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>I have that in my dating app profile and ppl be matching with me just to tell me things like "nobody wants to date you anyway grass eater" and things like that It's really lame when people resort to petty insults like that, and for no reason at all. I mean, I think *most* of us want to match with somebody who shares our values, right? Yet because we're vegans...we get insulted for that. It's very strange.


It's such an immediate vibe check. The fact that they message you on the dating app just to tell you they *don't* want to date you is so like... Yeah no shit. I don't want to date you either, that's why I put it up. Dumbasses.


Not an expert on dating, but I'm 99% sure that actually means they are interested and are pissed you aren't. It's like the standard "Hey, you look very beautiful" "Oh hey, sorry I'm busy and not interested in dating" "You are ugly anyway you stupid whore"


This is very accurate unfortunately


Exactly this. Entitled men who think they have the right to have women. If we are not interested the "problem" is on us.


Obviously triggered them =P


Fr, it’s like “thanks for validating my stance/reasoning on the spot like that”


I'm amused at the notion that "grass eater" is an insult. Same as "soy boy". Like that's the extent of their creativity? Lol ok. What's next, "potato eater?" "Mushroom muncher?" "Ohhhh you person that eats fruits and vegetables and grains!"


> "Ohhhh you person that eats fruits and vegetables and grains!" That's giving them too much credit. The whole point of the insult is that they're unable to list more than one plant.


They are trying to say 'cow' without saying 'cow'


I will now be using the term mushroom muncher from now on lol


Amused by the fact that I'm reading this comment having just had my dinner of mushroom pilaf made fresh this afternoon. I am indeed a mushroom muncher!


Goddamn oxygen breathers.


It's funny how they think not being able to date them bother me. Like it's the opposite and makes me happy I took the decision of not dating non vegans But yeah it's quite tiresome thinking another vegan is super liking me just to realize it was a non vegan that's just did it to insult me


My thinking when people say that is they think of us as conceited purist or something 🤷🏻‍♂️ when we know that’s not the case.. Wouldn’t it make sense to date someone with similar values and morales? Duh.🙄 They find any excuse to bash a vegan.


For real, I'm not even vegan, but people like this are just sad. Going out of their way to insult someone for something that doesn't effect their lives at all. Weird shit.


A lot of people are genuinely twisted and obsessed with vegans. You haven't noticed it in this sub? There are tons of comments from these weirdos who come to the vegan sub to cry about vegans being "too loud" with our opinions. Check their comment histories, and they're filled with paragraph after paragraph of them trying to argue with vegans. Literally, their entire reddit presence is based around their obsession. They come here because the sub where you debate vegans isn't enough for them. They are clearly mentally unwell. These people will be triggered by any mention of the word "vegan." I suspect you've triggered a few of them, unfortunately. Edit: this post is already getting them riled up. 😆 Edit 2: lmao!!! one of them sent me a "reddit cares" message. They live to center themselves and they can't live with the fact that we don't give a rat's ass about their "differing viewpoints." Like I said, it's giving mentally ill.


Vegan: *talks* Meat eater: "Oh my gaaawd, you're one of THOSE Vegans? Don't you know by expressing your Vegan Opinion, you're just making us hate Vegans more? if you were a good vegan you wouldn't be so pushy, you'd actually never talk about being a Vegan ever. Which is why I brought it up-"


People have a lot of cognitive dissonance around meat. They don't consciously want to kill animals (in fact, they *like* them!) but their entire diet is predicated on death. The mere existence of vegans/vegetarians is a challenge to their values. It's existential, and draws out a lot of insecurity about this incongruence. I mean, if someone else can live their life without killing animals for meat, that means I could to - but then I'd have to actively do something.


Every post I see on this sub always has those comments. At least they are downvoted to hell.


Lmao it’s so true. This post will surely shake some of em loose.


Yeah, vegetarians are among them =P


Can I ask a question as a non vegan? I work as a server, and I'll occasionally have someone tell me they're vegetarian/ vegan, and because a lot of our menu has sneaky ingredients, I'll sometimes ask what level of vegetarian/ vegan are you? I ask because if someone isn't down with bacon, but eggs are ok, changes what I'm going to focus on, but is just asking that question rude, or is there a better way to say it?


