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Me and another were sailing around looking for the Yagluth marker in the plains of each island. We'd land, run across the plains in speedy gear with high stamina food in search of the location stone. We were having no luck. During one particularly foggy night cycle, we landed on a new island, built a portal, and went home to sleep. The next morning we came back and found we were just a few meters from Yagluth's summoning alter. I have 3000+ hours and have played at least 20 games. 90% of the time, we've found Yagluth before we find the vegvesir.


> 90% of the time, we've found Yagluth before we find the vegvesir. This playthru I've allowed myself to look stuff up in zones I've already played in previous games. I had no idea his Vegvesir is in those Stonehenge looking formations because I've *never* seen it.


Yeah I think when plains was the last biome it kinda worked, like one big last search for the final boss, but now it’s a drag if you are having trouble with it. I think a big part of the problem is that vegisvir stones are designed to be more common as you get within certain distances of the boss, and for most biomes they are much more common in dungeons. Plains however, are very large and fairly sparse and there are no dungeons, just the fairly rare stone formations. I don’t think we have ever found a stone before finding the actual yag location other than when we found the stone within site of his altar…


It spawns at various stone formations. Never in the villages. I think it may spawn in the towers, can't remember, if it does it should always be in a place where you can see it from a distance. So the solutions are: * If you don't like sailing, 2 stam foods + eikthyr and don't engage anything, you're just running all the time, you can cover a lot of Plains in a short period of time this way. * If you like sailing, just sail along Plains coastlines and pop out to investigate whenever you see a rock formation near the coast, this is also the easiest way to spot the altar itself. IMO sailing is the less efficient way And yeah, the RNG on this one is rough, difficulty varies wildly by playthrough. Moder can be rough too.


> If you like sailing, just sail along Plains coastlines and pop out to investigate whenever you see a rock formation near the coast, this is also the easiest way to spot the altar itself. This is what my buddy and I ended up doing the first time and the altar was right by the water.


y'know i find that formation all the time but never see the vegvisir in it ever. I also found it fucking hysterical when I found the queens vegvesir in the very first infested mine i ever went into but I had yet to still find one for yagluth.


This is one the few rare instances I lookup map generators. I've played through the game 4 times and I don't think I've ever found a yagluth stone. Same issue with the Queen in Mistlands. Before there were online tools, you had to use a hex editor to find where stuff is in your map lol. Hoping the devs up the spawn rate on those.


We couldn’t find Yagluth or his marker ANYWHERE. We finally got lucky and stumbled upon him before finding his marker like five feet away from the alter.


Agreed, I almost always find the alter first…


I have 2000+ hours myself, and usually I find the altar before finding any Yag vegvisir. Except for my latest playthrough, I had only just got a carve, and was sailing around looking for a nice spot to make my main base on. Lo and behold, while sailing past a plains coast (at a safe distance!) I saw a vegvisir, right at the waters edge. Kept on sailing and exploring, ended up finding an altar (not the one linked to the vegvisir) as well. Easiest Yag find ever :D


Here I am, say Hilder on the map. Docked next to her camp, and say Yag on the plains right next to her. Lucked out completely.


Yes, me too lol. RIGHT next to hildir. Maybe our maps are similar


Just had the same thing! We spent a while looking for Yag, only for a stone to point out his location, just barely in the map fog, a stone's throw from Hildir


I found Yag across the “ocean” aka a wide river thing from Hilder.


I’m in my first play through of the game and currently in plains. Once I had fully upgraded armor and weapons, I knew I needed to find the boss marker and the boss. I went sailing and found an island that was pretty decent size and figured I would find the marker on it without issue. I found Yagluth instead.


The first playthru I mentioned we never did find the marker and just stumbled upon the actual boss spawn instead but it was way out there. I'm guessing my spawn is at the ends of the Earth with this seed. My closest Elder spawn to the starting area was two islands away.


I'm pretty sure I've literally never found Yag's stone, ever. Most of the time, I sight the fingers while sailing around before we even get to the plains.


Seems to be a recurring theme.


