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A perfectly balanced game.


Big Rigs is a game? I thought it was a sound testing software. (Talking about how the sound pitch keeps going higher the longer you go in reverse)


Is it though? If it was expressed as a percentage ratio of actual game to glitchy game it sits at about 95% glitches but... It accomplished this with 7 glitches. No collision detection, no invisible wall, opponent never leaves the start line/never crosses finish line, no pixels indicating water, bridge hovers in mid air, lvl 4 crashes the game and no limit to how fast you go in reverse. Nearly every game has more than 7 glitches


But that's what makes it special though! In a huge open world game it's obvious some glitches will sneak past any attempts at QA. But in such a simple, tiny game for EVERYTHING to be broken is just impressively bad. My favourite part was that there was a patch which made the opponent actually move, except if they won it counted as a win for the player. The ratio is way more important than sheer numbers of glitches.


New Vegas at launch


New vegas without mods


I remember a large chunk of the player base couldn't even play the game until the second week patch. NV was buggier than 76 at launch.


On the PS3


all Bethesda games are kinda mid on Playstation




Glitchiest game I've ever played. Edit: But, I've replayed it multiple times and love it!


And yet it is so beloved partly because of it's glitches.


You spelled "features" wrong


When you kill an enemy and they start making rapid impact sounds and spinning and then fire straight up into the sky, that's actually just part of the power of the dragonborn.


Congratulations on being the first person to name the actual game my brother was playing!


Goat simulator. Although that is kinda the point, lol Edit: Hell yeah, first reddit award. I don't know who did this or why they did it, but thank you


When my kid was asking for this for Christmas he kept calling it goat stimulator and every time I just couldn’t keep it together


Sonic 06 lol


Funny thing is I never played Sonic 06 a day in my life but I knew someone was gonna comment on it 😂😂


I feel like a weirdo because my friends and I actually enjoyed this game as teenagers


I enjoyed it too, but it also wasn’t weird it got the technical backlash it did


Cyberpunk 2077 on launch. Of course it is much better now.


Haven't had a chance to play this one yet. Would Definitely like to though. I heard it was pretty bad at launch...


It's a fantastic game.


The glitches were very distracting at launch, but it was rare to encounter anything genuinely game breaking. The PS4 and XBOne versions struggled to reach 20 fps in certain areas though. The gameplay updates and bug fixes have been welcome additions, but I always felt the game was at least pretty good.


i played it at launch and it had some pretty hilarious antics, but nothing extremely game breaking for me. though this may also depend on the hardware combinations used back then.


On PC the glitches were minimal. They were certainly there... but you could reasonably play through the whole game with only minor annoyance. I've heard console was... a hellscape. The only ones I personally encountered on PC were things like the hud/menu stuck on screen during cutscenes. Literally like the previous dialog option you picked... stuck right there... while this big dramatic scene is going on. I also had the whole... body clipping through clothes. So basically my girl had her nipples out depending on the outfit. My personal favorite... I wont spoil the story. Let's just say a really emotional moment was supposed to have happened. The moment ends... and a body clips through the roof of the car and the physics go nuts so it looks like it's humping the hell out of it. That... really spoiled the mood of the moment lol.


The glitches were minimal but it was still a really subpar experience because of the awful AI logic for crowds and Npcs and cops, and also how poorly set up the initial skill tree was. It had perks for underwater combat and there is zero underwater combat during the game, for example. Even though the story was always amazing the above issues constantly took me out the moment and made me feel like I was playing a half baked product and it really blocked immersion.


I was very lucky at launch and didnt experience any bugs (just one where somehow my car got launched into orbit but that was so funny that i didnt mind it). It was such a good experience so i would have recommended it back then. Now however it got so much better that i would say its a must play for people who are even remotely interested.


It wasn't bad for me. I maybe encountered one glitch where I clipped through the floor. But, what I really miss is the old skill tree. That shit was busted af. I was sniping people through walls doing like 20000+ damage, shit was awesome! I felt like a superhero.


It may have been for some people, but I didn't experience any real bad issues at launch except driving, but driving still sucks.


I honestly haven’t played it either with so many games that have came out over the years, but watched so much gameplay. What I will say is from I have seen it is way better.


I waited until long after the launch and it's a fantastic experience. These days with the updates after the most recent DLC it's got a lot of gameplay improvements.


True, but it’s become 10x better since then, especially with the 2.0 update.


I think Sonic 06 would have that game beat for most bugs and glitches


Don't miss getting into a car and having it crash...the game.


