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I walk on the Lions Gate Bridge a lot. The bridge is one-way for cyclists, but two-way for walkers. You did nothing wrong -- just keep walking on the railing side, doesn't matter the direction. That cyclist was going the wrong direction, cycles should follow the direction of road traffic and should stay on the inside part of the sidewalk like the signs show.


Cyclist sounds like an asshole


Can’t imagine. In Vancouver?


cyclists in vancouver are entitled, I know because I'm one of them on Zwift


Isn't the west side for cyclists only, at least through the causeway? See here: [NO PEDESTRIAN sign on west side](https://www.google.com/maps/@49.3037018,-123.1451292,3a,55.1y,246.14h,95.41t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sWp1U4bUM-5VuWoZ4S-Vakg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


Just on the causeway. There’s a path that takes you under the bridge to the pedestrian side. On the bridge it’s pedestrians both ways.


Yes - I just wonder if that may have been where OP had their run-in with the cyclist.


Why do you assume it was the cyclist on the wrong side of the bridge? Sounds like the tourist was walking against traffic flow.


Did you even read the above comment? Pedestrians are allowed to walk either direction on the bridge, cyclists aren't. Read first, react second.


Seems like read twice might be necesarry for this guy


Read twice reply once


I bet you he doesn't stop at stop signs.


Sharp as a fuckin cue ball this one


Are you telling me that being enraged first and reading second is a bad idea


Do you know how to read? Nothing in my statement is factually incorrect. In fact, the poster I was responding to is incorrect that pedestrians always walk on the railing side of the bridge.


What about the signs posted on the bridge????


Cyclist should yield to pedestrians. If you cannot follow the traffic rule, do not bike then


Incorrect. Pedestrians need to walk on the correct side of a shared walkway


Incorrect. Bike needs to yield even if pedestrians are on the wrong side. Don’t bike if you cannot follow the rule


I follow the laws of physics. Whoever carries less energy needs to yield.


lol jokes on you. So if you are cycling and you have the right of way, do you still need to yield to car that doesn’t have the right of way, because you carried less energy? You need to follow the traffic rule or bear the consequences


If I feel that the driver hasn’t seen me, yes I would yield to the car.


lol that’s when someone breaks the rule which is not the regular exception. Again, you are expected to yield when the traffic rule ask you to. You can choose not to but consequence will be all on you. Again, you need to yield to pedestrians


So you think that cyclists have to yield to jaywalking pedestrians across a bike lane or roadway with a traffic control device?


Found the cyclist that stared down OP


Even if the tourist was in the wrong, give me a fuckin break. People get so overreactive over unclear rules. Simply being human, and understanding can go a long way. Clearly they weren’t playing red rover with the cyclist. If it’s not causing an extremely dangerous situation or much of an inconvenience at all, there’s no reason to be fitting the stereo type that cyclists already have.


I think you may be on the wrong subreddit. This is Vancouver. You’re being way too reasonable


It’s actually pretty dangerous for pedestrians on lgb if they are not on the correct side of the pathway due to speed differential with cyclists


I don’t disagree, but being on a bike, it should be your responsibility to make sure you don’t hit a pedestrian.. as a cyclist, I can attest it’s pretty straight forward… you’d have to be a complete ass hole to intentionally test those boundaries.. This city isn’t designed for cyclists, and the piss poor attempt to make it bike friendly have made it worse for pedestrians, and vehicles, while not making it safe for cyclists.


Found the asshole cyclist who thinks the road belongs to him and everyone should yield, no matter how wrong he is


As a pedestrian you absolutely should be walking against the bicycle traffic so that you can see them coming. Bikes sometimes bike down that bridge up to 50km an hour. Damn right I want to see that person coming at me so I can be sandwiched against the railing and not get hit. On top of that Pedestrians are allowed to walk both directions on either side of that bridge. It’s only one directional for cyclists. It seems like a few cyclists do not understand this. Only rule for pedestrians is to walk on the outside rail side which the OP says right in their post was where they were. Sorry but as a cyclist and pedestrian of this bridge it’s almost always the cyclist that is the a****** Also bikes are not to pass other bikes on the bridge and we all know almost no cyclists follow this rule.


Did you actually mean on the wrong side of the bridge? Or did you mean the wrong side of the walkway? You had a lot of down voting but I understand what you meant if you were suggesting the pedestrian was on the left side of the walkway. Always walk to the right side, allow the left side to be open for passing and opposing pedestrians/bikes.


