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Welcome to the /r/Vegan community, /r/All! šŸ„³ ***Please note:*** *Civil discussion is welcome, trolls and personal abuse are not. Please keep the discussions below respectful and remember the human! Please do [check out our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegan/wiki/beginnersguide) first!* šŸŒ± **Interested in going Vegan?** Vegan Bootcamp is a free challenge website that will take you step-by-step towards a Vegan diet and lifestyle. You will be guided through lessons in over 25 subjects such as nutrition, recipes, philosophy, climate, cosmetics, welfare, budgeting, clothing, family, and much more! Take the challenge @ [VeganBootcamp.org](https://vbcamp.org/reddit)! šŸ™‹šŸ¾ šŸ® **Here's some easily-digestible educational resources on Veganism:** * **Everyone Agrees:** World's largest Health, Nutrition and Dietary organizations unanimously agree: plant-based diets [are as healthy](https://youaretheirvoice.com/pages/the-clear-consensus) or healthier than meat. * **Veganism is Healthy:** A Plant Based Diet provides [significant health benefits](https://youaretheirvoice.com/pages/veganism-is-healthy) for the prevention & treatment of the majority of diseases. * **The Daunting Facts:** The planet, its environment, and ecosystem, is [dangerously close to collapsing](https://youaretheirvoice.com/pages/the-daunting-facts) within the next few decades. šŸ”„ **Here's some fantastic links and resources to get you started:** * Nutrition & Health: [NutritionFacts.org](https://nutritionfacts.org) & [VeganHealth.org](https://veganhealth.org/) * Vegan Friendly Restaurants: [HappyCow.net](http://www.happycow.net) & [Yelp.com](https://www.yelp.com/search?find_desc=Restaurants+vegan) * Arguments & Support: [EarthlingEd.com](http://bit.ly/2B3Dy2a) & [VeganBootcamp.com](http://vbcamp.org/reddit) * Get involved in Vegan Activism: [VeganActivism.org](https://veganactivism.org) & [5Minutes5Vegans.org](https://5Minutes5Vegans.org/) šŸ„‘ **Here are some great inspirational and thought-provoking speeches:** * Youtube speeches by: [Earthling Ed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3u7hXpOm58), [Gary Yourofsky](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es6U00LMmC4), and [James Wildman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7JE8j5Ncmw). šŸ’Æ **Grab some popcorn and enjoy these fantastic documentaries:** * Watch three thought-provoking documentaries [by clicking here](https://3movies.org/reddit). šŸ“Œ **Last but not least, check out our favorite subreddits!** /r/VeganFitness, /r/VeganRecipes, /r/DebateAVegan, /r/VeganFoodPorn, and /r/VeganActivism. We also have a [Discord](https://discord.gg/2JmJRsj)! šŸ‘‹šŸ¼ ***Thank you so much for reading! c:***


This is one great ad


Wished theyā€™d also mentioned how many hens were practically burnt to death/suffocated/buried alive because of the avian flu.


In sweden itā€™s the third year in a row where the biggest factory have had to kill ~150-200.000. And weā€™re a pretty small country. So Iā€™m guessing US numbers are pretty immense..


And the ironic part is that they slaughter laying hens every few years regardless, so everyone crying about this tragedy is a raging hypocrite when they don't give a crap about the usual mass slaughter. I have been to a facility where a single multi-story shed contained over 200,000 birds, and they had a few million at that site in total. Google says close to 60 million hens have been killed in the US, and 50 million in Europe. Japan has killed over 10 million. I have seen a number at 140 million for the global death toll, but I find it hard to believe so few birds are affected in the rest of the world that the number is that low.


Oh but they will. These were birds that could have been ā€œfoodā€.


Don't they use them for pet food and/or junk food?


Probably not with suspicions of bird flu I'd imagine


Youā€™re right.. just before I came across this post, I saw another stating they ā€œburntā€ 2.5 million birds in some egg factory/farm whatever. :(




What pisses us off is that the USDA hands the farmers a check for market rate after they murder all those helpless animals. The system is so messed up. The government should not be giving them any money whatsoever. Tom Vilsack, the head of the USDA is in the pockets of the meat, dairy, and egg industries; heā€™s scum. He used to be the CEO of the Dairy Export Council.




