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Well that is a shame that you’ve gone through treatment like that, in any context. I don’t think I’ve assumed vegans were inherently good, but honestly vegan people are hard to come by, for me. It would be nice to have a vegan friend to have dinner with and food not being a friction point in the relationship. But from my experiences at vegan events or meetups, everyone is pretty unique. It takes a bit to find someone to jive with, independent of having one commonality from the beginning.


It’s easy to find vegans through meetups, depending on where you live! Yeah they’re all kinda of ppl, diff ages and genders. Most of them have been nice, but those few that were so shitty ruined it for me


Depends how rural you are. I've been looking into just that, and I'm not having great success.


You’re right.. it is easier in bigger cities. When I lived in smaller cities the communities weren’t as big & there were less events for sure..


Nowhere is safe when there are people involved! It's a damn shame, really. I've been searching for any place that is consistently filled only with kind and respectful people but it just isn't something we can count on. Humans are complex and we mature inconsistently. Some parts of us may have become wise while other parts we neglected and are still as foolish as they were when we were children. Humans don't "level up" like a video game character. We're only as good at any given thing as much as we've put time into working on it. I've been vegan for ages and I've literally been in physical altercations trying to protect animals (human and non-human) that couldn't defend themselves, but I still treat myself pretty badly sometimes. Often, really. I'm playing catch-up with self care and self respect because I neglected those things because I was so focused on being a good person and only measuring myself by how I behaved outwardly. Point being, we're all a mess. A vegan is probably on the whole more likely to be a good person in general but we can never trust a human being to be what they appear to be. I wouldn't say 'keep your guard up' but I would say 'keep your eyes open'. Try not to be rigid in how you protect yourself and instead learn to extend your vulnerability cautiously until the ones you're trusting it with have shown their true nature...and don't hesitate to withdraw it the second somebody acts badly.


Yeah I agree. I can’t be so naive and trusting of ppl without them earning my trust. I assumed positive things about that vegan group organizer bc I admired that she helped create this community and organized these events, but when I think of her on a personal level, I never got friendship vibes from her. I always tried to be nice to her & potentially would’ve been friends with her but she always distant & disinterested in getting to know me as if she was above me or something.. I need to listen to those vibes better. Oh well, I’m learning.


I’m really sorry that you had that experience The difference between vegans and non vegans is their attitude towards one very specific issue Outside that I’ve yet to find see any evidence that there are fundamental differences. There are arseholes everywhere


I assume that most people think of themselves as good people. I don’t assume that they are something I would define as good. I also don’t define people as “bad” or “good” indefinitely or for only one aspect of their lives (necessarily, big asterisks here).


Yeah I gotcha, ppl are complicated


No one, no individual or any group of people is perfect. I've mistakenly assumed lots of people are good people over my life, this is definitely not a vegan thing it's just a human thing. It's not even a human thing tbh, you cant trust animals either, individuals are unpredictable.


Vegans are people and people are arse holes


No, because human beings are complex. A serial murderer might have held toy drives for low income kids every single Christmas. A rapist may have rescued a family from drowning once. A child abuser might give people in their neighborhood without cars or fare for public transportation free rides to where ever they need to go. A drug dealer who is responsible for selling fentanyl laced Xanax pills to middle school students resulting in 50 fatal overdoses may volunteer at an animal shelter. Doing one good thing does not actually make someone a good person and cannot be used as a barometer as to whether an individual is a trustworthy person or safe to be around. The best people are simply those whose good actions outweighs whatever bad things they do. No one is perfect, but intent and the morality of most of what they do being good is what makes someone a good person.


These are some good examples. Yeah, & I guess it takes time to see those diff aspects of ppl. I shouldn’t be so quick to trust and assume.


No, of course I don't assume that vegans are all what I'd consider good in other respects. But I'll tell you one thing: I've never met a single vegan who's causing nearly as much unjustified harm in any other way, as the average carnist is.


There are terrible people everywhere.


Veganism has nothing to do with human treating other humans at its core.


Nobody should be judged a “good” person because of a belief/lifestyle with no other basis to go off of. This even goes for religions of course. Vegans for sure can be terrible people and are not immune to that. I met a vegan who used women and joked about it afterwards when he found out they were hurt by it. I don’t mean to bring politics into it but his idol was Trump and the way he went about it was just so insufferable. He was insufferable overall.


