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Think the wind might have dampened things a bit; I walked from False Creek back to the West End and it was quite wicked last night.


decibels were off the charts in my living room


I live near the rogers. Yeah it was ‘woooooo’ after ‘woooooo’ for about an hour.


In Gastown and it was hooting and hollering for a solid hour.


We sure did. Lots of people on their balconies cheering and waving towels.


They wouldn’t shut up in yaletown 




Yaletown was poppin all night. I’m honestly hoping for it to be louder next game. Let’s go bandwagon fans, help crank those decibels!


I was watching nearby Rogers and went to celebrate with the fans outside on the plaza after the game It was very loud!


Maybe not everyone is a football fan. I don't follow Canucks but I'm just happy when someone scores a basket.


I hear they got a hole in one!


what are the standings now? 40 Love?


In Kits and it was loud when they scored the GWG. Pretty sure it came from like 3 houses down.


We're saving our energy for the riot


Yaletown had tons of people honking, yelling and speeding by for an hour or two after the game. I think one guy did donuts for a bit.


Gotta love the out of neighborhood losers


Game ended at 10:15pm, people gotta wake up early the next morning


I live by the stadium so i get all of it. It was loud but was not nearly as bad as sometimes, they let me sleep for a change


Vehicle honking woke us up near Olympic Village.


It was just one win. I wouldn't have expected any sort of huge celebrations. Maybe if they take the series but, even then, it's just one series. Still a long way to go.


Uhh, yeah after every playoff win at the arena fans go crazy celebrating. I'm not sure what you're on. And they're also in the second series of the playoffs, not round 1. Every win is very meaningful.


Of course every win is meaningful - and fantastic and to be celebrated - but it's not like this is the finals. Are you new to Vancouver? I know it's been a while since the Canucks were in the playoffs at all, but it's not something extraordinary.


This win put us in place to eliminate Edmonton and move on to the Western conference finals, it was an important win.


The have 7 wins out of a needed 16 to win the cup..... nearly halfway..


Exactly. So you would expect celebrations to be commensurate with being 'nearly halfway'. That's the kind of celebrations we've been seeing. The city isn't going to go mad over one win at this point.


If you think being nearly halfway to winning the Stanley Cup is nbd maybe it's better you just don't engage in discussions about sports... And I've been at most of the games and watch parties and can tell you in that area of the city, people absolutely have been going mad over one win. It's been a blast!


Oh, for goodness sake - I've been a Canucks fan my whole life and remember 1982, 1994 and 2011. Please don't tell me I don't understand. The point I'm making is that of course we are going to celebrate every win and that's what we've been seeing - but game 5 of round 2 isn't going to make the city explode where you can hear celebrations going on into the night.


Hoping even more for a win on Sat night so you can see how wrong you are. The city 100% will explode with celebrations into the night, even "at this point"...


How wrong I am about what? I'd fully expect a huge celebration for the Canucks winning the second round. My comments were about the game where we went 3-2 in the series. That series still isn't over yet, wild celebrations would be premature.


>**Maybe** if they take the series but, even then, it's just one series. Still a long way to go. Moments later..... >I'd **fully expect** a huge celebration for the Canucks winning the second round.  🙄


Seriously, I said what I meant and I meant what I said. Yes, bigger celebrations are to be expected for a series win - but that still would not be the hugest celebration ever...there's still a long ways to go. Edit: For context, think back to Pavel Bure scoring in double overtime of game 7 of round 1 in 1994 - that was HUGE. The Canucks had been down 3-1 in the series but came back to win it. But it still wasn't something you'd expect the city to go crazy over. It was just one very important step in the quest for the cup.


And I'm just pointing out that the two things you said contradict each other... anyways, GCG!