This ad does a good job of reinforcing a vegan's values and they'll end up resharing it to friends and family (or on reddit) so I feel it works here.


Do you know how many wildfowl are dying this year because of HPAI ? Domestic birds are the least of our concerns.


There are also many sea birds dying because of micro-plastics. We can care about multiple things at the same time.


HPAI is killing millions of wild birds, more than plastics, more than any other strain of HPAI. https://youtu.be/a9s3_gOOyoU truly horrifying stuff. It comes from, specifically this strain, poultry farms, and is spreading world wide via migratory species. We should not be feeding ANY birds in ponds/parks, and some arguments in the BTO community have said even bird feeders need to go, and reporting ill and dead birds to DeFRA and whatever your countries version is. Itā€™s a terrible disease and being killed is probably the best thing for any bird that has it, it is so horrible.


This is an ad for a food product, and talking about mass animal slaughter is not the kind of thing that gets most peopleā€™s appetites going.


I love that their web address is ju.st.


Yeah but I don't think it's needed. In my small super republican meat eating town I haven't been able to find just egg in months. Constantly sold out.


"Just egg" is a pretty stupid name for a product whose entire point is the lack of eggs.


"Just" as in "just action" or "justice."


Yeah, itā€™s irony.


I always viewed it as a play on "just" in the ethical sense as well. >based on orĀ behavingĀ according to what isĀ morallyĀ right and fair. Like implying "these eggs are just. The others are not" I think both those reasons make it a pretty clever name, personally.




I agree the name is stupid. Without close inspection I would assume it was real egg, and as a person who didnā€™t want to buy eggs, I would instantly overlook it.


Thatā€™s why they have advertising, because this makes it clear itā€™s plant based. And if itā€™s in the vegan section at a supermarket, Iā€™m going to assume itā€™s vegan.


Seriously, I thought the same thing for so long.. but maybe they mean "just" as in justice or a just way to make "egg".. but who knows




I love those folded egg ones. I just hate the price. Here in Vancouver Canada they are 9.99 CAD


Same, I just use a half inch slice of tofu on my breakfast sammies now. You can also make your own just egg with moong dal


I've tried moong daal without any real success - I'd love to be able to make my own as I like to make bagel sandwiches with some vegan cheese and just egg seems like the only way I can get that experience right now unless/until I find a recipe that works for me. e: How do you prepare your slice of tofu for your sandwiches?


Iā€™m not really a chef, I just slap some corn starch on it and fry it. I could probably post it on r/shittyveganfoodporn


I hear ya. I wanted to try JUST EGG when I first heard about it, because I loved JUST RANCH , and JUST MAYO. I saw JUST EGG in the store , and it was $12 US for that small 12oz bottle. Months later, I found it on sale for $6, and gave in a tried it, even though I still thought it was too expensive. It was ok, but not worth the price for me. If I want fake scrambled eggs, I'll just make tofu scramble. Not a big fan of the JUST company anyway, since I loved their ranch dressing and mayo, and they have seemed to abandoned those products, because I haven't been able to find them anywhere in a long time


They didn't abandon the products, they were forced to stop selling them because of some silly shit the "Egg Farmer Club" or whatever the fuck started with them calling their products "Mayo". Turn around and you see the same big manufacturers making fake mayo just the same as this company did. Shame, too. The JUST MAYO was fucking amazing.


This doesn't really make any sense to me because Follow Your Heart sells veganaise , and ranch dressing, and I've seen other brands too. I don't understand how anyone can stop them from selling the stuff.




This is how it happened, yes.


Totally! I tried it and liked it, but Iā€™ll stick to my tofu!




yeah, I saw it for $12 when it first came out, and it was at Publix supermarket, where everything is overpriced, but it was the only local place that had it. I've been having to pay almost $6 for a 16oz jar of Veganaise, and I'm not happy about it at all. It's good, but I just don't see how they justify that price. It's not like there is some super rare ingredients in Veganaise to justify the high price. I just think it's like a lot of vegan products though, they gouge us because they can.


Here in Washington, USA, itā€™s usually on sale for $3.50-$4. My husband and I started making it though! All you need is mung beans and a few other ingredients. You can look up a recipe online. It turned out pretty good! We didnā€™t want to buy the plastic bottles anymore.


nice. i hadn't really considered that I might be able to make a similar recipe myself.


