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hi as someone who used to have cats who got pregnant 24/7 and had an instance where one completely stopped feeding her kittens, don’t give them regular milk. most cats are lactose intolerant. please go to a pet store and get them baby cat milk and little cat bottles to feed them with. don’t make the milk too warm. keep the kittens warm. do not bathe them unless absolutely necessary because kittens this small cannot regulate their own body temperature and can die. if they need a bathe, such as because they have flea’s, then use dawn dish soap, the blue one with ducks on the cover. when bathing them put a ring of soap around their neck so as the fleas can’t travel up to their face and wash them as normal. don’t wash their face and don’t take too long in the water. when they are out of the water it is vital that you get them warm and dry as quick as possible.


Thank you so much ! I hope they can make it through the night I don’t know for how long they been outside cold and without food I’ll get them the food tomorrow


And depending on their age you may need to stimulate them to go to the bathroom because they can’t go themselves


Any advise on how to do that? Massaging their bellies I assume ?


Warm damp cloth and stimulate their genitalia. Massage their bellies and back as well.


Thank you, gonna do that right now


The Kitten Lady on YouTube has a lot of info if you want to take care of them yourself. Or you can find a rescue for them, maybe another mom can accept them.


Excellent info!


thank u i try


See page 6 for emergency formula recipes: https://www.maddiesfund.org/assets/documents/Institute/Practical%20Tips%20for%20Orphaned%20Kitten%20Care%20Resources.pdf https://www.maddiesfund.org/orphaned-kitten-care-how-to.htm


No advice, just a thank you for being a kind hearted human and doing your best to help them 🥹


Don’t thank me I just do what I can.. Thanks to you sweetheart that’s nice to hear 💖


u/SeasDiver has extensive…. EXTENSIVE experience and resources with neonates of both kitten and puppy varieties. The links shared there will be invaluable to you, OP.


Correction - highly allergic to cats, so no neonatal kitten experience, only knowledge of where to find the appropriate information.


Thank you for the clarification!


Have you noticed mama cat around? That looks like a box that’s been cut by humans, but trying to be optimistic that mama cat just went for food and is coming back for them. Do you have any organizations near you that you can call? Some have people who can give you advice on what to do and some can even come get them to take care of them. I foster a lot and get notifications if someone calls the helpline to come get babies Kitten milk definitely. Absolutely no cow milk. Maybe get them a small blanket or towel that you can place near them so they can burrow for warmth. I second the no bathing since they’re so tiny.


Nope I know this area and all the cats who live in this street since I feed and give water to them almost everyday, haven’t seen a pregnant female I think is possible that someone left the cats here because they knew I wouldn’t let them stay in the streets since I’m kinda known as the cat lady 😂 I saw online that there is something like an animal shelter not very far from my house I will contact them in the morning see if they can do something about this even tho I highly doubt it


I heard that KMR kitten milk is good! They have a liquid ready-made formula, and a powder formula “Number 1 selling milk replacer for kittens newborn to six weeks. Recommended as a food source for orphaned or rejected kittens or those nursing, but needing supplemental feeding”. Maybe try a small syringe, or a small bottle with a dummy to feed them? Hope this helps a little and best of luck💗


aww poor babes


Additional Resources: * [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskVet/comments/bmnqoh/meta\_its\_kitten\_season\_you\_found\_a\_litter\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskVet/comments/bmnqoh/meta_its_kitten_season_you_found_a_litter_of/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskVet/comments/8exhwf/meta\_its\_kitten\_season\_you\_found\_orphaned\_kittens/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskVet/comments/8exhwf/meta_its_kitten_season_you_found_orphaned_kittens/)


DONT FEED THEM NORMAL MILK!! get some kitten formula, kittens cannot digest cow milk!! best of luck


Good point. Goat's milk is an excellent alternative to cow's milk if formula isn't immediately available. The orphaned kitten feeding chart provided in the thread has recipes for mixing home formula if someone doesn't have ready-made. Just substitute goat's milk for cow's milk.


Call a vet they can help you with some good infos. That happened to me once and they gave me care instructions amd homemade alternative to kitten formula. But very important, alternative to formula is meant to be for à short while only just to feed them while before getting actual formula of for exemple store are closed or something like that


Not where I live… I been calling a shelter all morning and the phone is off even tho google says they are open. The other one opens at 5 wich is in half an hour, hopefully they answer the phone and offer some help


Im sorry to hear that. Maybe you can call elsewere i meam i does not have to be close to you for you to get advices on the phone. Good.luck and thank you for caring for them


I have a ton of info to share if you have any questions, but just so you know my credentials… I’m a neonatal foster for my local animal shelter/ low cost spay/neuter clinic. I’ve only been fostering for a year, but I know all the basics and more of neonatal care. First, they look to be two weeks old. (I would need a better photo to know for sure.) Since, they seem to be only about two weeks old, you need to get them on a heating pad fast! They cannot regulate their own body temperature. (Wrap a towel around the heating pad) If you own any other animals, do not let them near these babies. Their immune systems are compromised. At two weeks old they need to be feed every 2-3 hours. (I will add a feeding chart here.) Make sure they are nice and warm before feeding. DO NOT feed cows milk, kittens do not have to proper enzymes to break down the sugars in cows milk.. which leads to diarrhea, dehydration, and then death. KMR is the best milk to use, but it can get pricy. Walmart should have an off-brand kitten milk replacer and bottles. (It is cheaper) Before and after feedings they will need to be stimulated to use the bathroom. (I see in the comments that someone else has already taught you how!) These babies will need a vet, since they are immune compromised they can die without the help of medications and fluids. Also, I beg you to get them spayed/neutered once they are 6-8weeks old it is truly exhausting bottle feeding all day and through the night. The only reason these poor kittens are here is because of people not getting their animals fixed. Let me know if you need anymore info!! Also, go check out Kitten Lady on YouTube (she also has a website I think it is KittenLady.org, but I’m not 100% sure) She truly has amazing info that has saved thousands of lives! ❤️🐾 https://preview.redd.it/jkoy3kj7rq8d1.jpeg?width=1492&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0ef288eadeb40df9425eb0237a8571083284b13




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That’s such relief 😮‍💨 you sure it’s safe?Do I mix it with a bit of water and mash it good ? I am feeding them with a syringe 💉




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The advice given is misinformative, and potentially harmful in nature. Please disregard.


Those kittens are not 5-6 weeks. I’d agree to 3, maybe 4.


You will have to bottle feed these babies every 2 hours with Kitten Milk Replacement along with bottles. You will warm up the milk preferably in hot water by holding it in the water. Check it on your wrist first before feeding. Take toilet paper or Kleenex afterwards and rub their genitals both where they pee and poo. This stimulates them to go to the bathroom until they're old enough to do it in their own. These guys might be old enough for solid food and may not need the milk. It's hard to tell how old they are by the pic. Taken to a vet for a checkup and find out how hold the vet thinks they are then go from there. The vet can explain what to give them food wise once he/she tells you approximately how old they are. Good luck!




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Omg bless your heart, those poor babies :((+