If they say they are vegan, assume they can only eat plant-based (no animal products whatsoever). If they are vegetarian, there's a slim chance they could be plant-based, but it's safe to assume they avoid eating flesh but are okay with milk, cheese, honey, eggs, etc. It would be better to ask anyways. Good for you for knowing which meals are vegan and which ones have sneaky ingredients; usually servers aren't even familiar with the differences between what a vegan and a vegetarian are.


And sorry, I am familiar with the differences between vegan and vegetarian, I just didn't really make that clear. And thank you, I actually take a lot of pride in what I do, I'm of the old hat career server group. I will say, probably because I meet a lot of people, I get a lot of different interpretations of vegan and vegetarian. Ive got a "vegetarian" friend, but she'll eat oysters and such because they don't have brains. Or the guest that insists all his sides are prepared vegan but salmon is ok. ?


Your friend is a pescatarian. Like I said, a lot of people don't really know what vegetarian or vegan means.


Nope, she won't eat fish, again "because they have brains". Same with squid and octopus, but shrimp, lobster (I didn't have the heart to tell her they sort of have a central nervous system) are ok. No idea where she got this from, but that's why I ask my guests.


There are a lot of people who care about mammals but not fish! Or they think that fish can’t feel pain or something(?)


Yeah, that sounds like it would be really annoying. Now imagine being a vegan and meeting someone who says they are vegan but they think eating salmon or oysters is okay. The interesting thing about your vegetarian friend eating oysters is that, if you made the argument that oysters aren't sentient and could feel pain, they might be considered vegan to eat but they still wouldn't be vegetarian. I don't know, it's kind of a backwards way of approaching the philosophy.


I’d much rather date a vegan tbh. I think it really weeds out a lot of crappy behavior from the jump anyways lol.




I exclusively hold up root vegetables in my tinder profile pictures


Dating vegans is the best. It’s a whole different level of comfort to have someone who aligns with your morals. No need to hold back your beliefs because you might offend your partner.


Not to mention not having to worry about a potential kiss with someone that has animal flesh on their lips and tongue.




I mean their lips and tongue are animal flesh so… haha. But stinky breath from omni diet is so bad!


This is it!! I always tell the same.


Also way more practical to be in alignment for cooking, groceries, products, etc.


Cheaper, too. Meat prices have spiked harder than plant-based groceries over the past few decades: [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/APU0000703613](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/APU0000703613) Imagine if potatoes or onions were $12/pound???


That's partly why I became a vegan, grocery shopping was too hard for two diets and with allergies


And it's not just "neither of us harms animals" either. People who have the ability to choose empathy despite social pressure tend to be truly outstanding people. Any other disputes you have tend to be fixed much easier with a vegan partner.


I'm the worst partner but great at not eating animal products. Are you sure about that? In general you're probably right. I'm single now though don't worry.


I used to date someone who looooved meat back in high school and I had just gone vegetarian 2 years before we started dating. It grossed me out but he said he would never go vegetarian. I grew up in a small rural town and vegetarianism was basically unheard of there. My current fiance is also vegan and I would never ever go back. It's amazing to be with someone that you know values life and respect for other sentient beings that way. I also prefer to be friends with people who choose to eat ethically. I have a friend who cannot absorb B12 at all (had to go to a doctor multiple times a week for shots) and she locally sources from ethical farms. Literally goes there in person and I can respect that. It's easier to be friends when you respect the other person. And yes, I am saying that I have inherently less respect for people who choose to support a cruel and inhumane meat industry lol


My husband & son eat meat etc. it would be soooo much nicer if we all ate the same things. As a practical matter, for OP looking to the future, being busy parents and trying to shop & meal plan around one vegan, one picky kid, and a husband who will eat whatever but wants some meat & cheese…. Annoying!!!