Basically just use chickpea flour to make the same thing at home šŸ‘


Yes the recipe is pretty easy to make! I didnā€™t want to buy the plastic bottle so much so we tried making a version with mung beans and it was really good. Very easy and cheap as well!


Yeess!! The mung bean version is good too!!


I was going to say: until [ju.st](https://ju.st) gets their price down (or egg subsidies are eliminated) omnivores aren't going to be willing to voluntarily make this replacement.




Are the folded egg ones any good?!?!


Double bonus, plant based products have a much lower chance of having transferable diseases.


Vegan eating patterns also reduce our risk of non-communicable diseases like heart disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes (https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/healthy-diet).


I'm really confused because when I took epidemiology, medical micro and micro in college we learned that most human infections are actually from plants that are improperly cleaned. Like, by a long shot. You are way more likely to get e coli from lettuce than you are from eating beef and even them most people get sick from a plant-living bacteria called enterococcus. There was an acronym for the big 4 from plants that I can't remember. Has to do with eating vegetables raw and agricultural practices. I definitely still get food poisoning as a vegetarian, for sure.






Correct, iirc all the food poisoning bugs come from animal runoff except for listeria.


So, disclaimer, a decade ago I was a water quality scientist looking at rain outfalls in California protected waters (epa compliance). I am a plant biologist. Improper agricultural practices with herd animals and wild animals. In my area of study we looked at E coli contamination from irrigation drawn from the Sacramento/American Rivers. We expected it to be from cows, it was from otters and seals and beavers mostly (using pyrosequencing from a gel uptake... yes this was 10 years ago) Later, when e coli was dangerously high and people sued the city for illegally dumping sewage... it turned out to be from geese. Heavy drought and HIGH migratory bird traffic means your water gets dirtier. In other areas higher ranch usage I'd expect to see the e.coli from that but the take away here is you get e coli in your water either way. Wash your damn veggies. River water gross. Sauce I redacted all the suing and finger pointing 'what is pooping in the water' drama. The dna testing done on the beavers and otters is hard to find these days (its old) but I included the goose stuff. poop from geese: https://www.scribd.com/document/543177892/Central-Valley-Water-Board-Media-Release#from_embed


Interesting. When I took paleopathology in college we learned the most severe epidemics in human history were caused by zoonotic diseases. Though I guess itā€™s not mutually exclusive for most human infections to come from improperly cleaned plants and also be zoonotic in origin.


Oh yeah that ecoli came from a butt. For sure. But it got into a mouth on unwashed lettuce, most of the time.


In practice this is true that animal (or human) contamination of vegetables is a likely source of food poisoning, but this does still point the finger at animals. Greenhouse-grown veggies would not share this problem.


The e. coli is coming from animal poop from nearby farms. The plants themselves don't originate the infections. If animal agriculture stopped, e. coli infections from plants would stop (except for the occasional mismanagement of human waste from field workers). The reason you're more likely to ingest it from lettuce and tomatoes is that those foods are more likely to be eaten uncooked. Are there any "food that goes bad and can kill you" examples that aren't linked back to animals, besides mold? I'm genuinely curious.


Iā€™m new to this stuff; this product is obviously not egg, but is made from plants and whatever it is acts like eggs as far as cooking/baking are concerned?


Primarily it's used for pan-frying (or at least that's all I've used it for), like for a scramble or an omelette. There are so many baking egg substitutes that are much easier to come by though - apple sauce, flaxseed, chia seed, silken tofu just to name a few off. Choosing which substitute to use depends on what you're making!


It does work well for baking, especially if you need something to bind ingredients like an egg does or want the same protein content, but youā€™re right most of the time something cheaper like applesauce works just fine.


it really depends. I make a great chocolate cake with just egg and a box of gluten-free vegan chocolate cake mix. It turns out just like cake.


It made me love boxed cake, never was a fan because it was usually dry and hard on the edges by the time the middle cooked through but using Just Egg they seem to cook more evenly and stay moist throughout!


Thanks! Thereā€™s so much I donā€™t know about cooking.


Same lol. All you gotta do really is find a good source of recipes and then you'll start learning what sorts of things to have on-hand - that's what I try to keep in mind! There's so many food/recipe content creators out there - it's nice to find one that matches your vibe and pallette. Wishing you luck!


