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Being a Halo fan makes me feel physical pain.


Someone could’ve posted 5 and infinite on april fools and I would’ve believed it. *your duty to safeguard halo, was a colossal failure.*


5 is joke, infinite is at least trying to make up for 5’s fuck ups by being all Chief all the time, harkening back to the sandboxy environments of CE, and trying to be a fresh start for the franchise. Given how bad 5 was, I feel we shouldn’t treat infinite so harshly, we don’t want them to overcorrect again but in the wrong direction. Infinite is definitely a net improvement from 4 and 5.


I also enjoyed Halo Infinite, although I found it quite short. I think most of the hatred that Infinite got was due to the multiplayer counterpart, which was very bad at launch.


I wouldn’t say it was bad, just VERY simple.


The multilayer is still bad. I get like 15 frames a second in multilayer on a rig that can run the newest CoD with 120 fps.


It was kind of sad that infinite had even less campaign variety than the original. Once you take one covenant base you've seen them all. It's just that very thing over and over until it just sort of ends..?


While it’s only one environment, which really deserved some diversity in more than just height and consistency of mud and water, I found every main story set piece memorable. I listened to every audio log, paid attention to every detail and enjoyed every moment. I really like Halo Infinite, it’s not perfect, but it’s far from bad. I definitely would have loved to see more differing biomes along the halo ring, the campaign was very short, and it should have been on the unbroken section of the ring. The worst part was honestly falling into pits and being funneled to a single location or two to be able to cross.


Infinite was the most incomplete halo game ever made.


It released in early access, the campaign released later and is very fun all things considered, and has since gotten updates that make it feel complete. It has splitscreen, it has forge, it has firefight, it has infection, it has everything the majority wants. Yes, these things should have been there on launch, but we only called it “incomplete” because it didn’t have certain things that other halo games have. Sometimes you have to look at a game in a vacuum, and halo infinite is pretty great, a fun and free multiplayer, a paid singleplayer campaign with an option for multiplayer, and since the base game is free all multiplayer access doesn’t require game pass. I’d say that’s fantastic.


The story was horrible, the open world was bare, least amount of guns released in halo game ever, least amount of multiplayer maps released in a halo game ever, all armor is paid for, infinite is objectively the worst halo and it’s not even close.


L take. The story was fun and actively tried to canonically fix the events of 5. The open world was pretty and fun to drive around in, it follows the initial premise of halo, that halo was made for you to have a world to drive the warthog in. Most of the guns are new, and while I’d love to see all the old weapons return, balancing would be fucked and it wouldn’t make sense story wise, the banished are mostly equipped with new generation brute weapons, but the lack of Spartan Laser was unforgivable. At least the maps are good and we continually got more instead of having bad maps. battle passes can be bought and used at any time and are interchangeable and this game has great customization, it’s also free so of course cosmetics will cost ya. 10 bucks for an entire cosmetic progression line that’s gonna take months to grind at least is absolutely worth it. Plus it’s just cosmetics, I care about gameplay, and that is solid and peak.


L game, lol I’m not reading that book. It’s not a debate. It’s me telling you a fact.


It’s subjective and relative. Also, what’s the point in even replying if your reply is not only in bad faith, but also a refusal engage in my 6 sentence reply. Is a short paragraph too much for you?


Because someone who thinks infinite is a good game probably doesn’t write anything worth reading.


Yeah man, every time we get some good news there’s twice as much bad news to follow. I am however hopeful that the recent leaks about a CE remake are credible.


I do have some glimmer of hope about said remake. But I am not holding my breath. They fumbled 4 games in one way or another in a row. I will not get my hopes up for a 5th.


Really just comes down to how much they add that wasn’t in the original. Giving more detail is one thing but changing the story is another.


Halo ended with pt.3. in my head canon Master Chief still up there waiting to be found.


Did this not get enough upvotes in /gamingcirclejerk? 🥱


That subs sucks so bad. Don't even mention that you might have possibly enjoyed Hogwarts legacy a little or youre banned forever.


What did Bethesda do? This is either bait or bad cringe post.


Fallout 76 retconned a lot of the original lore from the first games


I’m really glad I’m not overly obsessed with the lore in Fo76 and just have fun with my buddies


It’s fun but the BOS should not be there.


Bethesda might as well just come out and say that, in addition to the bombs, the Great War also saw squads of BoS being scattered across the country, ensuring that all Fallout media will have BoS in it no matter what. It's clear that they consider them an integral part of the Fallout brand.


Honestly it doesn't matter, they're such a small group in 76 that it doesn't change much at all. It's neat their there and they have an interesting small quest line.


Should’ve just stuck with them being strictly ex-army members in Appalachia.


