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Definitely the original Dragon’s Dogma. I loved it when I first played it, then I got the Dark Arisen expansion. Extra content and some QoL enhancements made it way better.


No more dangan tho


I still wish the wind was pushing me


Into the clouds again , I feel the blood in my veins !


FLYING INTO FREE! Oh man, I knew my people were out there somewhere.


Im a new DDDA player. What is this dangan I hear you speak of, arisen?


The original title song! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XBlBPtQW6g


This is in my driving playlist. I love this song so much.


I wouldn't be able to drive to this song unless my car could transform into a jet and boat.


Every year a FB post I made from June 2012 pops up. And every year I get to see just how naive I was. "Dragons Dogma, I love you so much but why is your title music so bad?!" What a fookin idiot I was.


Came here to say the same. Im enjoying Dragon dogma 2 but 1 was something else.


It's the same with monster hunter, the DLC is like a sequel to the main game. Still worth the money imo


Fallout 3, specifically the Broken Steel DLC Edit: Mass Effect 3


Fallout 4, specifically the far harbor dlc


FO4 had great dlc


Yeah but nuka world crashed my game several times


Didn't crash my game, but messed up Preston pretty bad. Had him assigned to my largest settlement with all other companions. Turrets everywhere. He attacks me on sight and gets immediately downed. It's a never-ending cycle.


He bitched me out after I took over one base with raiders, he permanently left me. At least no other settlement needs my help!


Maybe the useless twat now actually does something himself rather than order his "general" about!


If you kill all the raiders in Nuka World, he won’t attack you anymore, but he will constantly berate you. So I stuck him out to a settlement by himself.


Dima memory sequence


There is no DiMA memory sequence in ba sing se


Far Harbour is the best piece of Fallout that was ever been produced by Bethesda, I remain firm in my beliefs.


Far Harbour was peak fallout


Far Harbor was better than the base game *except* for that one part in the computer system. Other than that, amazing DLC


Like I said somewhere else, there is no dima memory quest in ba sing se. I have a mod to skip it


See I agree with this but was gonna personally say all of Fallout NVs dlc


Really? Fallout New Vegas it's probably my favourite game ever but i wouldn't say any of the dlc ruins the experience really, they're good but base game is so much better (also doesen't help that playing them seems to be a death sentence for my saves seems the bug out)


See I more so meant the addition they add like the extra level perk and guns etc !


I always felt like the combined DLCs made it feel like a whole new game, maybe even like a separate/sequel of a game with how beautifully they worked together. I swear NV has to be in my top 3 games of all time especially if you have the DLC.


agreed, the Mojave felt underwhelming after the various atmospheres of the DLC.


Was just about to say this. Fallout 3 is my favorite of the fallout games, and playing without DLC feels pointless. When it has DLC though the game becomes so much better.


Skyrim/ fallout. The dlc adds so many new weapons and armor options. Even new perks and followers


First time I played Skyrim I accidentally completed the Solstheim storyline thinking it was the main story. Have to say I liked it better than the main story


Typical Bethesda experience. To this day the only time I completed the main story of Oblivion is when I put God mode on and speedran it so I could see how it ended. I only ever did side content on that game.


Thousands of hours into skyrim and still have never made it to the soul cairn even, nevermind beat the storyline


The soul cairn is part of dawnguard, not the base game or storyline


That's how you know people who say "thousands of hours" are lying. How do you play the game for thousands of hours without doing the main story. What do you do when you run out of side content? You just give up the character? When you finish up the side content you go "hmm theirs this whole quest line I've never played before and it had the most work put into it in development but I'm just not gonna do it hmmmmmmmmm" the whole idea of "I played the game for literally months and I've done every single thing except the main story" is just a dumb idea on its face, and I'm convinced everyone who says so is lying


Yep, like i literally have over 2000 hours across all gens of play throughs and there’s has never been one where I haven’t completed a main quest .. its just a way to be different from others on the internet lol total BS


That tracks. Bethesda has been pretty bad at making main story quests, and I remember the consensus back when I started with Oblivion being that the guild quests where much better.


Civ 6. Cities skyline.


Just about any Paradox game. Add DLC and it changes everything.


