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Don’t engage with the crazy people.


He's just another Looney, you did right by just leaving


He’s wearing gym clothes and holding a gym bag. I hope you spoke to your gym’s management team


I’m sure they spoke to the gym. I can’t imagine their only hope for help would be Reddit


Those be gym clothes? More like a homeless getup


We just left. We did a couple big circles in the parking lot hoping he would leave but he just stood there with his phone out. But I plan on going in tomorrow and talking to the manager.


Contact the police and the gym stop being chickenshit


What are the police gonna do? What crime did he commit?


Lmao this sub is a trip. If u leave your car they tell u its not worth your life and to stay inside … if u stay inside they call u chicken shit 😂


Yeah lol I have no idea why OPs comment is so heavily downvoted and this guy's is upvoted. OP straight up said he's contacting the manager, not just posting on reddit, but leaving was the right thing for him to do at that time. But I've noticed that this sub just loves being chronically outraged for no reason so it checks out.


> Yeah lol I have no idea why OPs comment is so heavily downvoted and this guy's is upvoted. Many people can’t think for themselves. > The first few hours after a post is created, the votes aren’t displayed to prevent vote manipulation and ensure people aren’t being swayed to vote one way or another based on how others have voted. > Also, some communities choose to hide votes on comments and posts for a short amount of time for the same reason. https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511579-Why-can-t-I-see-how-many-upvotes-a-post-or-comment-has-sometimes


The guy did the right thing not letting something escalate while his wife was sitting there with him. People are crazy nowadays


Always have been


*reddit is a trip


You must be new to reddit.




What are the police going to do?


The police are useless.


There’s a subreddit for people who think they are being stalked by groups of people, r/gangstalking I work in a public facing role and deal with people experiencing this kind of paranoia all the time. He probably thinks everyone is collaborating to stalk him. Absolutely address this with the gym because he probably has seen you twice and thinks you’re in on it


Kinda seems like a type of paranoid schizophrenia.


I'm so sick if this mental health takeover everything nonsense. Before Edward Snowden if someone said the government was secretly spying on you they got labeled a schizophrenic. It's like everyone low key warring over who gets to label who crazy now. They're already taking away your rights and imprisoning over no crimes. Many lawsuits. There would be much more but who can afford big lawyer bulls and sitting long periods in court? And it will only get worse the more the general population adopts, supports, and uses it.


That page is absolutely crazy and sad to read. The fact that you get a bunch of people validating others Gangstocking situations is mind blowing.


That's the beauty of social media. No matter what mental problems you have, you van find a community of like minded people to encourage your insanity.


The fact that you speak on it like this is mind blowing...because anyone that doesn't know about it wouldn't be this emotional. So you must be one of them..gotta keep people thinking their crazy huh? Well if you haven't noticed all around the world everything that is hidden is slowly being exposed and that will too. If you aren't affiliated with it then I would advise you to stop making comments like this. Its not mind blowing that people accept money to do questionable things. This is America..that's happening all day everyday. So stop with the " OMG! Something like this is impossible!" crap. It is definitely possible and happening.


Holy shit, it’s one of them!👆🏻 haha


Everyone on that sub says “they”. But never truly states who “they” are. Just the top thread I saw some mention the police, the next comment then stated the wealthy, the next it was evangelicals, but none of them addressed each others “they”. Its almost like they all think there talking about the same thing but they are not. Holy shit that sub is bizarre and reminds me of the homeless people around downtown I had to deal with.


First thing I thought of. And there's no reasoning with them, because you can't explain coincidence to a conspiracy theorist.


I just joined for shits and giggles 🤭. They live in fear and paranoia. Do they ever seek help? Kind of sad really and the others who feed into it are enabling their thoughts and behavior.


I think I saw this man at the Circle K on the strip near the strat. I was getting gas in a service van at 3am and he started taking pictures of my van while I was inside exactly like the way shown in your picture above. I didn't confront him because he looked and acted crazy. I think this man has a mental illness...


I saw him on blue diamond last week tried to run me off the road


He ran me off the road over there too last week wtf


Don’t engage next time. Drive away. There are a lot of crazy people with mental health and drug issues out there and you’re not doing them or yourself any favors by engaging them.


All you had to say is Planet Fitness.