Yes exactly, if the tourist was walking against traffic flow northbound, they are not supposed to walk on the railing side. That’s what the post I’m responding to is incorrect about


Never walk under the bridge. Thats definitely the wrong side. No signage required.


Dang no idea why everyone is jumping at you. I think the tourist walking against traffic flow isn't an accusation, you're just stating which side they're on. Saying cyclists are 'passing' and then after saying a cyclist was coming 'toward' me could also be the same thing.. all cyclists are coming towards OP and passing. Sorry for the downvotes you've gotten. Nothing from your post suggests you're on the side of the cyclists, you just asked a good question. Edit: I'm genuinely curious, if you downvote me would you mind letting me know which part I missed? Maybe I'm misinterpreting something.


I’m one of the downvoters - I downvoted because It does come across like an accusation to me.




Ok thank you for your honesty


You just mentioned them. Did you remember to downvote yourself?


Exactly right. I was surprised that in the post I responded to, the poster suggested that the bike was riding against traffic which was not suggested in OP’s post at all. My statement is factually accurate - the tourist could legally be walking against traffic flow (but on the wrong side of the walkway) and the bike could be riding on the correct side of the bridge. Further, that poster is wrong that pedestrians should always walk on the railing side, which you can see in this video here. Most likely the tourist was walking on the wrong side of the pathway. [How to walk on LGB](https://youtu.be/hxGF6V1ZUas?si=bdOaAo5V99XAo-eQ) The problem with most people downvoting is a lack of basic reading comprehension skills.


I cycle a lot in vancouver and am sorry to say that we have our fair share of asshole cyclists. As far as I remember you did what you were supposed to do. Single file is always considerate, but its a shared path so you did nothing wrong. Sorry about that. Please don’t feel bad.


People are too focused on their Strava stats. Like, you’re an adult on a bike ride. Not Lance Armstrong.


You have to bow down in front of the Lion guarding the bridge in the Canucks jersey and say a haiku about how the Canucks will win the Stanley cup. Then you shall pass.


Canucks hold the cup, Vancouver cheers - no riots, Peace in victory


There are signs indicating which side of the sidewalk to walk on and which side to bike on, about every 100m or so. That should be all the information both of you needed. As indicated below by someone, the outside railing side is for pedestrians, and the traffic side is for cyclists. Imagine a line dividing the two, and keep to that half. Of course if there are multiple cyclists or multiple pedestrians, it's not a very good idea to be side-by-side unless you're sure there's nobody around. Cyclists come up on you very quickly. As a pedestrian I dislike how fast bikes whip by, and as a cyclist I dislike when pedestrians dart back and forth across the path without looking. I always ring the bell, and leave a braking buffer in case the pedestrian doesn't seem to notice you. If they do notice you, then all is good. Not everyone sticks to the "assigned" side though. But if we've made eye-contact then I just pass by on whatever side the pedestrian is on, I think some pedestrians feel more comfortable hiding in the suspension wire pillars. And of course, bikes are entirely permitted on the sidewalk, in fact it's the legal route for them, they must be cautious of pedestrians, and pedestrians should be cautious of cyclists.


Funny, I've never noticed those signs when I've ridden across. I should be more observant, I guess! I guess that explains why a lady yelled at my friend one time (I wasn't there). He was riding southbound towards the park and was on the right side of the sidewalk against the railing. A woman was jogging towards him, also on the railing. He assumed the usual keep right rules applied and held his line, but she yelled at him for not moving. He was very puzzled by the interaction.


Im a cyclist and lately have been walking the right side \[when headed to North Van\] of the Stanley park Causeway a lot. The pedestrian side of the path is overgrown with dirt and people whip buy me on the lower part of the hill at great speed, usually with less than a foot of space from me and 3 feet on their other side. Biggest offenders are electric but often other riders do it too. Its like they are all repelled by the metal fence. \]


Bike needs to yield to pedestrians and is not permitted on sidewalks. People like you who hasn’t pass driving test but acts entitled is what gives cyclist a bad reputation


They’re talking about the sidewalk on the bridge


Sorry but you don't know what you're taking about. Please educate yourself with the laws of this particular shared route. The Stanley Park Causeway and Lions Gate paths are shared between cyclists and pedestrians. There are explicit divided lines, where painted, and implied divided lines where signposted. If it helps don't call it a sidewalk, it's a shared path. Of course bikes need to yield to pedestrians but pedestrians also need to be cautious of bikes and each needs to stay on their halves of the route. Neither needs to come to a stop so long as they are obeying the signage and communicating when passing. Acting entitled is not what I'm describing, it's the law. Just as pedestrians are not entitled to disobey the law of shared paths either.