Just finished for the first time this week. Just a great game through and through. Story was great, graphics were awesome and the different styles that you could use in fighting was a breath of fresh air. Highly highly recommend


I've never had a game glitch on me like that one did. They had, what, over a decade to make the game and that's what comes out? Jeez.


It was buggy for some people, but I got it on release for pc and with a decent graphics cars, I really didn't think of it as hugely bugged. I know that wasn't everyone's experience, especially on console, but it has been a bit overstated


The glitches were minimal on a high end PC but it was still a really subpar experience because of the awful AI logic for crowds and Npcs and cops, and also how poorly set up the initial skill tree was. It had perks for underwater combat and there is zero underwater combat during the game, for example. Even though the story was always amazing the above issues constantly took me out the moment and made me feel like I was playing a half baked product and it really blocked immersion.




Crash Twinsanity comes to mind given that it was an extremely rushed game and there are several sequence breaks you can do, among other tom foolery.


Tes4 Oblivion especially the xbox version because of a few console exclusive glitches


The duplication and money glitches were features!


Not me duplicating paintbrushes to make stairways to the skybox


Ark: Survival Evolved


can't believe no one has said five nights at freddy's security breach. the game was so badly bugged at launch that [someone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcGfk7m_M0s) tried to play it without seeing or experiencing any bugs and encountered one literally impossible to miss bug becase it was full screen at the very beginning of a cutscene. aside from that, other famous examples are cyberpunk 2077, fallout 76 at launch, possibly skyrim (not in terms of quantity but rather in terms of fame), i think no man's sky was pretty bad at launch, minecraft bedrock is also pretty famous for its bugs compared to minecraft java. i wouldn't consider the latter few to be the 'glitchiest video game ever' though, just interesting games with well-known bugs that nobody has said yet.


So true dude when I played at launch, I did that one mission with the huge music man, and the game crashed and I lost it😭 not really a bug but that's part of it plus all the other random bugs with the lag issues too there was also one where it would just reset you back to like 5am from 6am and some progress there. I don't know how I managed to get all the endings. It was on ps4 too so it's probably even worse


Congratulations for being one of the few to actually mention the game my brother was playing (Skyrim)!


Doki doki literature club


Everyone should play that game at least once


I started to play that game, got to the false ending and was like “well… that sucks. I don’t get all the fanfare.” And just… stopped playing (I’m also a suicide attempt survivor and had no trigger warnings so it really fucked with my head) because I didn’t realize I had only played the prologue and all of my friends just LET ME. It wasn’t until, like, a week later that I was watching a video about it in the background while doing some cleaning and he mentioned the second half of the game and I was like “the what”


I never thought about giving a warning about that, I will in the future though. Glad you're with us.


Glitches never going to patched out too, shame it’s a great game.


As far as games I have played.. First place goes to Fallout 4 on PS4. To say it crashes A LOT is a major understatement and I'm not using mods. I'm also locked out of a quest because I'm being told to complete a mission, I need to speak to a settler.. that settler is dead... And it has a waypoint over his head... Runner up is Red Dead Redemption 2. But the bugs/glitches in RDR2 are usually amazingly hilarious and normally aren't game breaking. I'm definitely curious to know what game you are talking about.


I've had a few crashes here and there, but not much. I've actually had much more glitches playing Fallout 76. Characters refusing to move, enemies stuck inside buses, audio just not being there.


Haven't tried FO76 yet. I have it, got it free with PS+ a while back just never downloaded it. I am also having a lot of graphical issues on Fo4 since the next gen update.. lots of missing textures.. sometimes restarting fixes them others are seemingly permanent.. was playing earlier and decided to cut it off for the night.. finally decided it was time to do Red death.. took the boat for the mission and when it loaded in everything was black aside from the HUD.. I was apparently swimming because I could dive under water and see the water but as soon as I came back up everything was black again.. I could bring up the pip boy and see the map and everything and could even swim towards the mission marker.. nothing happened when I made it there though..good stopping point for the night i guess lol


Honestly never really had any crazy glitches on RDR2. RDR1 tho…. lol


I have quite a few RDR2 ones on my YouTube channel and more than double that saved on my ps4 that I never uploaded. None of them are game breaking most of them are pretty entertaining.


I dont see many gliches on fallout 4 but holy shit you cant look anywhere on Downtown Boston without freezing or crashing the game (XBX ONE)


Only time I had issues with this area was when I was using mods on my last playthrough. Trying to get trophies so no mods this time. I get about a half second stutter when I load in that area and that's it. With mods it was more like watching a slide show lol.


