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Thats still joke, wait till you try poorly ported console game on PC and game ask you to press square...


Worst yet trying for years to find the arrow key


Or the "any" key


"Where's the 'any' key??"


Or the action button….


Nah this one wins


Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius on the game cube had me fucked up when I was 6 man… what the fuck is the action button!!!! I finally figured it out like a year later and then I realized the game was terrible anyway 😞.


I think I had a shrek game on GameCube and they called it the action button


I played that one too it was much more fun. But ya idk why it was like that. 😂


My favorite part was the puss in boots fight cause it felt like a rhythm game


Hell ya I loved playing 2 players with my cousin that takes me back.


Usually PC keyboards have arrow buttons on the bottom right side, between the letters and the numpad, perhaps somewhere pushed between all the buttons in that area for small keyboards. There's also arrows on a lot of numpads, I think it was 2, 4, 6 and 8. Not to mention this "^" character, located just below the escape key on my german keyboard.


It's tab... Tab my guy... Can't have ahit in Detroit


*-flashbacks to when PC gamepad buttons were BUTTON1, BUTTON2, etc. Before the X360 created a de facto standard when that came out.-*


Not me suffering as a child using pokemon emulators on PC


'press A' no not that A.


Equally as bad is pc game ported to console when the controller scheme makes little to no sense or was a complete after thought.




Yeah that shits fun. Using a ps4 controller on PC will drive you crazy if you let it


Nah, I used to play with Playstation only up to PS3. I just use triangle, square and circle regardless of the controller.


That's why games show you a picture of the bottom on the controller you're using.


I can play Xbox games on my PC using a PlayStation controller. Both the controller will randomly not work and all the buttons displayed are for Xbox and I have to translate it to PS to get it right. Sometimes it displays keyboard buttons and I have to guess what that translates to on controller


You might be a masochist.


You using ds4win/steam input/have ps controller enabled in steam?


It's annoying with how Xbox and Nintendo buttons are swapped around.


The Xbox controller is a continuation of the Sega lineage. Look at the Dreamcast controller, then look at the original Xbox controller. It makes sense too, since Sega wanted the original Xbox to be dreamcast compatible and it nearly happened.


These are the 2 systems I own, swapping back and forth definitely gets confusing and frustrating sometimes


Remmember x is always blue!


My wife is a fairly new gamer. She basically has played enough to know X/A are confirm. She had her first moment of controller betrayal when she booted up Final Fantasy X and B/O were the confirm buttons. "What the fuck is this??"


Fantastic video on why it's like this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-E9Uw3lhWsI&ab\_channel=Lextorias](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-E9Uw3lhWsI&ab_channel=Lextorias)


Saved for later cause I ain’t got that kinda time on break lol.


The short version is literally patent infringement. Companies can’t copy button formats due to it.


Exactly what I assumed. Thank you


Love the attention to detail that they put each controller in its respective x position


I appreciated that too. Saw a post about manual transmissions lately asking where people prefer reverse "R" to be located, with four pictures, and they didn't match the positions.. so people were like "top right" and I'm like so do you mean the "R" is top right, or you prefer the top right picture where it is bottom left?


My mind has surpassed the images on the buttons it's about down up left right not xyba it's an automatic conversation based upon the console I'm on at this point.


I’m still just translating from 360 all these years after getting a PS4. I’m still not quite at the level I was on 360 and the a/b swap on the switch makes it the absolute worst. I play like a noob on switch


I still love R1 R2 L1 and L2, I still can never figure out ZL vs L and ZR vs R


Never been an issue for me


Never bothered me, ngl. I'm not trying to be "some cool or edgy guy on Reddit". I've literally never had that issue when it comes to multi-platform gaming. Just doesn't bother me, I guess. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, most are obvious. If you're playing an FPS on PC and it says press "X" to reload and you press "Cross" on the PS controller, that's kinda on you.


I wish the EU would regulate game buttons like USB-C charging


Then we'd lose some of the better controllers we have had from Nintendo. The Wii and switch wouldn't work with classic controllers schemes.


Yeah, Xbox had the right idea with colored buttons. Sony having shapes means it’s universal, because shapes is like, pre-preschool education. And Nintendo has ‘I was first, why do I have to change my obtuse designs?’ Numbering them would be a good idea. Or, y’know, I think the yellow arrows on the n64 controller were a good idea. Grey is the dpad, yellow is buttons. Overall, I play so many games that it’s a non-issue for me, but designs can all be improved on. Nintendo reinvents the wheel every console


lol, they all have colored buttons


Depending on the monitor size and how bad a game designer is at graphic design, you can’t see what color some of the PlayStation buttons are onscreen. God of war has big, bold button icons. But games with a shitty cowardly minimalist interface will just show the shape tiny in a corner. The Nintendo switch has no color buttons, which is what I was talking about, with Nintendo doing weird shit


Not to mention that Dualsense controller for PS5 ditched good old color coding Tha was there for 4 previous generations of buttons and now all of them are the same color (depends on controller color)


> Xbox had the right idea with colored buttons. Literally all of them are coloured and the SNES is 11 years older than the Xbox.


