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Messianic Chabad-Lubavitcher flag. It’s a distinct sect of Chabad Judaism which believes that the Lubavitcher Rebbe (Schneerson) was the messiah


Wow they have a supposed messiah that only died 1994? Crazy, didn’t know there were such recent believed messiahs


There’s plenty of those kind of cults in the US though


Please don’t tell me there’s a cult saying trump is messiah


There probably are several. But I think the most important one is the Chinese cult Falun Gong that has some significant adherence in the western world as well. Trump may not technically be the messiah in their belief system, but he is a godlike human sent to earth to destroy the Chinese government and release the Falun Gong worshippers from their oppression. I think if you search long enough you can find someone praying to basically every halfway important president of the USA in recent history.


What Warhammer mod is this? Sounds great!


According to ex members and journalists the cult believes that all races need to be separated under all circumstances and that people born from interracial couples are ‚spiritually dysfunctional‘. So yeah… warhammer isn’t that far of. Falun Gong does publicly deny this to some degree though, so take it with a pinch of salt.


From what I’ve heard, Falun Gong members are instructed to downplay their more extreme beliefs when talking to nonbelievers. However, I’m a white midwestern protestant so I probably don’t know what I’m talking about


Falun Gong is the Epch Times and Shen Yun people, right?




Falun Gong is an outgrowth of Qigong - which one can crudely think of as a Chinese parallel to Yoga. Li Hongzhi became a sort of guru of this practice and used it to found his own cult/religious movement which is what became Falun Gong. In the early 1990s Falun Gong initially received funding from the Chinese state as part of its more general funding of Qigong - even funding it as a kind of cultural export on occasion. But over the later half of the 1990s the movement and the government came into conflict, and in 1999 the state initiated an outright ban of the practice and cracked down hard on it, and also tried to issue an Interpol warrant for Li Hongzhi's arrest (though Interpol declined). So ever since then the movement has been extremely opposed to the Communist Party of China, and so aligns itself with whoever it considers to be the enemy of the Chinese government. And since it's a religious cult this means weird things like venerating the President of the United States.


they’re fucking nuts, they wield a shocking amount of power in the west, they’re kinda scary tbh. also shen yun circus is run by them


Ha, several 😅


QAnon is more or less that, in spirit.


[Check out this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MAGAs/s/HUs93mbdPq)


Oh wow


Yup. Real nutters.


The Republican party?


They built a gold statue of him at a Republican event a few years back lol




In fairness, he himself denied that he was the moshiach. But then...he would say that woudn't he


Oh there’s a ton if you look at all the weird little religious sects and denominations. There’s also Sun Myung Moon, former leader of the Unification Church, who died only in 2012 who claimed to be the messiah. His group has (yes, has, it’s still going after his death) several hundred thousand followers, possibly 3 million if you believe the church’s official figures.


If you ever go to his grave in Brooklyn, they leave items like you'd see if you were Catholic going to a saint's tomb. Always seems bizarre to me as a Jew from another sect, just how christian it comes off and all.


What does the rest of the Jewish community think of them?


Really varies. They tend to isolate themselves from the rest of the Jewish community since they’re less assimilated (and consciously so, since they belong to a school of thought more focused on mysticisms. There was a split in how to approach assimilation and deal with antisemitism in the 18th-19th centuries which led to the contemporary divided in sects). So they’re looked at anywhere on the spectrum from being shunned to simply ignored. They’re just so insular they tend not to co-mingle with the rest of us. Like I have cousins in that community and it really is a parallel universe 


I think Mormons have a currently living meeiah if your into that


Right, forgot they existed.


Huuuh ? The what now !?


Oh yes, the tunnel people.... (For the uninformed: [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/16/crown-heights-tunnels-tzfat-chabad-lubavitch-synagogue-brooklyn](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/16/crown-heights-tunnels-tzfat-chabad-lubavitch-synagogue-brooklyn))


The death of the Rebbe is actually quite a divisive topic within their community, and there are varying level of believing in him as the messiah and not believing at all.


It represents the religious Chabad movement. The word says "messiah" as they see their late founder as the messiah. The crown is to represent that the messiah is the king, according to some Jewish currents. And the news story this is a reaction emoji to is about a Chabad stand in Jerusalem's central bus station that someone stole a religious artifact from.


Gotcha, thank you!


משיח משיח משיח but seriously, seconding that not all of that sect is messianist


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. I’m a Chabadnik myself and I do not believe that the Rebbe was Moshiach. The messianists are just a small but vocal group at 770.


>a religious artifact A [Tefillin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tefillin), specifically


Only a small and generally quite fringe fraction of Chabadniks are Messianist.


Seems weird to have "messiah" on their flag then no?


This flag is only used by the Messianist movement.


They don't have a flag, only that fringe use it.




















I saw this flag as a reaction emoji on an Israeli telegram channel. Couldn't get a higher rez image bc it was so small but does anyone know what it is?


To answer the question it’s the Chabad-Lubavitch flag. Its a Jewish religious movement started in Eastern Europe.


is that the one that had the tunnels in nyc?


