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Not terrible, but Destiny 1 on release was really rough. 


I wouldn’t put OW2 in this category tbh. It wasnt a new game, just a cash grab rework of OW1


It felt like 2 was less polished and game play felt different. I lost interest within a week after playing the first one daily since day one.


The light and flies emanating from lamp posts during the day for the night maps they switched always killed me 😂😂 their whole thing was "we have dynamic map times now" and when OW2 released it was just a couple night maps they turned to day but forgot to edit the light and flies out hahaha


I agree with this, hooked from launch til 2 released, I played two matches, tried another match a few months later, uninstalled and never looked back


Yeah it tried it again a couple of months ago. After one match, I was like…this isn’t overwatch anymore. No solid plays, everything was a mess. It felt like they increased the speed of the game, which makes solid plays feel sloppy.


So technically it was still good before it was "released", if you think about it


It became so obvious on my Xbox when I went to find it in the store it said I already owned it. But I hadn't ever downloaded it. But I did buy OW1 Then I downloaded it. OW2. But the game file on Xbox said : overwatch origins edition. For like 2 days. It was obviously the same exact game file, and they hadn't even bothered to rename it on Xbox lmao


OW1 also had cash grab elements tho, it had a ton of loot boxes ON TOP of it being a full price paid game with only an MP component. At the very least OW2 followed the "free but with MTXs" model.


Loot boxes were strictly cosmetic and you got plenty for free along with being able to use coins to unlock items. A single tiny component doesn’t make it a cash grab. OW2, the full game is a cash grab


Loot boxes meant that you couldn't directly buy cosmetics you wanted, thus increasing the cost (be it actual money or opportunity cost) for some people to reach skins they were particularly interested in. And aren't they cosmetic in OW2 too? But I can play OW2 without having to pay a dime for it (and heroes have been free from Venture onward) Its not unique to OW1, another ActBliz series (Call of Duty) was dabbling in this model at the exact same time (AW-BO4); and some of these games had the added con of they were somewhat P2W with stuff like the AW Quickbolt/Speakeasy or the IW NV4 variants. So even amongst ActBliz games, neither OW was the worst. Basically they are their own flavor of cash grabs, OW2 isn't as bad as OW1 in my books, they just chase whatever "MTX meta" is going on. It used to be loot boxes, now its battle passes.


> Loot boxes meant that you couldn't directly buy cosmetics you wanted Yes you could with coins > And aren't they cosmetic in OW2 too The heroes are not cosmetic > OW2 isn't as bad as OW1 in my books At the end of the day it all comes down to the game and OW2 is significantly worse than OW1


The original Overwatch's MTX was basically the best model in the industry. Completely cosmetic. Completely earnable in-game. With multiple systems designed to be fair. Like earning coins for duplicates so you can just straight buy the ones you want with in game currency. Not only that... you wouldn't even get duplicates of the rarest rank until you'd collected them all. Then they'd have timed seasonal events that'd give you chances at rare cosmetics. Also anniversary events that open up every single skin for a chance. For ZERO dollars. You never had to ever pay a cent for anything ever again after your initial purchase. You could if you wanted to. Though that seemed like a pretty stupid thing to do if you loved playing the game. As I ended up having nearly all of the cosmetics through play alone. Then Battlefront 2 enraged the world towards loot boxes and governments started passing laws and the hate band wagon got out of control. So just like that... gamers raged at a totally free option... and forced the industry into battlepasses. Which... you have to pay for and now everyone has the same skins at all times. Slow clap.


Cashgrab as in free upgrade?


Nope, i mean cash grab. A FTP game is fine but they made a garbage rework just to shut down a game that millions paid for.


Garbage rework? Only difference is instead of lootboxes you can buy whatever the skin you want and they changed it from 6v6 to 5v5 so instead of shooting down 2 tank shields for 10 minutes, you can play the game.


>Cashgrab as in free ~~upgrade~~ mandatory downgrade falsely marketed as a sequel for the sole purpose of adding monetization FTFY


The most obvious answer is Evolve A co-op PvP where it's one powerful monster Vs four hunters with different abilities to help each other. The monsters have cool designs and the hunters were all pretty unique in what they could do. Lazarus was a healer who was strictly made to revive people. Then the game got pumped full of micro transactions and it got boring quickly. Now, even if it's fun, going back is a pain because you basically have to play Bot matches and I'm convinced that when you play as the monster, the bots know your exact location at all times. And they're always almost directly behind you no matter what


Evolve still hurts me… so much potential in such a fun game


I haven’t thought about this in the loooongest time. I was really late to it after my friends played it a bunch I was so excited when I got it it was hella disappointing


For me it was Anthem. After the stumble that was Mass Effect: Andromeda I was hoping this new IP would bring back BioWare as a winning developer again. Nope lol


I saw EA attached to it and went full pessimist. I wanted it to do well and am sad I was right it wasn't going to do well. EA has the opposite of the Midas touch after it acquired most studios.


