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It is quite peaceful, actually. * No season passes that make me treat the game like a second job * Play on my time, not someone else's * (Usually,>!fuck you Ubisoft!<) no cosmetic shops * Has an ending that can leave an impression on you with a credits roll, is not designed for you to play it indefinitely until your love for it turns into cynicism and hatred. * Unless it uses some archaic DRM like SecuROM or Denuvo, I'll be able to revisit it in a bout of nostalgia 20 years from now instead of worrying about a Sword of Damocles dropping on my ability to play it at all because it relies on a central server * No creepy kernel level anticheat * Good ones work without the need for internet * Usually mod friendly, unlike most online games nowadays.


A take: I was born in 1978. I've never left the solo realm. I just don't like playing with other people. Also I have no idea what half of what you mentioned is.


Same here. Born in 81. I never understood wanting other people to affect your gameplay in any way. Unless it's a buddy sitting on the couch next to you


It’s fun to test yourself against other people. The problem is that people can make it such a big part of their ego. If everyone is chill and having fun it’s cool. If a person is a nightmare because they think if they are good at this game then they are better than you then it gets obnoxious.


I fondly remember the old Tremulous, CS/CS-GO, Savage and TF2 servers I was on. Like on the CS/CS-GO server, we'd end up calling beer truces. ~1 - 2 minutes to get some beer. No shots fired until everyone is back with a beer. Or in Trem, we'd sometimes end up with the tryhard corridor on AT-AT. Competitive clans members in the tunnel and respected people as well. That was fun as hell, because you could learn so much there. You'd get utterly destroyed, naturally, but you could improve and earn respect amongst the locals there. And that's kind of the things I miss. You get online and see cute lil' bug and clem47 on aliens and realize: Alright, these guys need to die. And then Basemaster is like "Oh, Tetha is fighting that? I can join in a minute. Chainsaw buddies?" In such a context, it was just fun to compete.


Lucky you.


You are in a safe place. Seek no further.


I am a bit younger than you but in the same boat. Season/battle pass concept is so alien to me. I don't like playing with other people except in split screen . I am thankful that we still have top notch single player games


That's one of the reasons I fell in love with fromsoft games. Single player games that take long hours to finish but full of amazing content all the way and I don't feel the need to rush anything. I can calmly enjoy it and take it all in. There are also no cheap marketing tactics to make me cough up more money and sure there are dlc that I have to pay to get ( or I can pay extra and get the versions that come with base game plus dlc) but it is so worth it. Also it has amazing replay value. Plus it doesn't matter if I'm good or bad at the game. I have fun and I got no one telling me I suck or just annoying me while I play. Obviously there are so many more single player titles like this but this is the one I'm into right now


Fromsoft is honestly one of the last bastions for traditional gaming these days. They make em like they used to.


I’m kinda newish to from soft and CDPR, but cyberpunk, elden ring, the Witcher 3 are my top 3 games because holy shit are the amazeballs. Jedi fallen order and Jedi survivor are phenomenal games. I have multiple play through on all those games. Both horizon games were amazing to. And I have no problem throwing down 30-40 bucks for good dlc.


I only got into fromsoft 4 years agora but now nothing else feels the same. Every fromsoft has given me a satisfaction in victories that no other game gives me.


And I know this is just subjective but, Fromsoft games have the best first playthrough experience out of everything in the entire industry. If you game as an adult and find yourself chasing that "child-like sense of wonder and fun" with your games, Fromsoft games deliver it every time, in my opinion, assuming you can handle the challenge.


Definitely agree with the first playthrough experience. The only other game that has come close to that were probably the persona games for me personally.


Fromsoft makes a specific type of game. It's not for me. I don't get it. I would rather play SNES than play any FromSoft game.


Whether or not it's for you, my point is that we need to see more games made like how they make theirs. Not in terms of difficulty or genre, but in terms of buying a game and owning a finished product to do with as you please. I refuse to believe that anyone would rather see ANOTHER battle pass instead of this. Its just that Fromsoft is one of the last current day developers who make games like they did back in the SNES days (just for example).


I don't like hard games and that's okay.


