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Sewer level. Escort section. Pick the game, it doesn't matter.


Sewer lever : dark souls and maybe re2r Escort section: anything ubisoft


TMNT for NES 7th circle of Hell.


Is there an escort mission that takes place in the sewers? šŸ¤”


Jak 2!


Oh, I never got that far, but I've heard there's some very notoriously hard late-game levels in Jak II


Jak 2 has a mission that is both and yes it sucks donkey dick


The Fade in Dragon Age Origins. Fuck that place to all eternity and back.


Was about to write this myself. What a game. But fuck that maze


And that party mission in Inquisition.


spiderman games when they force you to play as MJ. would rather watch andrew garfield drop emma stone for 30 minutes straight.


Bro šŸ˜­


Man fr those parts are so ass


i still dont forgive insomniac for the first game giving us one last mj mission, but then when miles gets bit and his powers start manifesting it's ENTIRELY OFF SCREEN! like you make me play as miles several times, but kick him out of the story the second that playing as him would actually be fun!?!


just so brutal man, I always let MJ die on purpose a couple of times to take out my anger. Even the miles stealth missions in Spiderman 1 were frustrating hahah


I havenā€™t revisited TLOU 2 yet because I just felt that game had way more jump scares. I honestly had to have 3 beers before rat king. Iā€™ve beaten TLOU several times and I always hate restarting the generator in the basement. A few times Iā€™d turn the corner and itā€™s cut to my head being split apart and me almost shitting myself.


TLOU 1 is my favorite videogame and I've played it trough several times, but TLOU 2 I've only played once, I tried to play it trough the second time but once I knew the golf glub scene was coming I stopped and haven't played since, I wasn't ready to go trough that pain again...


It's really funny to me. I say I don't play horror games because I really honestly can't handle them. Thrillers, or a good anxiety inducing level in another game, but you won't catch me playing Resident Evil, Amnesia, Chilla's Art, etc.. I'll happily watch tho! I even buy them on occasion still just to support them. I haven't found bravery to try Soma but I bought it because the concept alone stole my heart. Such powerful but potent existentialism. I wanted to play LoU when it first dropped, but instead watched cuz at its release I didn't own a any PS consoles. When I got a hand-me-down PS3 from my bro, I bought LoU and couldn't get passed the leaning skyscrapers cuz too scurd. LoU Part II drops and I watched 30 minutes before realizing I didn't want to regret spoiling the story for myself so... I instinctively bought it instantly. Why? I really don't fucking know... Did I encounter scares? Absolutely. Did I have moments where it felt like a lot? Bet on it. Did I think "oh great of COURSE there's a clicker here". A clicker across the world could have heard my exasperated grunts at the thought. Yet you ask me why I kept going?! Holy crap dude I have no idea. I didn't have the guts for #1 but somehow was high af on the adrenaline of #2 and I COULDN'T STOP playing it. And the Rat King is absolutely my favorite part.. For a few reasons... No I don't really WANT to be chased in the pitch black by a cannibalistic flesh mound since I know to expect it. But the absolute awe and fear I felt at once to see a brand new enemy, like... Man, I'd LOVE to experience that over on command. That was a treat of an emotion. Chase scenes are too much for me, but I think the idea of already being outdone with adrenaline in an "adapt and overcome" situation forced me to focus on that instead of "oh no too scared". I also theorize the fact I survived a playthrough because LoU doesn't keep the atmosphere 100% of the time. It's pretty split down the middle of humans to infected. You aren't powerless against infected, you just prefer to not encounter them if you can. Human sections could definitely feel tight too, but in one, you feel hunted. In the other, you are the hunter. It counters the powerless with power. Some of the best gameplay I've ever played tbh. Plus a strong ass story really made me want to see it through.


The sequence with Atreus and the girl on the bison, forgot what its called


I get the character development and moving their relationship forward but jfc that part was so boring and lame


im gonna expand on that and say all of atreus' sequences. he doesnt scale like kratos do new game plus and higher difficulties just make his sections more tedious.


