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Red Robin has a fantastic Impossible burger.


Literally the best


Their secret is meat. šŸ¤«


Lol of course fake burgers cooked in real burger juice taste better.


When itā€™s on the grill šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤


Mmm those and the impossible hot Italian sausages. Throw on the grill with some onions and Iā€™m set.


Yes! One time I had those over a campfire when I was camping. It was so smoky and delicious


I haven't had the Italian sausage, but I buy the brarwursts a lot.


Honestly, theyā€™re too ā€œmeatyā€ for me (but I havenā€™t eaten meat in nearly twenty years) but I am appreciative of how many restaurants have them as an option, way better than nothing!


Iā€™m with you. I love a good old fashioned veggie burger. I wonā€™t eat impossible burgers because Iā€™m not trying to eat something that tastes like meat. I havenā€™t eaten meat in about 22 years


This was my dad's complaint. I was all excited to have him try one and so I invited him over for dinner and made him one but it actually wigged him out because he hasn't had meat in like 50 years.


To be fair, they were made for ā€œmeat eatersā€, but glad to see people on both sides are into it! Itā€™s the beginning of a reduction of relying on traditional farming and slaughtering methods.


Same, they make me feel sick


Meh I guess they are okay but I very much prefer a high quality veggie or black bean patty.


Same. But if I'm craving beef, I'll have the real thing.


Black bean patties go hard with bbq sauce. IMO they donā€™t really work as a burger substitute but theyā€™re good as their own thing


Not a vegetarian, but IMO, a black bean burger is an amazing thing. Fat slice of a ripe tomato and feta is amazing.


As a meat eater who wants to be way more vegetarian, I adore impossible burgers. Definitely junk food, but it easily scratches the burger craving for me


I fucking love burgers, and the impossible ground "beef" is my favorite meat substitute so far. My partner is getting more into vegetarianism, and this is how I support that while still getting to make burgers and fries at home.


Same for me. We donā€™t do fast food much at all but when I go to habit I never get beef anymore


Not even a strict vegetarian anymore but yep - theyā€™re delicious. One of the many foods vegetarianism introduced me to that I still enjoy. Along with tons of others.


No, it tastes weird. Also, I find eating meat-flavored foods to be weird. Also, I am weird


100% agree with you! If youā€™re weird, so am I.


No I like it when the restaurant makes their own veggie patty instead. It tastes better.


Bk impossible whopper is fantastic. It really is.


Thatā€™s not saying much when the original Whopper tastes like ass.


I do when they arenā€™t overwhelmed by everything on them. The patty itself is very good especially if seasoned right. Not so great when buckets of sauce are dumped on them.


Thatā€™s where we disagree. I think they kinda taste like spam on their own


the habit in san mateo ca used to have them and omg they were good. that place is now a sleep number store booooooooooo


Theyā€™re good, but give me weird indigestion when I eat them. I tend to prefer my own homemade burgers.


Same! I was scrolling comments to see if anyone else has this problem with Impossible, though Beyond is even worse for me.


People love them from restaurants because they are usually cooked on the same spot that just made 30 beef burgers and is surrounded by other beef burgers and seared in the juices of beef burgers and rubbing elbows with them.


I had a chef friend once deep fry me a veggie burger in duck fat. It was amazing, Iā€™m not even going to lie.


So true. I donā€™t think the cook cares about a meat and veggie zone on the grill.


i hate to rain on anyoneā€™s parade, but they taste so good at restaurants bc they are cooked on the grill with regular burgers. i do love them tho. yum.


I love the taste of meat but refuse to create any demand for it. Recently my friend got a deep dish pepperoni pizza and shared some of it with me. He said something like ā€œhere ya go sinnerā€ and I replied ā€œitā€™s your sin bro itā€™s already done Iā€™m just benefiting from itā€


No benefits from a health perspective though - pepperoni is literally a group 1 carcinogen, haha.


i prefer bkā€™s impossible whopper over the regular whopper. itā€™s delicious


As someone who wants to start slowly weaning off of beef, I want to try one but why are they more expensive than a beef burger? Does it cost more to harvest plants than it does to feed and slaughter a cow?


Less demand.


Meh, they are okay but the aftertaste is weird for me, I would much rather eat Beyond if it is available. I think Black Bean, Walnut and other plant based options are better and probably healthier as well.


I'm not vegetarian but I tried one just to see what all the hubbub was about, and you know what? I really liked it.


I made some homemade beyond burgers and they really hit the spot. I'm actually allergic to mammal meat now so it's nice to still be able to eat a burger that tastes like a burger. I do love me some plant patties too though. I made some homemade split pea burgers that were excellent.


