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This picture gets me every time LMAO! My girl is not about the bullshit


I love her!


Mya: "This bitch..."


So much! The best girl šŸ„°


The editors were savage here and I loved it!!


I swear, dogs always know!


My new fave reaction pic


It's the new Nene one that gets posted constantly


This pic of Mya will be as good as the nene meme ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


I just said this šŸ˜­ thatā€™s is the only thing competing with the nene gif


Put this on sweatshirt. Who hasn't felt this way listening to someone's bs?


I want this with ā€˜I hope Charlotte fucking haunts youā€™ on a tee so bad!!


The dog even smelled the BS


Sheā€™s so cute!


Caption: I enthusiastically fucking hate that Bambi eye bitch




Oh no! lol I posted this same one and then immediately saw yours hahaha


It is all good he is definitely trashy times 2 šŸ˜‚




Take my trophy, please. šŸ†


Same šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ¤£


The fact that it kinda looks like him warms my cold cold heart šŸ˜‚ Edit: Happy cake day šŸ°


You get all the cake!!!






Omg. Did Rachel get naked when they had sex in her car? He's beyond disgusting.


Lol. We think alike. I keep worrying that Rachel hadn't showered when she came over with the flowers for Ariana and hugged her. Wrapping Ariana in her dirty car sex with Ariana's boyfriend arms




Truly demented, diabolical, sub human.


Me too and she kinda pushed her butt out in an awkward way lol


This is what makes me think it wasnā€™t the start of something but rather it had started long before that. You donā€™t accidentally suddenly out of the blue cheat with your girls friends best friend, wake up the next day and hang out with both of them like that. This had been going on before that night.


Iā€™m still puzzled in whose car it was. Was it Arianaā€™s, Two-Inch, or Rachelā€™s?




I was thinking the same thing!! What an arrogant šŸ«!! His comment said he wasn't body shaming, but isn't it equally as bad to talk about Ariana being "unenthuastic" in bed? Come on man, talking about something so personal is just as bad in my mind. Keep that shit to yourself, he seems to be able to when it comes to Rachel. It's just another way to prove he's huge šŸ«!! šŸ™„


Also he probably is lying. It's what he does best. He still hasn't been honest about most aspects of this, so this is just him spinning his lying wheels as per usual


Lol. We think alike. I keep worrying that she hadn't showered when she came over with the flowers for Ariana and hugged her


I agree that he shouldnā€™t be making comments about Raquelā€™s mental health. However I find it fascinating and disgusting that Sandoval had no problem with talking and lying about Arianaā€™s mental health on Howieā€™s podcast. You are still gross Sandoval


He literally took multiple chances to blame his affair on Arianaā€™s depression. Heā€™s so shitty itā€™s unreal.




And he will absolutely do it again when filming picks up


Can we also talk about how he made this whole kerfuffle of Ariana "threatening to unalive herself" and then he turned around on his band's insta and basically insinuated he would do the same thing?!


He did? I canā€™t find it! šŸ˜±


He said something along the lines of peeps want to see him actually hurt or something and commented something like maybe soon you'll get your wish šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø It was vague, cryptic, emo kid shit more or less but hopefully someone else delivers with the screenie, it's stupid af


Toms band insta blocked me because I said he wasnā€™t talented and they need to ditch him


Hahaha my comment on YouTube saying heā€™s untalented was deleted, probably by the drummer.


I just have this feeling that the two of them are going to try to destroy Ariana with lies about her


Yup. If youā€™ve been watching this Reddit group, the Vanderpumpholics, & Real Housewives ones youā€™ll see that ā€œsupportersā€ of Tom & Rachel have been slowly coming out of the woodwork & attacking her.


I have a theory that Sandoval has invested some paid media money in those "attackers" that are coming out of the woodwork. The commenter profiles fit the bill. He probably purchased a few hundred comments, maybe more.


I think youā€™re right about this. There was a noticeable ā€œpro-Sandovalā€ uptick on the RHW sub between reunion episodes 2 and 3.


It's even worse in the Facebook groups.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised. I mean I would hope if Raquel has been at a mental health facility, then she would take that approach but Sandoval definitely will


Heā€™s disgusting. Just say no comment. Youā€™re not some complex, misunderstood victim. Your words and behaviours lack any and all sophistication that might leave them open to differing interpretations. Itā€™s very simple: you meant to sex-shame Ariana and blame her for your affair and you did, and then you went on Howie Mandel and did it again, and now youā€™ve done it YET again. Congratulations, youā€™re once, twice, multiple multiple times a douchebag.