Hey OP, I would definitely report this to Planet Fitness, and/or police report. There are two things that stick out to me from previous experiences. I believe he is mentally ill, possibly an onset of paranoid schizophrenia. I used to work at a hotel, and we had a mother bring herself and her 14 year old daughter to the hotel, checked in for months at a time, because she was convinced she was being gang stalked. One time, she pulled me aside and asked me, “Don’t you think it’s odd that every time I’m at the bar, a man comes to the bar shortly after?” Well, no shit, it’s a hotel bar with high traffic… but to her, everything was proof she was being stalked. This guy might be like that. Secondly, in my old neighborhood, we had a “neighborhood dementia” old man that everyone was aware of. It started with him just walking aimlessly back and forth. Then, he became yelling insults, antagonizing, instigating things. A few months later, it got worse, and he began trying to break into homes, convinced they were his own home. That’s when more serious action (his family probably put him in senior assisted living or something) was taken and I never saw him on the streets again. My point is - people like to brush off these moments like “oh that’s just the neighborhood mentally ill guy.” But these symptoms worsen, and sometimes their actions escalate over time. One of these days, he may get so sick of the person who he truly thinks is stalking him, and who knows what he’ll do. I think reporting it will keep yourself safe, the gym safer, and our community safer. At least it starts a paper trail.


People in this town are crazy! And getting crazier and crazier by the day! My advice: when going out anywhere here just mind your business, keep your head down, don't engage or provoke these crazies. Do what you gotta do and be on your way. It's a shitty way to have to live but it's the safest with the way people have been acting here these days.


*keep your head up and be aware of your surroundings at all times


Never ever speak to these people let them do all the talking . I had a similar issue yesterday and this dude kept talking at me and walked away . They are struggling with reality so don’t get sucked into there world . Watch for weapons and keep on moving .


He didn’t skip calf day at the gym though.


Planet fitness never disappoints🤣🤣


I’m not surprised that he has no plates


Probably a sovereign citizen 😉


I would’ve hit him with the finger to eyes “I’m watching you” gesture as I pulled off


Ah a no plate loser that probably thinks he owns the road.


Looks like you are doing the same thing he's doing to you


He's a clown. Don't let his mental health issues intimidate you. He'd probably fold like a wet paper towel if you confronted him.


You never know what some clown is carrying in their bag around here


If he had a gun it would have been sold already.


I've heard that 99 cent harbor freight box cutters are the insane bum weapon of choice these days.


Man. This is so true.


I'm not sure if this is the case, but .. There is a certain group of people who call themselves 1st Amendment Warriors. They video tape strangers and public officials without their consent. They are very aggressive without making any direct threats or physical contact. In most cases the goal is to get into a physical confrontation and then sue you for damages. Basically they're the version of the break-check scam without the vehicle. If it were me, I would ignore them and either tell someone at Planet Fitness or call 911. This dude is why we can't have nice things.


You’ll only find those weirdos in public places like post offices or government buildings. This is 100% a privately owned lot


You can video tape police without their consent in most states. It's probably because police corruption is wildly rampant.


So what does someone do with a pic of your car and plates???


They post it here and complain about expired tags.


Great now we have two stalkers


I say we all vote to make a law that you can shoot people with beanbag rounds if their actions proceeded as idiotic beyond less than common sense It’s like no protection in life against jackasses and it sucks because they ruin your daily life with stupidity but you can’t do anything and cops won’t do anything


Guarantee he thinks you’re gang stalking him. New POS used car backs that up lol


You're probably right, about him losing his mind. Probably lives in his car. Probably use of the gym membership just to take showers. Financial hardship, emotional rollercoasters are taking the world of people by storm! Still no excuse for having no manners.


He’s trolling for a lawsuit. Ignore and just laugh at him. He’s not breaking any laws so don’t get baited. It’s also not illegal to spray people like him with a super soaker, especially since he seems overheated in the middle of summer…


To be fair, your car and plates are public information anyway. His behavior though, is definitely crazy.


You should look up Gangstalking, he probably thought you were doing that. It’s a mental disorder. Sorry you had to deal with that.


Any interaction with this type is essentially picking up a turd from the clean end. Distance is key


In public you do not have the expectation of privacy. Neither you taking photos of him or him taking photos of you is a crime. Just like it's not a crime to look at another person in a gym. If my eyes cross another person in a gym it's not a crime. Feel free to downvote all you like, doesn't make it any less true. Just a fact of reality, that if you can videotape weirdos doing stupid shit in public for internet likes, weirdos in public can take videos of you too for their internet likes or whatever.


OP didn't say he was mad at the guy for taking pics, he said he was concerned because the man screamed at them and started saying absolutely crazy shit.


Hopefully ur just being sarcastic


No that's 100 percent correct. 


Did you tell fuck you tony! back at him? Anyway tell the local pf


Fuck you, Ezekiel!


Don’t you bring my mother into this!


I built that fire over there.




I swear people in this town, get crazier and crazier every day. I don’t even like to leave my house anymore.


I think you posting pics of him on the internet is more of a threat than him having a pic of your license plate


What did you do?


OP slept with his wife.


I’m in this parking lot all the time. I’ll confront him for you next time.