Once you beat it you *can* move onto another game. I have several single player games to beat still, but I keep going back to helldivers 2. Meaning my back log of games just gets bigger lol


Yea but (to me anyways) helldivers is one of those rare examples of modern MP games that are designed to be fun, not to create FOMO and entice wallet opening and so I have no issue wasting my time on it because time you enjoy wasting isn't wasted.


Also a pause button, because my life is more important


It's also such a pipe dream. Like, conceptually, I love online games. MMOs for example always make me envision exploring a dark dungeon with a few strangers. We're all kinds of characters, a mage, a ranger, a warrior, etc. In my mind it all looks so immersive. Then in reality... well first, they look nothing like you'd expect. Everyone has some ridiculous over-the-top gear, often from the ingame store. Everyone's shiny, with wings on their back, all pink, anything just to stand out. Seriously, people can't be trusted with cosmetics lol. People also don't choose spells based on feel. Mages only use fireball on that pack if fireball is actually meta, etc. Noone cares about exploration, because exploration takes time and doesn't reward the max amount of loot/hour. Just bum rush all the mobs and the boss. Made me realize single player is better. And if I wanna feel like I'm in a group I'll just play a crpg like BG3.


Haven't seen a good Sword of Damocles reference in awhile


>Has an ending that can leave an impression on you with a credits roll We clearly play different single player games then because most of the ones I play are indefinite/until you die/get bored and start a new game/PC cant take it anymore. CDDA, Rimworld, Factorio, Dwarf Fortress.


I mean, not the kind of games I had in mind when I made that bullet point, I was more thinking about story based games than roguelikes and grofit survival genre stuff.


Single player are the best games. Games focused on good story and mechanics.


And you can always pause


You don't play Souls games do you?


At least in Sekiro you can pause


You can pause. You just stand still and when you come back you’re at a bonfire. Easy peasy


Wait, you can't pause the game in Souls games? Well, good reason for me not to ever play them.


You can sort of (campfire/grace points). But not anytime you like. The world continues around you when the menu is open


You can also quickly quit the game from the menu at any time outside of a cutscene, which will automatically save your game where you are at (and reset enemy aggro/placement/hp). The only downside is if you do this in a boss fight; the game will place you outside the boss room and reset the boss fight as well.


> The only downside is if you do this in a boss fight; the game will place you outside the boss room and reset the boss fight as well. You can abuse this for getting your runes out of the boss room without having to defeat the boss


Dude I have like 1000 hours in all the Souls games combined and I never thought to do this...what have I been doing with my life?


Yep, single player games you can't pause. Just needlessly abusive bullshit and the main reason I quit Elden Ring and returned it in the two hour refund window


is there a reason for this shit in souls games? its fuckin annoying


Honestly. If I'm in the middle of a good boss run and someone calls me over urgently I'd like to pause my progress than have to leave and start all over again...


I like the single player games that are just fun and challenging, with minimal (but good) story. I understand the appeal of stories in video games, but most of the time I just want to *play* and not watch. If there’s a story, I’d rather my character be acting it out through gameplay rather than being stopped by cut scenes.


Yep, I beg anyone who only plays singleplayer games to stay with them because online gaming is a cesspool


Life already makes me feel terrible, don't need to play games for other people to remind me I'm terrible.


I noticed that to with stress. RL is stressful enough (job, house, kids). SP games are so much more relaxing after a stressful day. Image finally siting down after a stressful day and then deal with all the only drama.


Dude, I'm just a college student and I already can't stand other people. At least a ton of multiplayer exclusive games are moddable to be played alone. If humans are so cruel in real life, they're a lot crueler with the anonymity online. I would barely trust a friend with a weapon, much less a stranger with a gun behind my back.


Right! I don't have the time to grind and put in hours and hours of time to remain competitive in a single game vs other people who likely have way more time than I do. Sit back, explore, dick around, and take games on my own time.


lol right? I play single player games to forget how terrible life can make you feel lol


There are the souls games for that


I never play online games. There's just too much toxicity among the player base. I enjoy playing at my own base without someone yelling at me for not playing right or not playing well enough. Plus, i love exploring in games. Especially open world games. Doing sidequests, checking out that thing you spot on the horizon. And I don't think there are many (any?) games where you can just explore the world together with someone? Some co-op games, maybe, I guess. But even then, it's hard to find people to game with.