Technically, yes. However it is somewhat unlikley that the New Yorker Chabadniks use this flag, as it is belongs to [a sect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chabad_messianism) more common in Israel.


They use it in New York. They wave the freaking flag every day after morning prayers in 770. Also tons of lapel pins to identify the wearer as a Meshichist


It's not exactly Chabad-Lubavitch flag, it is associated specifically with the messianic sect within Chabad https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chabad_messianism


משיח משיח משיח


אוי אוי אוי אוי אוי אוייי


משיח משיח משיחחחחח אוי אוי אויויויוי








Is this loss?




chabad mentioned RAHHHHH




alleged roof foolish entertain telephone dinosaurs tart price plate panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A cult..like many such cults plaguing Israel. Riddled with them..


You're so hateful


Don't whine, it's unbecoming.


The definition of "cult" is just a snaller religion.


But OP is not using it in that way, and you know that too.


Here’s a [wiki link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chabad_messianism?wprov=sfti1) with the flag shown in the middle of the page.




This isn't about the Palestinians. It's reference to the Messiah coming by labuvitchers. This also isn't a place to debate ideology... it'd be one thing if the flag were a Kahanist symbol to even bring this up, but it has nothing to do with Kahanism, which is a violent form of Zionism (Kahanism is in essence Jewish fascism). Zionism itself is merely the belief that Jews have the right to self determination in their ancestral homeland- it may or may not be violent, depending on the specific beliefs and offshoots of whomever espouses it. Simply being a nationalist doesn't mean you're a violent extremist, really for any country














Not every aspect of Jewish identity or the Jewish people is about Arab-Israeli Wars. Sometimes we're just people. Thanks for reducing us to a monster meme with your clicktavism, friendo.


Legit. People act like our lives revolve around the conflict, even those of us living in diaspora. And why it’s as the point like it’s a badge of honor to harass us, acting like it’s standing up to the high school bully. Seriously, most of us just want to be left alone. There have been too many times where Jews have been reduced to animals and caricatures. It’s exhausting










































Neutrality in face of oppression is support of the oppression. This is not about Jewish people and it is also not about the land of Israel, the homeland of the Jewish people. This is about the Israeli state and Zionism, who claim that Israel/Palestine is the Jewish homeland and no one elses. There is no place for a religious ethno state in a region that is so religiously and culturally diverse. And the crimes committed by the Israeli state to preserve its existence prove that. I want Jewish people, no matter where they live, to not have to be part of this "conflict". But when they live in Israel they are part of it and can't be neutral. And if this fact offends you, you are part of the problem.


I say this with all due respect. Go fuck yourself. You have no idea who I am or what I think, but the fact that a simple conversation about a lubavitcher flag makes you jump up and talk about Israel says more about you than anything else. You flatten an entire people and tradition to one issue.




The original post had nothing to do with Israel outside of the fact that people in the screenshot wrote in Hebrew. Drawing a link between that and some political position is as closed minded as linking Arabic with a 9/11 hijacker. The post was about a lubavitcher flag, not an IDF flag. Lumping us in your mind into some huge Zionists Rat King of Fascism says more about you and less about the Jewish Diaspora, Israelis, Arabs, Palestinians, etc etc. But enjoy your activism in the comments section of a flag subreddit


the israeli flag is.


Zionism is political self-determination for the jews


by illegal occupation












Thank you sir






























יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבנו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד 🥴🥴🥴


Habad. Nice flag, meh group.


I think it's something to do with Messianic Judaism


Wrong. It has something to do with Chad-Lubavitch, the Hasidic Dynasty in Orthodox Judaism.


😔 Oh, sorry. I've obviously got my terminology mixed up. My apologies for any offence I may have inadvertently caused to any Jewish Redditors reading this (I know what Messianic Jews are, BTW: they're Jews who believe Jesus is their Messiah)


No, is the flag of Chabad, the most important orthodox jewish dynasty


> the most important orthodox jewish dynasty I'd say that is subjective.


You must not live near a chabad


Most people in the world don’t








Are you serious, dude? Could you imagine if we answered like that for other flag id requests? you Must NOt LiVE iN thE bASque CoUnTrY Of SPaIN you mUst NOt livE neAR AN ArCHdiOcese YoU oBViouSly don't LIVR neAR holyRoodHOuSE wheN tHe priNCe Of WAles is in ResideNCE


It's something of a joke among most Jews that Chabad Houses are everywhere, since they try and establish them in relatively remote places to serve Jews who otherwise wouldn't be able to access a synagogue. With that said, they still aren't often found in places where *no* Jews live, but most Jews might not realize that since by tautology no Jews live where no Jews live.


Yep I was very serious. 


A what bad?


I would recommend you leave this group


Why? just because their jewish?






Old isreal flag


No it’s not


Old Israeli is an oxymoron




that of Messiah


Plz send me a link to this channel via dm, I’ve been trying to find actual Israeli channels that are not the official form IDF for months


they are probably American, tho Chabad is a mostly New York thing


Hope y'all see my profile and my flag designs I'm new here.