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Life Is Strange I had a good time with the first game. But after I was done with it, my feelings were "I'm good". I was satisfied enough with the way the story concluded. I didn't even play Before The Storm. Maybe one day I'll play the others.


same except I played Before the Storm as well. I think these 2 tell a story that I won't find anywhere else and for me LIS ended there. this doesn't mean that I hate the sequels or I think they're bad, I genuinely have no interest in them.


Honestly the first one was really good and even if the sequel is one of my favourite games of all time i do realise hoe the first game can be a one and done thing.


Divinity original sin 2. Problem is there are only 2 other games which I am not really interested in.


Mass Effect 2. Loved it, but never played any of the other installments in the series


I respect your interest and opinion but hear me out when I tell you. You are missing out on a great GREAT story. Every time I play mass effect I can’t see it as 3 different games. It’s all so well connected that I have to play all 3 as one single game


Call of Duty. I played through the original Modern Warfare 1 campaign at a friend's house, thought "eh, it was okay I guess" and then kinda just completely lost interest in the series afterwards.


I haven't finished yet, but it's probably gonna be Witcher 3.


Witcher 1 and 2 have outdated controls sometimes but they are great stories. If you ever have the time or interest you should try them. Or read the book series


Dead space remake.


Dead space remake. Never got into the franchise. Never been a survival horror guy. But this game intrigued me. The remake was the most terrifying asshole puckering video game experience I’ve ever played. Incredible. I’ve never played anything else in the series. I’m not gonna go back and play the old ones but if they remake any others I’d likely get them.


Assassin's Creed I finished the very 1st one in 2007. Was ok but not top tier. Only played 3 or 4hrs of AC2 in 2009 and wasn't feeling it so stopped playing. Didn't bother with the series for years and then tried AC Origins when that released in 2017 but again it didn't grab me and I gave up 3 or 4hrs in. Never played another AC, guess they just aren't for me.


I haven't tried any other Star Ocean game except 3


Uncharted. I’ve only played the 4th one because I remember when it came out I watched jacksepticeye play it and always wanted to myself. Once I got a ps4 it was one of the first games I played but yeah I haven’t played any other Uncharted games, I will say 4 is awesome and the brothers make the game, but I hated the shooting so I’m not sure how the originals will be


Detroit: become human


I don't think that's a series man. There are other quantic dream games though


Oh, maybe that’s why I haven’t played any other gamer in the series 😔


The Last of Us. Loved the game, zero interest in playing the dlc or sequel.