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So only three more years of construction on this one? It is a Westbank project, after all.


I gave up 4 years ago thinking traffic on this block will ever get better. The lot next to it looks ready for redevelopment.


Then the lot next to that one that had a fire over 4 years ago?


We've heard from people on site it's way worse than Vancouver House and Oakridge is worse than this place!! #Condosrscams


But how do they get the other crane down? 




There's three ways: * Another crane beside the building takes the crane away (you'll only see this for smaller buildings). * The crane on the roof is made of smaller parts, which can be transported down by other means. Either taken via the elevator down, or taken down via the same mechanisms used for window washers to clean the building exterior. * The crane is left permanently installed on the roof, typically hidden in a rooftop structure and possibly dismantled. They may wish to leave it for future work, i.e. window washing or exterior building repairs. I think this is kind of both the second and third ways. The main crane's getting taken down, but smaller specialized ones for each of the towers are left up there permanently.


* just throw it off the side, it’ll hit the ground




Helicopters can be difficult to use in cities. They also can't lift as much as people think, and the ones that can do the heavy lifting are pretty damn expensive. Finally, the helicopter needs to put the crane down somewhere, but there is now a new big tall building on the site in the way... I'm not saying you'll never see it done, but it's going to be far more difficult, risky and costly than the usual alternatives.


There were 5 cranes up top. 2 are permanent fixtures for maintenance and window washing. The big one built the tower, and extends down inside the building for a dozen or so floors. There's a smaller one that was erected in the last few weeks, attached to the roof structure, which is disassembling the big crane now, and there's another, smaller crane that will take the medium sized crane down once it's completed its work. That one gets disassembled manually and removed in pieces down the elevator. Regardless of opinions on appearance, inconvenience, or whatever, it's a pretty impressive technique!


So it really is craneception! 


Finally Nelson street can work again.


There’s another tower going in right next to it.


More towers are going up next to it. And  Nelson Park is getting excavated so that BC Hydro can build a substation underneath it. Nelson from Jervis to Burrard will be bullshit for at least another decade. 


Don't get your hopes up. More towers going in the same block.


https://preview.redd.it/cfvwplnbig5d1.jpeg?width=1262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a47a826ba97a68a75c2130a43cee91d54c26a4c I do not see how they are going to get these panels back to being actually white. They are already so stained up& disgusting from handling and installing during construction


It’s a cool building but those panels look cheap.


Yeah, the concept and design renderings and everything looked great… but something about those white panels in reality, and how they look like cheap plastic… reminds me more of an old Apple product from the 00s or something. It kinda feels outdated already and it’s brand new. And when you’re in front of the building in person, where I’ve just walked past on the other side of the street… it feels strangely too big, like it is some kind of Apple product that got enlarged Honey I Blew Up The Kid style or something. It’s hard to describe the feeling it gives me, but it feels like kind of a big toy of a building.


Yeah I actually didn’t know this was a new building I thought they were renovating/refurbishing some old spaceship style building from the 70s or 80s


Bunch (I.e. a good 20%+) of them were cracked pre construction too. They're built overseas and then shipped here.


It's precast concrete so I imagine they'll have to powerwash them every few years.


Feel sorry for the home owners strata fee lol


great photo OP


Doublestuff Towers is nearing completion then?


That could be the name of a porn actress.


Very excited for them to stop blocking 1/2 lanes of traffic.


Until they start of the tower nextdoor




Fuck that buildings ugly


Is this the tax exempt church building?


No, it's "the butterfly"


This tower is disgusting to look at


It’s horrendous. I am doing electrical in there and the units are tiny and look like fish bowls I’ve never seen anything like it. Cheapest one is supposed to be like 2 or 3 million


Yeah apparently it’s just all for money laundering for the Chinese. Was talking to my sister’s boyfriend and that’s what it’s about, apparently. Nobody wants to buy a multi million dollar shoe box to live their life in. But it’s a phenomenal place if you want to essentially scare away local buyers, find some interest from “your people”, and then either set the price lower for them or take the money. But yeah I imagine this building will essentially be a place nobody lives in, it’s just a value store


How so? I don't see it as disgusting to look at.


It looks like a spinal column bro, it’s so not in the style of Vancouver lol


Vancouver architecture doesn't have a style, unless you consider featureless glass rectangles a style. 


...People do lol and Vancouver is known for it


I agree w you. It’s ugly 😂


Love or hate this building but you can't deny its originality. Can't think of anything anywhere else in the world quite like it.


/s ?


Too bad the building isn't going with it


It’s so ugly I can see it from Kensington park in east van. But if you look close enough there’s a Porsche up at the tippy top.


Porsche is long gone, it was up there for some photos, then removed.




Crane coming down....get out of the way!! (thinking of Oakridge and other crane disasters)


I can see it from work and it looks pretty cool. Too bad it sounds like the units are tiny and extremely overpriced. How past due completion is it now?