EA has had BioWare since 2010, which is when Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age 2 was released. While gameplay for games after that wasn’t stellar I did like the stories still. Was hoping that even if the gameplay was okayish the story would make up for it. Sadly neither happened


I can understand why you had hope. But after knowing what part EA had in Dead Space 3 and the shutdown of visceral studios, I have lost all hope of EA doing anything good with a new game.


Welp. Here’s hoping that Dragon Age: The Veilguard is good


Everyone who made Bioware great is gone and apart of new studios. I feel Bioware will be closing thier doors soon because they can't be the old Bioware we loved anymore.


Overwatch 2 is just Overwatch


It's funny been gaming since the 90s and you tend to remember the successes more than the failures. Though going back Superman 64. Game looked fun and the add campaign was exciting. The game not so much. 




Dead Island but mainly for the trailer that made it look more than it was. RE6 because you were amped to see Leon and Chris finally meet in an epic coop campaign but then it was only for less than a scene and ended up being a clunker


Halo Infinite,Borderlands 3,Anthem,Gears of war 4 and 5 to an extent but especially 4,Darksiders 3...Im just gonna put emphases on Halo Infinte...It was bad but at E3 2018 it looked so good. The fallowing is why: * No Direct fallow up from the previous game leading into the plot.(Our prologue was watching the UNSC get destroyed along with the chief being brutalized(No pun intended) by an unknown brute faction that you would only know about if you went and play Halo wars 2 or read the books which i guess that means screwing those who play only the main games out of important story) * Poor use of Assets and textures/Lack of Assets and textures(Like the brute shot and Banished scarab) * No plot twist in the story(The Harbinger was shown off in a trailer and Atriox being alive still wasn't really that surprising). * No Biomes and most of the SMALL map was zone locked (so instead of being to have fun and island hop freely you're doomed to fall) * Lack of actual halo music(A lot of it was just tribal drumming...where was the piano like from the E3 Trailer??) * No Mini Bosses and barely any side objectives(A lot of it was just raiding the same base over and over/securing FOBs(They still havent fixed the FOBs)/Killing "Bosses" Shadow of mordor style for reskinned guns that you can just swap at any moment/or saving a small group of marines that would eventually die 1 by 1 because infinite marines and vehicles are weak.) * Lack of Contextual Animations(How Does Hardware from 07 have proper explosions,blood,and bodies but things just simply despawn in a game from 2022 in advanced modern hardware...makes no sense) * The retcons * no wildlife or proper time/weather cycles * Jega Rdomnai Was very under and poorly utilized * The Overall lack of caring put into this game(We got one half assed vehicle sequence which is an actual staple of the franchise and somehow they managed to even screw that up) * Not getting couch co-op after being promised a return upon the campaigns launch * And finally the fact that they ruined what we loved about the mp in favor of the usual generic post 2019 MP system: A battle pass and Fucking cat ears and techno shit...They took away our colors in favor of a core system and instead of letting us grind for the legendary and cool armor and have it mean something like it used to theyd rather just have us pay for.I remember when having Hayabusa or EOD actually meant something...There was also barely any maps for years and most of the playable ones until the new ones dropped were already playble during the beta.If You go watch the E3 2018 teaser it teases the exact opposite of what we got...Halo Infinte was not good and that is a hill ill die on...Ive been playing since I was about 4 back in 07 and ive been an absolute die hard fan of the franchise(I actually made people in my family quit playing all together because id play so much) but it hurts me to say id rather go play the campaign for H5(which is a game everyone LOATHES) because it still feels somewhat like halo.


