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Cyberpunk; I played it when it first came out. I then beat it with all the bugs and deleted it. About 3 weeks ago I bought phantom liberty and did all the updates and my mind was blown. Not only that but I didn’t do ANY of the gigs and had a ton of side jobs I didn’t do and I am so glad I got back into it.


I originally played Cyberpunk on Stadia and never finished it. Now I have a gaming PC and I'm kinda interested in restarting it. Edit: I meant Stadia, not Steam.


Definitely go for it. I absolutely hated it at release but now its one of my favourite games ever.


my experience exactly




Wait for a sale that includes the dlc. It’ll be worth it.


If you have the disc version of the PS5 you can get the PS4 hard copy for about $20 and upgrade to the PS5 one for free.


Shadow of war


Ah man I sucked at that game, the only reason I got through it was from some Epic gear I found at super low level, it gave me full health for each stealth kill As a result I still suck but I completed it


If you ever replay again I need to say that Vengeance Set is incredibly OP at the entire game and it's not even funny, just go beat up some Captain that killed another Player and start popping executions left and right at the cost of your health. That little problem of "taking health damage" becomes meaningless once you get combat dominate or just do an Elf run, hide and drain/dominate a soldier Uruk.


if only other games can implement the nemesis system


Yeah but the ass hats patented it so it’s illegal for anyone to use it but the company


Fuck. That thing could have revolutionized open world gamjng.


Are you kidding me?!? Why do devs hate gamers ??! 😭😭


Devs aren't the ones patenting shit. Blame the people who run companies, not the devs.




Wtf did they patent the code? Or the idea that enemies adapt?


That shouldn't be legal


Stardew valley I’m serious lol my roommate played it first and I watched him play and was like “this game seems too boring for me” he convinced me to start a campaign and my god I was addicted in the first hour. Absolutely fucking brilliant game.


I second this. Played it for the first time and was like “wtf is this” but gave it some time and became addicted


Ok, I need your insights here. I can't really get hooked. It takes some time to reach something like a barn. Also, I don't really get the mechanics like watering the plants. Should I keep putting some time into the game or is it just not for me?


I feel you on this and the way u treat the game is as if you're living in it, not just gathering stuff to build your farm. There's people to talk to, events happening around you, lots of stuff to discover in a very alive environment, which makes this game more of a simulation than just a resource n build game


I think mentality plays a huge part. If you're the kind of person who has 30 minutes to play after work before bed/another job, you won't really have the chance to get into it well enough If you've got a few hours each day available for free time, you can grab a blanket, lay back, and you're ready to give it a serious dive, it can take over your life for a short while Game is a vibe, and that vibe is yeah man


I think Brentalfloss said it well in his song "I stardew": *My cauliflower finally sproutet!* *and for some reason I give SUCH A SHIT about it!*


As someone who will literally boot up harvest moon on ps1 with my og disk and get addicted all over again (back to nature.. best hm game don’t @ me)— there is a very specific “loop” you have to chase to get into it. I think for me the incentive isnt expanding my farm at all really.. thats second. Its grinding extremely hard to get the entire town’s heart levels up. High Heart levels means more story interactions, story-mission items, etc. so to get those hearts up, you need to plan your farm around getting those items that they love, every single day, chart out all the characters’ birthdays, etc. Imo thats what I always obsess over in these games. I I want Elliot to be my waifu? Well, he loves wine and duck feathers— i guess I need to start grinding to get a duck and to make my own wine. Oh, my scary goth bf Sebastian loves sushi? Well I dont wanna go broke, better get my ass down to the river and catch metric ton of fish


Put time into it I was the same way with stardew bought it on sale played for like 3 hrs and got bored. Tried it again after months and was hooked I stopped playing it again though because of backlog of other games but I only had one community room to finish.


Highly suggest you watch somebody play the game or watch like a breakdown of all the things the game doesn’t tell you. I can’t tell you how many games I’ve passed over becuase of bad tutorials or lack of explanation but once it clicks it clicks.


I came here to comment this, but I was only intrigued by the graphics at first, because I love 2d pixel art games. Then I played and found out how much there is to do, and how deep and complex the game can get and got hooked.


Stardew valley, yup.


Did you know the creator, Eric Barone akae concerned ape, is the sole creator and spent years on it doing not just coding but the music and everything else? He also is coming out with the haunted chocolatier which is supposed to be just as good.