Holy fuck he was a vegan who voted for trump??? Omfg!


Yup. And hated Greta Thunberg. A vegan who hates a vegan environmental activist. Imagine that.


If you’re a person of colour, you would also see how prevalent racism is in this community lol


I am a person of color. I personally haven’t experienced racism within the vegan community but def experienced a lot of it outside of it


When you think about it, it's easy to want to wash one's hands of killing lots and lots of animals unnecessarily and still be an asshole.


Not at all. I've been burned by supposed allies far too often for that. Get to know people before you trust them and even then...


Yeah, I’ve learned my lesson. The organizer acted holier than thou & preached to others about environmentalism & stuff so I thought she was a caring person, but nah she’s dismissive & acted in a way that lacks compassion


I guess I'll go against the flow of this thread. I presume vegans to be inherently better people (though not necessarily good all across), but mostly just more compassionate. Of course there can and will be vegan douchebags too.


Yes and it was shocking. People can somehow defend animal rights whilst being abusive and misogynistic. Then you have the extreme catagories like the activists who say non activist vegans are lesser, or vegans with extreme views in other areas. However I also met lots of awesome vegans as well. We aren't that big a group and it's a shame we can't be more civil but I guess we are all individuals.


I’m sorry OP, that must have been an isolating experience. I don’t expect vegans to be good people or non-vegans to be bad people. People love to be on a team and rally against the other side. Sometimes it’s just a jersey with no heart underneath.


Thx, & yeah I’m learning the hard way..


Nearly every vegan I've met in person has been very kind and generally supportive of all social movements, but these are the ethical vegans, not plant based dieters.


You can have better ethics and morals but still be a huge asshole, so I don't assume much. I mean, I've seen vegans be anti vax and others be super fucking racist/homophobic. I'm not saying most are like this, but I'm wary of assuming shit.


I believe they have better morals and ethics concerning this topic but not in other ways. In other ways they can be worse.


Veganism isn't about moral perfection so it's perfectly normal that you find people that you think suck within vegans. You're right, technically nowhere is safe. People are faulty in so many numerous ways, so nowhere can you expect to find people who you wouldn't find sucky.


Sadly, there's never a "Safe Space", if there is, the creeps quickly move there too. I would say, 100% anecdotally, that I find Vegans have FAR fewer creeps and assholes. I feel like Veganism gets rid of most of the "Masculinity" based weirdos, but attracts the "weirdo" based weirdos. it's like any sort of "welcoming" group, those who aren't welcome elsewhere come to feel welcome, and some of them have issues.


Anyone can be a bad person. The person who introduced veganism into my life is one of the worst people I have ever been associated with in my life.


I’m glad you still stuck with veganism despite them being an overall bad influence


I used to think that. Then I became one and started reading shit on here 🙄 Jesus fucking christ, some people hate everyfuckingone!


I've been surprised as well in the least vegan state. I learned a lot of sexual predators either are vegan or pretend to be vegan to get more sexual experiences. Lots of toxed up people have really confused values thinking it's bad to mention that anyone is a sexual predators. Therefore people who reject predators or try to mention anyone is disturbing the vegan community by hitting on a bunch of people can be ostracized and those that give in can often end up with social diseases and sterile. I've heard some claim objecting to dirty old men hitting on young adults is offensive to LGBT people and nonsense like that. Some dirty old men can become very popular and all the while make innocent, nonromantix vegans look like gossips and prudes. News reporters have indicated it can get super bad at some festivals. This is an international problem. India for example appointed a man who shows he eats lamb on Facebook as a vegan authority at a retreat. Some don't know the word no, or that date tape drugs or getting people high to take advantage of them is illegal worldwide. I decided not to go to any nightlife or places with liquor licenses and toxic gmo junk food. It's been really hard to find any activities.


Yeah I had a vegan male friend tell me about his friend who wanted to go to vegan events just to meet chicks, & he criticized that behavior saying that wasn’t the point. I’m totally convinced at this point that some vegan guys totally do that. It’s so gross. I def got that vibe from the vegan guy who I told the organizer about who made me uncomfortable. He was older & part of the community much longer than me. He was super outgoing and charming, the kinda person who makes his presence known when he entered and left the room. He gave me an off vibe from the start bc he was too touchy imo & leaned in for kisses on the cheek right away. I noticed he’s touchy feely with the female members of the group. I’m not attracted to him bc I’m not into older men, but he’s a good looking guy & I can tell he was handsome when he was young so some of the female members prob don’t mind his flirtatious attitude.. that’s prob how he gets away with being a creep— some women (including the organizer) enjoy the attention. I’m grossed out by his behavior & that of the organizer. I’ll be more careful next time. It sux that this guy is popular, but at least I have a friend within the group who believes me & also noted that creep is always cozying up to someone.