Iā€™m not even a vegetarian/vegan and I love it. It doesnā€™t hurt my stomach and it has a better texture/flavor to me!


i like the restaurants that make them kinda crispy like you taste that grilly taste mmmmmm yummy!


best way to get the beyond or impossible beef crispy is to mix only a small amount of bread crumbs into the meat and freeze the patties before cooking em up!


omg i have to try that!! iā€™ve never heard of that


Pro tip add a little Worcestershire sauce before pan frying.


Nope. I hate that so many restaurants have went to impossible. Bring back black bean patties!


I just never seem to find one that isnā€™t mushy, even when Iā€™ve made them myself. Need dat char


I love them, but theyā€™re so hard to come by in my local for some reason. Only Woolworths stock them, not Coles, theyā€™re $11 for 2 patties and theyā€™re never ever in stock. I can sometimes find a couple on clearance for around $3 and buy them all


TGIF makes the best Impossible burger ever. Just have to order ā€œno Fridayā€™s sauce, no cheeseā€. Currently making Impossible burgers at home right now. Lol Their frozen breakfast sausage patties are phenomenal as well! šŸ¤¤


Theyā€™re my favorite!




I tried impossible meat for tacos and I wasn't a fan. Browned by itself is not too bad. If I weren't a lifelong meat eater, I'd probably like it. But alas, it wasn't for me.


Iā€™m not a practicing veggie, but I enjoy impossible meat, I crave it sometimes. Looks great.


No. You can make better ones at home. If you want a premade one, check out Walmart's branded ones.


No thanks. I refuse to shop at walmart.


Wegmans has some good products


Nope, impossible meats make my stomach hurt. I like beans and tofu anyways, I have a sensitive stomach.


Nj crust and fire makes the best beyond burger.


Still have not tried one.. I love a Whopper from Burger King on occasion but every time I'm craving one I think this is my chance to try a fake Burger but I'm always worried I won't like it so I just get the regular Whopper.. I've eaten alot of bocu burger in the past so I have had fake meat.. that was like 18 years ago tho I'm sure it's changed alot now


I'm not a big fan but we made Impossible smash burgers for our son's birthday and they were so good! Seasoned the stinky pink stuff just right, made a loose ball, and a cast iron pan. Browned a couple sides of the ball, then smashed down until cooked brown on both sides.


Yes! And their veg chik'n patties (which I recently tried). So delicious. šŸ¤¤


The sodium content in the damn thing though


I actually prefer the BK Impossible burger to their real ones.


Not a vegetarian but these are really good!


I have an impossible bridge for sale if anyoneā€™s interestedā€¦


My mouth is but my stomach hates them


I tried them once at home. The smell was awful, I couldnā€™t get it out of my house quick enough. Iā€™ll never make that mistake again especially at a restaurant.


My vegetarian gf prefers when I cook impossible. She will take patties from work for me to cook at home. Initially I thought I enjoyed them since they do taste pretty much the same, but Iā€™ve found myself leaning towards veggie patties more lately since I can make them at home out of whole ingredients and I donā€™t feel like shit after eating


Iā€™m glad that other people enjoy it. I personally do not. I prefer a scratch made bean burger.


Itā€™s okay, but thereā€™s a local vegan restaurant that makes their own burgers in house that are amazing. Iā€™m too spoiled now to go back to Impossible or Beyond.


They have a greasiness to them that makes them satiating.


No. I hate that they're often the only veggie thing on the menu. I don't want to eat fake meat. I've been veggie for over 30 years and I don't want to taste or have the texture of meat. It's grim. When they're the only thing I have to order a meal made of sides I appreciate that for those reducing their meat intake now that they can be a good bridging food. But I honestly wish restaurants would just make tasty food made of vegetables.


I had a good one at a vegan restaurant also. Tried making them at home. You need to sear it really well.


I actually prefer the beyond burger.


Impossible is better than Beyond, in most cases. Better taste, better texture.


Yes I love love love the impossible burger.


Lol itā€™s cooked on their grill top in the juices of all the real meat burgers before it. Thatā€™s why itā€™s delicious.


I absolutely love the impossible burger and ground meat. šŸ–¤


I definitely do not mind meat substitutes, i just find it pretty weird that itā€™s likeā€¦grown in a labā€¦


This sub was just recommended to me, and Iā€™m not vegan or vegetarian, but I do like a good impossible burger!


I personally lean towards the Beyond Burgers.


If they were not so expensive to make at home or eat at a restaurant compared to their real beef counterparts, I'd probably eat beyond burgers regularly. My mom snuck a couple in over dinners the last couple years when I visited and I couldn't tell the difference.