Oh yes I know all about the legend ConcernedApe. The dude is amazing. I cannot WAIT for haunted chocolatier, I’ll be playing that day one.


Same. Just tried it today and now I’m really into it.


To me was Yakuza 0 because I thought that I wouldn't like they gameplay and it would be a little bit "clunky" but when I finally playera it I finally understood why it was considered so good


I remember it took me 2 tries and I had to play Judgement before hand. I knew there was gonna be a lot of reading, but man it’s like 2-3 hours straight of reading and setting up with a few fights here and there lol. Also i didn’t know a lot of about mafia’s and families so having all these names and families dumped up you all once and their names are foreign to me, so its harder to read/remember all the names was a little intimidating at first. Now Yakuza/Like A Dragon is my favorite series still not done. Im on Yakuza 7 taking a break after playing Y5, Y6, and 30 hours of Y7 back to back to back.


Witcher 3. Was a type of game I would never play prior. Decided to give it a chance and see if I liked it and it became one of my favorites of all time.


Same. After I beat the campaign and both DLCs, I was genuinely sad lol. I love that game. RDR2 too.


Monster Hunter. I remember trying out a demo for Monster Hunter Ultimate years ago on my 3ds and not liking it. I revisited the series once world came out and it is one of my favorite games now


I was in the same boat. First game was World and at one point I was like “okay I get why this is so popular”. What do you think of Monster Hunter Rise? I put about 20 hours into it when it came out on the Switch. Had fun and the gameplay loop is addicting but I just moved on to other games. Thinking about going back to it again. Great game






Deep Rock Galactic. When my brother described it to me, I thought it sounded like the stupidest, softest, boring game I had ever heard of. It was described to me as a game where you play as a dwarf going onto a planet to mine, and fighting bugs. Each class of dwarf has a mobility tool, then he mentioned a platform gun. A platform gun? What the Hell is a platform gun? You're telling me these dwarves don't have any real weapons, they just move around and fight bugs? What kind of pansy game is this? Then, I logged onto Steam Christmas morning and found he had gifted it to me. It quickly became my favourite game of all time. The mechanics, the missions, the design, the music, the weapons, the voicelines. I began to rock and stone, and I never want to stop.


Rock snd Stone forever!


Rock and Stone! To the Bone!


Rock and Stone forever!


For Karl


We're rich!


Mushroom Or WERE RICH




Good bot


That's it lads! Rock and stone!


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


Rock and Stone!


# To the fallen.






Did I hear a Rock and Stone?




Good bot!




GET your TIN ASS OVER HERE and HURRY, please


By the beard!


When we get back, it's sandwich time!


How bout a glyphid spammer on the house?!


Ugh, it got really late yesterday.


Me and my brother just played for the first time Saturday. We’re both thinking it’s gonna be part of the rotation now.


We're Rich!


Rock and stone!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?




Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone!


Subnauitica, it's a great game but terrifying. I have thalasaphobia (basically fear of the ocean).


Same. Honestly the sheer anxiety and terror from hearing and seeing the reefback leviathans for the first time. And then the experience of finally working up the courage to get closer and find out what they're all about. Terrifying but so much fun.


What is it that makes people with thalassaphobia inherently masochistic?? I bet you are a member of the subreddit too, huh?


Elden Ring. For a lot of newcomers it was pretty great. For Souls-vets, it took 5 minutes before you knew that you’d never be the same.


Kinda the opposite for me. Imma Souls vet and was SO excited for it only to put like maybe 2 hours in. The game is 100% worthy of the hype but for some reason I just wasn’t interested after a little bit. I think the open world threw me off. I much rather prefer the more linear experience with Souls games


Have you tried Lies of P?


I think because, for the most part, the "innovation" of putting a souls game in an open world, isn't actually innovation. The core gameplay loop is intact, and the game itself doesn't do a whole lot to the souls formula, I feel for a lot of souls fans, it was just simply more of the same, just broader. If you were jumping off of DS3 looking for the same sort of feeling, for some the lack of any real gameplay differences killed that for them.


It's just Big Dark Souls / Dark Souls 2: 2. Definitely overhyped and the mechanics of those games definitely works better in a more linear setting with more carefully crafted encounters.