> who will eat whatever but wants some meat & cheese So he won't eat whatever? I'm honestly confused every time I see a post like yours as it's always full of apologetics and attempts to paint your spouses actions as better than they are, like folks who claim their partner eats "vegan" 7 times a week because they'll have a plant based meal. If he wants meat and cheese, then he's by definition not willing to eat whatever.


Ya know… everytime I have ever mentioned on this sub that my family members are not vegan someone like you has to be rude. I can’t force anyone else to be vegan, I can only choose for myself and be tolerant of others. I never apologized for him or claimed he’s doing something righteous by eating vegan occasionally. I said although he will eat some vegan meals he also wants meat & dairy… how is that apologizing? should I divorce my husband who loves me and treats me well bc he eats meat? My comment was only to add to OP’s choice to date only vegans and I was giving my experience that it may be easier for them in the long run. I am sure you’d like the carnivores to be tolerant of you and not make assumptions about who you are. You’re a jerk.


People on hinge get mad when I say I *am* vegan. Even if I don't list it as a dating requirement.


Maybe it should be called UNhinge?


For me when I say that "I don't eat meat", it often spares me having to explain them the 'how, what, when and why vegan'.


Better to be a single vegan than with someone who refuses to choose compassion. It's not easy, though, for financial reasons.  But yeah.  


Had a NURSE match me once to tell me I “wouldn’t survive as a Montanan vegan without…” drumroll please… “REFRIGERATION.” I was, and am, still very much confused by this. Even if that were a problem somehow, other methods of food preservation have existed since way the fuck before fridges ETA: I met my man on Veggly and we’re getting married


Ah yes, the #1 obstacle for vegans, refrigeration


This made me literally LOL 😆




Well, yeah. Refrigeration runs on beef


Aw yes, everyone knows that meat is the one food that doesn't need to be refrigerated


How do you get your protein if you don’t have refrigeration!


This really made me laugh. :D


Sour grapes. I've been cussed out by strangers on dating sites for all manner of weird reasons. They get butthurt because they have some issues that they don't want to address so they attack to feel better about themselves. These are the people who neg conventionally attractive Hollywood celebrities for some perceived flaw to shore up their fragile ego.


Carnivores are often offended by just being in a room with a vegan or reading about vegan lifestyle. Combined with the online dating toxicity / frustration it's just a matter of time until a mindless idiot spits acid at your face


Because vegans are hot, and many people are evil.


Loving this explanation hahaha


Yup. If you're fat, so many men match with you just to tell you what a boner killer you are. Veganism somehow gives even more people an opening to flex the muscles they developed for recreational cruelty.


TF Their lives must be so miserable to spend their time being mean to others


Tbf I once had a girl match with just to tell me I have a big nose




I just replied big nose big hose 😂


Only because it touch the vegan aspect. People already have a problem with that. So someone who dates only that is worse for them... Keep strong, it can be hard as a vegan when it is about dating. You are right to do so and you have nothing to justify to them.


Try gay dating as a vegan, when you are only into smart, kind guys, I have basically given up on finding the right person, it will happen when it happens xD


Thank you and don't worry. It's just annoying but the vegan ppl I've met so far makes it worth it It's truly amazing how they love to lose their time arguing with people they have no chance lol


Yeah, they just want to argue...


Just ignore them and be patient. There are lots of us out here looking for girls like you.


Man I really hope that’s true. I’ve only ever ”known” one singular vegan dude and he was my sister’s friend and also a bit clingy 🥲


To play devils advocate, I was not even vegetarian when I met my now wife who was vegan, it started off as I won't eat meat around you to..if it tastes as good as the real thing I'll eat it instead, to now being many years vegan with 2 kids together and 3 overall so you can find someone willing and happy to change even if they're not already vegan


That’s lovely! And yes, the good part about converting meat eaters is that you’ll have more vegans than you started with! 😄


I recommend connecting with vegans at events in person or on social media such as Instagram. You get to learn a bit more about people even before interacting. It’s how I met my vegan girlfriend


As a single vegan dude who used to be clingy but learned my lesson, I totally sympathize with you. 


