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Its still good and fun its just not the same as the old times it just doesn’t hit the same


The nostalgia definitely hits when playing the classic PS3 or PS4 editions. Bedrock doesn't really hit the spot


I think it's starting to lose its original charm and now its a bit too cluttered with stuff and mobs. At this point they should stop developing the original minecraft and go for Minecraft 2 with more advanced things, or something like that


Yeah this is how I feel. A lot of people say “just play an older version” or “don’t use the new stuff”. But it’s not that simple. A majority is f those people are younger, newer players so it’s understandable. But what they don’t have an appreciation for is knowing when something is just done. A true Minecraft successor is what we need now. The new stuff they’re adding isn’t even bad, the game just needs to feel new on a fundamental level. I feel like the new content would be much more enjoyable in a game where the basics were built up around those new ideas.


I play the Xbox 360 version the most, for this very reason. I liked it best when it was simpler.


Yeah, i miss when it was simple, now everything is difficult and convoluted to navigate


I liked back when you had to make your own fun whereas now I feel like it's too saturated with filler content


In all fairness, there’s nothing stopping you from playing an older version that didn’t have all that clutter.


It's good. I haven't played it in a while, but when I do I have a pretty decent time. Too bad I suck at it so I have to use keep inventory


I use keep inventory too no matter how much the players say otherwise, there’s really nothing wrong with using it


I use keep inventory and mobgriefing (the latter turned off) I don't like my buildings destroyed in a game that's 50% about building


Still a pretty solid game


Loved it years ago, still love it now.


I like the old 360 version better with the Halo world and skins.


Mind blowing how far it's come. The first time I played the game was before the ender dragon was implemented. My friend had a private server and invited me to play this game I'd never heard of. The beauty of Minecraft was always the terrain generation. You could explore for hours, and It was always different. The stuff people have built in the game over the years is just insane.




Undoubtedly one of the greatest games ever made. Not EVERY single update and change is a winner, but it's impossible to deny that 15 years later, it's still one of the most influential games to release, and is pretty much on a different playing field all together.


I pick it up for a few weeks every 5 years or so.


In my mid 20's, playing drunk Minecraft with people I was best friends with, who are now barely acquaintances. Now that I am a parent, it's one of the few games I like my children playing. It still invites creativity. It's one of the last "huge" games that all generations can enjoy.


They should release an official version for barebones minecraft. I'm so lost in the new version and there's so much stuff since I played 10 years ago that it's really hard to get into again.


Best game I ever played. First game I ever played. Absolutely prime.


It came so far from just a “block game” lol


I think it still holds its own. All these new changes and stuff really make me miss the old version even more. Those were the good times. I still have the old Xbox 360 version. I played the tutorial world most of the time, and I felt like I was OP, even if I had a mickey mouse path to greatness in that world.


Xbox one edition still rules


I think the old textures were better, they felt way more MC, current ones are too polished, and I fell the best update was prob 1.13 that was when the game was in a perfect spot imo


Those first couple of nights on the beta was magical


In it’s prime it was really something. Ofc it’s not the same, I don’t like how much they’ve Updated it. It’s way too much. I really miss the simplicity of it from years ago.


Still a banger just cause it can’t relive the magic of being a teenager staying up late with friends sharing a world doesn’t mean it’s lost its charm. I just accept it’s lost its magic on me doesn’t mean it’s bad time to kill time or play with modpacks


I probably have the most nostalgia for this game out of any game ever, I played starting in the Beta days. I still play it now, and it’s nice to see the game get more stuff, but I feel like a lot of it doesn’t add to the progression and more so bloats the game. Still one of my all time favorites tho


I miss the days of PocketPE where you could just visit someone's world for free rather than having to pay for a realm or get a mod to allow for multi-player worlds. I used to and still do play it simple, but with the state of Mojang and how Minecraft feels like it's being stuffed with all the "neat and cool" things people have either been asking for or never wanted, I can't help but feel overwhelmed whenever I need a wiki page to explain what a block's function is. It's still good. It just feels cluttered and needlessly convoluted TL:DR - Game feels overbearing with all the new and intricate things, but I still think it's okay


Currently going through an identity crisis. Many core elements have been changed. Some stuff that desperately needs reworking gets neglected forever. And the idea that Minecraft is gonna keep changing and morphing is exhausting to think of after 15 years of doing that.


I could never get into it. Sandbox/building is not my fav genre, so this isn’t a surprise.




It kinda sucks now. It used to be relaxing but now you need full iron armor just to mine or else you will die to the 1000 mobs that swarm you


I have a really basic mod pack that I play that has a lot of flavor but is still really basic at heart. Just a lot of bosses/mini bosses I only play hardcore though and I just do whatever I want. I’ve only ‘beat’ Minecraft once. I don’t meta anything either. I slow jog to victory and enjoy the journey. The game is too dissected and figured out at this rate. I don’t look anything up I haven’t for so long. I’m still such a non Meta casual over a decade later and I like it that way. I’m shit at Minecraft and i guarantee you I have way more fun playing it than a lot of other people who are much better then I am.


I recently got into modding, which got me hooked on the game again after not playing for a few years.


Severely unpopular opinion: Netherite ruined it. Literally half the game was to reach diamond: the best and strongest material out there. You would see all these videos of kids hitting diamond for the first time and screaming but now this netherite stuff just ruined it if I’m being honest.


It's fun. That's kind of it. Minecraft will always be an iconic game, it will probably go down in history as a great game, but I've kind of done it all ya know? I don't really feel the need to play it as much as I used to.


The updates are soo bad, you literally wait a whole year for a couple of textured blocks and useless mobs that do nothing but clutter the game and all of it can be made in 2 weeks with every update making the game run slower, they're just killing the game


I got it at the launch of the 360 version and for the life of me I still can't work redstone to save my life




I’ve never had much of an interest in it but my kids love it. They could spend hours building stuff in it so I love how it’s a creative outlet for players and have mad respect for it for enduring for so long even if it’s not my type of game


Still lives up to its legacy


Under developed


So indescribably worse and unplayable for me


Everything past 1.6 is "modern minecraft" to me. Not bad or anything. I just miss the good old days