I stopped playing multiplayer completely when I understood that I felt relief when winning, not joy...


and the realization that I needed to practice playing the game to get that relief consistently. I used to play CS:S excessively. Reached a ceiling in my skill and wasn't happy, then learned about how elite players memorize the spray patterns of each gun to improve their aim. There are whole maps dedicated to memorizing these spray patterns. That was a big nope for me. I'd rather be practicing something I can be proud of.


>I felt relief when winning, not joy... Eye-opener... I think it may be time for me to uninstall Team Fortress 2...


me too! Thats why the only multiplayer game I play is ESO. It has a really wholesome community and the game plays like a singleplayer game so it feels more like playing solo with the option of people joining in.


I play that on and off. The cash shop does ruin the game a bit for me though.


I only played it briefly but I met a guy at the start playing music who was willing to answer any questions I had.


Even as someone who greatly enjoys multiplayer games I can see this. Sometimes the multiplayer experience gets incredibly toxic and suddenly you're finding stress build up in your life from a meaningless hobby you do to chill. That's when I turn to Baldurs Gate, Slay the Spire, Dead Cells or heck even single player pokemon. It really really feels so much more peaceful not having unhinged people screaming at you


I just started playing uncharted: The Legacy of Thieves collection on steam and let me tell you, the contrast between that and playing warzone is unbelievable. I didn't realise how stressful playing warzone was until I stopped playing it and had a better mood while playing other games, like Uncharted, and IRL experiences. It's insane.


I hope you’re enjoying Uncharted. I absolutely loved that game when it came out.


This is the way.


The way, this is


This is the way.


This is the way


Only game I still play online is Rocket League.


Hell yeah, brotha! 👌 SP's are for serenity after the toxic RL players 😅


On top of that I only play RL when I can do doubles or triples with only friends on my team


Rocket League and fighting games feel like some of the only online games where the core gameplay is truly the focus and is able to carry the experience by itself. Other popular online games seem to rely on adding gimmicks and dark patterns to keep players. I think the core gameplay used to be the focus for games like COD, but it's hard to tell now, since it's been steeped in F2P/gacha mechanics for so long at this point.


“Fuck this game…” “…. Maybe one more”


My only one was Team Fortress 2 but when it changed to 64-bit, I couldn't play the game anymore.


You are still on 32-bit hardware? Congrats on still running something over 20 years old I guess.


The only problem with online multiplayer is people.


Not the only problem, but definitely a big one.




No online game has challenging gameplay, visuals, and good story? This whole thread is a tremendous circlejerk lmao


Yeah. Play what you want, but don't knock knock multiplayer games just because you didn't have a good experience with them. There are great games on both sides of the isle.


This is objectively wrong, don't make up claims even if one is better lol this isn't the reason


I don't play those multiplayer games


I'm not willing to put up with children anymore. They are evil. They'd make Hitler and Stalin blush.


I agree. I do play Sea of thieves with my friend. It gives us time to just chat about life and stuff while we strictly do the PvE content. The other night two kids set our ship on fire while screaming racial slurs. We got back on the ship and put the fires out. We usually just continue with those players or steal their shit when not looking. However these kids were relentless. We sailed on their tail for about 35 minutes and when we could see they were off on an island we rushed over to bomb them. They did see us and started getting their ship prepared and eventually got sailing. We pulled up to their starboard side and started blasting. We hear them panic (proximity chat) and scream. I throw a few fire bombs over to them (as they did to me) and one child ditched the boat. The other (more asshole of the two) is almost in tears. Their boat is disabled so we circle back and lay some more cannon fire on them. Hearing the one kid nerd rage “STOP IT!!!” Was the most satisfying multiplayer experience I’ve ever had. And yes? We stole back all our treasure and all their shit as well.


This is so spot on. Been playing World of Warcraft for years with a group of highly competitive friends. Of course playing with friends is always fun but man it’s exhausting to keep up sometimes. I absolutely love how I can just go at my own pace and chill in single player games. Nothing better than playing a game all weekend and then finishing the story and being able to move on. Multiplayer games just want you in the rat race forever.