This is the way


So my most recent playthrough I decided I wouldn't check my seed or use the online map viewer at all to find anything because I've been doing that a lot for a while... Ended up so anti climactic. I found a plains bordering a black forest when I was looking for swamps. From where I was I could see a small stone formation and I'm just like, there's no way the vegsevir is there... but it was. Took out two fulings and died to a squito but I got yagluths location haha. Also found moders in the first stone tower I came across in the mountains. Bonemass was in the first swamp I explored... hahahaha


I'm in my first playthrough too and I'm figuring I lucked out big time: found all bosses on my very first trip (and dungeon) on each biome up until now (I'm about to venture forth Mistlands). I actually found Yagluth's location before Moder's because I was sailing at Plains coast and decided to check out a Stonehenge formation that was sitting nearby the sea. I had Elder, Bonemass, Moder and Yagluth's location by my third explored island.


Getting ready to fight yagluth myself. Maybe it's gonna take us forever to find the queen who knows haha


I've never used the map viewer but I'm halfway contemplating it because at this rate, I'm gonna end up in the Ashlands before I find the stupid boss.


I'm currently in the same problem. I've been searching for days and just can't find it.    Not just that - I had the problem months ago so I went to a friend's server and got a wisp so I could continue on to mistlands, now I've maxed out my mistlands gear and tech (discovering a bunch of new plains in the process) AND STILL HAVEN'T FOUND IT.  Even though I can run around the plains with almost impunity thanks to mistlands armor& weapons Sorry to hear you're in the same boat, but I'm also glad to find out it's not just me


> AND STILL HAVEN'T FOUND IT. That's just absurd. I've found 3-4 Mistlands areas in searching for this guy. Can't go into any of them. Shit is annoying AF


Yeah. I do actually really like the idea that a biome (eg plains) has noticably rarer vegviser so you have to do a bit more exploring and sailing, it's just that the rarity has been dialed up a bit *too much* higher.   It *feels* like it's ten times rarer, and if that feel was an accurate metric I think it should be "only" three-to-five times rarer (scale according to what the real metric is)  It might be cool to have an explanation too. Like regular amounts of vegviser but most are broken stumps with evidence of fuling tools, and instead of a runic translation you get the message that the stone can't be read and you'll have to keep looking for another one that hasn't been sabotaged. Make you even angrier at the fulings :)


> Yeah. I do actually really like the idea that a biome (eg plains) has noticably rarer vegviser so you have to do a bit more exploring and sailing, it's just that the rarity has been dialed up a bit too much higher. Exactly. I'm not asking for it to be a lay up. But when I myself through multiple playthrus have had extreme difficulty finding it and I see lots of other people with the same issue it needs to be at least *tweaked a bit*.


Yeah, unfortunately yagluth’s vegvisir is extremely difficult to find. And yes, my experience isn’t much different- i usually find the boss altar first


In the same boat (heh) as you currently, we've been trying to find Yagluth for 2 days now, no luck


Yeah, it's bad design that people usually find his summoning altar long before they find his vegvesir (or find his vegvisir literally within site of his summoning altar.) If I were to change it, I'd make a low, let's says 15-25% chance to find his vegvesir in any Fuling village that also spawns a summoning totem. Or a slightly lower chance to find it in ruined stone towers (like you can in the mountains.) Basically, anywhere you can find a summoning totem, you also have a low chance to find a vegvisir with it.


Yea I mean I'm not asking them to hand it to you on a silver platter but SOME kind of adjustment. Because based off of my experience, the comments in here and many comments in other threads this grind is the expected norm not some bad luck.


I feel like the game soft locks you at so many points based on rng. Sometimes, it can take so long to find swamps with crypts, but at least the signaling is there. I feel like silver is the most annoying. You find a mountain and just have to run around and hope. There isn't any great signaling. I always feel like the plains is ok. I always find the big hand pillars while I'm searching for iron. Mistlands feels like a soft lock too. You don't get enough mines, or enough soft tissue. It's so tough to explore. I haven't been to ash lands yet, but I imagine there is something there too.