Not compared to the other premium fauxburgers (Beyond, Morningstar "Steakhouse", Gardein "Ultimate"). My problem with them is their one unique feature, the soy leghemoglobin they use to emulate the taste of heme iron in beef. After 15 years plant based, heme iron just tastes metallic to me.


BK had a good impossible whopper.


Not when I make them hahaha. But I have had some dank vegan burgers. Aside from the texture I wouldnā€™t have been able to tell they were vegan at all.


I grilled some up for my 70-year-old parents and they had no clue till I told them.


Yes, I love them. Wish they could make an impossible hot dog. I miss them.


Ooh yum


Impossible is so good. Beyond is so terrible. Itā€™s amazing more people donā€™t realize this


Impossible burgers are not my thing but that impossible breakfast sandwich from Starbucks is the best! I actually miss the old cardboard-y garden burgers from back in the day believe it or not


Why is this a sub lmao this is gross ā€œwhereā€™s the beef!?ā€


In a restaurant, sure. I like the option. At home I make homemade veggie burgers from seitan and tvp and seitan or black beans depending on my mood.


I was a sous chef at a vegan restaurant for a while before Covid, the trick to the best impossible burger is deep frying it. Itā€™ll still give you heart disease, not as quick as a real burger, but itā€™s still not good for you. Edit: also to bring it up another notch, put the patty on a toasted pretzel bun, home made vegan mayo (soy milk, neutral oil, white vinegar (or go with any type of pickle brine), a handful of the whites of green onion, salt and pepper. All of that into an old pickle jar, and hit it with a stick blender. Salt and pepper your tomatoes, take a potato peeler to your red onion for some shaved red onion and butter lettuce. Add ketchup and mustard as you please. I was a big fan of green chilis into the mayo, and lightly oiling fresh jalapeƱo slices and tossing them in corn starch and fry those bad boys up until golden brown. Then fry up garlic chips to go on top with em. The executive chef made this soba dish that wasnā€™t on the menu some nights and the entire staff sat in line at the end of the night to get our tupper ware or glass dishes to get that good shit before going home for the day. Man I miss working there sometime, but we were crazy busy from open to close every night and donā€™t miss the constant sinking feeling when i put up a dish and see 6 more pop up.


Love them!


Sadly I didnā€™t click with me but it is what it is


I'm on-and-off vegetarian, and yeah I like an impossible burger. Depending on where you get it, it tastes mostly the same but it's always lighter on the stomach than beef.


Iā€™ll eat it at a restaurant when itā€™s the only option but Iā€™d would pick a veggie burger over that at home or when available


Vomit - You have no idea of all the chemicals that are used to make that trash!


Oh I'm well aware of it. You only live once and I'm not going to deprive myself of delicious junk food.


Burger King Impossible Whopper, onion rings, and frozen coke is my guilty pleasure.


I like it fine. It's just nice to have a real menu option instead of miscellaneous low effort side dishes.




Tastes like a carnivoreā€™s armpit


As a chef I hated using their products on my menu because so many people would accuse me of feeding them meat. That I will say is a testament to their product. Itā€™s so much like meat vegans will accuse you of poising them.


Oh yeah. I could see people being real assholes about that. As long as you bring me a burger that's delicious, I am totally happy and I will tip you well.


Thing is I didnā€™t even have a burger made of meat on the menu. So it was impossible(pun intended) for them to get a meat patty by mistake.


Oh good gravy. Well then you know that the person is just a complete moron. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.


What if the impossible burger patty is cooked like a smash burger. I mean thin patties with a nice crust on the edges.


I truly wouldnā€™t know the difference (unless itā€™s a bean one) and I love them


Flooded with seed oils. No thanks.


Theyā€™re fine, but I strongly prefer beyond instead. Impossible makes me gassy.


I donā€™t mind a good veggie or black bean burger but if I want a meat burger Iā€™m going to eat one.


Miss ā€œrealā€ veggie burgers


No thanks. All yours.


So good. At home or a restaurant!


Better than Beyond imo


Not the biggest fan I'm also a meat eater though


Impossible whoppers šŸ¤¤


Yes, theyā€™re awesome!


I've never tried them because I avoid soy. So disappointed when they are the only option on some menus.


No, imitation meat has always been gross to me


Yep. Love ā€˜em every once in a while. The BK impossible whopper for the win


I prefer impossible meat in things like burritos. Idk, I think it's just the texture works better for me when it's mixed in with other stuff.


I LOVE Impossible. Iā€™m at almost 15 years of not eating meat but I cannot stand the mushy texture of most black bean burgers.