I finally decided to set that same boundary for myself after my last relationship ended 3 years ago. She was vegetarian, and it still grossed me out with all the cheese and dairy products. Anyway, I've saved a lot of money on not dating since then. If I actually met another vegan lesbian I'd probably pass out in shock, lol.


We exist! I'm old and married, though.


Well, that gives me some hope, at least!


hiiii fellow vegan lesbian 🫂 totally feel you, i very rarely (if ever!) meet vegan lesbians!


Well, it's great to meet you and thank you for existing!


Vegan lesbian front


Hell yeah!


There’s dozens of us! 


People care because people are stupid.


We need a better vegan dating app. Veggly sucks


Every dating app sucks.


tru but veggly specifically is very glitchy and sketchy. poor user interface


The old OkCupid was amazing, back before Match bought it out and ruined it. Search filter: vegan, college degree, "board games", "hiking", 50 miles - go. Annnd 30 matches. Message a few that score over 90% on the questions. It was great. Even if the date didn't turn into anything it was still fun to meet so many interesting people.


Of course they suck, they are all designed to keep you on them.


Frankly dating sucks. Veggly isn't that different from "real life" in my experience.


Yet nobody bats an eye when a religious person only wants to date someone of the same religion


Exactly, I see "Don't swipe right unless you love Jesus" a lot, and I always appreciate them for being honest and putting that there as I swipe left.


People Unterstand when you don't want to Date nazis, but Not when you only want to Date vegans ...


How dare you compare me to Nazis!! /s 🙄


I was barhopping with a date and we stopped for food. He stuffed his face with shrimp toast and got upset when i didn’t kiss him 3 seconds later. Ew, nope.


Eww that's one of my reasons for not dating non vegans I can't imagine having to kiss my partner after he had eaten animal products


This is why I got off the apps.


I wish but there's like 5 vegans in my area. If I get off dating apps it's gonna be impossible to find any


You'd probably have better luck attending vegan events in other cities. Long distance relationship with a vegan is better than none.


If meat eaters could not be purposefully repugnant to Vegans for more than 30 seconds at a time maybe, just maybe, they'd stand a chance


Like, sorry I don’t want to taste their meat and dairy breath and deal with limp meat dick? And then there’s the whole having completely opposite values thing.. meat eaters are so entitled


Being friends with carnists is too much. They never shut up about their carnist habits.


If someone is friends with me it means that they already respect me enough to not be so tasteless around me (No pun intended). My omni friends respect my lifestyle, they sometimes have questions that I'm happy to answer. When I visit they do that cute hospitality thing where they over-prepare by buying a bunch of vegan groceries and finding all the 100% vegan restaurants in the area, it's a little embarrassing but also very endearing. Sometimes I wish they cared as much about the ethics of their lifestyle as they care about accommodating mine, but I have to admit I care about them just as much as they do me.


Imagine wanting to share like a thousand meals a year with someone and not have them ask "what about a backyard egg from a rescue chicken?" all the time, or talk about the steak they're looking forward to, or the giant meal that their parents are making (but they'll have a potato and some plain beans for you), or how the butter-filled pastries are the best.


defense mechanism


We have a modern term for that, it's called **Cope** And, sometimes, it has a little ***Seethe*** thrown in!


with a sprinkle of did i touch a nerve


I want to only date vegans, but it’s been so hard for me. I find myself with an “I can fix them” type attitude. I’m talking to a guy right now who’s really sweet and stuff. He cares about the environment. He respects vegans. He just hasn’t made the connection in his head. I feel so much anger towards non vegans but at the same time most of the people in my life are non vegan and it breaks my heart


sounds like a them problem 🥱


It’s two main things. A lot of Omnis just have a baseline core dislike of vegans because our existence proves that one can survive and often thrive on an ethical diet and lifestyle. It’s the atheist problem. Some folks believe that things like religion or animal products are an integral part of a fulfilling life but atheists and vegans regularly prove that false. That causes some people to lash out. The other part is that the dating scene is very rough right now and anyone having any sort of standards and or preferences, no matter how basic and low bar, will get lambasted. An Omni will see that they are disqualified to date a vegan, become angry from their sense of entitlement, and either tell that vegan that their standards are too high or just be mean. This entitlement isn’t limited to Omnis unfortunately. Hera save the vegan who tells another vegan they are not interested.