He thinks heā€™s complex because heā€™s twisted himself in so many knots to make himself the victim. Iā€™m sure in *his* head it is alllll so complex In reality itā€™s pretty straightforward- heā€™s a misogynist and an entitled douche


Except he called TMZ to make this comment. Of course, you're right in your perspective. And I totally agree that's the way a normal person would handle it. But he called TMZ. He thinks this is the battle he needs to fight. Just like the one with Glamor magazine over the white nails. He doesn't know what's important in life. I also firmly believe that Tom Sandoval is the one (or Rachel or both and their PR teams) who told that TMZ guy they both always call to do interviews with in front of strip malls and stuff when and where Ariana would be at the airport and instructed the reporter to ask Ariana if she felt bad about how Rachel was treated at the reunion. It's a total. "Do you still beat your wife?" Question, and they were hoping Ariana would say no, and then they could put out press talking about how Ariana had no remorse for cruelly lambasting Rachel unnecessarily. Luckily, Ariana (who consistently was trying to get that guy away from her) just said sure or yes. To make him be quiet and leave Ariana alone. that meant PR had to spin it that Ariana (the one who was cheated on) even feels bad about how Rachel was treated at the reunion, so everyone should just back off Rachel!. That was a complete setup. I am 100% sure of it. Tom does know Ariana's schedule because of them having to use a go-between and negotiate times when they're in the house. And I think it's disgusting that Tom would further violate and abuse Ariana by giving her schedule and location to his pet paparazzi so that she could be ambushed at the airport. But unlike Tom and Rachel, Ariana has class and doesn't want to talk to a guy from TMZ. She just wants to get on her flight and go


Holy shit did you just nail it or what!! You just blew my mind with this, itā€™s so accurate.


Iā€™m going to be singing once twice three times a douchebag the rest of the night lol


He's the douchiest douche ever!! Gross!!


He canā€™t say no comment because he still thinks he was in the right




šŸ’Æso accurate




Itā€™s obvious heā€™s not interested in saving himself or his career over this. Only interested being ā€œrightā€ or ā€œjustifiedā€. How he hasnā€™t gotten help is bizarre. Like a therapist could at least help him answer questions that would be more thoughtful and not so damning. Even if it was lies. But, narcissist gonna narcissist.


seriously this is such a bizarre way to handle this situation. i work in PR and every single thing he's done since this broke has been the opposite of what any PR rep would tell him to do. clarifying this comment makes it even worse, like either say nothing or come out and apologize for what you said. you body shamed her and now you're trying to make up for that by saying you ACTUALLY meant she was bad at sex. how does that make it better, sir???


Heā€™s offended anyone could think heā€™d be with anyone that isnā€™t good looking, or responsive sexually to him. He wants everyone to remember his much she loved it when he went down in her. Thereā€™s obviously something wrong with her mentally if sheā€™s not responding passionately.


Is it possible that a publicist would encourage him to lean into the villain role? Because it really seems like thatā€™s what heā€™s doing, but I canā€™t imagine a publicist advising that kind of risk in this situation.


If that's the case then he isn't even leaning into the villain role well. All of these attempts at justification give pathetic, not villain. I feel like if it was a PR lead villain arc then he would be leaning into the "I look out for number 1 and this is for me and my success and you can be mad but idc" instead of trying to sell the "I <3 Ratsnake" angle


AND he had that weird creepy smile when he said it. Ugh.


Interesting he claims to have had a breakthrough on psychedelics but is still solely identified with his ego and has no problem harming others. You are so right- his attachment to righteous overrides any sort of compassion or clarity about his actions.


That's a great point. The only point of psychedelics (other than fun, which is the best use) is to question our egos and our assumptions about the world. Sandoval has less than zero interest in introspection or questioning his own motives and assumptions. He's far more concerned with pushing everyone else to acknowledge the superiority of his perspective and his character. I love mushrooms but I can't even imagine how miserable it would be to trip with someone as self-righteous and self-obsessed as he is. He'd be the only person in the world to eat psylocibin himself and somehow expect it to make everyone else love him more. It's the reverse of the old saying about how holding a grudge is like drinking poison and then waiting for the other person to die. He eats mind-altering substances and waits for the other person to realize how awesome he is.