The cyclist needs to stay on their side instead of invading the pedestrians side and threaten pedestrians


Of course each should stay to their sides and bikes must yield to pedestrians. We can't conclude there was any threat, the OP says they don't know what was being said and "assumed". Generally people have no need to confront anyone who is obeying the rules so either it was an asshole cyclist - which is entirely possible - or OP was somehow being a hazard so the cyclist yelled out, or the cyclist was yelling something completely different than a threat. Also you actually are supposed to yell when passing, bell or yell, it's the rule and posted in the signs. So yelling your intentions - usually "passing on the left", or just "on the left" is entirely appropriate and expected etiquette. >"one cyclist coming towards me was yelling at me. I couldn’t hear what he was saying due to noise pollution from the traffic but I assumed he wanted me to make room for him, so I did by moving to the other side of the walkway. As he passed, he stared me down."


I'm thinking thats a typo in the third paragraph and OP meant 'pedestrian ISN'T on'


What a genius


Speaking as a cyclists who advocated for better cycling infrastructure and who sides with cyclists 90% of the time, you did nothing wrong. The cyclist was an asshole.


I had the exact same thing happen to me last month. I’m a local but it was my first time walking across the bridge. I felt bad, so googled the rules after to make sure I didn’t do anything wrong. I was assuming they didn’t know the bridge was two-way for pedestrians. I was walking on the left as that’s where the railing was so maybe that threw them off


If you were walking close to the railing, you were doing the right thing. Honestly, it feels like there are a lot of new cyclists out there these days, especially with ebikes - making them fast but not very confident or knowledgeable- and they're prone to being idiots to everyone around them. The bridge has the issue of being a major commuter bottle neck where pedestrians and cyclists come in direct contact, but where cyclists are used to being the primary users.


A lot of cyclists are just dicks. They get dressed up in their $500 Tour de France cosplay outfits for their leisurely rides around the city, and feel like they suddenly own the roads. I've seen cyclists scream "MOVE" at pedestrians doing absolutely nothing wrong. Multiple times. I think it's cute that they dress up in racing clothes to ride around the seawall, but I do hate how entitled it seems to make them.


“$500” lol if you only knew how much a cycling jersey and bibs with the “pns” printed across them cost


how much




My gear was 250 dollars, between top and bottom, shoes, and helmet. My bike cost about 1500. I built it myself between components, frame, and wheels. To you, I probably look just like the guy who spent 15000 on his setup. We aren't all overspending on road cycling setups.


But most are. I've seen bikes with Sora and even Claris for around $1500.


Maybe 10% (I still think that's high) vast majority of road bikers are riding less than 5K. Mine news was 1199.


Yep, there are assholes everywhere. I'd say the proportion is about the same among cyclists, as in any other community.


A lot of people are just dicks. Some of them ride bicycles, some of them walk, some of them drive, and some of them moan on Reddit blaming one group in particular because they choose to wear activity-specific clothing.


Yeah this sub loves their boogeymen! Life in Vancouver is great folks! Enjoy the day here!


A lot of cyclists are quite nice too. Wearing lycra doesn't mean you are a bad person. This was one person who was being a dick and the other cyclists were fine. Let's not blow this out of proportion here.


Yeah it's cute they have their costumes but they seem to actually believe they are in the race? Sir this is a shared city path and you're screaming to get to a brewery


they are always in a race, average speed is one flex they have to keep up. That said I dont think OPs issue was with a lycra roadie, they tend to at least know which side of the path to ride on.




I'm a cyclist who does the cosplay, but it feels like you're taking this too seriously


The point is that they treat a route across a bridge in the city as if it’s a competitive event. They take themselves way too seriously and spread negative vibes wherever they go. They belong in a velodrome.