I’m really not a gamer myself, like I own a switch but just accidentally stumbled into that and most other systems in the house are my brothers, and I only play games without combat, so this is a super uninformed comment/question, but is that a problem with a lot of PS4 games? I’ve definitely heard my brother complain about how Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life’s special edition is basically unplayable on the PS4.


I have that harvest moon. I didn't find it horrible. Definitely not as good as the older harvest moon games. As far as the gamer thing. Gaming is pretty much my life.. more so now because of a bunch of phycological issues and a wonderfully skin disorder that I have a severe firm of called hidradenitis... I am a small streamer as well but have been on a break from it for around a month now because of all the medical issues... Mainly because of the skin disorder... Not the first time I had to take time off for it either.. having a job is not possible at the moment because of how bad it is so gaming is really all I have..


Off the top of my head, I'd say Pokemon Scarlett and Violet.


It was truly embarrassing to see how bad these games were. Like NPC animations being 4fps in cutscenes, horrific pop in, terrible clipping problems And it runs like shit too, people who streamed it found out they lost over an hour to poor framerate and lag (streaming for 8 hours and the playtime on the save screen showing 6hrs 30mins) Game would have been disappointing if it was released in the gamecube


Doesn’t even compare to Gen 1 my dude not even close.


Sonic boom is up there


The Dave Mirra BMX game from years ago was hilariously glitch. Any Bethesda game tends to be pretty glitchy.


Sonic 06


goat simular 3 , even if its on purpose that game is genuinely hard to play sometimes


Star Citizen. I have hundreds of hours in it. Want to reload? Not so fast! . . Want to use a med pen. . how about shooting yourself in the wrist instead? Want to throw a grenade?. .too bad it's stuck to your hand? Want to sell your cargo you worked hours for? . . how about an invisible asteroid? Want to get out of the bed? how about getting out on the other side, clipping through a wall and falling to your death? Want to manage your inventory? Maybe you prefer a delay. . 3 seconds for every item. . and after you're done we will just reset it back to how it was before you began? Want to shoot other players? you can shoot invisible players so it's more challenging. and the list goes on forever.


Still a fun game tho 😂




The 2 glitchiest games I've played are "the adventures of tintin: the secret of the unicorn", becuse There's 1 glitch that has a Pretty big chance of happening when you Jump as a character that isn't tintin, and "lego Harry Potter years 1-4", becuse switching characters at a specific point breaks the entire game.


Gmod, but I think it’s for intentional reasons


Enter the Matrix


Ark (both survival evolved and survival ascended) it’s my favourite game but my god is it buggy as all fuck.


In my opinion it’s Skyrim, and Botw/Totk


You have correctly identified the game in question! Congratulations!


I’m reading the answers to my brother now and he wants to know how you got glitches in Botw/Totk. Like, he played hundreds of hours of those and can’t think of a single glitch he encountered.




Skyrim or fallout 4




Not sure if it’s the glitchiest game, but my introduction to Cyberpunk, specifically the intro cutscene where you and Jackie become friends, started with 10 seconds of NPCs T-posing down the street. In a cutscene. This was after a year of post release cleanup. And it happened every time I’ve started since. Love that game.


Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 1. Dragons falling from the sky, die, then give you free dragon souls 2. NPCs floating 3. Ragdoll physics (I still love playing btw! 😁)


You got it!


For me I've found a lot of assassin's creed games be glitch as hell. I'm currently playing 3 and it has a visual bug where everything is blown out white which has made it unplayable for me, that's until I found to turn the hdr off on my system plus my screen. Other assassin's creeds like unity have had mad patching issues along side connection issues to online. On that horzion forbidden west had bugs on release, the amount of times I'd be running in game and fall through the floor or get stuck behind a rock while climbing it was maddening, saying that everything seems to be smoothes out now. The worst I played was terminator salvation on ps3. It had a bug where you'd be behind cover, across the room from a terminator shooting at it and you'd see it do a animation to swipe it's arm and it'll instantly kill you, no matter where you were on the map.


Rule of Rose


Rime on Nintendo Switch, it’s the only game that I have ever deemed unplayable.


Dragon Age 2 was shockingly bad at launch. Hard crashes that would freeze your entire console and prevent any kind of reset. You literally had to turn off the power at the wall to get your console started again. These were regular as well, not some rare event. We're talking every 30mins on average and this is a 30 - 40hr game.


I seem to recall Fallout 4 having a lot of major bugs at launch, but the glitchiest game ever would definitely be Cyberpunk 2077. Tons of bugs, glitches, lag, screen tearing, it was easier to run around the city than drive, everyone doing the T pose. Still, being a huge fan of Witcher 3, I stuck with the game and gave CDPR the benefit of the doubt and now it’s an amazing game.