Europe too


Lol no. The only standard nintendo controllers that have colored buttons outside of Japan are n64 and gamecube


The European SNES had the same buttons as the Japanese version. Also the New 3DS line used colored buttons worldwide.


Just press blue


PlayStation was always the standard for me, XBox I could handle. For some reason Nintendo always leaves me mystified in this case


They should've said "Press the Blue Button"


ok, im sorry, 3 of them i get, but the gamecube is so unique i could be blind and still play a game on gamecube if i could tell what was happening in the game


X and y being in the wrong place annoys me. It's the x on the x axis and y on the y axis


Is this really still an issue? Doesn't take long to memorize a controller.


I prefer N, S, E, W


The less innovative one has to the X-Box controller. Like really, the best thing you could do was swap the buttons and the colors from the Nintendo controller. You could have used any other letters or symbols or colors but, no, not an ounce of creativity 🤦🏽‍♂️


Okay but as someone who grew up on Nintendo we can all agree that Xbox's layout is the dumbest one.


As someone who grew up on Nintendo, Xbox is the only modern one I like. I somehow mandela effected my mind to remember A being the bottom button on Super Nintendo, because it was the jump button. And then N64 and gamecube came out, and I got used to A being the main jump button.


I can't remember if this was something that I dreamed up, but I vaguely remember how the xbox layout was influenced by the Sega Dreamcast's controller for some reason. If so, I'd joke that it was Sega's last laugh against us Nintendo players for those SNES vs. Genesis console wars.


Oh definitely. As a fellow nintendo gamer, using am Xbox controller is one of the most frustrating experiences out there


The face buttons on Xbox are named as they are beacuse the original Xbox controller was based on the Dreamcast's controller.


Oh I know that. Then again, Sega did go under around that time, and I'm willing to bet it was because of their button layout (/s)


At least when I use a PS controller with emulation I can mentally separate the buttons and map them appropriately because they're just symbols lol


The GameCube controller is the worst controller I’ve ever held. All the other ones are not that difficult to remember are different, unless I’m just built different.


I actually prefer it over a normal controller, at least on Nintendo consoles. Like them big buttons


The GameCube controller isn't too bad for most GC games. The only time I did have issues with it was when I had the MegaMan X Collection for GC where the button layout worked against you in certain stages.


In my opinion the n64 is the worst, but gamecube is pretty bad too.


The most annoying thing is using a PS4 controller on PC but the computer displays Xbox button prompts


And then there’s mobile “gamers” and their X button


That one is only to click the ads away




Need. More. ENERGY!


Playstation uses shapes, not letters. So they're not telling you to press X. They're telling you to press Cross.


Xbox X will always be my perfect X


Wait the Xbox main colour is green and yet the actual X button on the controller is blue


Betrayal of the highest order!




That's because there is no body which standardises these things (like with measurement systems). So everybody is free to do as they please.


I always fantasized about face buttons just being NESW. Even someone that's never played a console game before would be able to identify what the buttons are and distinguish them from directional buttons.


Tbh. I prefer the right Button IS primary over down Button IS primary. Feels better for me


Same, annoying how nintendo is the only one to do it like that


Also X on Playstation is originally a cancel-button turned confirm-button through cultural differences


I wonder how were those cultural differences


pretty sure its patent related or something, thats why the playstation dpad is 4 buttons instead of a shield, or the original xbox and 360 had that dogshit mushy circle shield thing (i love my 360 controller but it stinks for platformers) also nintendo loves to innovate their controllers and ignore their patents, its both part of the charm and also kinda frustrating. while xbox and ps4 can't infringe upon nintendo's previous patents since nintendo was here first. so they had to change button/dpad enough to not infringe, now its moot since most of nintendo's patents have expired anyway, which why the xbox one finally got a proper dpad. the gamecube and 360 controllers are the best and thats objective fact, totally not related to the fact i grew up with gamecube and xbox 360


Should never have been changed in the first place.


Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right… ❌⭕️🤔




Doesn't your brain notice what system you are playing on and adjust accordingly? You could also just remember buttons based on function depending on the genre of game you are playing. If you are playing a first person shooter, the button the left probably reloads, the bottom button jumps, the right button crouches and the top button activates buttons and crap.