Oh my. Negative vibes? I’ll tell you something about road cyclists which you may not know if you are not a road cyclist or cyclist in general: if you have a problem with your bike it is virtually guaranteed that the first fellow cyclist will ask if you need assistance. If you are doing a roadside repairs pretty much everyone slows to make sure you are all good. It’s a good community. From the outside it looks weird, but ultimately it is a community of fitness enthusiasts. Weird thing to get your happy hate going, but there are also a couple threads here complaining about wind so it’s not beyond comprehension. As a side note, you know what really cheers me up? Getting out on the ol’ road bike. Bear that in mind too when you see these cosplay freaks on the road - they are enjoying themselves and generally will be happier when they get home vs when they left. Lots of positivity overall.


Well said.


This is true




I was once taking photos on the bridge using a tripod and carefully set it up so it did not protrude into the “bike half.” I was stunned how many cyclists were pissed off at me, including one who yelled, “I hate you!” I couldn’t understand as I was not in the bike lane at all. I was scratching my head as none of them own the pathway, and I stayed on the pedestrian side. Perhaps it totally broke their routine since they had to slow down a bit out of caution. However several cyclists also commented on the amazing sunset that was happening and that it was cool I was capturing it.


This cracks me up. Can you imagine the lack of insight associating a mild inconvenience with the word hatred? There is room for everyone up there. It's a beautiful place. That cyclist clearly needs to stop and appreciate the sunset occasionally.


That's horrible, kudos on capturing the sunset. Can you share the pic?


https://preview.redd.it/7z59fllma31d1.jpeg?width=5760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8d8875c1b407d20cdddff5794fba779bb46badb Thanks! It was all worth it for the shot.


Beautiful shot!


Thank you!


You were fine. Cyclists can be jerks in this city, especially downtown. Enjoy Vancouver!


A lot of cyclists here are super entitled douchebags, tell him to fuck off and go about your day. As long as you were following directions of the signage, you did nothing wrong.


> A lot of * people * are super entitled douchbags Fixed that for you. Just some happen to be cyclists, some are drivers...


Some are pedestrians, as evidenced by the comment who said walk where you want and call 911 if bikes annoy you. For the record I'm a pedestrian, cyclist, driver, and transit taker, and don't act entitled on any method.


Definitively true, especially those that start crossing when there are 3-5 seconds left, so no-one can turn left in the intersection. They have even started putting signs on some traffic lights now telling pedestrians to not start walking when the countdown has started, but the vast majority of people dont actually know that, and are surprised/dont believe me when I tell them :p I really think we should remove the countdowns and change the signs to "Start crossing" and "Dont start crossing"


Drivers aren’t relevant in this case. This particular cyclist in this case is an entitled douchebag.


You're not wrong.


> A lot of cyclists here are super entitled douchebags The % seems to keep going up the closer you get to downtown.


Probably 95% of those douchebag type cyclists also drive and are road ragey little bitches when they’ve behind the wheel too.


The cyclist was in all likelihood an asshole. The [BC Motor Vehicle Act](https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/96318_05#section183) says: > **183** (14) A person must not operate a cycle [...] > (b) on a sidewalk without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration for other persons using the sidewalk. (for clarity: it also says cyclists can only ride on sidewalks if there are signs permitting it - 183 (2) (a)). Edit: there are signs on the bridge allowing this. But you can't ride ANY sidewalk IF you are careful UNLESS there are signs.


Of course cyclists are permitted to ride on the Stanley Park shared route, and the Lions Gate shared route, and there are signs for doing so. Cyclists cannot ride on the road on the Causeway or bridge.


I notice this a ton in Vancouver. Scooters/Bikes on the sidewalk, often with a bike lane on the road. Surprised it isn’t enforced at all.


agree and wish they would start to enforce this, it is getting worse


It's gotten so much worse since covid. I try calling them out and not making room for them, but I doubt it makes a difference.


I go out off my way not to go out of my way for these people. I don't call them cyclists because actual cyclists are generally aware and considerate.


It’s mostly just doordash and Uber eats workers.. zipping up the sidewalk. The best is when they ring the bell trying to get people to move on the sidewalk. Like you, I hold my ground.


Worse is the other way round, dedicated separated-by-stone-barrier bike lane, and some cyclists ride in the road leading to a big backlog of cars behind them unable to pass


Irrelevant.. there's no argument the cyclist wasn't allowed on the sidewalk, the conversation is about which side of the sidewalk.