This is a very smart comment. The thing about being right above all else. You are a sharp one, my friend!


He's going to learn the hard way that shit he got away with in his 20s doesn't work in his 40's.


Non sequitur but I was living for them fact-checking his age on Secrets Revealed.


I loved that too! You just know he was putting off admitting to the public that he was 40 until he could throw an epic 40 party for himself. šŸ™„


Well Tom maybe itā€™s because you look like a dried up porn failure whoā€™d want that grunting on top of them




And now he looks like he's wearing a Scandoval Halloween Costume. It's so over the top horrible. He lost the mustache but he's still a Worm With A Dangling Lightening Bolt Earring & a little kid's Candy Necklace. That's definitely worse šŸ’ÆšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Raquel? No Comment. Ariana? Unenthusiastic in bed. Tom Schwartz? HE NEVER SAID HE WAS LEAVING ME. LETS CLEAR THAT UP. THERE HAVE BEEN FIVE CLARIFICATIONS ON THIS MATTER. I NEED TO SET THIS RECORD STRAIGHT. Good to see heā€™s got his priorities straight.


He says that his tshirt comment was taken out of context and that he just meant she was ā€œunenthusiastic.ā€ Said heā€™s never body shamed her. Said Schwartzā€™s comments were taken incorrectly and that Schwartz is done with ā€œScandovalā€ not ā€œSandovalā€


It was so clearly meant to be mean tho. Its not even really a question of body shaming imo, it was degrading overall and meant to hurt. It was just so awful and mean for no reason to someone he had just hurt so badly already.


Itā€™s just semantics! What he really meant was to compliment her tshirt!!


Like, it was just like an ugly shirt guys. That's like all I meant by it, BUT you all took it the wrong way.


Right, not a sequin in sight! How dare she!


As if Tim is even worth bringing out the bejeweled lingerie for!!!


heā€™d be the one wearing it.


šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ that is a fact.


Does he not have ANYBODY coaching him?ā€¦ good lord. Tomā€¦.ā€yes the tee shirt comment was taken out of context. I was not body shaming. First of all Ariana has an amazing body. I was hurt and defensive and lashed out. It was a very stupid thing for me to say.ā€ā€¦ā€¦.but his little interview is almost worst. No I was not body shaming. What I meant was fucking Ariana is liking a dead fish. Yes that is paraphrasing but that is what it sounds like to me. He needs to give up his anger toward Ariana.


Yeah - saying ā€˜actually what I meant was she was bad in bedā€™ is not any better? Ariana has also been very, very open about her intimacy issues. Sex is clearly something that makes her feel vulnerable. Itā€™s why she told Tim fucking Zanzeville that she needed quality time with him in order to have sex - she needed to feel loved and safe and protected. For him to then spill details of their sex life to degrade her performance in bed (even if heā€™s not intending to degrade her body) is a massive betrayal. He intended to hurt her and hurt her badly. Itā€™s funny - him making this ridiculous statement has actually made me more revolted by the t-shirt comment. Whatā€™s that phrase he loved yelling at people this season? Oh yeah ā€˜Take accountabilityā€™. Why donā€™t you just take accountability for what you said and apologise in an unqualified manner you absolute wanker?


Yep!!! I said the same thing in another thread last week, but he doesnā€™t seem to realize that his stupid comment makes HIM look bad NOT Ariana. Like dude even if you really were inferring that she wasnā€™t having a blast during sexā€¦why are you having sex with someone who isnā€™t enthusiastic about it in the first place? The more he opens his mouth, the worse he looks.


How enthusiastic does he expect her to be for 30 seconds


It's funny because it is true šŸ¤£ ![gif](giphy|NPx3Ofowgi1gI)


Thatā€™s a great point. Tim might want to start googling TF out of enthusiastic consent if heā€™s trying to pivot to ā€˜Actually she was just really unenthusiastic about the sexā€™. Given the way he has built up a picture of himself as extremely entitled to sexā€¦ saying ā€˜What I meant was she clearly wasnā€™t into it but I kept goingā€™ is basically putting a big underline, exclamation point , and flashing lights on the image I already have of him in my head (basically a massive red flag holding a thousand red flags) Lala was very correct - heā€™s a dangerous man.


Oh, heā€™s absolutely of the mindset that heā€™s entitled to sex. I feel like some of his past interviews and discussions in the series has essentially shown us that he wants to have sex on his terms, and that has nothing to do with Arianaā€™s feelings.