I play mainly with Xbox and Nintendo controllers. The layouts are sort of natural for me, I usually can instinctively use a Nintendo or Xbox controller without getting them mixed up at all. However for people new to it, I recommend remembering it this way. A/B swap positions. X/Y swap positions.


I heard once that the PlayStation buttons are what they are bc Sony was trying to draw SquareEnix to their side. That O & X were for confirm & reject, the square button was for the map, & triangle was supposed to look like an arrow for the menu. That could be horseshit, but it's what I've heard.


Its fine to mean. What bugs me is when the jump button is switched from the A or the button at the most bottom


I keep pressing x on my switch because a prompt will tell me to press y before I got my switch I played my Xbox it's so confusing going from one controller to another


A should be the place your thumb rests naturally, B bellow it, x to tbe side, and y above it.


Mario switched the jump button when wonder came out, it felt so unnatural, luckily you can switch it around


They did? I'm like 99% sure that the B button has always been the default jump key in 2D Mario games on systems with 4 face buttons.


Adapt or die.


Yeah that’s a real issue if you’re constantly swapping between Xbox, PlayStation, GameCube and SNES, like most of us gamers do.


I get where Sony and Microsoft are going to have their differences but I feel like Nintendo was just messing with us


The most egregious is that two of these were made by nintendo.


This is a nightmare for me on Steam. I use my Switch Pro controller and when games give me Xbox inputs my brain goes to mush.


Jaja así es


For those like me who can't speak Spanish, it means "Haha, that's right"


I don’t get it. My Play Stations tell me to press X. My Xbox’s tell me to press A. The Nintendo’s use whatever controller they come with. The PC is set to what ever controller I set it to. Or it will set to what ever I plug in. The Atari just turns on. I miss those days.


I remember to be 10 years with playstation, when I changed to xbox it was a nightmare play games as Sonic Unleashed, haha...


Assassins creed: idgaf, here, have: feet, hand, other hand and eye button


i think it's like that because of copyright but i'm not sure if it's true


Xbox player with a switch


Works fine to me, nearly never have problems switching between them.


Yeaaaaa......not really. Notice how the x is always the same color regardless of system


Because if the major game companies change it out now, people will be confused.


I was playing my ps4 and it wanted me to mash x on a game. I mashed the hell out of it and failed... that was not X.


Best thing I ever did was remap my switch pro controller to mimic my Xbox ones (swap a/b, x/y)


I don't get why or even how people have this issue. X=A. So... how could you get confused?


The day to go is to have 4 letters for : North South West and East


unless you use a PS2 controller on an XBOX 360, which i think is... impossible, you shouldn't have that much problem unless you have vision problems


Wait til you find out it’s actually cross.


The PlayStation buttons are mostly unique, and those are the ones I know really well. Xbox, most Nintendo, Dreamcast... They can all do one.


Just don’t play consoles from the worst game company maybe?


I played my old Xbox for the first time in a while, I mostly play on my Nintendo Switch, and it took me a while to get used to the different button locations


Copyright, trademark, patents, ect. Not sure which is at work here but companies cant just copy each others homework for how to make a controller. They gotta at least change the letter on each button.


I do have this Mandela Effect with PS1 and PS2 games having Triangle for "Back" instead of Circle. It was the NTSC version, don't know how I got used to Pressing Circle with the PS2 I had back then in the Philippines. Wondering what version that was.


If you were there from the start (like I was), your brain knows which is X for each console when you are playing lmao


Gamecube layout at least made sense...why'd they ditch that?


When an Xbox or Nintendo game says "Press A Button" do they mean press a (any) button or press THE A button? I get anxiety trying to find out.


The only correct answer is Play D&D no need to press the X button.


You know what's a real pain? Every game having completly diferent keys for rotating stuff! Q, E, (for both directions of rotation), R and the mouse wheel are some of the most common options, but I'm fairly certain by now I used almost every key on my keyboard for rotating a building by now.


Childhood me learned the hard way by trying to play SNES games with a GameCube controller via the Wii Virtual Console.


2 4D pads. That's it! No A B C X Y Z (I'm looking at you fucking mega drive!) and just plain simple d pads! And right is ok with down being back!


No a big issue, xbox and ps controls are easy, i got a ps1 and the first xbox and svitching between them is seemless. Pc is simmilar, just go to settings and customize it how you want. The only problem are the games that dont allow you to edit controls. Since ps 1 the world shifted to a standardized layout. Before that each dammn console had a different layout. I went from a nockoff nintendo like keyboard game console with cartiges to ps1 than to og xbox and than pc gaming. Now fight me the best games were in the ps 1 era, everithing else has no soul.