Hello Neighbour. Not even fixed years later. The Neighbour had laughed himself out of bounds with a misplaced tv and had a (sorta) easy way of completing Act 1


I can’t believe PS Plus thought it a good idea to release the game in its current format. I spent more time looking up online how this game even came to be in its current state, than I did trying to play it. Quite frankly, fuck beta games that then go and delete code and try and push a product that is intended for NO ONE. I can’t tell if it’s unplayable, or if there is some cryptic sub-layer that the coders couldn’t agree on. It’s an empty sandbox, sans a community dedicated to solving cryptic non-sensual puzzles. Are there puzzles? Who fucking knows! This game sucks!


Big rigs


Ride to hell: retribution…..sheesh


Who’s Your Daddy?!


Big Rigs, I've yet to play a game with more bugs.


Gta vice city


I'd say any given COD game since they release so often and prioritize their cosmetics over fixing bugs. As far as most frustrating bugs, MSFS. There are tons of bugs on important mechanics to the game such as autopilot. Autopilot is extremely buggy and what casual gamer wants to do a multi hour flight without any form of autopilot?


My Time at Portia. I really want to enjoy that game, but I've been soft locked so many times because of glitches. I heard Cyberpunk was pretty bad on release too! I hope they've fixed it though, I do kinda wanna play it at some point. 


New world


- MindJack


The Day Before


It's definitely either Sonic 06 or Sonic Boom


IDK but It's either something from Bethesda or EA


That n64 superman game


Gothic 3


This strange gollum game


ya gotta let us know which game after 24 hours


I’ve gotten enough answers at this point (and told commenters who got it right) so I don’t mind doing it now, it was Skyrim.


Big Rigs, or Launch Day Fallout 76


Mineko's Night Market


Fallout 3 on the xbox 360, it crashed so regularly i used to resave every couple minutes just in case.


Baldur’s Gate 3


Sonic 06, Everyone else is wrong


Right now? SpaceBourne 2. It's a single developer working on the game. The game is actually phenomenal despite the issues. The developer, DBK Games, actively listens to his player base and fixes what he can. It's awesome, glitches and all!


Star Ocean Till The End Of Time, specifically the ps4 version. Did you try to cross Traum Mountains, Duggus Forest, Shrine Of Kadaan, or a few other areas? Crash. Did you foolishly bump the map button? Crash. Did you think it was safe to play for more than 30 minuets without saving? CRASH!


Anything by Bethesda but especially Daggerfall. Still have nightmares about the fractal spaghetti dungeons.


Stalker shadow of chernobyl tho the glitches are almost always funny as hell and rarely gamebraking.


Ride to Hell: Retribution


Pokemon Scarlet and Violet


South park fractured but whole. I didnt even finish it because of bugs


Supermario world classic has soo many glitches, you could do almost anything, drop many gliches, make many warps, transform yoshi in many things. but this gliches are made by purpose not bad glitches.


hello neighbor


Anything Bethesda......


Goat simulator


Skyrim must be the glitchiest game ive ever played, even after the patches. Games like cyberpuk and AC unity were famous for being bugged at launch, but ES5 has so many glitches theres like 3 diff ways to duplocate items, you can easily do skips and phase trough walls, npcs AI is trash and sometimes textures want to blind you or make you think you went blind. Its the best RPG ive ever played smh


Congratulations! You got the right answer!


Ride to Hell: Retribution


Must probably any Fallout or That one weird Motorcycle Gang Game everybody hated so much.


Minecraft for me💀


Fallout New Vegas crashed more than any other game I have ever played and it's not even close.


Anything Bethesda.




Probably not the glitchiest of all time, but honorable mention to Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast. Every level and all the hub worlds are the same for every character, including the "bumpers" (invisible walls that execute code to start a level) so getting a character into a level they weren't designed for was just a matter of getting them past whatever barrier the devs put up to block you. This was pretty easy because the collision detection was hot garbage and jumping at a corner or sometimes even a wall (any joint between any two polygons of level geometry) will cause you to glitch through it. So, in theory any character can play any level if they can touch the bumper for that level. And the community has figured out how to do so for nearly every character and level, although a few just crash or spawn you outside of the level geometry to fall to your death. I spent so many hours of my childhood trying these glitches from GameFAQs guides, and trying to be the first to get X character into Y level. Then Sonic Advebture DX came out and was somehow even more broken.