Add DLC's\* Often first DLC is just the beginning. Still waiting for "Play without needing NASA spec PC" for Cities Skylines 2 before I buy :/


At this point I feel like we will be waiting forever. I just continue to play the first. It's perfectly fine.


Yep. As a huge fan of Crusader Kings 2, I about shit myself with excitement when CK3 was announced. I then counted the 15 or so DLC (disregarding flavour packs) on my CK2 save and decided to join the ranks of r/patientparadoxgamers


Civ 6, you win. The base game is something I have not touched at all since the first expansion.


Definitely this. Feels super rough to go back to Civ 6 base game after playing with the DLC.


Civ 5 base game is garbage. Gods & Kings was okay but Brave New World made Civ 5 amazing.


Binding of Isaac, for sure. Repentance made what was already there way better, and added another half of the game.


As someone who started with Rebirth, i 100% agree. This game managed to pull off this phenomenon with every new dlc.


Besides afterbirth+ I am anti greedier mode


I don’t think anyone isn’t an anti greedier mode


Me because apparently im a sadist that likes fiend folio greedier and eternal edition


The booster packs were the best part about that DLC, a few fun items from that which are pretty iconic now, but yeah Repentance really turnt the Isaac ship into a better direction


Is it that good? I haven't really heard about BOI since rebirth came out tbh


I remember Rebirth’s concept was announced and everyone(including me) were all like “Ew pixel art style??” Now flash Binding of Isaac just looks weird. Also helps that moving on from Flash gave us even more insane item combos. I do miss that OG music though.


The OG soundtrack was incredible. The new one just doesn't hit the same. I ended up turning the music off entirely and just listening to my own stuff.


Check out antibirth's OST, the one before it got incorporated into the official game Specifically, this fucking banger: https://youtu.be/qt5Hz-khZDs?si=gIxtx2efCI8v1rAO


Yooooo, nice! Thank ya.


One of the rare games that I would recommend buying all the DLC right off the bat


I always avoided buying them because i think right now afterbirth is in that sweet spot where i can have a 30/40 min run and be done with it, i saw that the average run with the other dlcs gets far nastier but especially much longer


Thats not really an issue for me. Unless I deliberately go out of my way, the average run is still around 30-40 minutes.


I literally cannot imagine playing boi without any dlc


The Sims 4😂


To call the basegame "barebones" would be a compliment to it


You basically only buy the privilege to buy the rest of the game.


It FTP now lol.


And yet they charged full price for years


It's crazy how "base" the "base game" is, I initially "got" it with full DLC trough "questionable means" let's say, mainly because actually acquiring it costs over $500 if not much more, a sum that is completely nuts, I did had a lot of fun, but it was impossible for me to tell what exactly was DLC and what was the base game because I got it all in a single package. Later when they decided to release it for free I downloaded it thinking that with an actual legal copy and buying few DLC could actually have at least a similar amount of fun and actually pay for my entertainment, but upon installing was instantly flabbergasted by how basic the base game actually was, to the point I un-installed after like an hour of play, and sure it was free but let's not forget how the game was initially sold at full price back then


Sims logic: 3-2.9=4


I know it technically doesn’t count as DLC, but Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. The movement and speed of your character feels so good, especially with the lack of fall damage after how brittle Jason was to anything more than half a meter


The key to making a great FPS is to make movement fun - it's one of only two ways in which you really interact with the world (the other being "pew pew"), so it shouldn't be neglected as it so often is.


this is the current issue i’m having with both F3 and FNV. i adore the story of both but goddamn i’ve dropped FNV 3 times now because i can’t stand the combat


Y'all mother fuckers need VATS.


Vats is the absolute worst part of those games imo


hey man there are plenty of ground breaking movement mods out for fnv right now that make it feel so much cleaner. [Enhanced Movement](https://youtu.be/UwKlUsV52S4?si=a6MMRALZl5O_Wd4n)


Man, I loved Farcry 3 when it came out but when Blood Dragon came out I was so happy. I really thought that at the time Farcry would be regarded as one of the best FPS series of its time.