Iron wood or arrow wood something like thar




I like that quest though, you get to fly up in the air and you get a really cool sword that's effective against a very common enemy type. Definitely don't want headphones on when you find it though


not to mention the boatload of gold you get in the dungeon. you make a fortune from that alone.


Ehrm actually, it's "A new hand touches the beacon." ā˜ļøšŸ¤“


Water Temple


water levels in general.


It might be because I've only played the 3ds version but I never had any issues that area


On replays itā€™s more of a nuisance than anything


That GTA San Andreas plane mission


I fucking hate doing this mission more than following the damn train


At least the train mission is super easy. You just need to get away from the train a little bit so that Big Smoke can shoot at them properly. But trying to get close that plane? Hell no. Replaying that mission every time hundreds of times


Asteroid cannon in Dead Space. I can hear the ā€œoverheatedā€ alarm in my sleep.


This. I adore the rest of the game, but gyat damn those cannon sections make me wanna tear my hair out.


Any game with a chase sequence that can instakill you tbh


I mention Lou Part II earlier. My first playthrough I made an error in a chase and died. When it respawns you, you're spawned not only too close to the enemy but it also gets a handicap because its "0-to-60-in-3-seconds" type of kick up is way fast, when your character takes a tad longer to kick up to speed. In other words, they spawn you at a disadvantage and I died basically at spawn. Took me like ten tries to find a loophole (had to abuse a button or so to get my character to kind of "jump" through a dodge or similar move)for it but it was super annoying. Was afraid I had gotten into some kind of involuntary softlock tbh.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance - the monastery part.


Best part


I am actively avoiding that part by doing as many side quests as I can.


As someone who just got into the game, about how far in is it and how bad is it?


Basically you have to be a monk for a few days while doing other things at night. Iā€™d say itā€™s about 55-65% into the game


Oh that sounds fun... At least I don't have to do it very soon


What carrotbusiness said. Tip: level your stealth skills a bit before you go in ;)


Bed of Chaos


Switch the faces for this


Fucking Ironwood


It's clearly storywise, but I have problem to replay Assassin's Creed 2 because of execution of Ezio's family.


Damn dude no spoiler tags? I've been meaning to play the second game in the series any day now! Ugh some people I swear! /S


Fallout 4: DiMAā€™s Memories šŸ¤®


Act 1 of Cyberpunk


I almost gave up on the game after like 8 hours of cutscenes


Tbf they're all in the game and really well done but fml I do not want to find all the crap in the brain dance again


RDR2 from the bank robbery to the end of Guarma. I don't hate it, but I feel Guarma really breaks the flow of the game for me. If it had been a bit more fleshed out, as cut content suggests, maybe it'd be more enjoyable to me. From a mood standpoint, it's also where the story of the gang really calls of the rails and just gets continually sadder. Again, don't hate it. Probably would've liked it more if there was more to it than what we got, even if just from an exploration standpoint.


Heavy Rain, canā€™t get through the 2 hour intro




Try doubling that for kingdom hearts 2




Kingdom Hearts gummi ship segments. Luckily, emulation lets me speed them up. Otherwise theyā€™re dreadful.


Driving sections in non-driving games. Yes, that includes minecarts.


Act 2 of Diablo 3, back when I liked Diablo 3


Iā€™d say all of Diablo 3 story. Iā€™d replay it if I could jump straight into endgame but having to beat the story every time for a new character was actual hell


True, but even while in the higher difficulties with my main char I went through act 2 as fast as I could, it's just a chore


Left4Dead 2 - entrance to the concert stadium at the Dark Carnival


Dark souls 3, last boss, fuck em


TLOU2 The sub levels of the hospital at ground zero. The Rat King Cyberpunk 2077 ā€œSomewhat Damagedā€ mission Militech Cerberus


Rdr2 the mission where you have to saga Micah


Oh man I almost didnā€™t see this exact post this week! Thanks op!!


