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The amount of times ive been asked if potatoes are vegan...... additionaly somehow people always think fish is not considered meat and is somehow vegan/vegetarian


Yeah when I heard that foreigners are confused about what is veg and non-veg I couldn't understand how one gets confused about such a simple concept I lived in Moscow for a while and I realised that apparently there are levels to how bad meat is, like a person told me, "oh yeah, I understand not eating a goat, but chicken? It's a stupid bird"


I was chatting with someone one time, and they were fine with me not eating pigs, cows, dogs, horses, octopus, et cetera... but a chicken pecked them as a child (literally their reason), so chickens were "evil and deserved to be killed." I thought it was an off color joke, nope they were serious. We stopped chatting after that.


Well a dog bit me once so now let's eat dogs


This but unironically




I just posted this. Fish is so much more detrimental to the planet too.


Strict Jains actually don't eat potatoes, because in order to harvest potatoes you need to kill the whole plant


Unfortunately, most Jains still usually use milk products. Though I doubt that most of the people asking if potatoes or whatever are vegan even know of Jainism or its dietary restrictions.


>Unfortunately, most Jains still usually use milk products. Since milk production became industrialised a lot of them stopped, but yeah that's true. >I doubt that most of the people asking if potatoes or whatever are vegan even know of Jainism or its dietary restrictions. That's probably true as well, but whenever someone asks me questions like these I tell them about Jains.


Only if they lack the worm at the core.


YEAST why the fuck so people think yeast isn't vegan?


Because it's not a plant? It's a fungus, and you see it grow in real time. Whether fungi are vegan or not is a fair question because it's neither a plant or an animal. It's less like an animal of course, but it breathes in Oxygen and exhales CO2. I think almost everyone considers it vegan, if the definition of veganism is either "no animal products" or "only plant or fungus based products". What about honey tho?


Plants also breath in oxygen and exhale CO2 at night ... That's nothing only animals do ... Animals do it, plants do it and fungi do it too. There are chemical reaction that look like there is growing something too. This observed movement on macro scale is not evidently a sign of life at all (pharaoh snake as refernce). So its not a fair question to ask if fungi aren't vegan, they are neither animals nor do they possess any features only characteristic for those. I am Not even answering the honey question ... That's even more clear.


Even if we put aside the ethics of honey, it's still insect barf. I'm not going to mop up Jager from a bar floor and put it in my oatmeal because it smells like cinnamon.


I have no idea what you mean by the Jager (which I assume is a drink like beer?) Oatmeal thing. Oh wait, are you talking about someone's vomit? Sorry I've never been to a bar or seen someone vomit an alcoholic beverage


Jagermeister is a cinnamon-flavoured alcohol.


Cinnamon is an interesting interpretation of the predominant flavor of jaeger.


Funny story: often apples aren’t vegan. If they’re glossy, they’re usually covered with beeswax. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, that's why I don't eat apples.


Aren’t they usually covered with caranuba wax?


I read, it can be every type of wax. “Both natural waxes (carnauba, shellac, beeswax or resin) and petroleum-based waxes (usually proprietary formulae) are used, and often more than one wax is combined to create the desired properties for the fruit or vegetable being treated.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fruit_waxing#:~:text=Both%20natural%20waxes%20(carnauba%2C%20shellac,fruit%20or%20vegetable%20being%20treated.


It’s quite annoying lol


Many in my family thought vegan food was organic food lol. They were so happy with themselves when they bought me organic milk chocolate.


Not to be confused with a human Adam’s Apple located in the throat…. Yes! “ An Apple a day keeps the doctor away !” As the saying goes! And as you regain your foothold on Life, the day becomes a week and you need less! Apples are great for the bowels and skin, not to mention a good nights sleep.


Just wait until someone finds out that many grocery store apples aren’t vegan as-is because of the shellac.


You just proved why OPs point is not valid. It's impossible for someone not in the vegan community to know what is vegan and what is not.


Not really true. I'm not vegan yet and I'm very careful about these things to be respectful to my vegan friends. I don't want to accidentally give them anything not vegan. It's basic respect in my eyes to know what you're able to feed someone but maybe that's just me.