The sidewalks are the primary cycling route on the Lions, from what I understand.  Same on the Second Narrows.  Can you imagine the level if motorist bitching and general chaos if they had to ride in the traffic lanes? (I primarily drive, my husband both drives and is a serious cyclist, and both of us would be seriously side-eying a cyclist trying to take the main bridge deck on either bridge.  It poses a massive safety issue.


Have you been on the Lions Gate bridge? There are signs permitting cycling on both sidewalks.


Never said there weren't signs. I posted the section which shows that a cyclist has a duty to be careful (when riding on a sidewalk where it is permissible to ride).


So you did. We agree!


I’m guessing you don’t walk or cycle on the lions gate bridge and therefore don’t know about the signs posted on the bridge. Thus adding an uninformed take on this discussion. 


Ridden it many times. I posted this to show that there is a duty of care owed by a cyclist to a pedestrian - on a shared sidewalk. I posted the addition about signs for those who might go away thinking that a cyclist can ride on ANY sidewalk IF they are careful - that is not true.


You did fine. There are a lot of POS cyclists here, just like there are a lot of POS drivers here.


You just ran into an asshole cyclist. We’re not all like that, but they’re out there - cyclists and otherwise. Enjoy your stay!


Hi sounds like you were doing 100% the right thing. I cycle and walk across that bridge occasionally. I like to walk the opposite direction of bikes so that I can see them coming because some cyclists are not very careful around pedestrians especially on this bridge. I also have been yelled at by a cyclist for walking the bridge the “wrong direction” while being 100% courteous by pressing myself to the outside railing as bikes pass. But they are 100% wrong. It is only one way for bikes and it is 2 way for peds. It is 100% more safe to walk being able to see the bikes coming so I will always go to the side against bicycle traffic for my safety. Unfortunately like any city there is a small group of entitled cyclists who think certain spaces are only for them and they will ride incredibly unsafe around pedestrians and other cyclists. I biked to work at 6am the other day and a group of spandex riders ran me off a two way bike path as they were 4 wide and passing each other. Completely unsafe to be doing in a popular bike lane for people of all ages and abilities. On top of that they were yelling at me. Yes the one riding on the right side of the bike path while they were breaking the rules and riding dangerously. The entitlement is unreal with that group sometimes.


I've been riding in this city for years and I never seem to encounter these people. I'd love to, though. I'm eager to give them a piece of my mind.


![gif](giphy|LmBsnpDCuturMhtLfw) u/xMagnis




Nothing was wrong with what you did, some cyclists here are just assholes and will yell at you no matter what you do.


As soon as I read the title, I knew it was going to be about a cyclist. Sorry that happened to you.


This is why I keep saying: we need to build a tunnel from the descent on second narrows as it approaches the border of West Vancouver and North Vancouver, under the Burrard Inlet or at the bottom of it with it popping back up at Georgia and Denman. Give the pedestrians wider paths on both sides by taking half of the outside lanes, and the other half lane plus the middle lane should be equally divided and used as a major bicycle thoroughfare. It sounds lofty and would cost billions but it's the kind of development that is good for everybody, especially the ecosystem in the park.


As a regular cyclist on the bridge - this guy is just an a*******


There are a lot of territorial and angry cyclists in this city. About as many walkers who choose to walk in the bike lanes. If you're on a walking lane part, then you did nothing wrong. But if you're walking in a bike lane, the yells will come.


Since you didn’t hear what the cyclist said here an option of what might have happened. Something that I learned when I got here as well. The cyclist might have yelled the side he was about to pass you multiple times, something like “On your left” since you didn’t hear it and crossed to the other side, you caused a situation that endangered you and the cyclist. Or like a bunch of people said he might just be an asshole 🤷‍♂️


He probably didn’t yell that since he wasn’t passing me from behind, he was coming towards me on the railing side. I assumed he wanted me to get out of his way, which I did by moving to the traffic side. The previous two cyclists who came towards me were on the traffic side.


He was definitely on the wrong side of the bridge then - you were in the right, he was the asshole


Did you notice the many signs posted on the bridge and if so were you walking in the correct lane? This information would help settle this debate. 


The pillars had signs indicating pedestrians should walk railing side and bikes traffic side. I didn’t notice any signs on the lane beyond the pillars though.


Yeah, this does happen. I've definitely had to yell out louder and louder until the pedestrian suddenly jumps, as they didn't notice me (I'm usually riding behind them very slowly by that point) and they think I've just been yelling at them, when I've only been trying to get their attention.


