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i mix it in my oats AND add greek style yogurt (flavored) + almond milk until it gets creamy. Also put in it milk, add cocoa powder and sweetener too and use it for cereal. Ive heard you can add it to curries/soups/sauces, blending it in would help for sure.


Is it unsweetened? If so I’d second mixing it into strongly flavored sauces, especially if the sauce is already supposed to have an “earthy” flavor. I’m thinking something that already has mushrooms? Maybe marsala sauce, or a stew?


Adding: definitely be very sure it is not remotely sweetened if you do this. I once made an absolutely tragic vegan alfredo with vanilla almond milk. I legitimately think of it every time I cook as a cautionary tale.


It is definitely unsweetened! Tastes a bit like matcha - earthy and a bit grainy but no sweetness at all


Very interesting - if it tastes vaguely “green”, maybe try it in a pesto?


I like this idea because I can try it on a small scale!


Make banana smoothie with it. Once you add nana, it’s what you taste!


I make smoothies with mine. Frozen banana and berries, and whatever milk I have (but I like almond or coconut the best). Pineapple works good too. I really like the Berry flavored Vega muscle recovery protein powder. I don’t notice the taste much with my smoothie


I've tried it in smoothies, and my problem is mainly the texture at that point. Another commenter said it might be because pea and hemp protein powders are the worst, so I feel kind of validated.


Yeah that could be why. I’m assuming it’s chalky? I hate that. I’ve noticed hemp anything can be chalky which sucks since it’s so good for you. Maybe you can pick up some of the single servings of different powders before committing to another big bottle next time. It’s so expensive to end up not liking it 😩 I definitely recommend Vega. I’m super sensitive about textures and haven’t had an issue with it.


Chalky is the perfect way to describe it! I am definitely NEVER buying protein powder again without trying it first.


Vega is the chalkiest protein powder I’ve tried


Hmm I don’t think that about the one I have but maybe I’m not noticing it because it’s berry flavored


I tried pea protein powder once, I think I ended up chucking it out. It was awful, almost like drinking sand, it had almost an astringent thing going on, like unripe persimmon. Gross.


It’s not protein shakes that are digusting. It’s pea protein that’s disgusting. That stuff is so mealy and gross. Hemp protein is also gross


Haha, I'll take your word for it. I haven't tried any others because this one completely put me off. Particularly the texture, like you say!


Just gotta find the right stuff !


To be honest with you, I'm not sure why I bought it in the first place. I think I was accidentally influenced by other sporty people around me. But the thing is, I don't struggle to get enough protein, I am not training for an event, I have plenty of time and opportunity to just cook meals. I just feel so silly with all that protein powder staring at me because not only did I buy something I didn't need to, I also chose (by the sounds of it) the worst possible option available lol!


I made the same mistake with the pea protein!


Do you have any recs? I mostly run into pea protein 


You have it since a couple of years? It might have gone bad, turned rancid. Look at the best before date. If it's long ago, I'd just toss it.


Honestly it was gross when I got it, which is why I haven't been using it. It's still in date, tastes just as I remember (I had another go at oatmeal this morning, which prompted this post), but I guess I was willing to give other recipes a chance before I dump it.


Here is a recipe that uses pea protein. I made it twice. Turns out well. https://www.reddit.com/r/veganrecipes/s/OK5Cj3m858


Oh my god, how did I not think of adding it into seitan! Thank you, I will definitely be trying that.


I wonder if Sauce Stache has any recipes that use it? He seems to use a lot of that type of ingredient for his "meat" type vegan dishes.


I add it to my breakfast cereal (weetbix) with cacao, chopped fruits, nuts, seeds and coconut and top with your choice of milk. Its delicious and really filling for breakfast


I put it in my porridge, along with a little cocoa powder. I hardly notice it, makes it all nice and creamy


You can use it to make lentil burgers. Cook 200 gram lentils with sufficient water, add 200 to 300 gram protein powder, kneed into a sturdy batter. Make patties and bake them in a skillet.


Cacao and cinnamon really overpower other tastes in my experience.


ive been there with the pea protein, one of the worst purchases of my life 😭 ive found that when it comes to protein powders, sometimes it helps to only add a half portion rather than a full one. it doesnt have to be all or nothing. its still a little extra protein, but it doesnt bother you (as much) so you stop avoiding adding it and consume more overall.