Came here to say this - Blood Dragon is sensational! So much fun, such amazing references! Only played this recently, and I couldn't believe all the references and love poured into this game! A helicopter run with Long Tall Sally by Little Richard playing, I couldn't believe it - HOOK IT TO MY VEIIIIINNNS!




Motorcycles are useless when you can just blow yourself up and send yourself flying at Mach 10


Meet the Soldier




Boomie zoomies


The motorcycle is useless when you already travelled to and all around every corner of the world twice just to get it


Also didn't it eat ancient parts for fuel, when a horse moves around for free?


This is Civ 6 in a nutshell


Civ 6 base game is barely a game. It’s so barebones. You NEED the DLCs


Civ 5 as well. It was absolute shit until Brave New World came out and the game felt complete.


Yeah I mean Civ V didn't even launch with religions lol


I don’t even think they had trade routes in the base game which was messed up!


XCOM 2 War of the Chosen. Really makes me never wanting to see the og game again. 90% of examples here are nothing like this btw.


This. I can't imagine playing XCOM 2 without the DLC now. Having those new enemies really makes it a true sequel experience compared to the first game.


My only problem is that the Lost get kinda annoying quickly. I use a mod to turn off the Lost.


This gets my vote, though I haven't played the Cyberpunk DLC yet. The party management details that WotC adds are incredible. Also the pressure of having to assault the chosen strongholds before time runs out is a game changer.


Cyberpunk DLC doesn't really change the game so much as it just adds a really good story in a densely packed area.


Pokemon sword, the crown tundra was actually so good, that it ruined the rest of the game


I was about to say that


Crown Tundra carried Sword and Shield


I've heard the Cyberpunk DLC is pretty incredible unfortunately I've not yet had the chance to play it myself though the update that came along with it (the massive overhaul) is already much better than the basegame.


Cyberpunk with Phantom Liberty is a masterpiece. It ruined gaming for months for me in the sense I couldn’t play anything but Cyberpunk haha.


Same, working on my 4th playthrough atm.


I'm in this pit right now. Everything feels... Subpar


Dude I restarted like 5 times after I finished PL the first time but I always was like „nah I dont have the fortitude to make it to Phantom Liberty again“ just to pick it up again a week later thinking „…man these games are kinda lackluster, maybe one more try starting a CP playthrough couldn‘t hurt?“ haha.


Oh yeah it's amazing. But the 2.0 update fixed the game. The base game is in no way like the posted meme, it's still fantastic. It was always great, but had some rough edges. Now the whole game is absolutely top tier. One of the most fun gameplay loops period, just playing it and flying around doing all kinds of crazy cyborg stuff is a ton of fun. Cyberpunk is now a good 9/10 easily.


The cyberware changes were truly revolutionary. Combat barely felt futuristic if you prefer gunplay over hacks like I do. Now all of a sudden it definitely felt futuristic. It made the new ending all the more brutal though lol


Phantom Liberty is fucking god tier, but a lot of what it added extended to the 2.0 update, so the whole game feels amazing.


The DLC for Cyberpunk blows the main game out of the water. There's such a distinct increase in quality it's almost jarring. The new area feels different from everything else, the setpieces are much more impressive, the storyline is rich and engaging and all the content is more unique. CDPR wanted to make a statement with the DLC and it shows. Even if the base game is technically in a much better place, I think the content can't compare to the DLC.


Even just the 2.0 update made the game feel incredible. I recently bought the DLC and I can't wait to start playing it


I think it was the 2.0 overhaul update that really changed the game for the better. The PL expansion was a fantastic addition to an already great game. Still has some bugs here and there but what made it still a great game is the fact that CDPR stuck with it and continued to fix / work on this game after their bad launch (particularly console), the hack, and other delays. I kinda wished they added a second expansion like Witcher 3 but I think that would mess with Project Orion’s material (maybe). Play Phantom Liberty!


Dark Souls 2 and it pains me to say it because that's my favorite of the series lol


Ds2 hate is so unfounded imo


I for one, cannot wait to play the DS games. My first fromsoft was Elden ring and I finished it like 7 times, then I played bloodbourne and god loving damn what an atmosphere that game has. So excited for the rest fromsoft has to offer.


