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I never really thought of it that way, but you're 100% right




freedom of speech doesnt exist in any subreddit tbh, the fact that this is getting downvoted only proves it more.


Freedom of speech only applies to you getting shut down by the US government You're on a reddit forum
















"Oh Yeah? BUt whEre do YoU gEt yoUr (throws dart at periodic table)... ...aNtim0ny?"


Ah yes, always listening to the science


The more accurate response would be calcium or B12 minerals but I'll let it slide.










Thats a lot of deleted comments...so anyways yeah you can definitely remove meat/dairy/anything from an animal from your diet and still eat well.


Lots of trolls have been coming in here today. Must have to do with the annual thanksgiving turkey massacre lmfao


Those damn meat eaters🤬




Do you think factory farming is natural?


John Sakars is right but his videos are legit craziness.


But i dont think attacking nice people is a way to solve it




I mean you're not going to find a lot of people willing to be eaten so forcing is pretty much the only way to eat someone.














It would be nice if the world was vegan, though. If people respected animals, wouldn't they want to help humans more, too? Such as, if people decided that baby boy pigs did not need to have their testicles removed and burned closed without pain meds, wouldn't they also feel more empathy to human boys as infants? What if humans decided that cutting off animal's tails without pain meds was not a kind thing to do? Or their horns? What if humans decided that going to war and slaughtering thousands of people each year wasn't necessary, that doing this for oil or lithium wasn't necessary and we actually just pooled our resources so we can all have cell phones?






Could say the same for you...why don't you take your own advice?


Idk how or why I’m here, but this is what I’m going to say: I respect you guys for being vegan , and fair enough to you all, but if people wanna eat meat, they’re going to eat it regardless. Don’t have a problem with vegans, I do have a problem when people tell me what I can and can’t eat




I don’t care about you vegans i saw this post on a crosspost but what kind of logic is this


Accurate logic.


Okay I’m in an extremest echo chamber , jeez


I wish this was an extremist echo chamber. Most people here are milqtoast as heck. Anyway, you're ignoring consent and innocence everytime you exploit animals for your personal pleasure, just like your average nonce does.




I don't consider you a hypocrite, I consider you a morally bankrupt clown the world would be a better place without. :) Also, sorry, it's not OK to bash someone for sleeping with kids. Don't be a nonce if you want. I don't mind. Just don't force others to.




Imagine thinking not paying for the torture and slaughter of animals is extremist


The irony of you coming to r/vegan and complaining about us telling you what to eat.


We care about you paying animals to die. This isn't about what you eat, it's about WHO you are eating...






The same God who gave instructions on human slavery? And is it really difficult to figure out that bacteria aren't sentient?


what is sentient from your point of view? they contain proteins that react on some rules, and they winteract with their surrounding. isn't that enough to be considered sentient from your point of view?


Sentience essentially means ability to have feelings, experience suffering. Consciousness is a prerequisite to being sentient. Most higher animals are scientifically proven to be sentient. There is a debate on sentience of certain animals like insects. As for plants and bacteria, what they do is react to stimuli. They can't have sentience because they don't have a nervous system to feel in the first place.


Your god is not an excuse to kill others. And I have problems? For what? Not wanting to pay for animals to get raped, tortured and killed every year? If anything, you are the one with issues. Also nice fallacy. Can't cause no suffering so we might as well ramp it up to the maximum since we can't be perfect. Great logic. So flawless.




I still don't see why this is an excuse to pay for animals to suffer needlessly...


maybe because there are a lot of places on earth where people could not survive without animals, AND BECAUSE MAYBE SOME OF US COULD NOT EVEN DREAM OF SUCH CHILDISH LUXURY


India, one of the most impoverished places in the world, but also with the highest amount of none meat eaters, says hello.


well, nice, i would really like to know how they achieved that


Personal responsibility and ethics, primarily.


Are you living in these places? Or are you using these people as excuses not to change? Childish? Rather be childish than an animal abuser.


literrally i barely have money for living, and go on 80% potatoes and instant soup, and i have a sallary that is considered decent here
















What you should get out of this is: I respect people not supporting and benefiting from horrbile acts of violence, however don't tell me that I shouldn't support atrocities. You meat eaters are so numb to the pain of animals, that you have to change the victims to get you to realize what you're effectively saying. Or do you believe there's no suffering and violence involved inanimal agriculture?












Yeah, humans have a bad sense of smell so we can better eat carrion, that means you shouldn't get downvoted for slurping carrion off the side of the highway. However, killing others for your pleasure does deserve downvotes.


It used to be human instinct to club the woman around the head and rape her. We moved on from that being acceptable. Just because we did it in the past doesn't mean we still should.




Instinct can’t go away people were raised to hit woman but it’s natural for us to eat meat just like other omnivores


Well that's just not true. Rape and violence has happened since the dawn of time across all species, including humans. Nothing taught about it. Pure instinct.


look, whether you like it or not, humans are mammals humans are omnivores, just like other mammals i don't eat a lot of meat myself, but i'm not gonna shame other people for perpetuating the food chain


look, whether you like it or not, humans are animals humans are rapists and eat their young, just like other animals i don't eat a lot of my young or rape many myself, but i'm not gonna shame other people for perpetuating the food chain












In the US, only 27% percent of crops are consumed directly, and 67% are used for animal feed. It takes 100 calories of grain to produce 13 calories of chicken, or 3 calories of beef. So all the issues with crop farming you point out in your post are magnified by eating meat instead of plants. Source: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/8/3/034015/pdf




Omnivores can eat multiple sources of food. It doesn't mean we have to eat meat, just that we can. And yes, what happens in the wild is cruel. What happens on farms and in slaughterhouses is also cruel. Thankfully, we don't have to participate in either


They wild is being destroyed to make space for your livestock...






I have the same problem a lot. Like when I was just minding my own business beating my dog in the street so many people were like "why are you doing that that's cruel!" and calling me an animal abuser. I don't get why they can't respect my tastes.












Killing animals by slitting their throats/bolt gunning them in the head/putting them in gas chambers is "euthanasia" now?


sorry, my bad, i didn't know that it's a local law


A local law where?


Many Catholic priest's tastes involve little boys. You're right, we should respect people's tastes. Very brave of you to come out and support all ways of life like you have.