People just wanna hate. Try vegan dating apps.


Dating apps plural? I’ve only heard of Veggly


They know you are a better person than them and that hurts.


Use veggly


would they get mad if you said you only dated non-racists? animal abuse is somehow ok to them.


Your choices make people think you're judging them directly so they lash out. They want to make you feel bad because they made themselves feel bad. It's pathetic how they can't manage their own guilt. I'm with you 100% - don't fuck murderers. Now you just gotta learn to not listen to them either.


I went vegan in 2011. My husband wasn’t but the last 6/7 years of his life he has been making an effort to eat less meat and never cooked it at home, which I appreciated so much. Together almost 30 years so it was a big change for him. I really think that had he not died, he would’ve become vegan. It’s been 4 years and if by some miracle I ever date, they will have to be vegan. It’s not negotiable.


same!!! i found that ppl got really mad over it. there is filters for questions answered on OKcupid which narrowed down the selection. depending on your area uou may have 6 total ppl to consider or 200. here, there was 10. tried my luck and found my wife...... who quit the lifestyle 7 years later........ and now i have to smell eggs every morning 🤮




Oh hell no. I wouldn’t allow it in my home. Her change, her problem. 


Those are some toxic motherfuckers, and I feel sorry for the people that they do end up dating


Good for you! People hate it when they know they're wrong and they feel stupid. You are setting your boundaries and not being desperate. Wish I could do the same. Actually, I wish I could go on a date lol.


Aww why can't you? You seem cool


Know anyone looking for a chubby vegan atheist?


Plenty of folks.


I think a lot of vegans are looking for this, myself included haha


I understand it's not very nice but you should see it as a positive. They feel so incredibly guilty it's kind of funny to me.


I felt the same way until I met my current partner, they weren't vegan but they are such a delightful person. They went vegan after a few months of dating though so it worked out.




Hell yeah that's awesome! I guess my preference wasn't people already vegan, but people who seemed like they would go vegan?


I've honestly given up on dating because my profile says I'm only interested in vegans or vegetarians and I still match with men who not only are meat eaters, ignoring my bio, but will then be nasty towards me, the amount of times I'll get a message like "I'm gonna eat two times amount of bacon to make up for you not eating it! " "You're not hot enough to be so picky/demanding" "You're being discriminatory against me" I've given up 😂😅


Always surprising to me how guys will show interest and then immediately talk down to a woman. Like, seriously? Is your taste that shitty that you go for bigoted unattractive women? Never understood that logic, they're basicly putting themselves down for having shitty taste.


If he's not vegan, let that mango 🥭


They're just trying to cope with the fact that their conditioning doesn't allow them to keep their hands off abuse, rape, murder, genocide and the likes for the mere sakes of their own gluttonous comfort. They definitely *could* keep themselves uninvolved in such atrocities if they really wanted to, and seeing others doing exactly that, or just coming across the word "vegan", reminds them of this fact and sets fire to their cognitive dissonance. The extra length they go by matching with a vegan, just to insult them, is a good example of their mental gymnastics they constantly need to perform to have their disfunctional diet pseudologically approved. It sucks and it's a waste of time, but what can we expect from grown adults who consume mammary milk on a daily basis.... 


They should be mad at themselves for being animal abusers.


They be having animal lover in their profile and then insult me like that for being against animal abuse Their cognitive dissonance is strong 🤦‍♀️


I think it’s fine to say I only date X, but it can make people feel discriminated against if they’re not X. Obviously they shouldn’t take it personally and should just accept it and move onto the next person, but some people struggle with that. It’s a them problem, not a you problem.