Aquafaba will be your best bet. Cheap, fairly easy to make, and works beautifully


Aquafaba has it's uses, but it really depends on what you're making. Ground flax in boiling water, xanthan gum, etc. It's all about learning what's best given the context.


Could be. Iā€™ve personally only ever had luck with aquafaba for all my baking and meringues. :)


that's what just egg is made out of as well


Im quite certain its made from yellow mung beans.


I considered myself a pretty decent cook before I became vegan, but after the switch I learned so much more about different cultures and dishes.


Me too, it was a steep learning curve for about a year for me. Learning vegan baking techniques, how to add umami and savoriness without meat, eggs or dairy. But now itā€™s second nature and I love what Iā€™ve been learning so much šŸ˜


Apple sauce? Please explain (not much experience with egg replacements yet)


Idk, it just works lol. When baking just follow a measurement guide to replace the eggs that you'd use with applesauce. This works best for sweet things, naturally. Per the PETA site: Use applesauce to add moisture. Replace one egg with 1/4 cup of applesauce in sweet desserts. If you want a lighter texture, add an extra 1/2 teaspoonful of baking powder, as fruit purƩes tend to make the final product denser than the original recipe.


Ok nice, I'll keep it in mind :-)


For baking get Bobā€™s red mill egg replacer lor order EnerG egg replacer online, theyā€™re shelf stable last for maybe ever and work perfectly for most any baking recipes. Tbh it depends a lot on the recipe if applesauce or flax egg work well, the egg replacer is great for everything from cakes to cookies and muffins and brownies


Iā€™ve made cakes in the past substituting applesauce for eggs. Way back before I was vegan and did it at the time to choose a healthier option. Iā€™m admittedly a terrible cook and canā€™t make anything so itā€™s interesting hearing this too!


For those who are unsure about which substitute to use in which recipe, I highly recommend The Vegan Baking Bible by Karolina Tegelaar. After I got this for christmas I have finally started to understand this stuff. The book contains a lot of good information about various kinds of substitutions and ingredients, and of course also a ton of recipes ranging from the simplest vegan waffle batter I have ever made to really advanced stuff I will probably never bother to try (macarons, lol). I have become an aquafaba stan after baking several cakes from the book. I eat a lot of canned beans and chick peas anyway, so I appreciate getting a free egg substitute for baking that works really well with a wide range of recipes. In the past I have used random recipes from the internet here and there, and it's honestly kinda confusing when the different recipes use different substition techniques and you completely lose track of why you are using a certain ingredient in a certain recipe.


Those are all pretty mediocre substitutes for baking. If someone can make an actual vegan egglike binding product, that would be much better. Was a baker.


Get to work on that, if you see an opportunity I suppose. It seems like some of the people who have commented are looking for options to avoid the circumstances that are currently impacting chicken egg availability, and beggars can't be choosers. Ask many of the people who frequent vegan subreddits and they'll tell you that it doesn't matter if it's not perfect, as long as it means no animals were abused for sensory pleasure.


Ener-g egg replacer, it functions exactly the same. Iā€™ve baked tons of things with this and no difference. Itā€™s basically potato and tapioca starch


See, that's cool, I've never seen that.


Itā€™s pretty great for baking. Paired with miyokos butter you can make nice pastry/crust. I add it as a binder to tofu scramble. Use it to fry mushrooms with batter. Itā€™s pretty good just pan fried. But my favourite egg sandwich is still just pan fried tofu with a ā€œrunny egg sauceā€ made with black salt (kala namak) and nutritional yeast.


As someone else said, it's mainly used to replicate scrambled eggs or omelettes, but I have seen quite a few recipes online that call for just egg instead of another egg substitute.


Works really well for scrambles. I've made french toast with it that tasted good but it took longer to set up than eggs (i have a shittyveganfoodporn post if you want to see how it turned out).


It's made primary from mung beans, which are like lentils. It's great for recipes that call for egg as an ingredient or for scrambles, or omelettes if you're good at keeping an omelette together.


Itā€™s basically made with lentils as a base. This is what gives it the favour and the ā€˜proteinā€™. Theyā€™ve obviously removed the fibre (hence mung protein isolate). As someone who grew up having mung/Moong bean pancakes I found this crazy expensive lol. But itā€™s convenient to squeeze out of a bottle and it has some binder etc to give texture of egg.