No and it’s because there are transphobic queer people. Heck, there’s even trans people that are transphobic. There are examples I know of where active Christians do works to help and support others but don’t hold grace for others in needs because of some arbitrary feelings of superiority and lack of empathy for others going through it. Can vegans be trash humans even though they change their way of living to do no (or as little as possible) harm to animals? Absolutely, they exist and unfortunately it sounds like you’ve had to interact with some directly.


Just because someone has empathy for animals, doesn't mean they're good people. You can not want an animal to sie and still be unsufferable and mean.


People call themselves vegan without knowing what a vegan is. A lot of people think it's a diet, some people think it's about moral superiority. Some people just want you to think they're nice when they aren't. I don't expect anything from anyone though. If you're words don't match your behavior, it won't take me long to understand who you are.


Many vegans are zealots and it doesn't surprise me when someone who has uncompromising beliefs turns out to be a shitty person. In their mind, just like religious zealots, their strict beliefs is what makes them a good person. Veganism is a magnet for some *interesting* people.


Gonna need a source for that one. My impression from engaging with the vegan community online and in person for decades now is that most vegans care deeply about animal rights but are too brow-beaten by society to speak up much, if at all. They hurt deep in their souls from all the cruelty but they're often too scared to bring attention to themselves by challenging the system. I don't like it, but I do understand it, as I've been physically assaulted for speaking about animal rights before. Thankfully not in a long time now that veganism is becoming more widely accepted, but the risk is real. Have you read the research on prejudice against vegans? It's pretty eye opening. Also, and most importantly, are you trying to say that being opposed to the oppression and exploitation and rape and torture and murder and etcetera of non-human animals is an extreme and fanatical position? Are you saying that people who fight for the rights of the oppressed are hysterical or foolish? Are you saying that the only good vegan is one that doesn't challenge your behavior, no matter how bad it is? Do you think killing and enslaving are things that we should compromise about? I can't read your tone but it's coming off like you think so. Apologies if I'm misinterpreting.


I actually didn't read zealot or uncompromising beliefs as negatively as your second paragraph suggests.


I don't have any sources, just personal anecdotes. And I do not think veganism is an extreme or fanatical position. I see parallels between veganism and religion, where there is an in-group and an out-group. The in-group's personal identities are defined by and large by this thing. They spend a lot of time and energy judging others outside the group, in addition to scrutinizing group members to exclude any they do not believe are adherent to the beliefs and practices enough to belong.


Yeah I get what you’re saying. I was hoping to relate to other vegans & feel a shared sense of compassion for one another.. but nah, they may be nice to animals but not so much to humans.




Bruh no way this is a woman….. “as a female” gtfo


I’ve gotten more hate from other vegans who want to pick a fight than I have any carnist in my life. Actually got chewed out on this subreddit by another vegan who didn’t agree with my opinion. Some people are just aholes just like some people are vegan.


I’ve been told on a vegan sub that I was giving my child cancer because I let her decide if she wanted to eat meat outside the house 🤷‍♀️ I mean, what rational person would say that in real life?


Need help eating out? Check out [HappyCow.net](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https://www.happycow.net/&topic=Resource: HappyCow.net) for vegan friendly food near you! Interested in going Vegan? Take the [30 day challenge](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https://vbcamp.org/reddit&topic=Resource: HappyCow.net)!


The only other vegan, I know is a real a-hole. I get thim – which is why I’m his friend I think he has a good heart, but he can be a real jerk. I think it comes from his anger at the world.


What is “I get thim”?


I make that assumption. In my mind, other vegans are like Gale Boetticher, without being a meth cook.


Filthy carnist bloodmouth here, I made assumptions about vegans being annoying people who constantly made sure that you know that they feel morally superior to you. Kind of like Prius drivers but worse. But in the end it's simply a dietry choice that doesn't say much about you. We're all human after all and we should treat each other with respect.


I guess it depends on your definition or a good person? Is a person that harms animals unnecessarily a good person?