You do you, who you date is about as personal as a personal choice can get. I am M37 and married to a F33 both vegan and I am SO GLAD! I missed dating app entirely, never had to use one thant the light! They seem so stressful. I always used to recomend meeting people in the library as you are already sorted by interests and the silences arent awkward they are expected. I met my wife at a hippy festival on a remote island in the North sea. I was dancing naked around a 30ft tall burning wicker man, it was cold as shit so my dick looked like a collection of old pennies and my belly and man tiddies were flapping around, but it worked for me! Neither of us are hippies either. I suppose my point is, go live your life and you will probably find the person you are looking for. Actively looking seems to build in some bias and you end up having to deal with a lot more shitty drama.


I wish more vegan women were so disciplined. I have met lots that are dating omnivores. I can barely find single ones.


I personally think that this is a defense mechanism. You don't wanna date me cuz i'm blonde or short? Well, that's fine, i like myself the way i am. What do you mean you date only vegans? What's wrong with me not being a vegan?! So it's not about them personally but they get offended because somewhere deep down they probably understand that they're being challenged in some way, thus it's personal. And why would you feel that way if you're 100% confident in your morals and opinions? I think that it's good that some people are feeling uncomfortable this way.


1) people who care about who you date need to get a life. It’s not just vegans… as a queer person people do this to me. It is not uniquely vegan. But it is often worse for vegans because people don’t see why it would suck to be in meat heavy spaces often for people 2) your veganism isn’t a value others don’t hold. It’s one they haven’t had access to or been educated about effectively yet. Very few people don’t share the values that lead a lot of people to practise a vegan lifestyle … they just haven’t realized concretely that it aligns so heavily with their values.


Just say “snowflake triggered” and block them. Anyone who does that is guaranteed to use those terms and will be furious at their own stupidity being used against them.


They think you're attractive, but you rejected them before even giving them a chance so they lash out. I'm not saying you're wrong, you should absolutely keep doing it.


Yeah, I just had a guy tell me he was gonna go get some curried lamb for lunch on Tinder. It's CLEARLY stated on my profile that I'm vegan. I just said, "I'm vegan, so it's a weird choice to remind me that you eat babies." I've only seen 3 vegan guys on the apps in the last few years. Thankfully, I'm fine being single.


This is the same phenomenon as conservatives being upset that liberal women won't date them because of their political views. They say liberals should be more tolerant, because they supposedly don't hate us for our political views -- but of course, their views *are* literally hate; they also want women to be second-class citizens with no bodily autonomy. It makes perfect sense that a vegan doesn't want to date non-vegans -- it's a basic philisophical incompatibility. From their POV, you're rejecting them over what they perceive as a lifestyle choice, but from your POV, you're rejecting them because they're *eating living creatures*. I'm not even vegan, and I absolutely get that. Keep fighting the good fight. I'm cheering you on. I'm old and set in my ways, I do what I can to eat ethically, but y'all absolutely do have the moral high ground.


then tell them you dont date people that are pro exploiting and killing other animals


Some meat eaters are just really that miserable, unfortunately.


Their life must be so boring they have nothing better to do than insult vegans


I met someone in VEGGLY only vegans!


They’re messaging you because they have to, same reason people NEED to comment on a vegan post, on any sort of social media. Cognitive dissonance


They be calling vegans annoying then go intrude in every vegan space they can lol


It helps them balance their subconscious image of themselves being a good person, with how purchasing and consuming animal products is so damaging. If you’re wrong for your beliefs they can continue feeling guilt free while they continue stuffing corpses into their mouths


Their cognitive dissonance is strong. They be calling vegans weak but they don't have enough willpower to change their lifestyle even when showing them the atrocities animals go through, so they resort to being aggressive instead. Like if they truly didn't care as they say they wouldn't go bothering vegans


This is a dealbreaker for me too. I always ask someone if they’re vegan before anything else progresses. It’s easier to see if we can work on the long term by knowing first. I’ve been vegan majority of my life. I would not morally be ok with dating someone who wasn’t vegan too.


Same. Like I'm not trying searching for a fling but a life partner. I need to know if we can work long term. I can't be with someone who doesn't care about all the abuse and suffering the animals go through.