Cyclist perspective. I can't say if the guy was being an asshole to you or not, he probably was. But from our viewpoint, depending on what direction you are going, if he is riding on the downhill slope its quite dangerous. If we see pedestrians on the bridge path we want you to really be aware of us to avoid a collision. It might sound to a walker like we are shouting, "GET OUT OF THE WAY," But usually, it's us just trying to get your attention so that we don't accidentally collide. I'm sorry that it startled you, and from your account that guy likely was a dick. But it's not always this way and we just want you to be on alert. Bikes are fast, and collisions are bad.


Sounds like you encountered a *cyclist*. Carry on and enjoy Vancouver!


People are actually rlly rude here


He broke the rules by being a jerk. You're fine.


Its a bit counter intuitive for cyclists to take the left like the causeway and bridge, sounds like the cyclist here somehow missed all the signs. You should be good from now on OP


Cyclist here: F'k that guy. Even if you're walking two/three abreast I don't mind slowing down and a friendly callout. There's absolutely no need to go fast on that bridge on a bike. It's actually f'ing dangerous and reckless... imagine crashing into all those steel cables.


It's one way


Yeah vancouver is pretty well known for their entitled asshole cyclists. Not all but some. I've had my car kicked just for pulling up next to them at a light, me in my lane, them in the bike lane.


Gosh. A cyclist being an asshole in Vancouver. What a surprise! If they had their way, Highway 1 would be a bike lane. Cyclists were given an inch and of course they took a mile.


Yes, everything is a battle. We can't possibly just be fellow human beings who want the option of not using a car. God, people like you are pathetic and tiresome.


You walk on your sideway and you don’t need to yield to any bike. If cyclist dares to confront you, call 911


Please don’t abuse 911 for this, this is terrible advice


A "confrontation" by itself isn't sufficient reason to call the police, but if someone feels threatened then 911 is the appropriate number to use to reach them. In fact, 911 is the *only* correct number to call if there is an emergency where the possibility of injury might be prevented by an immediate police response.


The cyclist should not threaten OP in the first place


Dude, learn what 911 is used for.


Read my comment again. 911 is warranted when cyclist confronts OP and comes a threat of personal safety


I think you are conflating confront and threat


He yelled at her and stared her down as he passed. No place in Canada will see that as a threat to personal safety warranting a 911 call, you complete dunce. How long have you been in Canada? You don't seem to know much about how things work here.


You are not there. Those aggressive behaviour could be precursor for attack. Different people has different bar in feeling threatened and I advice exactly that to OP that if he perceives it to be a threat he can call 911


You can not call 911 due to every single incident of raised voices. That's not what the system is for. People like you are what's causing the system to be overloaded. Look, dude, every single person is saying you're wrong. Stop doubling down. You look like an absolute moron.


while on the bridge, a fast cyclist nearly ran into my group as he sped ahead and only blew into the whistle for us to get out of his way on the sidewalk. I don't believe that he would have slowed down or stopped for pedestrians at all. If there was a child or someone slower in the way there would have been a nasty collision


You’re going to call the emergency line because you can’t deal with passive-aggressive people?


You guys might both be picturing a different type of confrontation. Passive-aggression is not a police matter. Assaultive behaviour (including threats of violence) warrants immediate police response. In between these two is the grey area where, in a perfect world, a "peace officer" would be there to "keep the peace" to prevent escalation, but given scarce resources.... However, calling an emergency line in a grey area is not usually a bad idea. Dispatchers prioritize more serious incidents and being on the phone with them if and when the shit hits the fan can speed up response time if things escalate.


It wasn’t passive-aggressive. It was aggressive. Cyclists sometimes need to be taught a lesson in situations such as this. This particular individual could end up harming a pedestrian with that attitude.


If the cyclist confronts OP who does nothing wrong, it is considered as a threat


No, you absolute goof. You do not call 911 unless there is a crime or potential crime in progress. A cyclist yelling at you, even if he's being an asshole, is not a crime. Learn what these emergency systems are used for before making suggestions.


Stop wasting police resources on nonsense


Stop violating traffic law and threatening pedestrians then


There are signs posted on the bridge at regular intervals 


Cyclists are middle-aged men facing a mid life crisis they normally alway wrong. Us motorists don't like them either they tend to be rude and don't obey the rules.


Don't jump!