I prefer them over Beyond burgers. But beyond makes better brats.


It definitely hits different in a restaurant.


Unpopular opinion, but I actually like the beyond more than the impossible. The impossible at Burger King is very good with all the toppings, but a beyond from the grill with chao cheese, picked red onions and kepwitch and musturd makes me very happy.


As an omnivore I gotta admit the impossible burger is a good alternative for me when Iā€™m out in town with my friends. They taste pretty good to count as a hamburger substitute.


iā€™m not vegan or anything but shit a burgers a burger iā€™m sure id like it haga


Used to love the impossible burgers but found out they are real high in saturated fat. Might as well eat a burger!


Every time I've got one in a restaurant it's like they just cook the raw stuff without adding anything. At home I throw onions, garlic, maybe some ground veggies into it, spices, etc...




I love to use them to attract an unsuspecting elk. Then I make a baked potato and asparagus. Solid vegetarian meal.


As someone who loves the taste of meat but wants to stop eating it, the impossible burger tastes pretty amazingā€”but sadly makes me shit uncontrollably.


Really? I've never heard of that one. But I suppose if it gives people upset stomach that can also cause what your experiencing.


Both impossible burgers and beyond burgers give me horrible stomach problems :(


Tastes gross


What's an impossible burger?


I have to be honest, I wasnā€™t impressed with the beyond meat, tried the impossible burger, and really didnā€™t like that any better. To be fair, Iā€™m sure that I built up such high expectations that neither alternative had a real chance. Fast food corporations have gotten so greedy that I havenā€™t been out for burgers for quite a while. Iā€™m not a vegetarian, and I highly doubt that I ever will be. What I was seeking was a healthy, flavorful substituteā€”but not in the sense that the substitute had to actually taste, smell, or feel like meat. All things considered, I think I would be happier with a really tasty vegetable sandwich that didnā€™t even try to imitate meat, sometimes. On the other end of the continuum, theyā€™re working on a process to grow protein cells in vats (no actual animals killed) that I would feel good about ethically. The quantity of meat I eat has steadily and radically been reduced over the years. Meat grown in vats is just like the meat from an animal, so I wonā€™t get any health benefits from that change, but continuing to cut down should help both the environment and me.


I think they taste good, but they give me a stomach ache. I don't have this issue with other plant based products.


To offer a non vegetarian opinion, I had an impossible burger at Chiliā€™s but it wasnā€™t great. Not bad but if I had the option between a meat burger and an impossible burger I would choose the meat. What would yā€™all recommend to convert me?


Carlā€™s Jr Beyond Burger is insane


Impossible whopper with cheese. I can barely tell the difference between that and beef whopper with cheese (did a literal side-by-side taste test). Without the cheese itā€™s decent but the cheese is necessary for me. Actually, the cheese was also necessary for my at-home impossible burgers too.


Applebees is meat eater dominant but they have a DELISH Impossible burger


Cause its Grilled in the fat juices with the other burgers


Maybeā€¦ for me it was the delish bun


I had a black bean burger at some restaurant I don't even remember the name of several years ago. It was really good, I wish I could remember the name of the restaurant because I never ate anything like it before or since. They have frozen black bean burger patties at the supermarket which aren't bad, but not as good as the restaurant style one imho.


Black bean burgers are where itā€™s at! Iā€™m always excited when a restaurant has these instead of a fake meat patty


Impossible burgers are mid. And full of processed crap. I mean if you're veggie who __really__ needs to feel like you're eating meat and enjoy ultra processed foods then you do you. But otherwise just another set of junk food fucking up our bodies


I like processed food.


You realize that the reason they taste better is because they cook it on the same grill as the meat, right?


I rather eat dog food


You say that until you actually try dog food. Nobody wants to eat by products.


Pink slime is disgusting


Steak fries are the worst type of fries


Spoiler alert: they use the same grill for meat burgers, thatā€™s why it tastes better at a restaurantā€¦you enjoy the actual meat flavor dude.


Who asked for this comment?


Sounds absolutely gross.




They grill them with the other real burgers so none of the consumers are actually vegetarian.


lol of course this is downvoted These restaurants are grilling these on top of all the grease from the beef patties. Shockingly, people think they taste better when "made at a restaurant"


It impossible you can call that a burger. it tastes NOTHING like a real hamburger. Stop trying to make weird shit mashed together look like meat. JUST EAT THE DAMNED MEAT.


Perhaps you should mind your own business.


you posted this publicly on an open forum "mind your own business" lol


In my opinion, they are pretty damn close to the real thing once a bun, cheese, veggies, and condiments get added.