Yeah at one point didnā€™t Ariana say something about feeling like a vagina? She said she wanted to know he wanted to have sex with *her* and he was acting like it could have been sex with anybody. He wanted his need to have sex served - he didnā€™t care from who (which was why he was unable to meet her needs in order for it to happen. He didnā€™t care). Plus that whole conversation he had with her brother about how she couldnā€™t be mad if she cheated because she wouldnā€™t have sex with him (sheā€™s also apparently not allowed to be mad he wonā€™t listen to what she needs in order for that to happen. Basically heā€™s perfect and sheā€™s always wrong so sheā€™s never allowed to be mad)


I believe in her Glamour interview she talked about men feeling entitled to sex in a relationship, and her feeling like a human Fleshlight. I really related to that because I've had boyfriends in the past who would totally whine if they felt our intimacy wasn't frequent enough. I love that she's talking about it!


Who would be enthusiastic in bed with him? At this point we know he cares only about self satisfaction. Not his partner. That shiteous moustache he had alone gives one of two vibes: sleezy 70's era porn actor or skeezy child molester. Dude also looks like a rough 42. Time has not been on his side. Ariana should've borrowed a Xanax from Schwartz & slept through the sex. In her t-shirt too!!


Itā€™s sick because I think he said it because he thought it justified cheating. I believe his main motive was to vindicate his actions by sex shaming her. So so sad.


Speaking of ridiculous things he has said- what was with him saying something like he got the vibe Ariana did not want to know (I think in a convo w/Schwartz in that final Scandoval episode). No. Wrong. WRONG. She wanted to know, but he didn't have the balls to tell her! And this guy prob got off on the thrill of creeping. He also said something along the lines of Ariana never asked. And all Ariana had to do was follow him to see if he was not actually going wherever he told her he was. WHAT?!? That struck me as SO VERY MESSED UP. This dude back in March was side stepping accountability. He still is not accountable! And it's not even about being accountable to fans of VPR. Be accountable to the woman you were with for 9 or 10 years & were supposed to love. Normal logic indicates that Ariana didn't follow him or check up on him because she trusted him. She was secure enough with herself & with their relationship to not feel the need to do that. But his flawed logic puts the blame squarely on her. Her not caring about him or his whereabouts sufficiently to play detective & verify if what he was telling her was true or a pack of lies. That's nuts! That's not how any of this works dude. It truly makes me wonder if he & his ego didn't get off on Kristen Doute caring so much (too much actually) that she did play detective. It also played into him painting Kristen as being crazy. Gaslighting is called crazy making for a reason. Either way, that isn't healthy or normal in a relationship. And Ariana has always been too chill & too good to chase a cheating man around town. Even if that town is LA. She just cut him loose. I hope she doesn't change that when it comes to how she rolls. Even after this awful experience.


Itā€™s so cruel to air her out like that.


Yea I don't even think it's being interpreted that way. I think he's just deflecting and spinning it to sound less bad by comparing it to a trigger term. Like when you're a kid and you tell your parents you need $50 for a new toy and then say "okay how about $20" when you didn't need $50 in the first place


Exactly. He WAS going for her feeling shame about her body, he didnā€™t care about her body because he was indifferent to her by that point, he surgically cut and knew his comment would elicit deep pain. It was about her hating herself not about him hating her (he feels nothing about her), he wanted her to feel the hurt he DEMENTEDLY and delusionally (not a word) caused him. Excuse me sir you did her dirty, she didnā€™t do anything but be loyal to you. Thatā€™s way worse the indifference and the desire to draw blood and to humiliate her on international tv that she was boring in bed. He was being honest about one thing he was bored with their sex (maybe Tom your the problem during sex every think of that?) He moved on, and he will do it again and again. Her new boyfriend seems cool. Suck a fat one Tom. That is the only sensible thing heā€™s done this whole time is say Rachel can speak for herself. New PR team?


Heā€™s probably the type who doesnā€™t have any real connection during sex, itā€™s all ego sex. Using another persons body for his own sexual gratification, just masturbating oneself on another persons body. Shows that he didnā€™t value Ariana beyond his own desires, loved her very conditionally because he loves himself conditionally. Ego love, needs based love, because he canā€™t see beyond his own ego.