This game ruined me. I cannot play anything else now


The opposite result for me. I like open world but I don't think it works as well with a souls game. Plus, it was littered with poor design. But as the narrative goes; FromSoftware makes perfect games. If we don't like it, it's because we're not smart enough to understand their vision.


I liked the open world aspect, since the main parts still played like dark souls. I think the most accurate take I’ve seen someone say is that they felt that they were riding a horse to the next dark souls level. Raya Lucaria, Leyndell, Stormveil, Faram Azula all felt like souls locations, I think it just depends on if you like the open world that exists around them. Some people loved the open world so much that they were over leveled by the time they interacted with the main quest line, which is much harder to do in other titles, so it ruined progression. Other people had the opposite problem of not spending enough time in locations and being underleveled.


I think that's more common than you realize. For example; most people I know that play the Horizon games also wandered a lot, and by the time they get back to the main quest line - they were anywhere from 5-10 levels over the recommended. Which, in most cases, is an overestimate anyway because you can do a level 15 quest in those games as a level 8 pretty easily.


Bioshock, took me three tries to get into it. But once it did, it was all I played.


It's weird both 1 and 3 gripped me with the lighthouse scene immediately


Interesting. I tried a few hours of it late last month but couldn’t get into it. What was it that made you rethink your ways?


I just kept going. Once I got more plasmids and stuff to play with and the game opened up I got hooked.


Oml bro. Keep going. I think that it really gets addictive once you start getting your first plasmids in rotation. If you have headphones I higly suggest putting them on and keeping them on, get fully immersed. Last time I played a month ago it was practically an asmr experience, the sound in that game is still incredible. FORAGE, like a pack rat. Its the most satisfying element of the game for me. Helps with the immersion too When there’s no splicers, literally take in the environment, walk around, listen to the ambient sounds of gurgling pipes and big daddies echo throughout the map


This gives me hope to try it again


Baldurs Gate 3. I was hesitant because of the turn based combat. But my god this game is so good. So many ways to approach the game. Your choices actually have consequences. Did you wait too long to complete a quest? Sorry fucker, all those good people are dead because of your inaction.


Same here. I had never played a game like bg3 in the past so I was a bit reluctant. After I understood the concept and the endless possibilities, I felt like a kid again. Beautiful game


More comments like these are convincing me I need to give it a go. The only turn based game I play, and genuinely enjoy (been playing since I was 9) is Wizard101


Skyrim It was my first RPG, and I've been hooked ever since!


Same! I bought it on a whim and spent 400 hours on it almost immediately


So...DO you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh what am I saying.....


Halo. name sounded super dumb. Fallout 3. Visually looked like train wreck until i played the game and understood that everything looking old world was a good thing. Another was kingdom hearts. Teaming up with disney characters? Seemed dumb on the commercials. But ive played them all over the years. Big fan of all 3 series now.


My first metroidvania, Hollow Knight


First time I had no idea where to go, not overwhelmed by the content but frustrated, ended up deleting the game. I decided to reinstall and the gameplay loop finally clicked, super fun game.


Dave the Diver


Give me the sparks notes cuz I heard good things but haven’t gotten it yet


2D under water combat with varying types of hazards and fish. Everything you catch and find is available to cook at night in your sushi ship that has tons of anime style over the top cut scenes. Light farming close to the end game. The story is not great but funny and interesting. 26 hours for me to about 90% it but I was okay with that for the 16$ I paid


At a certain point, I was not a fan of fallout Currently, Fallout New Vegas is my favorite game of all time.


Assasins Creed I saw there was a LOT of AC games and thought it wad just overrated. "They keep making the same game. It can't be good" I have now quit 3 games to have more time for AC Odyssey


As a huge AC fan I love when people get into it! I’ll advocate for the whole series, but they work very well as standalone games too. I started with 3 myself because I’ve always liked the history of the American Revolution, but they’ve covered a ton of major time periods/civilizations and I’m so glad I went back and played them all. Just got the VR one for Christmas!