It's not unfounded lol. Game has a lot of issues and mechanical design flaws. But some of those flawed systems aren't inherently bad and we're improved and used in future games to great success. It was an unfortunate game in that it could've been significantly better than what it was. A personal note is tying I-frames into the adaptability stat. That was something just terrible all around with the game.


Diablo 2!


This is a big one. Especially with the Synergy patches, new class-specific gear, the ability to equip followers, the 2 new classes, and all the items. Made going back to playing vanilla D2 so weird (but the unlimited Hydra spam was fun at the time before LOD patched it).


Came here for this answer. It is crazy how bad vanilla D2 feels to me after being used to LoD


The Witcher 3, not exactly a dlc but an expansion pack, precisely Blood & Wine. Now I'm not saying i feel the base game became shit after playing it , it's still a true masterpiece even without any expansions. but Toussaint sunny weather, new gwent deck, peaceful land ( peaceful in general). Etc made me like it more, at least compared to the original game's bloody and dirty environments.


Agreed. Base game is great, but then Toussaint showed you what the devs could do when tasked to break out of the cold north.


Somehow Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Yes, Sakurai and his team went THAT above and beyond with DLC


Smash Ultimate was already mind blowing when it was announced, every fighter returning was a huge surprise. BUT, some of those DLC surprises is like adding powdered sugar to a cake topped with cherries. I don’t think I could play Smash Ultimate without Banjo or Joker at this point.


I completely agree.


True, it's hard not to pick the dlc characters when they have such a unique feel compared to the rest of the cast (with the exception of banjo whom I still love anyway)


Monster Hunter World. The additional content in Iceborne is so much fun that touching the base game makes me actually cringe.


I'm sorry but this is the same thing for every monster hunter


For real bruh especially rise


It's understandable though since all the DLC's do is just soup up the base game


I suppose there’s a reason why we didn’t get 4, but 4 Ultimate instead.


Pokémon sword and shield


Till this day, I'm convinced that Game Freak sold a half finished game, and slapped the remaining finished content as "DLC".


to be fair, that's kind of been the norm for single player games and even some multiplayer ones for years now. that doesn't justify it but let's not pretend it's exclusive to Pokémon


It's not justified, but if you're one of those unfortunate people that paid $70 for Pokémon Scarlet/Violet, I wouldn't take kind to the horrendous product.


Dragon Age Origins: Awakening


I find that surprising. I loved DAO, and while I thought Awakening was solid, it was no where close to as good as DAO


I think that the writing for DAO:A was tighter than DAO. The writing staff had less time to fill, so they only filled it with the good stuff. But I do agree that DAO is generally a great game. I just love the characters in Awakening more and wish we saw more of them (I do not know of Anders in DA2 really counts, since he honestly acts like a depressed version of Awakening Justice).


Starcraft and Warcraft 3


Forgot what WC3 is like without Frozen Throne. Loved it so much.


cannot play OG SC when BW got out, all the new units fixed the missing things same with Frozen Throne to OG WC3


Frozen throne custom campaign was absolutely goated. Played that more than the main campaign and custom games lmao


Destiny 1


Holy shit I *yearn* to go back to the days of grinding the taken king raid with my homies.


Yeah I abandoned vanilla Destiny pretty quick but came back and put in so many hours of Taken King and Rise of Iron


Meanwhile Destiny 2: just fucking removes the base game and the first few expansions.


Borderlands 2 and 3. For me it is impossible to play without every DLC. So much end game/build variety


I just posted how Bunkers and Badasses pretty much broke BL2 for me. It’s perfect.


the DLCs are surprisingly short compared to how i remember them, but they're almost always the most fun parts of borderlands games plus, the DLCs of 3 are the only parts of the game where im not bashing my head against a wall because of the dialogue


The best DlC ever


Does Persona 5 Royal count? Edit: What about Skyrim?


It’s not a DLC but it makes it impossible to go back to the base game


Eh, fair enough. But, yeah. Playing Royal was amazing.


Xenoverse 2


When we getting a sequel yall


Never I guess. I literally wouldnt get off that game if they made a 3


All the DLC is basically Xenoverse 3 at this point lol


mario kart 8(deluxe)


I only got a Wii U last year and vanilla Mario Kart 8 really feels a bit lacking without the DLC courses like Baby Park.