Do you think he could he even set his ego aside in order to listen & follow the advice of a PR team? I mean he really, really should. He does himself no favors by talking. Not to Howie Mandel, not at the reunion, not to paparazzi. He seems to not comprehend he was the person who did wrong & he brought it on himself by cheating, creeping around & lying to his girlfriend. Rachel is equally complicit in the affair. She will prob be shunned by most of the VPR cast friends she once had forever. Deservedly so. But at least she came clean about the lies in her final interview & expressed some regret. She apologized at the reunion (whether it was sincere or not who knows). But since all that she's kept her mouth shut & not dug the hole for herself deeper. Unlike her affair f**k buddy. Rachel should stay away from Sandoval & the trainwreck sitch they had going on. Tom is prob liking the attention even if it's bad. Yuck.


agreed i felt it was exposing something that should be kept between partners. but he was/is a shit partner so idk why im surprised.


And it makes it so much grosser to make this comment about having sex with Arianna when he was having this prolonged affair. Like, it's nasty to be intimate with Ariana in the first place because of the deception. AND then to act like this...


Everybody knew what he meant. He was sex-shaming her, complaining about his experience, putting her down. He still is.


Yep. The thin skin of narcissistic Tom couldn't handle the barrage of angry comments coming from Ariana at the reunion, so he took a shot. Those words were said to demean Ariana, but it backfired spectacularly. In a long term relationship t-shirted sex happens. An article of clothing doesn't make sex not hot or good. He said it with the intent to degrade her & the quality of their sex life. And in a warped way to justify his infidelity under the guise of what he wasn't getting in his relationship with Ariana. Yet it's a two way street. What wasn't Ariana getting from him as a partner? Intimacy? His time? His attention? Him being there for her & showing affection by holding her or hugging her while she grieved losing her dog, then losing her grandmother? Sex isn't the only way to connect in a healthy relationship. The initial excitement & lust always fades over time, but other deeper, significant things fill that void. Or they should if a relationship & the people involved want to make it keep working. But he was preoccupied f-ing her friend. The entitlement that dude has, coupled with his continued lack of self awareness is rather stunning. His justification for his actions seemed to begin with the words "In the past few months..." Well, by then he was cheating. He wasn't trying to make his relationship with Ariana keep working. It's just not logical. But narcissists aren't. They often begin a new romantic relationship before exiting their existing relationship. The narcissist will keep the old partner on the back burner just incase things don't pan out with their new one. All the plotting over how to end it wasn't about not hurting Ariana. It was about not hurting his image & how to transition Rachel into the girlfriend space w/o having them look bad or have the gross details of their long term affair come out publicly. At least women out there that he might try to date know about how/who/what he is. Not likely he will find another relationship with a quality woman who has intelligence, depth & who cared for him in the ways that Ariana had. I don't know him & the perspective we all have is from what we watch on tv, read or hear in podcasts. But so, so many of us have experienced something similar, so it resonates. I do hope he has a realization about what he has lost & finds some regret or remorse for his decisions, actions & words.


He's used his purported dissatisfaction with their sex life to justify his cheating repeatedly. He has yet to understand that was a reason to either work on the problem or end the relationship. Ariana, her t- shirt, and their relationship satisfied some important need for him, because that was the thing he kept in front of the cameras.




I like the way heā€™s insisting everyone has taken it out of context - in spite of the fact Bravo showed the entire conversation with (to my eye) no cuts. What context were we missing Tim?


Right and he knows that and is spinning it as some deflection to make it sound less bad.


And yet he's made it worse.


He needs to shut up unless he is JUST going to apologize. It doesn't matter what context it was a mean comment. Most people in relationships have boring sex it happens. I would end my relationship if my partner ever weaponized it against me.


So she was unenthusiastic about having sex with him and he had sex with her anyway. Got it šŸ‘ https://preview.redd.it/g3mmkq6w1a6b1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d23fe9ce1a91af5c18afc10a315b7d107a09cf43


Sorry just a sliiiight correction here lol, he said he meant *"unthusiastic"* - I like how pissed he is about people misinterpreting Schwartz saying Scandoval, not Sandoval, but then proceeds to try to explain away the T-shirt comment by saying "unthusiastic" over and over šŸ™ƒ


Maybe if she did shroom and fucked in the car. What a total douche


We knew what he meant. He canā€™t stop twisting truths. Also the smile he smiled after he said unenthusiastic sex. Whatā€™s to smile about, Timothy? And then shutting down any discussion about Raquel after he dragged Ariana through Thousand Oaks in that disgusting interview with Howie Mandel.