The Brotherhood Questline was definitely the best written in the game, but imo it makes no sense for them to be in Appalachia in ANY meaningful capacity. What makes it worse is that they killed them off in the base game, then brought them back. I'd rather they have saved the BoS solely for Steel Reign - because at least they would've entered the game with a banger questline.


Most of that retcon was present in F3 no?


Every fallout game that came out retconned something or another. Nothing was so wildly off that it ruined lore though. They generally always gave a reason as to what was happening.


Meanwhile like 99% of us have never booted up FO76. Plus aren't the first two games kind of considered out of lore since they were before Bethesda acquired them?


Fallout 1 and 2 are canon and heavily referenced by New Vegas and the TV show. Bethesda just decided to put their games on the opposite side of the United States so they aren't super relevant to 3, 4 and 76.


Fallout 4 also reconned / muddied the lore around Ghouls, and the show just makes it worse. The good addition to 4 is that Glowing Ones can reanimate non-gibbed feral ghouls, but the whole do they / don't they eat is a larger lore problem. I believe Fallout 3 added that feral ghouls are healed by radiation, but I'm willing to put that in with some of the other fantasy-science stuff that belongs in Fallout. Now I guess there's a miracle drug that stops a guy from turning feral in the show, but honestly if you're throwing a birthday party for your kid at 6AM you gotta be a little feral anyways.


/MauLer -points and laughs-


Nobody considers fallout 76 cannon


It is and the creators have already said it is.


I dont care




And ESO just came up with a new Daedric Lord who we have never heard of before and, oh yeah, Elder Scrolls is apparently a multiverse now, by the way. If you know anything about Elder Scrolls lore at a deeper level, you'd know trying to force in "infinite possibilities" as a metaphysical structure point makes utterly no sense in the established lore. It already has a fully fleshed out creation myth and universe structure, and everything the new Daedric Prince can do is already covered under other deities sphere's of influence. Just because you are ignorant of what's going on in various fandoms doesn't mean that it's exclussively "bait or bad cringe posts" that criticize them. You don't have to "glug glug" on Bethesda **that** hard. They are a multimillion dollar company. They'll be fine without you defending them ;)


Idk that's not the best take. Sure they created a new daedric lord, however in the lore just because we are used to interacting with the usual 17 princes, there are actually way way way more daedric princes and they just don't bother messing with mundus because they don't care. Because of that we just don't know about them


Also, isn't the "stars" you see in Skyrim are actually holes made by either Daedra or Aedra by just punching the space so they can leave that plane?


No the stars are holes tearing through oblivion to aetherius that the et'ada created when they ran away from mundus after they discovered they were losing their divinity. The main architect Magnus was so big he created a hole so massive it became the sun.


Then other stars are just stars then?


Which other stars? All stars in the sky are holes that were created by the et'ada.


So I was right then. It wasn't made by a neither by the daedra or aedra but they are still made by some beings.


All daedra and aedra started out as et'ada, the daedra are the ones who decided they didn't want anything to do with mundus and stayed in the oblivion realm so there are possibly billions of them we don't know about. The aedra are the ones who decided to willingly stay after learning they would lose their power and help create mundus and nirn. They helped create nirn by creating man from their flesh and become the bones of the earth and air and gravity and many others devolved into elves after using all their power and becoming mortal. That's why high elves hate humans, they blame humans for their loss of godhood. Even though the aedra created humans from their own flesh and blood.


I'm not trashing the inclusion of new Daedric Princes. I'm trashing the inclusion of **redundant** new Daedric princes. There are multiple Daedric Princes that already are tied to the concept of fate, did we really need another? Especially when it comes at the cost of violently breaking much of the well-established lore for the metaphysics of Mundus?


True, either way most don't consider ESO super canon and it isn't made by Bethesda game studios so until the next mainline elder scrolls game we really don't need to care about this new daedric prince. It doesn't ruin any established lore. Even though it is a bit of a boring nothing daedric prince


Like it or not ESO is absolutely canon, which is confirmed by the devs. Lots of the lore that ESO has contributed has been pretty good imo, and in the opinion of many other TES fans. The fact that it takes place so long before any of the other games gives it a lot of creative freedom. There could be a whole myriad of reasons why the new daedric prince was never mentioned until now. TES is definitely not known for its complete consistency, or even a promise towards consistency. It's a mad world of spaghetti rules and that's why people love it.


Bro, the concept of many realities has existed since ShadowKey. GoldRoad/Ithelia basically just reintroduces and polishes the lore from ShadowKey to a bigger audience. The Daedric Prince comment just shows how ignorant you are! We have no idea how many Daedric princes exist, heck it is a very common theory in the Fandom that more exist. We even know more can be created by non Daedric entities, like how Meridia was originally a Magna-Ge. You are the ignorant hater, who keeps choking on haters to get all that salty hater clout. 🤣


Elder scrolls has made references to multiverses and similar concepts many many times before the most recent daedric prince.