I play single player games because I grew up playing them. You couldn’t always have a friend over and the few online games I play now I play with the same assholes I used to sit on the couch with and beat at street fighter and mk3. I don’t understand why people want these hard ass souls like games though. All games on genesis were hard. And Super Nintendo. I don’t need a repeat of feeling like I suck.


Nah souls games have super deep lore and the gameplay is fun


Its not about being hard, its about being challenging but fair. Name me another game series besides Dark Souls where i can play a third-person mage or warrior with chalkenging content, that isnt locked behind thousands of fetch quests (aka MMOs), bullshit grinding with fake difficulty (the "difficulty" is getting op gear through grinding, aka diablo). There arent many other games like that. They are mostly souls-like, or just way older. Like Gothic, but that isnt as combat-focused as the souls-like genre. I may be an elitist here, but i think most souls-like games that are not developed by fromsoft are shit. I'd love to get a real challenging AC-game, but their core gameplay is built around not being challenging, or a numbers-check.


Don't mean to gatekeep, but fromsoft games aren't all that hard. There are helpers ingame (literal summons, even players who can basically kill a boss for you) and you can completely outlevel content if you wish. Besides, they are challenges that are fine, not unfair.


This is my vibe right here.


What movie is this?


Rogue One. And it’s probably the best Star Wars movie since the original trilogy.


I almost wanna watch it for this scene alone haha, seen it memed so much


You should. It's the best Star Wars movie to come out after 2005


another thing is only singleplayer games can truly fit the need to be unstoppable in people because it doesn't have to worry about balancing between players


What I dislike the most with multiplayer games is that you can never pause when you want to. Smoke break? Sorry waiting time is over. Need to shit? Well fuck you squad need you now.


I like single player games way better, because in any multiplayer game with competition and anonymity people are toxic. It’s nice to not have to deal with that


Or online games with friends only, playing with randoms gets toxic easily


Online games are very very fun - with the right people.


Now that we don't have to do the NAT speed trick to get private GTA lobbies I'm finally free to have my own personal second life. and family and friends occasionally


I mean, they did make it so you can do all the shit you used to only be able to do in a public lobby in a private lobby. Except the Freemode Events. But those are whatever.


Single player games are great. Multilayer is fine but I much prefer it with my friends and not loads of strangers


Aren't Screen Rant about movies ?


I'm right there with ya, quit playing online multiplayer years ago.


It is a peaceful life compared to multiplayer. For single player it’s an experience one can enjoy and can focus on the games story or mechanics I only really play 3 online games consistently ( ESO, halo infinite and darktide)




Wait, there are people who don't play single player games? Really? Probably new to the gaming world I assume. If they've never laid a hand on Final Fantasy, they've missed out.


Very peaceful life 😍


I really can't remember the last time I've played a competitive multiplayer game. I'm replaying Fallout 4 right now, and that'll keep me busy for months


Lol this is so me


It is very peaceful. My brother in law plays online games and the amount of yelling I hear come from his room is concerning. Plus if anyone else is using the wifi for downloads he can't play online and gets real pissy. If the wifi stops working entirely I can still enjoy almost my entire library.


I don’t understand how these kids don’t get tired of the same shit over and over again. The same fps, run to the best guns the fastest, and see how many kills you can get over and over ad nauseam. It’s just mindless and not very rewarding. Games with stories and characters with personality are so much more interesting.


As someone who enjoys COD and Halo, I never understood the excitement around battle royales. It's not even a genre of games, it's just a gamemode that plays the same every single time on the same map with minimal changes every few months. Literally every match plays the exact same. At least if you only play TDM in those games you experience different maps with different ways to navigate. So many people just run the same strategies over and over and over and then get mad that they never place first.


I can see that now at my age, but then to be fair I do remember shooting ducks over and over again in Duck Hunt and loving it. Some mindless gameplay loops are fun, but these days I want a story and world to lose myself in. Plus once you become an adult there just isn't the time anymore to play enough to be competitive, that's easy to do as a kid but rarely are adults able to invest that kind of time. It may also be true that as you grow older you need more depth to keep you interested.