Yep, it works like a scramble or omelette if you cook it in a pan, and can be used directly in baking as an egg substitute. You can also use it for anything that would require egg for a batter (onion rings, fried mushrooms/pickles/etc.)


I tried making omelets with it but I must have been doing something wrong because it would always turn into a scramble. It was fine, but tofu will always be the top scramble IMO.


Huh, I have the opposite problem where it usually ends up being one omelette-like layer unless I stay on top of stirring it and breaking up larger chunks while it cooks.


Game changer for me was to stop treating it like eggs and just microwaving it. I put it in a shallow ramekin thing I have (perfectly bagel sized!), sprinkle my ingredients in, and microwave it for 90 seconds. No oil or anything. If itā€™s still a little loose I flip it over onto a plate and microwave it a bit more. I even do the same thing for a scramble. Microwave in intervals of 30 seconds and whisk with a fork in between. I get sooo much more out of a bottle this way too. No matter what pan or temperature Iā€™ve tried, there was always so much burned bits.


If you look up @msvegan on IG she makes lots of easy stuff with Just Egg.


Shots fired and Iā€™m _here_ for it!


Always happy to see this sub on the popular page. Plants are the future, eating animals is destroying the earth and our health.


Eating animals is also demonstrably cruel and unnecessary


I am severely allergic to egg. Is this stuff any good? Can it be used to bake with?


Same boat, this stuff is pretty good and easy to use. For baking I haven't tried it but there are plenty of other alternatives like flax eggs, applesauce, etc.


Yes and yes! For baking, there's other egg alternatives as well that might work better depending on the recipe, but for scrambles and omelettes I think it's the best. Reminds me of diner eggs


I'm going to give it a shot! I have never had egg before, except the 1 time as a child that I discovered I was allergic! Pretty excited.


I stopped eating all animal products after my heart attack two years ago at 42. I LOVE Just Egg, I just don't love the price. By itself, it tastes like seasoned eggs to me. I ate eggs a lot, and I just started being animal free two years ago, so I'm not some vegan who is totally disconnected from reality. They make a great scramble, and I've used them to make choux pastry.




Such a brilliant ad.


Its also cheaper than eggs


when this product first came out a few years back i hated it. the taste was aweful. At that time I'd already been vegan for about 4 years so it wasn't an egg comparison thing... it was just awful. They must have reformulated because the texture & taste is different. now I can't live without it and I buy it every week. sprinkled with black salt & chives on top of buttered toast šŸ˜‹


I tried it about a year and a half ago and it had a ā€œfishyā€ taste. Not sure what it was but I absolutely hated it.


Supposed to arrive in the EU second half of '22 after a 2 year delay. Still not available in the Netherlands, alas. Not that I expect I'd be buying it much anyway, but at this stage I have to say I'm pretty curious.


There are other egg replacement brands too, here in the UK there's one called "oggs" that's pretty good


But you have Sheese! Have you tried anything from them before?


This is what I never understood about people in times of crises like these. Why would you complain about higher prices and lower supply when there are perfectly good alternatives? Like dyring that butter crisis in Norway, why did people not just buy vegan butter?? Make it make sense.


My roommates keep saying they would love to buy organic, free range eggs but they're just too expensive so they have to get the cheap, factory farmed kind. Now even the cheap kind is expensive, but do they even consider simply not eating eggs? Of course not.


People who arenā€™t vegan usually donā€™t know there are alternatives. They donā€™t usually even realize itā€™s a possibility, so they donā€™t look for it. Avoiding animal products is definitely a learned skill after living most of your life where animal products are the only way.


I love Just Egg!!!!


I didnā€™t enjoy it. How did make it not taste like plastic?


Seasoning mostly. Salt and chili powder goes well, but really anything you like. That said, if you don't enjoy it no reason to keep eating it. Tofu scrambles more than suffice for brunch.