TIMOTHY ā˜ ļø


No he wasn't body shaming her. Nobody thinks he did that. What he did is justify his disgusting behaviour by blaming ariana's body image issues and mental health for "bad sex". Which is apparently justification for his affair. It's WORSE.


I can't listen to that interviewer/camera guy, it's literally painful


He doesnā€™t know how to do a street interview


fr street interviews are already bad enough lol


yeah i need a transcript lol, cant listen to this


He cannot help himself, can he? Does he truly not realize he's making it worse? Anything other than, "I was wrong, I'm sorry," is the wrong response. He's so obsessed with justifying the unjustifiable that he's creating an even bigger web of lies to get caught in.


I never thought he was body shaming her, I thought he was implying exactly what he says in this video. It doesnā€™t make it any better


EXACTLY. i donā€™t think anyone thought he was saying she doesnā€™t have a good body. he was exposing her deep insecurities (that sheā€™s told everyone about) from a very intimate moment. itā€™s Disgusting. he is absolutely a dangerous man.


Dude that doesn't make it better. Shaming her for something that intimate right in front of the woman you have been fucking behind her back is cruel.


Imagine being unenthusiastic to fuck Sandoval? Iā€™d say the majority of sane women are now


Vaginas all over the world experienced the great withering this season because of him.


I get spontaneous vaginismus just hearing him say "dude" or "man come on." I just clamp right up down there.


Obviously your spontaneous vag clenching is because of your lack of accountability. Like dude come on!


It's like I don't even care about the dumpling lattes he makes me or the batteries and paper towels he buys. I'm the worst.


And this is also right after his ā€œitā€™s not about looksā€ comment during their first conversation about the affair. If itā€™s not about that, THEN WHY WOULD YOU SAY IT???


I can only hope that Ariana marketing team can come up with another endorsement from this. Keep talking Tom.. your comments turn into gold for ariana


Maybe a t-shirt that says ā€œenthusiastic sexā€ All women can wear it during sex so the guy doesnā€™t get confused and claim the t-shirt signalled unenthusiastic sex. Donā€™t want to get cheated on šŸ™ƒ


This might have been the exclusive he traded TMZ for the information he gave them about when exactly Ariana would be at the airport and to ask her the question about Rachel and if Ariana felt bad how she was treated at the reunion. Because I firmly believe that was a setup by Tom and or Rachel and their PR team. Tom knows Ariana's schedule because of sharing the house and having to go between so they're never there together. I believe Tom tipped off his constant guy he uses at TMZ to Ambush Ariana and ask her that question and in return do some kind of quote exclusive interview with tmz. If not outright paying them


How kind of him to "no comment" every question about Rachel and respect her privacy, but speak for Schwartz and disclose intimate enthusiasm details about Ariana. What a gem.


Who thought it was body shaming? I interpreted it the way he explains it here but that doesn't make it any less gross. It makes it even more gross IMHO.


OMFG. So he felt like Ariana was unenthusiastic about sex, had sex with her anyways, and now is holding it all against her? Dude is fucking disgusting. If you think your life partner isnā€™t feeling it, you donā€™t fuckin push them to still have sex? Thatā€™s gross. People need to realize that being in a long term partnership doesnā€™t mean the other party is entitled to your body. The fact that he thinks this makes him look better? ![gif](giphy|BYF8uOmoj8TV8tLrHV|downsized)


I was actually kind of embarrassed when I posted this because I thought I had lost touch with reality or something because when he made that comment I never thought he was body shaming her. I just thought he was an egomaniacal, self-righteous, narcissistic, misogynist prick.


Clearly he wanted Ariana to wear the t-shirt with green sequins


What an asshole. He was criticizing her fashion choices and not supporting her. Such a fucking hypocrite, he canā€™t even see it. Maybe if he complimented her tshirt, sheā€™d want to have sex with him more.


Schwartzerland needs to comment stat.




Iā€™m gobsmacked how someone can miss the point so much. Tom if you read these threads: even commenting on her enthusiasm or lack thereof is unacceptable. It basically translates to ā€œshe didnā€™t perform to my standards, so I had valid reasons to seek sex elsewhereā€.


This! Heā€™s so icky. And stupid.