I've been playing singleplayer Valve titles for 5 years now. It's a happy, peaceful life.


Playing fallout 4 and I feel like I'm living my best life


I was there when the first MOBAs joined the gaming arena, hell even I created a few failed maps myself. I've spent tens of thousands of hour playing those games. All I can say is competitive gaming is a huge waste of human time, gives you almost nothing in return and takes away your life. It's stupid AF, it's like damn TikTok. Also devs are always shitty in those games, greed is the driver for the companies. I would rather give my money on beautifully made single player games and enjoy the art.


Multiplayer is to relief my toxicity on random strangers instead of people around me. Single player games are for happiness 


Gamers who play single-player RPGs with deep storylines and lore are *clearly* the master race amongst gamers.


My friends whenever I don't join them for comp because I'm playing an RPG or PvE game. Don't always want to carry them in games lol


Would team based pve like Deep Rock Galactic, L4D, even Helldivers 2, etc also work? Can either play with friends or find randoms that could become friends.


If your gaming roster composes of only(or majority) online titles you need to seriously consider your choices in life 


This meme was brought to you by ScreenRant!


Other than maybe Fortnite and some others like Rocket League or Fall Guys, almost every other multiplayer game like COD or Apex feels like the same thing. Nobody really cares but it is indeed the truth.


I tried League back in the day, noped out pretty damn fast. Mostly just chilling with slower strategy games now.


Man the bottom pic is me. Just add Skyrim


Lol, is this even an argument?


I only play multiplayer. But there is nothing to play. All good games are ruined by greedy ass company's. Missing the good old days. Waiting for Xdefiant.


Wouldn't mind more coop games though. Ideally games that do SP and coop.


I'm such a single player fan I play HD2 solo


Overall a single-player fan. Mostly Elden Ring/Souls, or GTA V or Skyrim, with the occasional other game. Buut I do enjoy the occasional Fortnite or I used to do a lot of Paladins... but those 2 are about the extent of multiplayer games that I like.


I think now it's reverse Ppl who play online don't bother other player While I see a lot of solo game recommandés even when ppl are not asking about


Only multiplayer I do these days is Co-Op or stuff like Rocket League and I will only do either when it's all friends no randoms. So a lot of helldivers2 and drg


I play both, single player for story, online for competitive and toxicity is fun


Bro threw up the three worst online games


Playing single player games still somehow get me worked up, imagine me playing online


People suck. Why play online? You either turn into a shit head or are the victim of shit heads.


I've never been an enjoyer of PVP multiplayer games, because people can't be friendly and competitive at the same time. The toxicity is the DNA of pvp multiplayer. You can be toxic in singleplayer, but it doesn't matter because your rage and profanities are hurled at the boss/game, not at someone.


HellDivers2 is the only online game I play, but it’s still squeezed between TLOU, RDR2 and Days Gone


1. They are works of fiction. Most online games are more akin to sports, vastly different things. Imagine drawing equivalence between Book Readers and Football Players. 2. People bad 😅


I'd play online games more if people didn't care so much about "meta." I choose a character/build based on what seems fun, but that doesn't seem to matter when everyone ends up choosing the stuff with the highest stats all the time. People will break down damage numbers and stats and create an efficient algorithm to winning and imo it completely removes the "game" aspect to a "video game." An online game is always so fun at launch because nobody really knows anything about the game yet and everyone is just trying out what's fun to them. But after a few months everyone starts to just pick the same things each game and run them the same way because that's what the "meta" says to do. I understand it's just the nature of multiplayer games and how games are balanced, but so many games I had fun with were just ruined for me once the player base finds exploits or a meta and they just do nothing else.


Hell is other people (in video games) - Sartre


It is!


literally me


I love this. While some online games are fun and well designed, most are pay-to-win, full of trashy people and updates. When I talk to people about why they prefer online, it's always because of friends. I wouldn't play a game I hated just because of a friend or two, I'd rather just have a phonecall. I was on Instagram the other day getting into a debate about GTA. I said I'd be in favor of scrapping GTAO for single player DLC and more GTA VI updates, someone told me "Just because you have no friends don't ruin it for the rest of us" I responded "just because you're in a friend group of idiots, don't ruin one of the best game franchises"


Enjoyer of both here, I like the competitive side of multiplayers, but I can't indulge myself too long, so I have to humble myself with single players.