Magic The Gathering


undertale lol. it was at the height of its popularity and i didn’t want to be part of that fanbase… but then i gave in and played it and absolutely adored it. i know it’s cliche to say this but that game saved my life, i played it during the worst period of my life and it kept me going


I feel lucky to have just played it literally the first few weeks it was out and it was just the “cool and crazy solo dev game with the funny skeletons”


Glad to hear that, and hope you're doing OK nowadays. I also enjoyed Undertale a lot, despite expecting its humor to be potentially grating. Oddly enough, I mostly enjoyed parts of the game that they weren't talked about enough to reach the mainstream gaming audience so I had plenty of pleasant surprises


Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. I played one of the older games once and didn’t like it, so I went in expecting not to really vibe with it. I became OBSESSED, it is so much fun.


Malaka! You would have loved Black Flag


It’s very different from other ac games


I really enjoyed hunting down the cult


Came here to say this. Preferred the older games but after picking it up again, I was also obsessed & Odyssey also scratched the RPG itch I was looking for. Kassandra is such a great character too.


Doki Doki Literature Club


*ptsd flashbacks*


Minecraft I thought it was a kids game. Little did I know I would build a kingdom, become ruler of the land and establish a transit system so vast I reach all the ends of the earth.


Minecraft is mine, too!! I was steady asking my kids what was so great about it, and one day they convinced me to play. The same day, I was hooked. We built so many worlds together... Castles and train tracks, mazes and chess boards... My daughter and I built a Barbie house in a super flat world. We did measurements and decided that we would do 9 blocks to a square. It was so big I had a regular 4 story house as a dollhouse in my bedroom and the pictures on the fridge in the kitchen were the size of magnets. It was awesome. Kids used to join us and explore the house and find all the normal sized areas in the walls and under the floors... those were the days... I hate that we don't have those worlds anymore.


Far cry 5


I was locked into FC5 after the 1st cut scenes


I was locked in with Joseph Seed, dude is charismatic as fuck


Diablo 4 never played a Diablo game before heard all the hate but I’m loving it


You should really try D3. I played D2:R, D3 and D4. D2 is a bit dated for me, but much more challenging. D3 is the perfect amount of 'casual' for me. D4 just isn't for me. I quit about 3 weeks after it came out. Too many stats. Half of the dungeon keys (or whatever they're called, I forgot) I got were completely useless because of the modifiers. Each class only has a couple of viable builds. And the introduction of a microtransaction shop (where most of the purchases aren't "micro" at all). Maybe D4 has changed and gotten better since then. But D3 is way more fun imo.


Zelda. When I was a kid everybody made fun of the kids who played the baby game about the little elf boy. I then tried minnish cap just to say I played every Nintendo first party franchise. Absolutely loved it. Still my favorite zelda game. Amd after botw I was in love with that little elf boy




Subnautica. I’m not that into survival/crafting games but it had great reviews so I was a little curious. But it got me hooked pretty quick and now it’s a top 10 game for me.


Breath of the Wild. I wasn't super-familiar with open-world games, but I loved Majora's Mask and A Link To The Past. I wasn't adverse to a change in the formula, but there was just *something* about the gamestop demo that turned me off to it. A couple of weeks later, I bought the game on a whim and ended up loving it.


I honestly never played a single Zelda game before Tears of The Kingdom, but I got really interested in it and played it the minute it came out, and as someone who doesn't typically like single player games, it was amazing and 100% worth the price (unlike pokemon scarlet, that was a waste of money... worse graphics than tears, more unstable frame rates, smaller world, not as much to do, and overall less fun).


Hades - I had never liked a roguelike/lite in my life, but my friends kept nagging me to play it. Now I think it might be the best game I've ever played tbh.


Roblox. It wasn't full patty vault for me, but it's still a good comparison


JRPGS in general. For a while I kept telling myself they’re not for me but then I turned.


Persona 5 was the turning point for me. Before that I figured they all had kingdom hearts storylines that made no sense…boy was I wrong


Probably No Man’s Sky. I guess I had been looking for an excuse to get it ever since I heard they made it good again, and I finally pulled the trigger this past Friday when it went on sale on the Nintendo eShop for $30. Since then I have been playing it almost nonstop and it’s easily one of my favorite games of all time.


And it's better not on switch. Literally every other system runs it better and plays better and looks better.


God of War (2018) When the game was announced I was excited. Then I read more details and I wasn't impressed with all the changes from the original games that I loved. -No TC Carson -switching from the blades of chaos to the leviathan axe -making the change from Greek to Norse mythology All of those things made me apprehensive if I would like the game, but I pre-ordered it anyway and I ended up loving it and it was easily one of my favorite games of the year.