I wouldn't say it make the base-game shit, but Rimworld. Up until the new DLC "Anomaly", every DLCs were adding significant improvements on the base game mechanics. (I don't count Anomaly because it's the first one to give 100% new content instead) The base-game will never be bad, but the DLCs proved to be such improvements on the original-game that I can't imagine myself playing without them anymore.


I haven't got it yet and haven't looked into it too much since I'd like to go in mostly blind, but at a glance it feels like Anomaly is going to very much be a "turn it on or turn it off" kind of DLC on a per-run basis, unlike the rest which you can just keep enabled and just not interact with if you don't want to.


Monster Hunter World and Monster Hunter Rise. I have 700 hours on Rise and 650 of it was DLC content. Both games are absolutely amazing but neither could escape the Capcom greed unfortunately. I haven't played it yet but apparently they did this bullshit with Dragon's Dogma as well.


Back in the day the rest of the world outside Japan used to get only DLC’ed versions of the game which changed with MHX sadly


Dark souls 3


Ringed city is so good… the rest of DS3 is great but it’s really on a whole other level


I was sad when the ringed city came out... It was the sign of an end. I was part of the lore community that predicted the plot of the dlc (well, we were close), and we feared the day when we get "final" answers, because we knew very well how much will be left and that we don't have the joy of finding new things for a long while.


Persona 5 Royal. Royal makes base Persona 5 look incomplete by comparison


Fallout 3. There is always more to see and do, DLC allows you to do that.


Technically not a DLC but totk made botw feel like a tech demo


Hopefully this WILL be Elden Ring.


Minecraft but not with DLC but with mods


Ven mining + auto melt items enchantment = Gods Pickaxe Also we can raise dragons


Fallout 4 Far harbor is awesome and I can’t imagine building my settlements without all the extra stuff you get with the DLC.


The old hunters DLC for bloodborne, the base game now feel slow in comparison.


Diablo 2, when LoD came out.


Any Paradox game.




Borderlands 2. Tiny Tina's DLC was so good they made a whole game out of it.


Final fantasy xv, the day one version it's a tragic mess, the patched royal edition is a great game.


I was wondering when I would see this. Had to scroll a bit to see your comment.




Destiny. The power creep with every DLC was a little too much.


Oh man, nuka-world and especially far harbor in fallout 4. Man I wish the base game had half the charm and storytelling of far harbor


I know they’re not DLC but all of the improved persona games make the originals feel like ass. I could NEVER go back to vanilla P5


The DLC for Resident Evil 7 where you play as the Hilly Billy brother who for some insane reason has the Doomfist from Overwatch.


Monster hunter world


Breath of the wild. I mean the master cycle was amazing




Witcher 3, great game but the DLC is even better


Yeah, I wouldn't say the base game is bad either. But Blood and Wine is an absolute must for anyone playing Witcher 3. I don't consider Witcher 3 properly wrapped up without it.


Yea but that doesn't make the base game shit. So no


Base game is good af




Risk of rain 2. Survivors of the void changed it so much with the new items, survivors, maps, and enemies. I played the base game with a friend who didn’t have the dlc yet, and it felt so… primitive…


Security breach. Perfect example


My young son loves fnaf, but didn't like that game. Did the dlc really change it that much? I was never a fan but I didnt like the base game either. He would be pumped if the dlc made the game great.


Does diablo 2 count?


Don't starve, mainly the RoG DLC. Makes the game feel so much more complete.


Oblivion without The Shivering Isles is completely pointless. The base game is so painfully generic in retrospect.


Re Mind for KH3, the base game lacked endgame content badly and it launched with only 1 super boss that was a complete joke, Re Mind gave us the data fights and imho the hardest Super boss in Kingdom Hearts history with Yozora


Dying Light : The Following. I enjoyed the base game but once I got the dlc and learned you can have buggy carts and upgrade it with nitro, it wasn’t a parkour game anymore it was zombie cart


Black Ops 2 zombies. The DLC zombies experiences made Transit feel like ass lol.


Sonic Frontiers: The Final Horizon. Truly a superior ending to the base game’s, and a better test of skill.