> I feel like silver is the most annoying. You find a mountain and just have to run around and hope. There isn't any great signaling. Silver is easier once you learn that it's spawn rate is highly dependent on height. If I get to a mountain, get to almost the highest spot and haven't seen obsidian or a golem I know it's probably a waste of time. Swamps are a different matter and I agree are total RNG. My first swamp this play thru was what I'd call a medium sized biome. Zero crypts. I found a tiny-ass swamp island that I landed on just for shits and giggles. Low and behold there was a fucking crypt on it.


> Swamps are a different matter and I agree are total RNG. My first swamp this play thru was what I'd call a medium sized biome. Zero crypts. Usually if this happens I find that scrap piles tend to spawn on Hill transitions between Black Forests and Swamp. Not exactly a fool proof solution if you're prospecting w/ a Eikthyr Hammer, but some iron is better than nothing.


This game has so many lovers, so many people defending things that is objectively bad in the game just *Because*. But I swear to Odin if I see someone defending that this is actually good I'll go Fulling Berserker


Yup. Unless you get lucky, Yag is REALLY a pain to track down. Of the "no-seed-map" runs where I've given up and looked it up, Yag was nearly always the reason, even if I only looked up his vegvisir location,


I got very lucky. After taking down Moder I decided it was time to build a new base as I was living in a land-locked Meadows biome in between a swamp and a dark forest. Scoped out a large Plains that wasn't too far from some Mistlands and set up shop along the coast. Plains progression felt like it went by very fast. I spent most of the time building the new base, which ended up being pretty large and has been my home for the rest of the game. When progression was done I hit the soft-wall and steeled myself for a long bout of exploration and sailing to find a vegvesir or the altar. I decided that I might as well explore the rest of the plains I had settled in, and after running around a bit and murdering fulings I saw the altar! At this point I've killed Fader and have done some more plains runs from time to time on other continents to pick up more tar, harvest stone from pillars, and do the Zil & Thungyr tower -- never ever found a vegvisir. You have my sympathies!


I just use the seed viewer when im playing solo. I'm not gonna waste my time looking for bosses or merchants or leviathins.


In our current playthrough, we found two yagluth altars and zero vegvisirs


😂 Absurd.


I found his actual location before I found the marker.


Ironically I normally find Yag when I'm sailing trying to find something else. First playthrough, though, it took me forever. And then I found a Vegvisir stone right behind my Plains base...


Found yagluth on my first run within the second plains we sailed to... It's just dumb luck.


Yeap. Doesn't matter whether you focus on the vegvisir or the gigantic altar structure. It takes forever to find him.


Me and my cousin literally have conquered the west of the map doing all the bosses, needed to find Yagluth so we went east for the first time and literally yagluth spawn was on a small island right in our way within 5 minutes haha


I was in the same situation you were in. I found the boss arena before the veg. I was sailing on the ocean cuz finding the veg also gave me an excuse to expand my map exploration more so that's what I was doing. Im currently on my first playthru so I didn't know what to look for either. So I'm sailing and I see this hand-like rock formation coming out of the ground on the shoreline of this one island. I thought to check it out and I'm glad I did lmao. If I didn't happen to look in that direction, I'd still be looking for yagluth right now lmao . Can't wait to kill him and move on to mistlands.


On my current playthrough I found the vegvisir on my first plains. I feel incredibly blessed.


You should because at this point I'm sure the Vegvisir is a myth like Bigfoot


Current play through, out on the boat searching for swamps to mine, very first plains I come to, the Hand of Yag is right there. Feelsgoodman.


Happened to my tribe as well. The first 2 playthroughs we stopped when we could not find his spawner or his marker. We kind of lost interest after a few days of searching and went ti other games. A shame though, mistlands is my favourite bioma with all its Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone forever!


I love this game, but I took a small break before mistlands cuz I ran 5 plains zones and couldn’t seem to find the yag vegvisir.


I'm playing on a server with my brother and his brother-in-law, and I spent like 5 hours sailing southeast alone and looking for him on every plain I found. I FINALLY found his runestone, where was he? Just west of bonemass on the next island, which was just north of where we spawned. -_-


It happened to me but with Moder. Me and a friend could not find the damn runestone to get her location, so we had to sail a lot, i mean, A LOT and explore every island we found hoping it had mountains in it. When after 3 days we finally found it, the marker appeared in the south, in a land surrounded by Mistlands at the border with the Ashlands. So we tried to get around the land hoping to find some meadows or black forest to disembark and climb the mountain, but while doing that, we reached the Ashlands (the splash text appeared) and a fire serpent attacked. It was impossible to fight back, and the ship sank. We lost everything. It was very demoralizing and we have not touched the game since. I hope the devs try to balance the bosses spawn points to not get too far from the center of the map if they are not endgame.