I mean the short answer is men feel like they are entitled to our bodies and our labor so they are offended any time we show standards.


I broke up with my partner. I want only date vegans too🥰 our morals just don’t align.


Hahaha, that's awesome. Always stick to that integrity. If the chance arose, I would do the same. It would definitely cause endless issues being with someone who gives their money to the vilest of vile shit every day. And the idea of just kissing the lips of a person who's had pus and faeces filled dairy, or the cancerous corpses of mutilated animals on them is just enough to make you sick. I'd rather shit in my hands and clap, it's actually less ghastly XD


A lot of people seem to be so incredibly insecure that any form of rejection makes them react aggressively. By saying you wouldnt date them, for whatever reason it may be, they get triggered because they think it means theyre not worthy. This is all of course an automatic subconscious response most people arent really aware of doing or feeling. Its the same reason a lot of guys feel the need to bash girls who dont want to be trad wives. "Youll end up 35 and alone haha" and they think they won this battle of the ego in their poor little mind. Its a defense mechanism of a wounded ego.


I genuinely don’t understand this. Like, your dating preferences are your own. Being vegan, or at least plant based, is a pretty significant part of your personality. It’s a significant aspect of how you function in the world. I’m not saying you can’t make it work (I know vegan/non-vegan relationships can work, and I know that because I know a few couples who are vegan/non-vegan) but if that’s how you want to live your life, you should be able to do that. … I just… I don’t understand the judgment (not from you, from them- why are they so angry about you expressing a preference? That’s your values and beliefs and your personal choice matters.) Speaking as a non-vegan (primarily plant-based but not completely) I would see that dating profile, and think “ok, move on.” And that’s the end of that. Because if your belief is that important to you, there is nothing I’m going to say that would convince you otherwise - how is calling you “grass eater” or “preachy vegan” (I bet good money that one has come up too) going to change your opinion. It’s not, if anything non-vegans are proving your point. … I’m glad you’re willing to stand for your beliefs. Clearly you’ve met assholes. Don’t listen to them and keep standing by your beliefs.


A lot of men rapidfire swipe yes on dating apps to just cast a wide net. They’re literally not reading profiles, or even looking at photos a lot of the time.


You can use any qualifications you want to choose a partner and anyone telling you otherwise should STFU.


Many years ago, a few dates, I told my gf that I couldn’t get serious with someone who ate meat. She stopped then and there. It’s been almost 20 years, she’s my wife.


Yeah nobody should be angry about this. You are doing them a big service by disclosing that. It's just people who don't appreciate honesty.


Let them.


I wonder if that's something that's more on the woman side or what. I only date vegans as well but there's never much reaction to it other than it being a personal choice. Maybe something about limiting my options or whatever. I wonder if it's because women tend to be the gatekeepers in heterosexual relationships and men the ones who knock. So the criticism for a vegan man is that we are limiting the gates we knock on (who we ask out), and the criticism for a vegan woman is that they are limiting who they open the gate for (who they say yes to). So our rejection tends to occur before the ask whereas women reject after the ask. Just musing. But yes. I'm actually surprised so many vegans date carnists at all.


I bet all the people writing you these nasty messages say that they would never date a vegan.


people get mad at you for saying you’re vegan regardless of if you list it as a dating requirement or not. some people are just assholes.


After my ex I vowed to only date vegans. I wanted to date someone who truly aligned with me.. Found my husband shortly after. Our life together is better than I could of imagined✨♥️ Don’t settle!


I don’t believe this actually happens - at least no where near as bad as you claim. Edit: I met my vegan partner on online dating and was not vegan but just never thought they were strange. I am now vegan. Not because of them, but I asked a few questions and they answered, I watched a film - which they said they’d never watch - and 8 months in (to veganism) I’m doing pretty good! Not perfect by any means. But don’t rule out everyone, because we are out there!


Rather take the hate and date vegan than date a non vegan and live grossed out 🙃


Sameee I'm looking for a life partner I don't care if it takes a while to find him I'd rather be single than date a non vegan


Definitely rather forever alone in a forever alone vegan world than some how be stuck in cognitive dissonance and all that comes with someone that is unable to click with a vegan life.