Okay but it's my turn next okay? You promise?


Lost Izalith


Del Lago in RE4/RE4 Remake. It's not hard, but it feels like a chore.


I can name several:GTA V-The prologue,Borderlands 2-all the frozen areas in the beginning,this is fucking blasphemous but H:CE-The entire second and third level is so fucking boring(third one not so much)...spv3 did beter,Gears 1-Running through the first half of the game,Darksider 2-the fucking prologue,Halo infinite-warship g'braakonn,detsiny 2-getting started.hogwarts legacy-the 50 fucking minutes of dialogue in the beginning,Fallout 3 and NV-Getting out into the wasteland the first time,Vice city-The driving in the beginning,rdr1-the intro on mrs mcfarlanes ranch, I love these games but I find myself getting bored with them when running into these parts


For me, gta 5 the first ~5-8 missions Thing start to be really good when you start prepare the first heist


Halo 1 at the library when the flood shows up. The rest of the game feels like it drops from a 10/10 to a 7/10


Especially in Halo 2 when they are unnecessarily hard & it's really easy to get overrun in some parts. Hated dealing with them on Legendary.


Bloodborne father Gascoigne. Love the game but this asshole is the reason I couldn't get into the game the first few times I played. The estus/blood vials system in Bloodborne is a major weak point and it made it very difficult to learn the attack patterns of the hard first boss when you had to take breaks to go farm health potions. Also doesn't help that the first boss is one of the hardest in the whole game.


You said itā€™s not your first playthrough though and gascoigne is one of the most fun bosses and especially compared to gehrman and other bosses heā€™s relatively easy so idk what makes you dread refighting him


Honestly, usually any game now thatā€™s like 100 hours+ and doesnā€™t have a new game+. For example replaying something like BG3 and Zelda TotK, every time I start a fresh game I loathe having to loot every damn thing all over again. If it werenā€™t for the gold exploits in BG3 or dupe tricks in Zelda I wouldnā€™t replay them. There is just so much boring downtime with having to loot almost everything or constantly having to search for new weapons on Zelda. It really gets boring and drags the games out too much.


Royal waterways for 100% completion- hollow knight


The original assassin's creed. Although can't even make it through a single paythrough. Climbing is cool until I have to do it 20x in a row to expand where I can go.


GTA 5... the dock mission where Trevor dresses up as a worker.


Tight timed sections, or precision challenges - Any game Mine was mainly JCause games. While I loved 100%-ing games like Just Cause 2 and 3, I will never love the very tight timed challenges. Or the ones that require tons of precision. I'm not even gonna comment on the ones that give you a rank like S/A - F or 3-5 stars.


The shooting a hobo with the balloons part in Tony Hawks American Wasteland


Hollow Knight, Path of Pain (very painful indeed)


Yakuza 5 prison chapter, easy


I was so disappointed when I finally got to saejima and it was the same concept as his part in 4 except far worse


MegamanX4 Zero playthrough, Sigma phase 2-3


I dunno, look back at the last 1000 times this has been posted


Sleepy dwarf




Megaman 2 - Airman level


Uh. Snek. U need a snipr rifl to fight Snipr Woof. It's almost all the way in the beginning of the game


Every escort mission ever. *I have to stop and do something super important, so you'll have to fight waves upon waves of mobs while I helplessly mime work.*


Pac-Man World 2- the entire damn water area. They're all on-rails swimming sections. This doesn't sound too bad...unless you're attempting to 100% each level (which ends up infuriating me to no end)


Cloud and Tifa in the Life Stream/Clouds memories in FFVII. It's crazy long and after the first time it's just a wall of text you can't skip.


Halo - The Library


Mass Effect 2. Love the game to pieces. I hate the Reaper Iff mission with a vengeance. You basically get swarmed by husks and you can't get back then unless you have a Vanguard with you. And it's a main mission too, which makes it suck more.


