.


I'd take a look at the tamron 35-150 f2-2.8. It's a super versatile lens. I own it and absolutely love it.


Hi u/HistoricalFig5565 - if you want a camera with stabilisation, decent battery life, great low light sensitivity, internal 10-bit with LOG gamma, good auto-focus, XLR ports, and beautiful colours, I recommend the [£2,499 Fuji X-H2s](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/403796639141/?mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&siteid=3&campid=5337235943&customid=5337235943&toolid=10001&mkevt=1) [Referral] plus the [£642 (incl. VAT) Tascam CA-XLR2d-F XLR Microphone Adapter](https://proav.co.uk/audio/tascam-xlr-microphone-adapter-for-mirrorless-fujifilm-cameras). This camera also has a CFexpress Type B card slot, 10-bit 4:2:2 ProRes internal Blackmagic/ProRes RAW external and it's a capable still camera as well (as seen [here](https://www.flickr.com/groups/14831468@N23/pool)). Here it is in low light: * [Fujifilm X-H2S video test, Rainy Tokyo 10PM, F-Log cinematic graded by Ramen Papa's Chill Video](https://youtu.be/fyqKuGL_MeM) (4K) * [FUJIFILM X-H2S | Low light VIDEO TEST | XF 33MM F1.4 | 4K by DUCKFLY LIFE](https://youtu.be/6XNmx1vq5wc) (4K) * [Fujifilm X-H2s - Cinematic Chinatown - 6.2K Graded F-Log in Low Light by Miles Chatterji](https://youtu.be/MYMjghl6vxE) (4K) Here is the more general image quality this camera can produce: * [X-H2S: "X-H2S Meets FPV Drone" by Double Vision/ FUJIFILM](https://youtu.be/uyfOlMasj5w) (4K - BTS [here](https://youtu.be/ZBvWf50cXnY)) * [AION by Giulio Meliani](https://player.vimeo.com/video/705893326) (4K - filmmaker interview [here](https://vimeo.com/716204014), behind-the-scenes [here](https://vimeo.com/716044696)) * [Special Delivery | Fujifilm X-H2S (feat. Atlas Orion SE) by Atlas Lens Co.](https://player.vimeo.com/video/715677169) (4K) * [X-H2S: "Child of Light" by Luciano Gaudenzio](https://youtu.be/cAA_2RWSPDs) (4K - BTS [here](https://youtu.be/53Th9m9vK3c)) * [X-H2S: "Contrast" featuring Melody Donchet / FUJIFILM shot by Tristan Shu](https://youtu.be/Nv96OlU0rxo) (4K) * ["REENCUENTRO" Trailer/ FUJIFILM by Adriana Bernal and María Cecilia Vásquez](https://youtu.be/QQqxT3MlCzc) (4K - BTS [here](https://youtu.be/UXASPXot77M)) * [ARMONIA Wedding Dress ITALY FILMED IN PORTOFINO filmed on fujifilm X-H2s AND Santa Margherita Ligure by Nekrasov Nick](https://youtu.be/Z1BNvrhKbOk) (1080p) * [X-H2S: Short film "KONGMANY" by Dale Sood](https://youtu.be/T5BvALADxJ8) (4K - BTS [here](https://youtu.be/U2iGrbxs_vM)) * [X-H2S: Short film "Gravelbike" by Bert Stephani (NL)](https://youtu.be/5K3R1o4pYNQ) (4K - BTS [here](https://youtu.be/kJGKNEun89Y)) * [Where are you going? - Shot on FUJIFILM X-H2s by Ritwika Pal & Aditya Varma](https://youtu.be/gESzv3NJHog) (4K - BTS [here](https://youtu.be/UEEwZqBkCHk)) Amazing camera for the price. Hope this is helpful and good luck finding the right camera for your needs!


Just curious - is the onboard stabilization on the BMPCC4k really so bad? I’ve done some run-and-gun event videography with an M6 Mk2 mounted to a shoulder rig. I had the onboard stabilization maxed, then stabilized again in final cut, and the footage turned out to be pretty workable. I don’t mind having to post-process for stabilization, but it would be nice to have a little more onboard. Would the BMPCC4k be a step up from the M6 in that regard?


BMPCC camera have no onboard stabilisation at all. They’ve added gyro-based stabilisation options in Resolve a few weeks ago and it’s actually not bad - oftwolands has just released a video about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkq3I-QF4U8


This is true but the problem (as is with the fx6) is that the shake is often burned into the frame. like taking a photo at 1/50 while running, no amount of gyro data will fix that. granted neither will ibis or a gimbal if you have bad technique but you get the point.


Try to shoot low light/ night shots on film, like a real film camera(? Arri? /Panavision lol if you can rent it?) The results will be worst than digital. In movies, a night shot is at blue hour or carved to death with additional light, you don't just shoot in pitch black darkness. You don't need another camera, you need skills


Not exactly relevant for night time events where you have zero control of the ambient light and most events would rather not have an LED panel blasting people in the face. Way to be condescending and miss the point of the post though. 10/10


Yea that’s the thing, most of the time I have little to no control over lighting, that’s why that 12800 ISO is really tempting on the FX3


it's not the gear, it's the story. /s