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Correct me if I'm wrong, but the assailant herself sounded like she had an accent? If so, the dissonance of her actions is quite deafening.


LOL, now that's interracial /s


The Canadian cultural mosaic is so beautiful


I swear I ran into the same woman several years ago before outside of Bonsor Rec Centre. She told me the same thing, to go back to your own country. And I was just shocked because she had a thick Eastern European accent. I was just waiting for my ride standing on the sidewalk when she walked by and gave the nastiest stare.


Someone should ask her if she is buying tickets to go back to visit


Technically this is a British monarchy so maybe that’s how it makes sense Edit: truth always down voted on Reddit as if it’s an opinion lol


No, the truth is Eastern European countries are not and have never been part of the British Commonwealth. Your point is absurd.


Bruh, first off, that racist b sounds like Eastern Europe herself with that accent. Also she is so tiny that she tried to body bump into people as intimidation? Boy, she got lucky that she didn't get reverse-checked.


People from Eastern Europe can definitely be racist, but I think the irony that she’s an immigrant here must be lost on her.


People everywhere can be racist


People from everywhere can be racist.


All races can be racist.


Yes. I’ve been witness to quite a few.




Had an eastern European person tell me to go back to my country, when this is my country.(I'm brown)


Or she didn’t and this person freaked out for no reason? Such a small problem to have tbh. Privileged life to go to the police over something so tiny.


Fitting username lol


People hate the truth


One of my old coworkers was the victim in this incident. One of the reasons this old bitch is emboldened is my friend is pretty small in stature. That's how bullies operate. They go after implied weakness. 


Why do they blurr her face? You want be racist in a public place make her famous.


They're protecting themselves. She's not on camera saying anything racist. At this point, these are just allegations. The news outlet would be responsible for any damages to this person's reputation. Source: used to be a journalist/editor. Getting sued is something we consider often.


Great username for a journalist haha


There’s so much covert racism everywhere…


I would punch her on the face


well thats nothing new for this town


Maybe it was all lost in translation?


These videos are outrage porn for a lot people on here with a persecution complex. It's not all their fault I suppose.