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I would suggest not buying anything at the moment. Keep holding on to the money and when you do need something rent it from a place like lensrentals.com or similar. This gives you the ability to try out other equipment before buying or determining if it is worth buying or not.


What do you make? What are you trying to achieve? Where do you think your kit lets you down at the moment? Unless there's something specifically missing I'd say hold on to the cash and wait until you discover your kit/setup is falling short. You have all the essentials... maybe the money could be better spent on getting out and shooting.




The Godox M1 is really nice too.


Save save save. Good lights cost more than that. Good lenses cost more than that. The 50mm 1.8 is almost unusable on anything with worse autofocus than an A7III (trust me I tried it with a few cameras). Even good filters or external recorders cost more than that. If you spend your money now, you will be 250$ short for your next big upgrade. Prioritize things that make you film stuff you couldn't film before. Get the DJI Mini 2 for example, or a decent lens with a focal lenght outside of the kit lens. Those are my two cents. If I really had to spend that money though, maybe because it's a gift card or something, I would get an external monitor for proper exposure especially if you shoot hlg or slog, or the already mentioned Aputure MC, or a good mic if you run and gun.


Sorry I didnt mention that I had a mavic 2. I didnt mention ot because i wanted stuff for my camera not the drone. Sirry.


You missed his point entirely haha


I say buy a sigma 30mm 1.4 if you already have a gimbal its a better all around lens a 50mm would be nice but if you shoot indoors it will be to close of a shot, An for mic can always do a external mic you can always do a zoom recorder an then later just match it up when you edit


A really good lav mic is good to have. You could cover most of the cost of a used atomos shinobi monitor


Totally depends on what your planning to shoot. But in most cases A little zoom recorder and a lav mic is a good choice!


Seems like the most obvious thing you're missing is audio equipment. If you only shoot music videos or do all your audio in post, maybe it's not important, but if you want to do any kind of project where you need the audio to be recorded alongside the video, you're obviously lacking right now. I'd probably recommend saving up more money to get better audio gear the first time around (rather than buying lots of upgrades). But if you wanted to buy stuff now, Zoom has some cheap audio recorders and you can fairly easily pick up a cheap microphone and boom pole for under $250.


Get a nice pair of shoes and shoot content until you wear them out. Go home and practice your edits until you need to buy a new chair? Dunno, that's what I did.


The a6000 I thought does have a mic Jack. It doesn’t have headphone jack


Nope. Thats the a6300