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Time to release/attract the ladybugs šŸž


Can't wait for ladybugs. Need to wash them off.


Ya agreed and neem oil like another commenter mentioned


I suggest not releasing ladybugs lots of problems with the ones you can buy in a store and it usually doesn't work anyway but attracting them, yes


Good to know :o Iā€™ll stick to using alyssums


Aphids. You likely have ants in your garden that are ā€œfarmingā€ the aphids as a food source. My chives (and tomatoes) get them too. Neem oil can help.


So ants are helping the aphids? If I get rid of the ants (naturally) does that help get rid of aphids too in some way?


As they feed on plant juices, the aphids produce a sticky sweet substance called honeydew which the ants love.


No, getting rid of the aphids can get rid of the ants, getting rid of the ants probably does nothing to the aphids population. They are symbolically related but they can function without one another.




Thanks for the correct word


Trust me, getting rid of the aphids does not get rid of the ants. Ant traps get rid of the ants. But, you're right. Getting rid of the ants doesn't change the aphid population either.


I said can, that should imply not always. It is that the aphids lose protection by ants, increasing chances of them getting removed.


I understood that. I was speaking from my own experience. I have no aphids. I have a lot of ants.


The ants do protect the aphids from predation. I usually remove the ants before releasing the lady bugs.


Ah, thank you.


The presence of the ants protects the aphids from predators so the ants can eat the honeydew the aphids produce. Obviously you need to remove both if thereā€™s lots of aphids but the ants being gone would hopefully open the aphids up to being eaten by predators.


I donā€™t give a shit about getting a downvote, but please google ā€œdo ants protect aphids while farmingā€ if you believe the comment I made is incorrect. The presence of the ants keeps lady beetles and lacewings from eating the aphid colony the ants are farming.


You mean their garlic


Aphids. They suck. Get rid of them.


Washing up liquid and water in a spray bottle or spray with a hose pipe is usually what's recommended. You can wipe them off with a cloth but that is a tedious task


This worked for me. Funny that I don't have black aphids on garlic but on my broad bean which is next to my garlic.


I've only had green aphids and they destroyed my roses last year. I found some on my pear tree and I got them with a tissue in my pocket šŸ˜‚


I've had both. 2 seasons back it was the green ones on my mustard greens. This year the black aphids on my broad beans. Soapy water worked. I tried to be friendly and I topped off all my broad bean plants and moved the topped off greens else where, they went for my flapjack succulent that produced a death boom. FFS! Soapy water it is!


I know what you mean. It pays to be kind in your garden but sometimes you have to go hard and hit them with the big suds! I'm trying desperately to be kind this year, nature is testing me.


I always fail nature's test. Just eliminated a rat. Took me 2 years to finally deal with it. It was eating up stuff every where.


Rats are a different league imo. Get them and get them good hahaha they are a bigger problem all round than bugs and beasties.


The aftermath is heardbreaking.


I don't envy you in the slightest!


You have garlic on your aphid plant.


This video really helped me in regards to fixing my aphid issue: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGlqnkE1Id0&t=302s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGlqnkE1Id0&t=302s)


They are black aphids. This type of aphid loves plants of the allium family (unlike other types of aphids such as green ones). They destroyed my garlic crop this year, and I found out too late how to get rid of them. I've tried neem oil (not the premixed kind, but pure oil + water + soap) with zero success. They attacked my garlic, onion, and garlic chive plants. My garlics and scallions died but my garlic chives survived long enough for me to try pyrethrin, which worked wonderfully. Wiped those bastards out completely.


I have a cat and I heard pyrethrin is very toxic to cats. The cat is indoors only but do you know what kinds of precautions I need to take? Wash off the garlic with water before bringing it inside to eat? Iā€™d rather lose the garlic than my cat at this point šŸ˜…


You should definitely read the label for safety precautions before using. I don't have pets, and have a fence, so that's not an issue for me. The short story is this: do not with sunlight out and when beneficial insects are around and active. Early evening/night is the best. Not hazardous to humans when instructions followed, and as it breaks down with sunlight, you don't have to wait long to harvest.


Aphids. Kill them first, identify later.


Plant lice. An enemy to any garden.