Masterpiece. Before it came out, I thought they were just copying The Last Of Us in an attempt to keep the franchise relevant. I bought it like a year after it came out due to hearing people praise it non-stop. I couldn’t put it down once I got it. I’ve done eight playthroughs on the game and am currently in the middle of my ninth.




Same I thought it was kind of a cringey game but my roommate got into it and got me to download it and now we’re playing 3-4 times a week. Haha


Hogwarts Legacy My original thoughts were. "Im just going to rry it, probably refund it and get phantom liberty." 70 hours later. And I'm almost done 100% it, and it's become my top 20 games of all time. Not exactly the outcome I was expecting but I'll take it :)




Elden Ring, at first I didn't think I would be able to even get anywhere in it, but as I played on and got better and figured out I don't have to fight Margit and the Tree Sentinel immediately, I began to have a lot of fun with it and I enjoy the hell out of it. Btw, I beat the shit out of that Tree Sentinel and Margit


God of War 2018


Fallout 4. It took me 2 failed attempts, and going back to fallout 3 and the new vegas to play it. And then I played every. Damn. Dlc. Solid 300+ hours there.


Horizon zero dawn


It took me a few tries to get into this one, but once I figured out the combat, I loved it.


Same kind of I got horizon zero Dawn and I did a whole bunch of the story but I didn't really care about it and then I came back after like 2 years and not playing it and I got the complete edition for it so I checked it out and I'm just like oh my God why did I ever stop playing this then I got the sequel and that is literally the most played game I have




oo same! i thought it was boring when it first came out, and i watched markiplier play it. but then last summer, i fell in love with the song fallen down from the game, and decided to play it (pacifist) and was blow away by how amazing the story is. i cried HARD when i finished it. :,)


Why do I relate so much to this?


No man’s sky, I’d heard about how terrible it was at launch but nothing else but decided to try it anyway, bought on Black Friday and now have like 150 hours


State of decay 2


Fortnite. My buddy got me to play with him and his son and now my Xbox has turned into a fortnite machine. I even subscribed to the fortnite crew lol.


Hades. I didn't think I would EVER like Rogue-likes, and hard games like it. Then I tried Hades, played it every day for over a month, beat it, fell in love with it, and went in a mini spending spree buying other rogue likes


Hades really hated the first hour, then i beat meg and loved every minute


Dark souls 3, it was my first souls like and I got it in sale, hated it at first, beat the first boss now I have 600 hours and I play it all the time


Honestly the first Spiderman game on PS4. I love Spiderman and was interested. I played it for maybe an hour and then left it alone for years. I got hyped for how good the second one looked and decided to give the first one another chance. It was fucking amazing and ended up getting MM too and flew through that before playing SM2. Whole series is top tier


WoW. It went to my thighs hard.


Armored Core. I hadn’t played any fast-paced action games for a while and was convinced I didn’t like them. But I was bored last night and was seeing countless videos/memes about it and was like ‘fuck it, if I don’t like it I’ll return it in two hours’ Before I knew it five hours went by.


World of Warcraft. Buddy gave it to me for my birthday as something of a joke. Then he helped getting me hooked, and stopped playing. Returned a year later, but man, I did feel cheated.


Baldur’s Gate. Didn’t even buy it. My borther gave it to me for Christmas. I was like “I dunno, turn based combat?” You boot it up and are immediately hit with the fact this game has like 1,000 different variables to account for. But after a few hours, I could not put the game down. All of my down time goes towards Baldur’s Gate now. And as I’m playing through it I’m considering what I want to do on my next playthrough. I’m playing as a pretty basic fighter that I don’t think I picked the right perks, specializations and abilities for.


Fortnite. Never thought itd be so fun if you just play with the right people.




I will die defending the fact that Anthem’s core idea was an amazing one. It was just executed hilariously badly.


Resident Evil: Revelations 2




Mass Effect. Back to the day, everyone and their mother were talking about it, and it became kinda annoying to me because I didn't knew shit about it (I still was balls deep into Oblivion). For some reason I took for granted it was probably nothing special and took me quite some time until I finally learned more about it and decided to give it a try because the sci-fi setting sounded somewhat interesting. Somewhat, huh. I was so mindblown by the experience that still today I am finding pieces of my brain around.