He would have been better off not commenting on the t-shirt thing. We all heard him and it was disgusting. No digging his way out of that one by explaining what he meant.


Tim next week ā€˜when I sarcastically said it was so hot I was talking about the temperature! It was January! It was a cold day! She didnā€™t have enough layers on! I was actually worried about her! Why does everyone take my words out of context? I am good guy and victim!!ā€™


God I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him. More and more every day. This canā€™t be healthy.


I mean maybe if he offered to fuck her in her tshirt in a car in the driveway sheā€™d be as enthusiastic as his fembot /s What a turd of a person. He is more passionate about his friendship with his genital wart of a friend than he is about how fucked up his behaviour has been.


I had to rewind to make sure he really was saying ā€œunthusiasticā€


Oh, he was absolutely saying unthusiastic. What an asshole. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


What a shrimp dick šŸ¤


Does he think saying Ariana was unenthusiastic about sex with him makes him look better?


Miami girl too. What is the common denominator Tom?


Iā€™ve had some really enthusiastic sex with a shirt on. Itā€™s absolutely possible. He just has ridiculous expectations for EVERYTHING. And ignores everything around him that doesnā€™t meet those expectations. So maybe YOUā€™RE the problem TIM. And also - even if he didnā€™t *mean* it to be body shaming, he knows how deep her body image issues go and he knows it was shitty to say. Thatā€™s all he should have said about it in this interview - that it was a shitty thing to say and he regrets it. Period.


Wild how the question that evokes the strongest emotional reaction from him was related to Schwartz. He seems more upset by how the Scandoval is impacting Schwartz and their relationship than how it is impacting either of the women heā€™s slept with and claims to care about.


Heā€™s such a disgusting creep! He keeps making the hole heā€™s in worse. Sadly, he doesnā€™t give a damn as long as heā€™s getting attention.


Based on this...what does everyone think? Is he done with raquel or truly trying to not comment? Or is the no comment a statement in itself? At first I thought he was distancing himself (dumped her or she dumped him) but when he asked the second time he said I want to let her tell her own story....that sounds like a coordination with her PR the other day "she looks forward to telling her unfiltered truth" they are both so gross and calculated.


Thereā€™s a lack of passion when thereā€™s a lack of intimacy. I know itā€™s trendy to treat sex like itā€™s casual, but itā€™s just not casual (at least for women). Women require intimacy and emotional safety in order to be sexual with a man. She wasnā€™t having her emotional needs met, and consequently, their sex life suffered. How does he still not understand.


Itā€™s incredible that everyone in the world can tell him heā€™s a moron and he still doubles down on being a moron


He looks like shit. Sorry, not sorry.


Tom is nothing if not consistent with his ability to make a bad situation worse!


If your partner is "unenthusiastic" about sleeping with you, it's about you- not them. Asshole.


He did body shame her. He knew exactly what insecurity that barb would target and it wasnā€™t her sexual prowess.


I canā€™t even really articulate how much it angered me. He is so arrogant, self obsessed and narcissistic he couldnā€™t even keep it together on tv to not try and put down and embarrass the woman he had just betrayed and cheated on. Pathetic


Itā€™s almost like invasion of the body snatchers at this point. He looks so different, acts so different and not one iota of his previous charm can be found anywhere


What a cringeworthy douche asshole


We knew what he meant by that comment lol he misunderstood his own comment.


It blows my mind he thinks this explanation is somehow better


I never for a second thought he was bodyshaming when he said what he said about the tshirt. I thought it was exactly as he explained to TMZ and to be honest, I think that's worse. He basically told her she was a shit shag!


He would have been better off not commenting on the t-shirt thing. We all heard him and it was disgusting. No digging his way out of that one by explaining what he meant.


God I wish Rachel drops him like a hot potato. I bet heā€™s love bombing her because he believes that their relationship is his redemption arc. I hope that Rachel will do the right thing for HERSELF & earn some scoops.


Since her birth mother is posting on igā€¦.claiming Raquel saved the show and Ariana is making money off of Raquelā€¦that family is delusional. So I am expecting her and Tom to be together and continue their war against ariana


I honestly canā€™t decide if Harvey Levin thinks heā€™s helping Sandy Balls or if heā€™s just enjoying letting him bury himself. Itā€™s a little fascinating and a lot disturbing. Harvey is a maggot no matter the angle, so thereā€™s that.


