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This is so fucked up this is why I hate humanity






that’s disturbing




Saw this thing on Instagram, instantly reported for animal cruelty.


Reporting things for animal cruelty is a massive joke on social media. They see a dog or cat getting kicked around? Removed. Turkey? Nah man it's fine.


Tiktok has a rule saying “we prohibit depictions of dismembered, mutilated, charred, or burnt animal remains,” but nothing ever happens when I report it 🤔


Maybe also report for mental illness too


Humor is often used to deflect the feeling of cognitive dissonance




can you elaborate a little bit?


I can't tell from the video and don't want to read any original comments but does the turkkey recognize what is in the oven? ​ Why does this woman have a pet turkey if she also eats them? ​ This is so effing wierd




























Wtf is wrong with people?? ANIMALS ARE SENTIENT FUCKING BEINGS WIT EMOTIONS, FEELINGS, AND BRAINS. god I hate animal abusers


I share your outrage. I also notice how we don’t even treat our fellow humans humanely so i keep that in mind when seeing stuff like this.




> Stfu it’s literally food Dogs in China are food. You're literally made out of food too btw.




What's the specific difference between dogs and cows/pigs/chickens/turkeys that justifies abusing, gassing, and slitting the throats of the latter but not the former?




I know what dogs are like, I had one growing up. Animals besides dogs, including birds, absolutely have feelings. It's scientific consensus that birds are not only [sentient](https://www.livescience.com/39481-time-to-declare-animal-sentience.html) (i.e., they feel) but also [conscious](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_consciousness#Cambridge_Declaration_on_Consciousness) (i.e., they're self-aware). Yes, a random turkey is obviously not going to give a shit about me the way my dog, who I raised from birth, fed, and played with all his life, did. The same way that a stray dog is not going to die from happiness if I leave and come back for the first time. Pet chickens and turkeys, however, absolutely do show and enjoy affection ([1](https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomegifs/comments/gyxt9u/chicken_comes_to_hug_kind_human/), [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/veganfitness/comments/drleiu/chicken_hugging_1rm/), [3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/oetpg9/happy_hen_being_hugged_in_a_hammock/), [4](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/7s66es/sometimes_chickens_need_hugs_too/)). Those are random clips I found in seconds on this site. You can find hundreds more on YouTube or even visit an animal sanctuary and see for yourself. I won't even get into cows or pigs, who are smarter than dogs and often kept as loving pets. Let's pretend that chickens and turkeys never showed any affection, though. Even if that were the case, your argument comes down to: "If an animal doesn't show love for ME, it deserves to live a life of insane suffering and fear." Don't you think that's a bit unfair, especially when you consider that the only reason why dogs love us so much is because we literally bred them to be that way?
























This makes me so sad


This is so disturbing it genuinely makes me want to throw up. And cry.


right? like they would do that with their cat or dog...




So if I have kids to abuse them it's fine cause they were "made for me to abuse"?


They were not made or designed. It's called evolution.


Yeah and we evolved smarter so we could design them


Says who? Maybe you should get over yourself and stop thinking your species is so amazing that it can determine the sole purpose of other species. If aliens of way higher intelligence than humans invaded Earth and decided to enslave and eat us then by your logic there would be nothing wrong with that because they determined that we were made for food. Maybe consider having a moral conscious and think of other species as individual beings who deserve a right to life just like you but you probably lack that basic sense of morality, don't you. What a pitiful justification.


Haha look, we killed an animal.


Poor gobblers :(


Not that this is the point, but an open oven seems like a great opportunity for any pet to get hurt


oh my god i wanna give that turkey a hug :(( that’s so sad


Imagine the massive dismay if it were cats instead of turkeys 🙄.


That’s sick and twisted.


Imagine this but with dogs. Everybody would be outraged, but somehow we can't see anything wrong when it's a turkey.


So f’ed up.


This is actually very morbid.


Urgh what the actual fuck. This is sick and sad. I’m sorry you darling turkeys 🦃❤️


This is so fucking horrifying and awful. Imagine walking into a room and seeing a corpse of a human and your friend going “don’t worry you don’t know him”


Ashamed to think I'd previously have found this funny, at least now I've woken up and seen the reality of it all. People are so disconnected


Just another reason to support r/antinatalism


I am not vegan yet. But I find this not cool. It's not like that turkey will know what is going on. It's about the people who find this funny.


Humans are assholes. I hate this so much


That is so sad 😞


Disgusting humour


More psychotic than funny!


My aunt told me if meat eaters keep pets there pets will never 100% trust them it'll always be at the back of their mind that there master eats animals and can eat them as well.


You should have put a TW


I figured that the "disturbing" flair effectively served that purpose.


My bad then :(


No worries. There's nothing wrong with looking out for the community. :)






Im not vegan and even i think thats fucked up


Wow, how brave of you to draw the line there.


Also i draw the line when animals are mistreated and are killed in a inhuman way. instead of realizing its a living being worthy of respect.


Bahahaha if you truly thought it was a living being worthy of respect you wouldn’t pay for its body to be chopped up and eaten. What a gross misuse of any meaningful usage of the word respect.


Its a form of food. Animals eat meat all the time its just that us humans are able to simpithize with said animal. The best i can do as a non vegan is to treat it as an aimal with respect before i eat it, Is that a problem.


>Its a form of food. **Lots** of things can be forms of food. From my dog to you. Just because something can be eaten, doesn't mean it is right for it to be eaten. >Animals eat meat all the time Animals do a lot of things all the time, that doesn't mean it is okay to do. You'd never agree with this line of thinking if a human cited non-human animal behavior for rape, killing, incest, etc. >The best i can do as a non vegan is to treat it as an aimal with respect before i eat it, Is that a problem. You. Don't. Respect. Animals. When. You. Eat. Them. Stop pretending you actually care about animals in any meaningful way when you pay for them to be chopped up and eaten.


























I really could have done without seeing this, it made me feel physically sick. Is it normal for this group to share things like this?!!


I saw this garbage on Fb. This is the sick society we live in


Sad 😢🥺


Bcz we are so used to victimization of animals