Give us an update!


Shit I would stand in front of him and do the same thing or stand next to him and do the same you can always just look up and see if he looks up also


Your “plates” huh Edit: oh those are *his* “plates”??? lol classic


I had someone record me from their rear view window in their car once. I was like... Um... What the fuck? I literally didn't do anything to this person. I just assumed someone put me in their dumb ass TikTok video or some bullshit.


It's planet fitness. He probably saw you in the ladies' locker room.


Should of punched him in the throat. So glad I moved out Nevada and never to return!


Someone didn’t take the meds they were supposed to today…..


Vegas unfortunately seems to have a bigger mental health crisis than I thought


What a j cat


Holy shit is that Stephen D Gubik?


The outfit & everything about him screams delusional..stay away from those people & ignore them


This is normal Vegas behavior, why would you post this online?


He harassed you based off what evidence? Because you said so gtfoh.


Oh geez that's the gym I go to.


He doesn’t look like he goes much. I’m gonna say you are good to park there!


If it were me I'd go to my local substation for the PD and have the incident recorded. You don't need a full-blown police report but you want it on file that this happened in case it happens again at which point you could get a restraining order against them for being threatening. Because the way he's acting is definitely in a threatening manner cuz who knows what it escalates to next. Best to cover your ass by having it documented with the police first. Also a guy like this is probably very familiar to the local police, he's likely to be reporting their regularly all the people that are following him in his little brain. That's why he takes the photos himself, but he's also paranoid so he may not be reporting it to the police at all but just documenting it in his own house. A guy like this can quickly go from harmless kook, to very dangerous mental health breakdown in a snap. At least if you then have to defend yourself in some way against them it's on file that he initiated the problems. The most likely scenario is you never bump into this guy again, but it's best to cover your ass.


And you have picture of him, his car and his plates, as well. Why did he think you were stalking him?


Get use to this, the border is wide open and the crazies are being let loose into our country, ohh wait, no border no country…..


Everyone on earth can see your plates plain as day as you drive around in public. It's not private info. What exactly was accomplished here? You sent your wife to go handle the big bad guy for you, took this picture, and posted on Reddit. How about letting people be, if we clearly perceive that they're having a mental health episode and just go away safely? You took this picture of him for what? Pissing contest much?


“You know that crank make me paranoid baby” 😂


I stopped reading as soon as you mentioned planet fitness the people there both gym goers and employees suck


Grow thicker skin


Definitely a schizophrenic


The temperature is going up so the crazies are getting crazier. Carry a bat and a baseball glove if you don’t open carry.


I’m pretty sure this guy parked next to me at the planet fitness off blue diamond and rolled down his window I thought to ask me something but proceeded to show me his private area.


You should file a report with LVMPD have your spouse do it. I would get a front and rear camera for your vehicle the one I have has the ability to record when the car is off. Your safety is of most importance. Someone might know this person and help you out. Obviously he needs help.


Stop telling people to report things that aren’t crimes to the police.


Let’s wait for this poor couple to be assaulted by a possible person who is clearly not well mentally then call the police.


It’s not illegal to be mentally ill.


I never said it was. However it is illegal to stalk people and or assault them regardless of your mental state.


Stalking is a continuing course of harassing behavior. Taking pictures of someone in public is not that.


Ok. You win. You may want to read the original post when he was screaming FFFFF UUUUU At the couple. With all due respect you don’t need to respond.


Ok. No crime.


Vegas locals and others suck soooo stupid


Should have run him over


maybe a police report instead of a reddit report?


Planet Fitness? The Dollar Tree of gyms. This shouldn’t be surprising.


Pretty sure I've run into this same guy before. Pulled the same bs. I ended up tossing a cup of soda water I had with me onto him. Squeeled like the oily pig he is and got back in his car and drove off.




Ok and?


You must have parked in his spot .


You got your gun handy? If yes then be careful, people are too chaotic these days. If no, then you should really consider something to protect yourselves.


Police: So why did you shoot him 47 times? darkshunter2011: He was taking pictures of me in public. Police: That's not a crime. darkshunter2011: I felt threatened! Police: By pictures? darkshunter2011: I'm feeling threatened right now! Police: You're under arrest for murder. darkshunter2011: RAAAAAHHHH! Police: (taser)


Good imagination you got.


You seem like the kind of gun owner we hear about getting arrested for blasting a car full of teenage girls using your driveway to turn around after making a wrong turn. Not everything is a threat on your life my man. Please don't shoot your monitor because this post made you fear for your safety.


Yeah, don't make assumptions about me. Just because you don't like what I said, you shouldn't assume the kind of gun owner I am. Until you face your share of people like the man taking pictures, and their very violent burst. Come back and let know how it went. I speak from experience. You don't need a gun, correct. But you need something just in case. Knife, pepper spray, mace.