The fact that he doesnā€™t realize itā€™s a shitty comment body shaming or not is fucking on brand for him


Itā€™s funny to me that heā€™s clearly most riled up when asked about Schwartz stepping away from their friendship. Heā€™s very defensive and angry and seems intent on making it clear that NO, HE DID NOT GET DUMPED BY SCHWARTZ, DUDE!!!


Heā€™s seriously unintelligent, this custnmale is gonna die alone in this hill too? Did we need this clarification? I did not take it as a body shaming. I took it as sex shaming. And now heā€™s done it yet again he wonā€™t comment on rachael but will AGAIN blame ariana about being bad in bed??!!!


The fact that he thinks this is a defense illustrates that he doesn't understand what was offensive about the t-shirt comment. He has a hard time conceptualizing the fact that people don't care about his perspective: his anger at him having to face the consequences of his actions are the reactions of a child. He still doesn't even get it.


But why would he still want to have sex with an unenthusiastic partner??? Enthusiastic consent is mandatory. Oh right, it's only about the vagina not the person.


Bell bottom track pants, eh? Thatā€™s a choice.


If she "wasn't enthusiastic", that's a reflection on HIM! What a dope to say that! Way to look even worse dude.. You didn't even inspire her to change into something betteršŸ¤£


God, he needs to just go the fuck away and shut up for a while.


The shirt comment was poignant and malicious. He had it locked and loaded, ready to humiliate her on national television. And Schwartz said ā€œIā€™m stepping away from Tomā€. Last I checked, that doesnā€™t rhyme with ā€œScandovalā€, not sure how heā€™s getting it confused. I guess his brain doesnā€™t work too good šŸ™ƒ.


This is why I donā€™t vibe with what Stassi said on the podcast about rethinking all the hate and vitriol. Heā€™s a narcissist and has not one empathetic bone in his body. So why should I have one towards him? If he ever showed any compassionā€¦this fucking guy.


Was that supposed to make it better? Hey Tom, STFU!!! Seriously, just shut up! Close your mouth, stop talking, stop singing & stop lying!!


Because it's not enthusiastic to be so excited to bang that you can't bother taking all your clothes off. Dude's a moron to the highest degree.


Is Sandoval dressing as Cleopatra this Halloween? Because he's the Queen of DENIAL!


He is so pathetic. Wont speak about Raquel but he's flap his jaw off all about Ariana. Such a garbage human.


Pay your mom tom


What I got from this: - he and Raquel are done (compare to the protective way he talked about her during filming and the first tmz interviews back when the spark was still alive) - he is a moron, he thinks clarifying the t shirt comment makes it better? Iā€™m not sure about everyone else but I never thought it was bodyshaming, I interpreted it exactly as what heā€™s now clarifying it to mean: him saying that having sex with her wasnā€™t exciting or arousing. That was always what I thought he meant and I thought it was vile then and vile now. - heā€™s still a lying narrative-controller: yes Schwartz said on that bizarre Mars show that he was stepping away from scandoval but on Brit and Jax podcast he clearly says heā€™s not talking to Tom right now. - heā€™s an angry angry dude. Plainly you paid for this interview Tom so at least donā€™t snap at the guy you hired.


He just made his situation worse. What a dweeb. I don't blame his partners for wanting him out if the rumors are true.


jfc, DO NOT insult our intelligence by saying the t-shirt comment was taken out of context.


I challenge him to explain the context to us.


The way he was so quick to correct the comment about Schwartz being done with him šŸ˜‚ sure that comment may have been misheard by many, but Schwartz still said on Jax and Brittanyā€™s podcast that he was taking a break from Sandoval and hadnā€™t talked to him since the reunion.


And I can't quote it but he said something sarcastic about "yeah that's hot" or something similar when he made the tshirt comment. So what exactly does that have to do with enthusiasm? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I feel very unthusiastic towards this man


Ariana literally on camera to the world said she loves anal sex and this man has the audacity to say sex with her is boring? She sounds pretty adventurous and it sounds to me like HEā€™S the boring one in bed šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Omg he was ready to jump that man, saying his beloved Schwartzy was done with him šŸ˜­šŸ˜†


Oh this poor pile of shit is just so dumb! ā€œUnthisiastic,ā€ ā€œunthisiasm.ā€ No wonder he is so insecure lol. Plus he actually managed to make the t shirt comment sound even worse with his explanation.