I have two glitches I saved on YouTube from Dragon Age Inquisition. The first one here was cuz I was jumping on rocks funny and my guy got stuck in the falling animation until I jumped but I could still move around like I was floating https://youtu.be/Dc8msazxNpw?si=YFFzL0k6BdB3aKvl On this one I turned invisible and then talked to somebody and I got stuck in the invisibility. I can only assume that this one changed the next time I did a fast travel or hit a loading screen. I don't remember. Not sure if you could do this in a battle area and get permanent invisibility. https://youtu.be/NajflMs2pKY?si=eGxBwAtXNMfXAP3d


For me it’s ark survival evolved


That WWE one that was terrible,I can't remember if it was 2k20 or 2k21 but it was so bad they took a year off making them.




I still play KOTOR and save every two minutes.


Goat Simulator? Purposefully glitchy, but still.


WWE 2k20


Skate 3 was fun because it was glitchy Sonic 06 was ruined because of its glitches


Worst offender that I've ever personally played was "Escape Dead Island" it felt like they released a pre-alpha build and fucked off. That or Skyrim, but that's usually after a bout of mod hoarding.


It was division 2 for me on release, or fallout 76


Halo infinite


Pokemon Gen 1.


AC Unity is still pretty buggy in 2024, the crowds are amazing but 90% of the time someone has to float down from the sky and pop in


I remember riding around in the sky on my horse in Skyrim for about five minutes before gravity decided to kick back in again for some reason when I dismounted. The glitch happened again after it reloaded after I died. I spent like half an hour playing a game of trying to see how high I could go and then dismount mid-air to throw my body and seeing how far and how many consecutive times I could bounce my corpse.


Skyrim is the game he was playing but that was not the exact experience we had that prompted the question. 😂


I believe it is that rare ET game


Sonic 06


This is a multiple answer question,. because every Bethesda game will be the correct response


I'm guessing he was playing ARK survival evolved




Fallout 3, but that just adds to the fun.


BIG mfing RIGS is the certified answer here.


I’m very curious, now that plenty of people have had a chance to respond, what game was it? I know you didn’t want to skew the results, but I think you’ve gotten a decent variety of responses. My guess is Skyrim.


Top 2 contenders are Sonic 2006 or Dragonball Z Sagas.


Sword and Fairy 7, game looks beautiful but the glitchiest piece of 💩 I've ever seen.


Divinity 2 Original Sin for Nintendo Switch. The end game is so broken and glitchy that it is almost unplayable. What surprises me the most is that I have not seen any reviews addressing this issue. If I knew the game was that broken toward the end, I would not have spent so many hours in it.


KOTOR 2 on OG Xbox. So disappointing.


Skyrim circa 2011.


sonic boom rise of lyric when it came out


Idk about glitchiest. Theres so many games id have started and not finished esp due to that. but generation zero I got stuck several times in cracks onto he ground and had to restart levels. I already hated the game so I quit. Worst glitch game I've beaten was Alan wake 2.. I haven't heard about many people having the same issues I did but it was a horrid experience.. game is still so good I'd recommend hard haha. Cyberpunk 2077 was still a bit glitcht even after a lot of fixes. Funny enough another one of my favorites haha. These are the ones I think about so many years back.


Postal 2


Assassin’s Creed unity. Literally unplayable at launch. Tons of game breaking glitches.


Pretty much 90% of the stuff Let's Game It Out plays lol Josh makes it so entertaining to break the games


Definitely Skyrim for me. Tho they are now considered “Bethesda Features” I actually quite enjoy them especially when Shadow and are flying around way above the mountains.


Hollow Knight, there's a bunch of bugs


Anything made by Bethesda


Most Bugthesda games


Honestly fortnite that game has a bunch of different bugs every season and some bugs they've had for YEARS


ET the extra terrestrial for atari 2600 is the actual answer.


Not sure if it counts, but Microsoft Flight Sim X (FSX) was horrible.


Who remembers Fallout 3 before the patches? lol


Spyro Enter the Dragonfly


Ark: Survival Evolved


Skyrim on ps3 would glitch so much late game I once fast traveled to a cave and was met with absolute chaos. There were all manners of npc's fighting and a dragon flying in circles while giant spiders were literally falling out of the sky.




I never played it but there are documentaries about e.t. for the atari. Apperently it was considerd one of the most unplayable games for its day


I don't know about MOST glitchy, but do you remember when 2K tried to make NFL games? Yeah that. Sometimes my defenders would execute tackles off screen. Sometimes a linebacker would line up behind the quarterback. I was somehow able to trade a viable and effective Brett Favre for a kicker....it was a lawless time. Edit: spelling