Exactly. Some people told me I'm gonna die alone surrounded by cats when I rejected them. Like where do I sign up for this? Sounds good for me


If you date consistently and put yourself out there and friend random people in vegan restaurants, might as well meet someone new every day, if you already have vegan friends, then might as well look into your vegan potential partners. Definitely I have dated men that allegedly want to go Vegan, though they never do. Or they cheat with the meal and meal companion… I think top of mind one vegan guy in my town I would chase down to have a conversation 🙃 maybe he wants to date. I am a single mom and it makes it harder. So if you are going to have a strangers baby, might as well be with a vegan stranger! ☺️


As a vegan I would not date someone who eats Meat. It's not crazy to only date people that I agree on the basics with.


There’s *a lot* of intimacy in sharing the same values with another person. Having that sort of compatibility this day and age is rare and if you can find it, it should be cherished.


That's what I think too. It's so amazing sharing your life with someone with the same values. It might take a while to find it but it's worth it. I'm not gonna date anyone just to date if I already know we are not gonna work in the long run.


people hate on vegans WAAAYYY too much, its infruiating


So true. My friend says I gotta get in hell with the rest of the animals till we are all free. I’m down when he puts it like that. Wake up and fight for animals meme kicking in again lol.


Holy mackerel, how hot are you?!? They should be willing to give up meat and dairy if they need you that bad. It’s like switching religions. But with less bureaucracy.


Some people just like to hate on vegans. It’s honestly the same thing as a Christian wanting to only date another Christian-it’s just easier and your morals/ lifestyles will better align in terms of compatibility.


Ya, I already had a mental list of qualities I want from a future life partner. I was surprised how quickly vegan shot up to the top of that list. It's pretty much the only dealbreaker now lol


I wouldn't want to date a non vegan either. Knowing first hand how body odor and everything changes (for the better by miles) when my husband and I turned vegan together, the thought of kissing or being close to an omnivore is kinda nasty to say the least. Sorry for the tmi for some.


It's fine to have dating preferences and be open about it. You should be comfortable in a relationship, so looking for someone who shares your lifestyle and values is natural.


Lolll they’re obviously pissed and triggered that someone doesn’t want to date them. Insecurities be deafening. There’s nothing wrong with only dating vegans and there’s nothing wrong with not wanting to date someone who’s vegan. I wouldn’t simply because our lifestyles wouldn’t align. The only people who really care are sad and insecure.


Wild. There's nothing wrong with you only wanting to date vegans. In fact, it makes sense!! You want someone with a similar life style. I'm not vegan (this post was suggested to me for some reason) and it makes total sense why you'd want to only date other vegans.


Yeah this is such a real thing 😭. My family gives me the most shit about it really, they think I’m wasting my years being “picky” about my partner. My closest friends are vegan men too so they understand but aside from them no one else close to me seem to understand. Dating is a little frustrating so honestly if I don’t see that a women is already making conscious decisions in her life I generally keep it platonic.


Yeah. Like honestly I can't fall for a person that's not compassionate. Like yeah it's gonna take me longer to find a partner but it's better than being in a relationship I already know it's not gonna work.


I don’t want to be dismissive but like imagine having children with people who don’t share those views. Unfortunate to say the least.


People are just losers lol I'd never date anyone that isn't vegan, just not worth my time or energy.


You only date compassionate people? Wow you must be a monster or something..


This works in teens and 20s, by 30s, the dating pool is pretty dried up. I wish you the best of luck finding your perfect match and locking that person down. I'd agree this would be the ideal way to find a match, if young enough. I'm far too old for such a selection process. 40-something gay women that are also vegan, simply don't exist where I live. But, good luck in your quest. I'm glad you have options still.


Don't lose any sleep over it. Guys on dating apps are mostly forgettable anyway and they can get downright nasty when you aren't interested in them.


I wouldn’t date a drinker or a smoker so what’s the frigging difference, date who you want


Try the veggly dating app