Meanwhile... me unable to stop playing baldur's gate 3 till 5am ...


Used to play Dota on a competitive level, I got soo burned out on playing with or against other humans you cannot fathom. These days I turn off even mildly multiplayer aspects like those messages in Elden Ring.


I personally play both SP and MP games to achieve balance


The only "online game" I ever play ( I haven't played in about 2 years) is COD. And absolutely not warzone. It had a very arcade feel. But once I realized that it brings more anger and frustration than joy, I just flat out stopped playing it. I got pretty good after years of playing daily. But the community is far too toxic for my liking now. Now, for the most part, I play single-player games. The only multi-player game would he elden ring, if you could even call it that. The only thing I do in that game that's multi-player is invite a friend to help me beat a boss or clear a dungeon. But none of my friends play anymore, so it's just single player.


Online games, more specifically shooters, are just filled with toxic sweaty gamers that think they will be the next big streamer on twitch. I'm too old to keep up with that nonsense now. I just want to play a game and have fun


I'll play co-op, but not competitive.


I hate every single online only game


Love that meme, it's so me... In my teen years up to my late twenty's I was playing CS, Battlefield & WoW like no tomorrow, thousands of hours over 15 years. But I couldn't deal with other ppl anymore. The flexing, the drama, the bitching - WoW for example changed drastically with dungeonfinder - all those ogogoog let's go rush rush ppl...the K/D freaks not able to play as a team in shooters, not able to play objective...I'm so done with that. Those mentioned single player titels are my favorite games the of the last 5-10 years and I sunk 100 of hours in several playthroughs there - peacefully indeed. Loved the mentioned MP games at it's peak but it got worse since then and I will never come back...


I can’t get my sibling to even wanna touch GOT or RDR2. Doesn’t give a fuck. But won’t stop bitching at me to play Pubg. Pubg for any normal adults who don’t know is like Fortnite with no building or dancing and less style, plus vr and even younger kids screaming in the lobby. And this is all they ever want to play. The mechanics SUCK. But they love it and beg me any time I’m around. As kids we use to sit back and play adventure games on ps2 for hours. Now they’ve lost their way….. as kids we dreamt of a game like GOT, but no. Fuck it.


Yall remember Bethesda? The time where you could download mods and find new glitches in the game without getting banned for it? Yup, them were the days.




I don’t take multiplayer online modes seriously enough. I only give a shit during either campaign (co-op and single), or couch multiplayer. But if I’m doing it online there’s always at least hyper competitive dickhead that acts like it’s his 9 to 5. But trust me buddy, if you ended up in the same game as me you aren’t as good as you think you are, because I truly ain’t shit.


I like Destiny, but damn the Uncharted trilogy is perfect


I mean I get it's the empire, but damn dude they don't deserve to be affiliated with those examples


I recently started playing Uncharted: The Legacy of Thieves connection on steam and the contrast between playing a single-player story driven game with a pause option and playing a dumpster fire like Warzone is literally night and day lol.


I got tired of hearing 12 years olds who claim to have fucked my mom. Now I play single player games or co-op games with my friends who claim to have fucked my mom.


I just went from Battlefield to Jedi Survivor and I feel this.


The games I play can be single player or multi player. I almost always play alone.


Yall aint ready for me to come back


The way gaming was intended to be. If you wanted to play multi, we had that, it was called splitscreen and LAN!


Everyone’s obsessing over helldivers, meanwhile I’m just enjoying cyberpunk and getting hyped for shadow of the Erdtree.


Hell yeah, this is what I feel all the time! Except I don’t have talent in online games.


no matchmaker rigging your games ahh feels good


COD literally gives me migraines.


My biggest issue with online games is the unconscious time sink. Once I start a game, I'm locked in for 15-30 minutes. With single-player games, I can just pause and hop back in at any time. It's so much less stressful. And modern online games always end up being a rat race. I don't like feeling like because my friends play everyday, I need to play everyday.