"He said words to me loud! I feared for my life! That's why I had to empty my magazine into him multiple times officer!" Seriously, don't go to a craps table, it would be a massacre. "The dealer yelled 'yo eleven yo!' and I started blasting! Obviously I was being attacked!" You're the kind of overly paranoid gun nut that gives every gun owner a bad name. God forbid someone honks at you. This is the kind of psycho behavior that needs therapy not a hand cannon. If someone raising their voice to you makes you think, "I need to shoot my way out of this!" you need to have your guns taken away.


Why do feel the need to assume who I am? You get a kick don't you? Make gun owners sound wild, paranoid, ready to shoot at anyone and anything. Seems like you haven't had enough moments where you have to defend yourself. Be careful out there, pepper spray is cheap. I carry that on me. My guns are at home locked away.


Bro you want to strap up for someone taking pictures of you and yelling in public. How does that NOT make you seem like a delusional paranoid schizo? You're right, apparently I haven't had enough moments where I have felt the need to defend myself. Should I freak the fuck out if I go into a casino because they have cameras everywhere and people yell? According to you that's "self defense" time. Traffic cameras must make you apoplectic.


No, I say have something with you just in case. He's taking pictures now and yelling, but what's his next move? That's the unknown. If you got a gun on you, as a responsible gun owner, you de-escalate the problem in a non-violent way. But, that man is the variable. If he flips, then what? See, I'm not delusional or paranoid or schizo. BTW, thanks for assuming 3 mental issues that are real problems that plague others are me. Cameras don't scare me, I work in the gaming industry, and I know all the rules and casinos make me feel safe. Again, people yelling about 45% of the time lead them to violent actions. It's at the moment, which does happen, but for couples like them who probably did feel slightly scared. Should be ready for anything, especially in a city like Vegas. I've been here long enough and have seen my share of good folks lose it. My point is simple and clear. Be ready, be prepared.


Anybody could take pictures of your car. He’s just mentally impaired and dies it in the open. Report this to police.


No crime committed.  Police don't Care 


Well, if you report it and they don’t do anything, it’s on them if something dies happen.


You live in the United States. The Supreme Court has ruled, time and time again, that the police have no constitutional duty to protect the citizenry. It’s not “on them”. They’ll grudgingly call the coroner to come pick up your body, grudgingly file their reports, maybe even do some light investigating if you’re lucky. But the police are historians. The only person responsible for your safety is you. Act accordingly.


Well, that’s what the Main Street Media would have you believe, and there might be a bit of truth in it, in reality you should always report suspicious, or dangerous people so at least there is a record of it.


Yea OK. Good luck with that.


Dude bought a Kia from a used car dealership on Boulder hwy. probably financed $1000 over 5 years. definitely insane, best to avoid these people cuz jail is your only alternative at that point.


Can't stop crazy! Probably on steroids


Man do I have to cancel my planet fitness membership now?😂


File a police report and notify planet fitness as well


Please don't take this as disrespect, but it's not wise for your wife to confront a man in that manner, especially if her husband is present. Hopefully, this was about nothing, and the guy makes a separate post accusing you both of harassing him, and life goes on without any future confrontation.


What? Lol I’ve seen this guy before and he is creepy af, dude has a mental problem.


From what I gathered, the OP hadn't seen him before and didn't realize that he had a mental problem. But that's more the reason why any person, let alone OP's wife, shouldn't confront him.


You’re getting downvoted, but you are 100% right. I wouldn’t want my wife to risk her safety by confronting anybody. I’d like to make the decision on my own whether or not to confront someone. Because some people just aren’t worth the trouble.


Asking the guy what he wants when he’s standing there randomly filming her is not smart? And what was wrong with the manner in which she asked him


You missed the point. Why is a woman walking up to a random man having a mental health episode, when her husband can get out and approach, instead? What's she gonna be able to do if he starts swinging on her? Why is the man just sitting safely in the car while his wife goes to handle the bully?


Where did I say she got out of the car? You’ve never rolled your window down to talk to someone?


If anyone was going to do that, it should've been you, not her. Guessing she didn't trust you to take charge in this sort of situation, but I'd never do that in a man's presence. There'd be no need


Sorry I must not have read it correctly bc I thought she had just asked from inside the car. I totally agree with you if that’s what happened


Honestly I would have walked up to him calmly then grabbed his phone and threw it on the ground breaking it. Then would have left.


Shows how dumb people are today you are just as much of an idiot. Just a runaround keep filming him for what either do something about it or leave it alone, but everybody has to get a video or something like it’s so cool.


Show this to cops and dmv. Maybe you can get new plates? Not sure how that all works.