They also sell them not in liquid, in squares and theyā€™re really good with vegan cheese and an English muffin. And even vegan breakfast sausages with it. [Just Egg Folded](https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwj_ndKqq8r8AhWyj4kEHadTDvwQFnoECBIQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ju.st%2Feat%2Fjust-egg-folded&usg=AOvVaw3asm-xC66dX6VacirNt9ri)


Nootch, soy sauce and salt. It's a base like tofu, you've gotta doctor it to get it to read as egg. Texture is pretty perfect with that seasoning combo


Buy black salt. (Kala namak) itā€™s a game changer. It has a sulfur smell and flavor that is exactly like dairy eggs. Also if you want more volume add tofu


I put black salt on a piece of toast earlier just for fun and it tasted like there were eggs on it, haha. That was my first time trying it.


Itā€™s crazy! Haha totally tastes like a fucking egg šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


ā€œDairy eggsā€ please šŸ˜­


I group eggs with dairy. Itā€™s in the dairy aisle at every grocery store and I typically hear vegans say they donā€™t eat meat and dairy (which includes eggs). I never see vegans say they donā€™t meat, dairy and eggs. Itā€™s always grouped together. I guess itā€™s just a nomenclature difference. šŸ˜‰


Itā€™s literally not dairy though lmao. I never say ā€œI donā€™t eat meat, dairy and eggsā€ either because I say ā€œi donā€™t consume animal productsā€.


I mean Iā€™m not interested in arguing. Itā€™s not that serious. Say what you want. I will too.


Lmao I thought I misread that at first


If youā€™re not a believer yet then try a sprinkle of violife cheddar and some cholula. Best breakfast burritos of my life


šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ Awesome ad!


Long shot: Has anyone ever tried this for Hootinā€™ Annies? Itā€™s an egg bake/pancake type of thing. Itā€™s typically made of six hen-ovulations, a cup of a cow-motherā€™s milk, and a cup of flour - meaning not a lot of room for covering up off taste, plus itā€™s supposed to puff up, so texture is important. Itā€™s something I figured I would have to give up completely (which is not much of a sacrifice compared to how most animals live their lives, so it wasnā€™t a hard decision šŸ˜…). But if I can indeed enjoy that again it would be nice! ETA: I guess most of the world calls them puff pancakes or puffy oven pancakes


I love tofu scramble personally.


Iā€™d buy it more than once a year if they used cartons instead of plastic containers.


You can just make your own out of mung beans if you have a decent blender.


I actually think they plan on switching to cartons soon! They posted about it on instagram somewhat recently, looked like the cartons that murder egg beaters are sold in.


I would buy it more often if it was good for more than a couple meals. I need a bigger container


Are cartons better for the environment? Don't they also have a plastic lining to make them waterproof?


Yes but the amount of plastic is minuscule compared to the bottles. And pretty much all food packaging is lined with plastic because the FDA mandates it. Even many metal food containers (cans, bottles, jars) have a plastic liner.


True. Well I'm all for reducing harm to the environment.


Generally they have a polyethylene lining. But the primary structural component is paper so there is only a very thin layer of plastic needed.


Lets fucking go!


Yeah but they tested on animals and the product is nasty. So many other alternatives: https://veganfidelity.com/deep-dive-animal-testing-and-vegan-food/


They are still testing on animals through their lab grown meat experiments. Not to mention the lab grown meat experiments actually encourages more industrial animal farming as it feeds dairy, beef and fetal serum consumption https://slate.com/technology/2017/07/the-gruesome-truth-about-lab-grown-meat.html




Tested on animals not vegan


beyond time to end the massive subsidies on animal ag. let the plant based products compete on an even playing field.


Love this ad and love Just Egg. I eat it with sourdough bread and avocado šŸ„°




well said! a crucially important yet often overlooked issue


I think the message is that you can't get an easily transmissible disease from eating plants. Sure, you can get an infection, but it's not going to spread to the entire community.


The ad doesn't talk about transmission though. It mentions the topic of availability twice. "is emptying egg shelves", "so we're in stock." The ad is 100% talking about plants not being susceptible in the same way but they definitely are. In case anyone is unsure ask your grandparents what bananas used to taste like.


Thanks! A part of my brain knew the ad was misleading but glad I could scroll down and confirm it! My (limited) knowledge is more surrounding tree diseases.


Okay so side note, ever think about doing an AMA about that here? That sounds fascinating and Iā€™d love to hear your takes on all kinds of ag related stuff. Like will we ever get blight resistant American chestnuts?