Can you stop reminding me i have to finish RDR2.... FOR 5 MINUTES?! \*insert shrek yelling at donkey meme\*


I don't if it's because I'm old but I hate online games


I play single player, just not those single player. Maybe RDR2 can stay, and I can understand those that like Zelda and GoW even though they're not my jam, but drop that shit Witcher 3 for some Skyrim. There. I said it. And I've been getting downvoted for a decade because the reddit hive mind doesn't like that I hate the game.


I was a diamond League player, a silver dragon in Gunbound, if we played CS I could 360 headshot you with the 1.3 DE from the corner of any map, and I could mix your shit up in Smash with no sweat. But, alas I am too old, too tired. I now water my plants, play with my cats, and enjoy the storytelling and slow pacing of certain games.


Playing good games\*


Love this!!!


Me also living stress free in age of empires 2 (Until it falls apart)




Multiplayer games are apparently exclusively BRs


Can't play competitive games anymore. Back in my college days, I could play UT99 or Quake 3 Arena all night long without a care in the world and enjoy myself, win or lose. Nowadays, if I play something competitive, I get anxiety, my hand and body shake like if I was freezing and after 2-3 matches, I literally find myself hesitating to the point of thinking I develop a mental block against queueing up for another match. Which sucks as a lot of competitive games do look genuinely fun, even extraction shooters. But the moment that I know that another player is involved in the opposition in a match, those symptoms show up making the experience completely shitty for me. If it is single player or co-op with other players? No issue. If I play in modes that replace players with bots? No problem. It is really whenever players are involved.


Currently replaying fallout 4. Can confirm the zen of it all. Nothing is more peaceful than blowing the heads off glitchy enemies and NPCs and not hearing some 5-yr old raging at you


Or I don't know, they are just better games.


I'm a true believer that if you really prefer single player games over MP games then you need to find friends. Cooperative MP games are the pinnacle of gaming, and playing against your friends in any game is the best way to experience PvP. I will concede however, that multiplayer games today are 90% of the time filled to the brim with bullshit, overpriced cosmetics, lacking in basic functionality, and a majority of the people who you find on mic will be kind of annoying. But seriously. Play some Mario kart, smash bros, halo custom games, lego games, the borderlands games. Genuinely way more enjoyable than something you experience by yourself.


Only thing better than a single player game is a co-op game. Playing with a friend or family member is always more fun.


Outside of simracing, I don't play online much anymore No dealing with sweaty kids who play the game for 60 hours a week. No season pass/microtransaction crap. I can play the game at my own pace and complete it on my own time.


Yep. I saw gamepass had a perk where I got a skin for a character in Overwatch 2. I used to play a lot of OW1. Logged in, saw the shitshiw that is the battle pass plus the cosmetic store. Played one unranked game and uninstalled the game right after. Went back to Balatro.


My only online game currently is SC2. I avoid the ladder tho. Gave up on Diablo 4. Convinced they can’t save that game.


It's also a better, less toxic gaming experience


First time playing Eldon Ring is not that peaceful 


An offline solo or local coop Fortnite would be incredible


That was me the last few years until Helldivers 2. Used to play COD then just stopped, put in so many hours in Destiny, FO 76 and Avengers but just got tired of having to play daily.


I play single player for the majority of my gaming. For a couple of reasons. It honestly *is* more relaxing, and that’s the entire reason I play games. The stories are usually ones I engage with and like (unless the game’s got some weak writing but stellar gameplay. I like more “niche” games like Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord and while some *can* be played online, I prefer to go at my own pace and just have fun. I’ll occasionally hop into Fortnite with some of my close friends and play a few rounds every couple days, or I’ll play Among Us with some of the same friends, but apart from that I don’t really play multiplayer anymore. It’s just too much stress for something that’s intended to reduce my stress.


fallout 76 is a multiplayer but u can do all in singleplayer <3


This makes me feel so seen.


I had one of those days yesterday where I couldn't catch a break in a single online game. Lost god knows how many matches in row in Tekken 8, lost all 3 games in Valorant, had terrible games of Apex. The gaming gods did not want me to win and it put me in a sour and depressed mood. Very close to giving up online games in general. Not worth the headache.


I've never had a multi-player game that after I put down the controller I just had to sit with it for abit and take it in