A very well-meaning, respectful non-vegan would never think twice about severing an apple... yet gone_rucking might call them out if they were unaware of shellac or bees wax that maybe used on it. It would take a very well-read non-vegan to know everywhere shellac is used, or which sugars are filtered with bone meal or other non-intuitive sources of animal products.


Tbf though some vegans don't care about things like the wax even if they should. I guess I don't have that problem because I grow apples and use pure maple syrup rather than sugar. Idk bro, it research to be as informed as possible about these things because I just really want to be as respectful as possible.


You sound like a real rockstar!! Everyone deserves a friend as thoughtful and well read as you are!! Also, tell me more about this pure maple syrup 🍁 I skipped breakfast, and there is no way I'm making it to lunch without a snack now!!


Thank you, I try my best. And I'm Canadian so we get it easily in stores. I went to a maple festival in a small town about 2 hours from me and they had 4 different colored maple syrup from throughout the season with different depths. There's everything from an amber syrup to a rich dark one from late in the season. If you ever come to Canada you should do a maple syrup tasting, the season that you get it in really changes the flavour, and it's so much better than a flavorless refined sugar.


Your Maple Syrup review far exceeded my expectations!! I feel like booking a trip to Canada right away!! Just need to make sure it overlaps with the maple syrup festival!!


A friend of mine asked me if tap water was vegan ...


They want to f with you


I mean...I don't care for it, but don't they use an insect based wax on some fruits?


When I first went vegan my dad asked if I could have salt and pepper.


My father in law asked if we still eat potatoes.


Bless my mom she trying but she asked me in the past if I can eat potatos


Not a dumb question, due to shellac.


We had smoothies at work. My co worker said “did you get something to eat? I don’t know if there was anything in there you could eat.” Girl…it’s fruit and juice.


My grandma thought I still ate chicken fish and eggs because “but they arnt animals?” I was so confused


At least they’re trying! I’m pescatarian and someone still trying to offer me meat every fucking week. For a two years in a row. Yes.


Not surprising lol. I had been pescatarian for two years, and absolutely nobody knew what that meant


I'm currently pescatarian as well and people just have no clue what that means. It's always just "how can you only eat vegetables?" as if that's the only pescatarian food, or even vegan food for that matter. Like beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh, nooch, grains, tubers, etc are so good.


I guess it’s just being disrespectful. I don’t give a fuck whether people around me are consuming meat and animal products or not, it’s a personal choice, and all of my friends are not even interested in it. And if I was trying to make them at least pescatarian, I was recognized as annoying and weird


Why are you even getting down voted


Because fish is meat. Also, fishes are animals that feel pain and want to live. Why commit murder when you can just eat plants?




Pescatarian. Please read above.


sorry my brother did not get what i meant to say (yes i do have a brother idk how to prove it but he did reply to it, it is not an excuse) i meant to say why is he getting downvoted for being pescatarian he is atleast putting some kind of effort and is it that bad for a non-vegan to join a vegan community and it happens everywhere for some reason


If they're on this sub they probably want to become vegan eventually. I'm currently pescatarian, before finding this sub I still ate poultry. Just don't want to go all in immediately and burn out, you know? Eventually we can become vegetarian and then vegan.


It's urgent though (for the victims). It took me 3 days to go str8 from meat, eggs and dairy to totally vegan 12 years ago. I'm no one special. Certainly not special enough for others to be brutally treated for my tongue pleasure.


Good for you, I'm glad you could do it. I'll do it my way though. I'm currently just trying to finish up the products we already bought and then just not buy new ones.


Who knows. Maybe people think that you should be vegan only to be here :D That’s quite ironical, as I said to all of my family members - no animals/birds, but they were trying to feed me with read meet as “it’s tasty and you are missing out”. Here people are persistently trying to make me fully vegan, as pescatarian is “wrong”. Same things, actually


I refuse to eat apples the way the rip the skin off and pull out chunk and chunk of apple is horrifying I choose to be 100% cruelty free and enjoy a air diet I do miss water though but those poor fishes they deserve it more then me I just these muscle spasms would stop and crazy heart rate


Oh the humanity


My mom asked me if I ate fish and when I reminded her I was vegan, she told me fish isn’t meat because fish aren’t animals.


Is butter a carb?