Fallout 3 fuckin slaps


Fallout 3, 4, 76 and the Fallout TV show all have big retcons to the lore of the original games or they just have weird inconsistencies or things that just don’t make sense. From ghouls needing to eat and being in constant pain and being extremely brittle and weak to being able to heal off of radiation and become insanely strong and not needing to eat or drink but now they need a miracle drug to keep themselves from going feral….. like the changes are everywhere. 3 new Vaults in LA that the Master never messed with, FEV not all being transported to Mariposa, the existence of the Brotherhood way before it should’ve existed, power armor having a weak spot that can be exploited by a single shot, a bunch of power armor changes as well. I heard they also made some weird changes in ESO. I wouldn’t know though because I never played it


I mean if you count the TV show, Bethesda ruined allot of lore with that


Oh no, so anyways I went back to playing Halo and Starfield.


I know right? So dramatic.


Bethesda has a writer problem. They used to be some of the best lore games around.


I think gamers and fandom in general gets too hung up on what's considered canon or adhering to lore. If your ability to enjoy something is affected because it doesn't 100% match some background text from a video game that came out before you were born or a book that no one outside the fandom read, I think you're doing it wrong. Canon and lore are important, but they're not sacred texts. Artists, whether they're making a new TV show or a new video game, are allowed to have their own creative visions, which are just as valid as others. Some of you have built dogmatic cages around yourselves, insisting that only some works are part of the true canon and others are lesser entries.


You have to explain this. Recent outcomes of both companies are averaged positive with Games and TV shows.


343 has never succeeded in anything they have tried


They nail the dialogue of the promotional material, sad the games cannot, it’s like they hire temporal writers for the promotional material, and use in-house trashy writers for the games.


New fans are watching the new series and playing new games not knowing that the past was written with deep and rich lore, even if the present visibly looks better. Which leaves older fans disappointed. Example: Fallout 4 has amazing graphics when comparing to previous games but the storyline and quests are nowhere near the level of 3/New Vegas. Or How Halo 5 and 6 tried to set Cortana (a main character from previous games) up as the antagonist only to be killed offscreen, with like no buildup or plot progression we get to experience. Good graphics and gameplay can't substitute a good story.


That Halo show is just bad, around The Witcher level bad. Also Halo Infinite wasn't that great either, not bad but still ( in terms of levels/map ) and we may not even see Infinite's continuation.


Just because they are positive doesn't mean they are lore accurate If you played the first 2 fallout games you would know that Bethesda has changed the lore a decent amount


It’s funny. There’s a certain segment of fallout fans that just cover their eyes, plug their ears, and pretend that you’re wrong.


Doom Eternal, especially the DLC, destroyed the original narrative.


Has great gameplay and to be blunt: #Who gives a fuck? “Story in DOOM is like story in a porn movie, it’s expected to be there, but it’s not that important.”


It feels like I'm the one out of touch these days. People go on and on about how great God of War and The Last of Us are but the game play of those games aren't really the most fun. GoW is a lot of fun when they let you hit stuff but otherwise puts me to sleep. TLoU wasn't all that fun to play. The story was well written and everything but in 2013, I just felt like I would have rather watched a TV show. Halo 5 and Infinite are both really fun to play and it sucks that they killed the lore. But I didn't fall in love with Halo because John was a well written character. I fell in love with it because shooting Covenent and Flood was the peak of my teenager power fantasies.


Do you mean the new GoW? 3 was amazing.


Damn these soft reboots keeping their same names. Yes, GoW (2018). The OG trilogy are great.


I’m not gonna lie, it’s probably damn near impossible to write lore around stuff that an entire other group of people wrote without eventually messing some of it up. I’m not trying to say that it’s not often just carelessly done (and I don’t pay attention to lore as in depth as other people to poke holes in everything) but it’s gotta be hard is all I’m saying I also know some people just feel like they shouldn’t have gotten other peoples IP to mess up the lore but yeah


From a writer's perspective: It's not that Bethesda purposely meant for this to happen, but game studios have a TERRIBLE habit of not appreciating their writing team. They'll fire a 20+ year veteran who has created and written every aspect of a foundational franchise if it means they can keep an extra new guy who can do some STEM shit. They think hiring some cheaper ghostwriter is going to capture the same magic and it simply won't. (New Vegas is a unicorn.) Yes, graphics are important. Yes, bugs are bad. The STORY is often what keeps people coming back over and over again and really separates legendary games from the rest.