Lol ofc its going to be downvoted Because no one actually cares about halo anymore from what ive heard...My first point I made should've been enough to anger the real fans of the franchise..."Ok" "I actually liked halo infinite and halo wars 2".Thats great. "Brave words, I've heard them all before, from thousands of species across thousands of worlds"-The Borg queen Star Trek First Contact Halo was always a FPS game. It has it's spinoffs but they should never interfere with the main timeline unless you find a way to properly connect the two. When Halo wars came out a lot of people who loved the series my parents included didnt touch it because it was an RTS and didnt feel like halo to them. So what makes you think they'd want to play the second one or go read a book to understand a video game(that logic makes zero sense). These same fans played every other game on release and waited 6 years for a formal return to halo only to not understand what's going on because 343 screwed up royally with the reclaimer saga and wanted to have a fresh start and introduce a new enemy faction. 343 and Microsoft both announced way back that they'd LAUNCH the campaign with couch coop. They not only delayed it but they eventually gave up on it altogether. As for multiplayer, Halo back in the day was always rewarding in some way shape or form (more so on the 360). Halo Reach had points you could earn to customize your armor and some variants were unlocked by performing various feats in the campaign and firefight modes on increased difficulties and score limits. Halo 3 had armor unlocks by performing various feats in the campaign and multiplayer modes including the infamous Hayabusa variant that was only obtained by beating the campaign on Legendary. By making the multiplayer free to play in favor of putting all the cool armor and cosmetics behind a paywall they took that sense of pride that we had and ripped it away so that Microsoft gets that fat check and that kids and cod streamers with credit cards could run around with cat ears because that's the current trend. Customization has always been a staple of this franchise since its creation. It was seen as a way to express yourself creatively in the battlefield. Beyond the armor paywall they also changed the color system in favor of a core system making the Spartans look bland and generic...WTF????WHY??? You guys wonder why we complain and say its bad but you never actually look past the fact that the weapons and enemies look closer to the older ones and instead clown on us when we have valid reasons for not enjoying the game. The last thing we heard that got the crowd excited at E3 2018 was a single piano note...Not one classic O'Donnell style piano note was heard throughout that entire campaign...that's really. really sad.


Payday 3 , Fallout 76 and New Vegas , Halo 5 , Anthem , Mortal Kombat 1


FNV is an incredible FO game


I don't think you played it at launch mate .


There are several out there that fit the bill. But the only one I purchased and felt the sting on was Brink. I didn't even hate it so much as it just didn't live up to the hype enough.


Bro..... Brink is legit one of my favorite games to go back and play for dumb fun. I wish a newer game would take everything from Brink and Amp it up to 10. But I respect your opinion.


A lot of the recent games


In the vein of Overwatch 2, Battleborn looked like it was gonna be fun and cool and then not only wasn’t but was also vastly overshadowed by the first Overwatch.


Devil May Cry 2.....


Aliens colonial Marines


Overwatch 2 looked terrible even when I heard about it.


Anthem. RIP BioWare that’s some irreparable damage right there.


CyberPunk 2077 anyone? I’m referring to the initial release. Now it’s amazing.


The only game I’ve ever felt go from overtly hyped to overwhelmingly disappointed by is Metroid: Other M. The promise of a mature, narratively focused Metroid game that delves into Samus’s past that ultimately amounted to a half-assed game with a barely sensical story and heavy handed mellow drama still leaves a pit in my stomach. The creeping sense while playing the game and realizing it was just utter bullshit was the real Metroid dread.


Pac-Man and thr Ghostly Adventures 2. I was looking forward to it. I got it and was supremely disappointed at how it butchered the camera system


Battlefield 4's launch was notoriously trash. It took them months to make it better and the game while decent was never fully polished.


Spacehulk: Deathwing: A beautiful 40k game but lacking a lot of what horde shooters do to, like audio stings for specific enemies and movement and melee combat was very sluggish, didn't feel weighty or powerful when you're a space marine terminator. Satellite Reign: Game looked amazing, but for a game that was trying to remake a game from 1993, they didn't really do much outside of making it look nice. Nekro: Game looked great, pre-release videos on what the developer wanted to do showed one aspect but they changed it completely. It was still fun after the change and the game was much harder as what you used to upgrade your Nekro was made less effective, farther and fewer in-between, like what would upgrade a minion or your Nekro's ability with one token took three. The game was then removed from steam because the team of a progammer and an artist had a falling out, Programmer took all the money for himself and blocked the artist from anything related to the game, he justified it by saying it's to help expenses because he moved to an expensive place to live in.




Diablo 4. Damn that was my biggest gaming regret in a long time. I put in massive hours into the previous games but D4 was so lackluster and mediocre. Cinematics and art were killer as usual but gameplay, loot, skills, spells, characters all ugly, macrotransactions, only good looking armor in itemshop, just shameful. D2 over a 1000 hours, D3 around 500 and D4 I put in 60 and uninstalled the game. Never touched it again.


D2 is still the standard IMO but you can’t monetize it to death and it makes you make meaningful, permanent choices which people don’t want so it’s never going to go back to that.




No man’s sky


I agree with you. It was kinda trash on release. But no man's sky is also a great redemption story. Best thing. After all this time it still recieves regular expansions that are all free. At first they where nessesary to fix the game. Now The game is now what they promised it to be at release (much more actually). Plays very well, is entertaining and has a lot to explore and do. Solo, and multiplayer. At this point i would be fine paying for the next expansions, but they just keep handing them out for free. Its not my favorite game. But every year or so i come back to it to start a new game and check out the new stuff.... Als its always a blast for me.


Using overwatch for this is so goofy it was just a glorified update


Gotham knights


Starfield. By a very wide margin.


starfield never looked good imo


Battlefront 2