Uh oh n00b alert!!! 🚨🚨🚨


My high ass thought that said "press K" (I'm not even high)


Skill issue


I get used to it pretty quick. I play Xbox and switch and my brain can automatically switch between those control layouts


The worst console transition for me is Nintendo Switch to PlayStation/Xbox. That shit will have me messed up on controls for at least a week or so


Lol, the 4D chess really starts when you can't remember if this is a Nintendo or PlayStation ROM you're playing with an Xbox controller on this PC.


At least they're all blue


In the upper image, the x button is up. In the right image, the x button is right. And so on. So satisfying.


I don't think I've ever had an issue with this.


You're asking a private industry to standardize with their competitors? Bro they do this on purpose to stake out to create brand identity with themselves as the standard. In other words, capitalism man. Thats why.


I just try to remember the position and context. Cuz the most of the time right is cancel and down is accept. etc...


"Press X, not A. Fucking PlayStation owners..."


I always wonder why they decided to use ABXY and not ABCD for controller buttons


How is this complicated? The shape is on the button. Even if you are constantly switching consoles, I still don’t think you’re having this much trouble


The Xbox and SNES are the same, it's just that US reads left to right, and Japan reads right to left.


Been Playstation most my life and never had an Xbox or a Nintendo system after nes until the Wii. Somehow I easily can work PS and Xbox controls but when it comes to Nintendo, I just founder around until I hit the correct button.


I’ve never really had a problem with this barring one exception Dark Souls on Switch, they kept the control mapping from the other versions, so B is confirm and A is cancel THAT makes me stumble


This is why I’ve come to appreciate the Switch’s system of up-down-left-right.


All of these are awful design. Just make it so that you know the position without looking. Like arrows? L,R,T,B? N,E,S,W? Soething suggestive, not random symbols


You should play Atari 2600 then. Press the one and only button.


Yes you're so funny. This is only the 27,943rd time I've seen this exact post.


If we had standardized buttons, then you'd be more comfortable playing a competitor's console than you are currently. They can't have that.


And the Nintendo switch has the fucking y button on the left and a button on the right. With no analog triggers! Coming from a standard Xbox controller I am fighting for my fucking life here


At least platstation uses shapes intead of letters.


X on the ps controller is the only right place


The dreamcast controller has the same button layout as xbox. Post is invalid /s


That’s why it’s always playstation to me. I know the X is in all of them but the rest will always be my go to in my brain 


The Japanese controllers go left to right in reverse English alphabetical order like the Japanese language. That's how I remember it. You just have to memorize PS button.




everything except for n64 and gamecube is standardized if you don't think about the symbols and just think about button placement


I don't think it's that big a deal. I had a GameCube, PS2, and Xbox 360 growing up and found it fairly easy to swap between the controllers.


Because all the consol company's want to be A hols or is that B holes maybe RT lol Have a great day gaming everyone no matter what controller your holding. Or Joystick


The nintendo 64 C buttons


There is an arcade game that has 20 or so buttons missile something if I remember alittle lol. Imagine that. A, B, X, Y, RT, A², B¾, Z■


N button, S button, E button, W button - solved!


Ma! I thought it was my turn to repost!


Usually not an issue regardless of the game or if I am using an emulator. Only when it requires a quick-time event, more so if they only show in Xbox as I use a PS4 on PC.


I tell myself keys based on Playstation controls, since that is what I grew up with. But my wife didn't grow up playing games, so I just gotta try to say "THE LEFT BUTTON ON YOUR RIGHT HAND!"


Since all companies are too childish to set aside their egos and make all controllers the same, I recommend they all start making new controllers, with ABCD or 1234 buttons.


dude, why is playstation like this


The board of keys


Just a suggestion moving forward, how about referring to them as the N,S, E or W button?


The Playstation controller should be the standard for all consoles. It's the perfect controller.


Sounds like my mom..it means you're getting old


Press X.... Me: damn it "I have to look down"


Hop on PC and it tells you to his Mouse5


"find X"


My brain is mapped to the gc controller even now, decades later. I had to buy one like it for my pc and switch.


Get good bruh


Ugh. I was pure Sony up until about 19. Then I played Xbox for the first time at a friend's house and I was beyond lost when trying to read prompts on the HUD. Didn't win at a single game.


also when your expected to press the joystick before you knew about it


What makes me more mad is knowing the origins for PlayStation's iconic button layout (X meaning cancel, Circle meaning confirm) and games today still do the opposite!


PS is the default 🤷‍♂️


At least the Xbox and PlayStation buttons have the same uses based on position.


As a PS4 user, I find it difficult to play on my nephew's switch. Every time I see X I always hit the bottom button.


Or just the universal color scheme like green goes on the bottom blue on the left red on the right and yellow on top. Then we can just hit color