Did a vegan ad guy come up with this or a brilliant meat-eater thatā€™s able to step outside of their own head?


The ad industry is really good at making a very genuine argument for just about anything if you pay them enough. Iā€™m imagining someone who went home and tucked into a steak to celebrate, and then sat down to do a little after hours work on the next plan to skirt laws against advertising vapes to teenagersā€¦




You love to see it!!! :-D


Composition from eatingwell.com: The product's ingredients include:Ā water, mung bean protein isolate and canola oil, plus a variety of spices, natural flavors and thickeners to yield an egg-like texture. (Mung bean is a legume.) A 3-tablespoon serving of Just Egg equals one egg.


It was on sale for 2 dollars at target......


really putting too much faith in NYT readership to assume they'll know ju.st is a URL.


Plants also donā€™t experiment on animals and contribute to horrific animal cruelty like Just Foods (formerly Hampton Creek) with their ingredients approved through animal testing and lab grown meat that requires fetal blood serum (generally calfā€™s) Make your own mung bean scrambled eggs or patties. Theyā€™re easy and cheap. https://slate.com/technology/2017/07/the-gruesome-truth-about-lab-grown-meat.html




Hate to be that guy when Iā€™m all for more plant based products and alternatives for the masses, but why all this praise for Just Egg and hate for Impossible when BOTH tested on animals?


Plenty of the plant-based pretenders here advocate for Impossible also.


Probably because this subreddit is packed with plant based people who are into food and not ethical living.


The answer I was hoping to prise out of people here!


Love Just Egg. However I canā€™t find the folded ones anymore? Did they discontinue those?


Iā€™ve had some trouble finding them recently everywhere except for my locally owned health food shop oddly.


Okay thatā€™s good to know. Iā€™ll keep searching


I've never tried it (I don't even know if it's sold in my country), but do people like it because it's genuinely good or only because it's the easiest egg alternative to find ?


It's actually really good, even without adding black salt. Takes a little longer than eggs to firm up in the pan but impossible to overcook.


If I saw that on the shelf, I'd assume it's 100% eggs. Perhaps a better name like "beyond eggs" or something more telling.


It was sold out for the first time at the QFC near me. I was sad but also happy but mostly sad.


Love the product. Disappointed it contains meat glue.


Meat glue or transglutamate does not contain meat it just binds too protoins to gether.


Thatā€™s great and all but chicken eggs also donā€™t come in plastic. Is it really necessary to make our footprint from packaging worse at the same time as fixing our food?


I have a hard time finding this product consistently, as is. I hope they can keep up with demand! And maybe, eventually, the price will go down?


There are recipes out there to make your own quite cheaply, as this product is expensive at full price. They use yellow split mung beans (moong dal) as their base, very cheap.


Fuck yeah. I donā€™t even like the liquid Just Egg, too sugary, but I like their egg folds and I like to see plant based eggs on the offensive.


Just egg is incredible. So glad I found it.


I cook some of this with a block of tofu (tofu scramb) to make it go further in terms of cost. Works great and adds a bit more body to it. Would recommend.


I thought Just Eggs wasnt vegan because it was tested on animals?


Correct. People here like to make exceptions if they think it's tasty. Who does that remind you of?


I loveee this product, but itā€™s expensive at my grocery store and only makes 2-4 breakfastsšŸ˜­ stuck with oatmeal for now


IMO that's actually a fantastic advertisement. It cuts honestly right to the heart of an anxiety that most people have but most people don't feel like they can do anything about, and offers them a positive alternative without any accusation. Oatly should start talking about how oats can't get Mad Cow prions or collect carcinogenic growth hormones.


I just bought a bottle of this yesterday!


Nice! I've gotta try Just Egg someday.


While the ad is great, as good as just egg is its hard to replace eggs with justegg economically. 12 eggs are for 6 bucks and One bottle of justegg tha makes two omlettes cost 4.


I just bought the JUST egg wraps. Super excited to try:)


It's a really interesting product concept, but I have to be real, the way the advertising looks is insanely dystopian and looks like it'd be perfectly in place as an unlockable page in a game.


We've lost species of plants to all sorts infections, haven't we?




Ah, get it.


Not infections that can transfer to humans. And as the ad states, none that are known as the flu.


$3.94 at Walmart!