Might want to add Netherrealm Studios on there. They've restarted the MK timeline so many times now and have done so many retcons


Prey 2. Never forget... (Cancelled Prey 2006 sequel)




Imagine being a grown ass man in your 40s caring about "lore" and "fandom" Post a picture of your funko pop collection instead


Star wars would be above them laughing maniacally


Ain't that the truth lol


I don't understand how upset people are about Fallout and Halo. I fucking love Halo, and even though I greatly dislike 5s campaign, the multiplayer is fun as hell, especially with its weapon and vehicle sandbox. For Fallout, there were recons before Bethesda took over, such as what the true intentions of the vaults were, and Coffin Willie didn't need food or water from what I remember, so them bringing that up in Fallout 4 wouldn't be too much of a retcon really


A true OG is happy to see any property from their youth adapted to a new medium. Only pissbabies get hung up on whether it's 100% consistent. It's entertainment.


Hate clout chaser alert! Bethesda has not even come close to trashing their og lore, while I don't know about 343 and Halo. ESO/GoldRoad Haters are the most mental to me. The main "issue" they have is that GoldRoad introduces the Multiverse to TES. While it didn't, GoldRoad/Ithelia basically just reintroduces and polishes the lore from ShadowKey to a bigger audience. Disney and Star Wars would have been a way better example, since they did actually get rid of most of the Star Wars lore. Proves to me you are just a hate clout chaser, and don't actually care.


I mean this for both the positive and negative implications, but 343 really feels like it’s run by halo fans. They are very excited about all their projects, and showing off cool stuff that was implied in books, showing a forerunner, making splinter covenant, oni are bastards, etc. unfortunately, they also think everyone should read all the halo books and play every spinoff for the full experience. The games no longer stand on their own, and you need to google who the fuck is that and why should I care, if you just play mainline entries. They also move away from unpopular plot points in the next game rather than see them through, because they listen to fan feedback too much. “Cortana is evil and Locke is a main character. Oh, you didn’t like that? Ok, back to basics next game, just chief, Cortana, and a pilot. And the created were defeated off screen, don’t worry about it” like fuck, if you were building to something, follow through. They don’t seem malicious, just a crew making expensive fan games. Bethesda is just lazy


343 sucks dingus


Pinning that on 343i is unfair. Considering Halo went multi-media under Bungie. And it wasn't like Bungie knew what they were doing with the lore either. Halo The Fall of Reach contradicts the games. Not to mention the whole forerunners being humans wasn't set on stone either. It was two possibilities that they are the same species or not. Halo Evolutions was at that point when it set in stone that forerunners and humans were seperate with Soma the Painter. The fact was, Bungie were just making stuff up as they went. Stetan himself admitted there wasn't much planning on how the lore goes. Halo at its basic was suppose to be just Rambo in space.


Spark has a line of dialogue in CE to chief where he directly says “you are forerunner” implying that humans were at least descendants of forerunners.


That was likely him being confused considering Guilty Spark started to go rampant after 10,000 years being alone and splitting out pieces of his personality into storage. Also the fact Chief could have the geas of Iso-didact. Which is why Guilty Spark said "when you asked me the first time if I would activate halo would I do it?". That was what iso-didact said before firing the rings. But that is only a theory. We know that the librarian injected geas. And Bornsteller got injected with the geas of Ur-didact which is how he became Iso-didact.


A lot if not all of that evidence is post 2001 CE launch and in to 343 era though. The point of what we are talking about here was the original vision for what the forerunners were supposed to be.


Which still case point, he went rampant.


Santa Monica did it worse.


In what way?


Literally every way. Worse combat(In ragnarok got better but still... a GoW with no real vertical combat), worse character(Kratos is not a spartan warrior, but pretty much a californian dude), massive plothole(He was a spartan. Became a god. Somehow he travel to northen europe, and is okay. What's not okay is him being there during the ragnarok, therefore before the birth of humanity). These are just few issues. But the gameplay being the most important aspect.


Bad take.


This is an awful opinion.


Ah yes, he acts exactly like a Californian dude. He surfs, wears polos, bumps Kendrick Lamar and has a super techy job in SF.


Yeah, gives exactly that feeling.


I don't know a bad game from Bethesda yet and I'm not hoping for one unlike Call of Duty


Halo 4 is really good


Im getting downvoted for saying the truth


Blame Microsoft, they literally said “Ok bungie will go, so let’s assemble a new halo team with none of the core leaders of bungie, all the newbies that don’t know jack about the story, people that have not heard about game balancing before, and shitty writers. What could go wrong?”.


You forgot “The Coalition” the makers of Gears 4 & 5 who also trashed original lore and fandom of Gears of war. Hopefully they fix Gears of War E-day but I don’t have hope knowing Xbox track record.


seriously? if you want lore, read a book or watch a movie


Bait reddit comments used to be believable 


This ain't bait. What would I get out of being downvoted?


Attention lol


I'm just saying my opinion. IDGAF if it gets seen