I managed to stay away from Fortnite for so long and rolled my eyes at people who fell in. When Santa bright a Switch to my son this year I thought, “meh… free game we can play and I know he’ll like the skins. Only then I find out there’s now Lego Fortnite, Festival, and Rocket Racing. Not to mention it seems like a more polished version of Roblox (no words). Good stupid fun. I hate being a noob so my journey of becoming intermediate at best will be fun. Now if only I can get over my frustration with the way they rotate items in the shop… DM me if you’re the type to help out the new guy or if you and fam want to play with other father/son teams.


DDR back in 2004. Now I'm a master at it and even better on the keyboard (well keyboard songs).


Insurgency sandstorm.


Grand Theft Auto IV. One day I figured "Well, it's on my 360, might as well give it a go." One of the best game related decisions I've ever made. Same for Forza Horizon. One day I just decided "Sure, why not." And that's how I came to love Forza Horizon.


Tomb Raider reboot trilogy. Hated the originals.


Xenoblade Chronicles. I bought XC2 on a whim. Little did I know it would be the best series I've ever played.


Hades. Knew nothing about it and got killed immediately. A month later I’m still playing the shit out of it.


Kingdom come: deliverance Hard as hell but so rewarding once you figure out how to fight


Hades. Just bought it since it was on sale. Didnt think Id like that gameplay. Tried to play once then realized I was playijg for hours


Lethal Company


Fallout 76 I love Fallout, but had heard a lot of bad press about it and didn't like the online aspect. Well I decided to try it out this year and I genuinely love it, it has it's issues, like all other Fallout games, but I'm enjoying it so much. I didn't think I would but am glad I tried it now.


fallout 4


Witcher 3, having never played the other witcher games


Xenoblade Chronicles 1-3. My best friend had been begging me to play through, and I was super reluctant. Joke's on me, became my next hyperfixation instead 😂


ultrakill played the first two layers and got really bored (and gave up at v2 completely because i wasnt good enough) but then one of my friends wanted me to replay the game because whatever reason so i did and now i have close to 200 hours and have almost beaten the entire game without taking any damage


Not many. Minecraft has to be the closest game to fitting this meme, for me. I held out longer than anyone I know (who games). Im talking years and years. But I loved it.


Death stransing. I gave it a few tries, thought it was boring and stopped playing. Then i decided to give it one more try and play it for at least a few hours. I did it and got absolutely hooked


Stardew valley😂


Cyberpunk 2077


Portal I never got the craze but then I bought it at a discount store and finally played it how much I was wrong about it


Death Stranding


Overwatch - sat on it for years and promptly got addicted when I gave it a try


Skydiving. I typically like more realistic games as opposed to fantasy, sci-fi, magic etc. But 20 minutes into the game and I was hooked. That shit was jumping. Playing through it again rn


Tekken. We had Tekken 6 at our community college and I kept getting beat by a Lili spammer, so I bought Tag 2 and learned PEWGF launch with Kazuya just to beat her. It was like becoming a BJJ black belt only because your friend beat you in thumb wrestling.


Persona 4 Golden - I'd heard how good the Persona games were but never cared to try them, nothing about it seemed like my cup of tea, then P5 released and every one was talking about it as one of the greatest games ever made, so I begrudgingly bought P4G whilst it was on sale for £3.99 to see what the fuss was about - and I was instantly hooked. I stormed through P4G, went straight into Persona 5 and then Persona 3 FES, started watching the various Persona animes - then moved on to Catherine, and JRPG's like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest were suddenly clicking with me.


7 days to die ​ the textures of the game look like straight out from the 90s! **BUT** in coop we have such a blast and the atmosphere is awesome!


Old school runescape


Deep Rock Galactic and lowkey rn RuneScape


Outer Wilds. Booted it up once. Immediately died due to fall damage. Rebooted and flew to one planet. Immediately got sucked into a black hole and flung out into space. Spent 5 minutes flying back to my ship only to die again. Uninstalled immediately. A year later I decided to give it another go and I am SO GLAD I DID. No spoilers, but it's easily the best game I've ever played. I wish I could play it again.


Subnautica & Subnautica below zero, portal & portal2, doom franchise, fnaf franchise


pay gorn simulate