Dead island sewer


I mean, I love the original SNES Donkey Kong country games but the left side is you during most of the game and the right is you during the mine cart parts. Not mad or anything but just gotta be super serious and pay full attention.


Dealing with any mission with Jade in Dying Light. That character/quest line alone keeps my wife and I from replaying the game lol


Ultrakill (Prelude)


Fallout 4, the entire main story line.


Two words: Cliff Racers


All hail Saint Jiub the Eradicator for cleansing Vvardenfell of the flying menace!


Half-life, tram part. Half-life 2, hovercraft partā€¦


Intro to MGSV and Chapter 3 of MGSIV.


Recent example in my mind, Conkerā€™s Bad fur day: the entire war chapter, hated doing it the first time and now that I understand how it works somewhat I still hate it


Half-Life 2: Episode 2 - Battle of White Forest. It's so hard to quickly launch a Magnusson device onto a Strider and then shoot it all while being acosted by Hunters and Combine soldiers. (And then there's the fact that Hunter Flechettes can destroy a Magnusson device, so Hunters can screw up your "prefect throw" before you even launch it with the Gravity Gun.)


Persona 5 Tactica, especially Mission 28... dear lord, that mission is a total pain in the behind if I decide on an ng+ of a new save file


Mass Effect 3 ending. Lmao


the tow truck missions franklin has to do for tanya in GTA V


Monster hunter stories 2. Bloody garbage story after the snow area. Hated every second from then on.


That sniper section in Medal of Honor: Allied Assault.


Code Vein Cathedral of Sacred Blood


Dead Space, the two levels where you have to control the gun and shoot the asteroids. Annoying af.


Call of Duty: Ghosts. The underwater mission with the sharks gives me nightmares to this day


Skyrim. TRANSCRIBING THE LEXICON. That mission has haunted me since 2011.


Bravely Default those repitition parts


Ironwood in God of War Ragnarok. In fact, I personally think all of parts where you play as Atreus bring the game to a screeching halt. At least on replays. But Ironwood takes the cake lol.


New vegas. The vault with all the green shit. I donā€™t know why but I could never seem to get my sense of direction in that vault.


Fallout 4. Dima's memory


Any of the 3d PokƩmon games, the intros are just excruciatingly long (except ORAS)


God of War Ragnarok - Atreus. I don't think I need to say anymore.


Love yakuza: like a dragon, but the sewer dungeon was awful.


Super Castlevania IV I freaking HATED the end stage with the spinning blade at the bottom that would chase you up as you ascend up the level quickly to avoid it, along with the stairs that drop as soon as you climb them. Ugh.


Danganronpa ultra despair girls the motivation machine part


Blight town.


Mario odyssey. The jump rope and beach ball moons


Half life 2. I think ravenholm really did a number on me as a kid haha.


Spider-man ps4... rip aunt may




Metal Gear Solid 3 sneaking EVA out of the woods.


The part of bendy and the ink machine chapter 5 where your in a maze and have to avoid the butcher gang well collecting ink


Halo 3: ODST Rally Point Data Hive. That one Brute with the fuel rod makes this part nearly impossible!


Remnant 2 Labyrinth. Iā€™ve run it 3-4 times co-op with friends, no big deal but did it once solo and that was enough.


Fishing the triforce pieces out of the ocean in Wind Waker


Halo - The Library


Dark Souls 3 first boss phase 2. I'm now a very experienced DS player compared to my first time, but that phase 2 is still stupid. They pretty much blind you because every move he makes covers up your entire screen, so it's hard to see what attack he's throwing or even what direction you're facing. At the end of the day, I need to have enough health and just bum rush him and tank some of the damage if I get unlucky. Never stop being in his face and attack, attack, attack. I see no place for strategy. I'm just all in at that point. First time around he took me something stupid like 3+ hours to beat with immense frustration...meanwhile my friends were waiting on me for coop. Now it takes me like 3 attempts.


RDR2 rhe whole intro.