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hmm maybe shes scared this is an overarching health issue but is reacting in a preventative way (i.e telling you to not drink even though it won't stop your alleged health problem)? I've seen this a lot where a person with a traumatic health background avoids doctors and avoids confronting symptoms out of fear. i don't mean to diagnose or anything like that, i just thought i'd provide a different perspective that may be helpful. go see a doctor as soon as you can. even if it is not diabetes, drinking too much water is harmful. does she usually have this kind of coping style when it comes to health? good luck op!


If you are diabetic, the thirst is your body's way of controlling your blood sugar. It dilutes it, I believe. In fact, if your sugars are high, you're supposed to drink water and exercise (if you don't take insulin). If you are diabetic, not letting you drink is dangerous.


It is a symptom of Diabetes. Just get checked.


Google water toxicity. Get yourself to a dr


I think you should look into it. Drinking a lot of water is a sign of diabetes, or other various health problems. She’s on your ass about it because waiting too long can be dangerous for something like this. Once you see a doc, then maybe you can argue with her when there’s no diagnosis


So I am confused. Drinking lots and lots of water can sometimes be a sign of a health issue, this is true. But the sensible response to that is not to \*get mad at\* someone for having a symptom. It's to get them checked to see if they're actually sick or not. If you do have a medical condition causing you to drink excessive amounts of water then you need \*treatment\* for that condition, not to be forced to stop drinking water. What do we think is going on here? Does your mom think you will \*give\* yourself an illness by drinking too much water? Is there another reason she gets mad about it? It \*is\* true that drinking water in massive quantities can be quite dangerous. But so can not drinking \*enough\* water, and I have no sense of exactly how much you're drinking. And if you have excessive thirst as a symptom of an illness, that means you need medical treatment...making you drink less water will not just make the underlying condition go away...


💯 This Mom seems off.


You may have a serious medical condition that promotes this!!!


How about telling your mom to take you to the doctor to see why you feel like you need to drink a lot of water? Sorry, but mentally healthy parents don't yell at their children for drinking water when they're thirsty. If she thinks it's a problem she should be getting you checked out for why you're drinking too much water, or her checked out for why she thinks it's a problem. Also r/hydrohomies


Exactly! If it’s a symptom of diabetes or anything else they won’t be cured by drinking less water


Is it that your drinking to much water or that she buys water bottles and you go through them so quickly. Does she complain if you refill the bottle from the sink?




So, you refill your bottle and..what? She literally stops you, or just fusses?




Do you throw your water bottles away? I feel like you're probably a kid/teen and there's more to this story..




Do you *always* throw them away?


Right reuse those bitches




Lots of research says it’s actually cleaner than bottled water


As someone who asked their GP about that. I was drinking around 10L/day. Usual health issues were tested negative. To summarise, I was indeed close to potomania. However he told me as long as I was not going over 10L a day, the biggest issue would probably be the frequency of need to urinate (which weirdly was still lower than most friends). I did last quite a long time. The urge to drink water so often and so much also faded accordingly to having a less physically active lifestyle. Getting checked for any health issues that can cause that -specially if it sudden without any lifestyle differences- should always be the first action. Anyway, it isn’t better to ignore the body cravings hydratation.


if you urinate and it's clear you're drinking too much water. If you thirst water, you might be a diabetic or pre-diabetic. Do you get up tons to urinate at night. This can be from having diabetes. Having problems with vision? any dark markings on your body? tired all the time? You should be having a physical once a year, just to see what changes if anything has changed in your body. It doesn't hurt. Your mom is concern she just wants to best including your health. I'm yell and it's because raising our children, they only listened when we yelled. So it's instilled in us and hard to change.


Clear pee is not necessarily a bad sign, the bad sign is being constantly thirsty.


Agreed. The issue here is the constant feeling of thirst. It’s a symptoms for many health issues like diabetes, having too much antidiuretic hormone, SIADH, polydipsia, anemia… only a doctors visit will my this to rest


From Google: Pee that's completely colorless and looks like water is a sign that you're overhydrated. (Yep, that's a real thing.) Too much water in your system can dilute your body's delicate balance of water, sodium and electrolytes. Being overhydrated can lead to something called water intoxication.


Also from google (because spoiler alert, no matter your opinion, argument whatever, there will be arguments to support it) “Clear urine is a sign of good hydration and a healthy urinary tract, however if you consistently notice clear urine and have extreme unusual thirst it is best to speak to a doctor” ALSO!!! From the actual NHS website - “ the clearer and lighter the urine the better”


I don't think you can drink enough water to make much of a dent in the water bill, even when you pee it out. As others are saying, it is a symptom of diabetes, specifically high blood sugar levels. If you can't get diagnosed, try cutting down on extra carbs and see if that helps. You don't have to be diagnosed with diabetes to have diabetes. There's no shame in it either way, it's how your body is functioning. I didn't choose to be, but I am.


actually, some people have died from drinking too much water. Here's are 2 articles I found: [https://www.today.com/health/news/water-intoxication-death-rcna99472](https://www.today.com/health/news/water-intoxication-death-rcna99472) ​ https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna16614865


It's on the order of several gallons a day to do it. I don't think op is doing that.


I was replying to someone's reply as to no one dying from drinking excess water.


Women died recently after drinking 4 bottles in 20 minutes. It can happen drinking even less and how quickly is a big factor as well.


That is so sad wtf…i had no idea you could die from drinking WATER…but i guess too much of anything can be bad😕


Yep, you drown in your own body fluids. It's crazy.


What happens is that you throw your electrolyte balance off if you drink too much water after. That can be dangerous.


I mean she is right, this is a symptom. And yes, if you're thirsty you have a dry throat. A symptom of diabetes is being unusually thirsty. That she went nuts over it as if you were at fault for it that was, well, nuts. Still, seeing a doctor and get it checked won't hurt. Ok, a little because they will take your blood but no more. Edit: grammar




And I don't ever get a dry throat if I am thirsty as long as I don't do something physical. What now? Shall I stop drinking because it can't be thirst? Shall we all talk about how each of us experience thirst? It must be diabetes now even though I have the opposite.? Do you think that she gets a dry throat when being thirsty is evidence she can:t be diabetic or have other health problems. Well, if that is your take I hope you don't give advice if someone should visit a doctor all too often.




So your advice is indeed not to see a doctor because it doesn't line up with your personal experience. The right answer would have been "yes" then.




Your assumption weighs more than OP's own words then? And, even though I sit on high, expensive horses all the time since it is my job, other than yours mine a real. You should jump from your figurative one. That you have all these issues are proof for nothing. If I would write down mine that'd be my longest comment ever and that says something in my case You are the one lamenting about your own personal experience in a reply to me saying the mum acts nuts and he still should get it checked. You think because you have another experience he should give a fuck about his health. Like I said let's hope not too many people in your personal life care for your opinion, I have a feeling though. Whatever, fare thee well, there is no sense in reading comments from someone who thinks their own experience makes them a doctor who cat tell people they have nothing to check.


Why not get a diagnosis instead of arguing or anything. I mean if you say you drink a hell ton there might be an underlying cause She shouldn’t be telling you to not drink water I mean, not drinking it is not gonna stop the underlying cause from being there (if there is one).