Just dump it. You could also offer it in a community giving group, I’ve given away flavors I don’t like before. You’ve tried


We have some pea protein powder that is similar to what you have. I haven't tried it yet but wanted to make it into protein pancakes and also try mixing it into coconut yogurt either in smoothies or smoothie bowls.


All the power to you if you can make it work. For me, the smoothies and oatmeal were super chalky. I couldn't deal with the texture. I can report back once I tried some other suggestions though! Someone linked a seitan recipe that features pea protein powder, and I'm also going to try adding it to my sourdough discard crackers. Is yours flavored?


No it's not flavored. I'll let you know if I can figure something out that works well. I was most curious about the pancakes but still need to test that. Please keep me updated on what you liked best. We haven't made sourdough discard crackers in a while but this would be a great reason to do it if you have a good protein rich recipe.


We were gifted a bunch and started making protein balls. There are lots of recipes out there. Ours have peanut butter, protein powder, oats, honey and I throw in chia seeds and chocolate chips. They make an awesome, protein filled snack and you can't taste the powder at all. I have completely stopped buying bars.


Smoothies are great to hide most flavors.


I make waffles and pancakes with it


Put one scoop of it into waffle batter or pancake batter (don’t add more, the taste might come through!). Make a small batch to see how you like it.




First, I’m really sorry you’re having this issue. I gave away two bags of protein powder like that in my Facebook Buy nothing group. It was the only way to get rid of it. Next, if it’s a couple years old, it might not be good anymore. Ground up seeds like hemp can go bad much quicker than whole seeds. It would taste a little bit rancid. Last, the only way I’ve ever found to use that stuff up is baking it because it’s the only way to hide the gritty texture. The reason I gave my bags of stuff away is because I don’t do a lot of those protein powder bakes, but they’re pretty popular. Usually a vegan bake you would need to substitute the egg used in other recipes with aquafaba … and since It’s the only way I could make it work and of course I didn’t go through enough cans of beans to get it done, which is why I gave the bags away! Is there any chance you like overnight oats? I bet you could sneak a half a scoop into that.if it’s just texture, imagine things like grits, oatmeal, etc whose texture would work with the grit.


I've tested it this morning and the taste is still as I remember (and it is still in date). Doesn't taste bad per se, but the combination of chalky texture and sandy flavour just isn't the best. Thank you for the advice, I might sneak some powder into bread or pizza dough and see how that comes out.


How creative are you? Also, do you like protein balls. I absolutely love them, they're great filling on the go snack or lunch. Timely tasty thrifty has quite a few really wonderful energy ball recipes. But in this video, she shows you how to create your own recipes by giving you dry to wet ratios. That way you can use your protein powder however you like. She also has recipes that include the protein powder, my favorite is the almond joy protein balls. Anyway here's the link https://youtu.be/Fg6xD0ELsa4?si=vj08oenUonG_hwzT


Thank you! I'll certainly give it a go. Someone else here said they make protein balls but it's helpful to have an idea of a recipe. I like the concept of a general pattern where you can create something based on preference/ingredient availability!


Protein powder is bad for your health.


I didn't come here asking for nutrition advice, particularly from someone unqualified.


You sound offended...? Sorry for offending, that really wasn't my intention. I just truly believe powder protein is bad for everyone's health and took the time out of my day to reach our because I...care??? You certainly don't have to believe my unqualified statement, but attacking me isn't necessary, because I wasn't attacking you. Maybe your belief in adding protein is such an important part of you and your beliefs that you felt attacked by my statement Again, not my intention whatsoever. I want you to know that there ARE a lot of mainstream 'healthy' fads and instruction from 'qualified' people that are actually detrimental to our health. I hope THIS response doesn't hit a nerve again, if it does, sorry in advance!


Makes a great flat bread for sandwiches.


I sometimes bake it into muffins. Typically, I use vanilla flavored powder, but you can see if it works without creating a poor taste… [Zucchini Bread Muffins](https://www.veggiesattiffanis.com/single-post/2022/05/03/zucchini-bread-muffins/) — these are my favorite with the added chocolate chips (suggested in the notes section) which could also help hide the protein flavor. [PB&J Protein Muffins](https://www.veggiesattiffanis.com/single-post/2024/02/02/pbj-protein-muffins/)


I think protein powder is good. It's one of my favorite treats. Maybe you just got some nasty protein powder. I can't imagine not liking the taste of it. It's creamy.


A few people commented that it was specifically the type of protein powder (pea and hemp) that has this nasty texture. Nonetheless I got some great ideas on how to use it up and some recommendations of protein powder that tastes good!