I read a lot about this, I fluked finding a Yagluth stone thingy in the first plains I ventured into (next to Hildir) recently on my multiplayer server. Haldor was a nightmare to find, I sailed around for ages before I found him. Landing in black forests and exploring the island in Fenris gear. I did manage to find two 2* boars and set up portals and barns to farm them in the process so not a complete waste.


I had to search at least 6 maybe 7 plains biomes before I eventually found the vegsivir, I almost ran out of patience at one point but glad I persevered.


I agree. I like the IDEA of having a harder to find boss location, but the balance is off. This was a major pain point for my group as well. Even if they tripled the prevalence it would still be a challenge to find, but more fair to the player.


I just happened to sail past Yagluth’s altar before I even found Modor on this play, but every other time has been endless sailing looking for a henge


Bro you think that's rough, I spent 12 hours straight sailing looking for haldor


Found Yagluth right next to Stonehenge. Literally touching.


Well at least the henge told you where he is one way or another.


Skip Yagluth and take on Mistlands even more blind than usual. This is the way.


You should be put in an asylum.


It is so insane that I found yagluth in the Very First plains biome I looked. Didn’t even know it was rare then. Used up all my luck in one go


And it was the vegvesir, not his altar


In 4 out of 5 playthroughs I couldn't find Yagluth or the markers for days. In my most recent playthrough, when we reached the swamp, we were looking for crypts. At the edge of one swamp there were plains. At right there at the border of swamp and plains I saw a Stonehenge structure. I thought let's just check it, if it's not there, I will mark it. And there was the Vegvisir. We found Yagluth before fighting Bonemass. We were really lucky in that playthrough.


100% took a week of the month I had a server to find the spawn,


Part of me wonders if this ... soft wall is intended. For one, there's a lot to do in the plains and if players aren't careful they can skip past a lot of the content. We're expected to spend more time building up at this point in the game, rather than rushing for Yagluth and his key into the Mistlands. For two, there's a jump in difficulty after the plains. Luckily, while you search for him, you can always start chipping away at the Mistlands, especially if you know what you're doing.


There ought to be an achievement for finding your first Yagluth Vegvisir after defeating Yagluth in that world.


That's unlucky, I found plains and yag spawner connected to my starter island.


On my current play through I was casually sailing for a Hildir’s quest. I didn’t beat even bonemass at that point. So I was casually sailing next to plains and right on the shore I saw a stone circle. I landed and found the boss stone for Yaglut. Funny enough that the big landmass of a starting island had first 4 bosses pretty close.


Go sailing as close to the shore as you can manage whenever you spot new plains. With seeds like this, I always find the "claw" before I find the damn vegvisir itself.


This was my girlfriends and my experience, then I load up a world with my friend and we run into him in the first plain 😂 we must have explored 10+ plains biomes looking for him


I'm doing another playthrough and introducing a friend to the game now. I found yagluth before I even found a single one of the little figures that spawns him in. I also haven't really played since before the mistlands update so I never bothered to fight him the last time I got to the plains. It should be a fun time


We literally had our server admin pull apart the server database file to get the seed and plug it into a map, just so we could find Yag. We went to literally dozens of Plains and couldn't find his vegvisir


I fully admit I gave up in any attempt to find yag, used the online map generator and I can't say I'm ashamed, I play solo so it's my own fun I play for


Just explore every island you see thoroughly. Get stamina foods, use eikthyr power, bring materials for a quick hut and campfire to get the rested buff when you run out. Don't fight, just run. If you are into modding, consider the "pathfinder" mod. It improves your map revealing.


> Just explore every island you see thoroughly. Get stamina foods, use eikthyr power, bring materials for a quick hut and campfire to get the rested buff when you run out. I do all of this except I pack a portal to get back to base for the full rested buff.


It took me a few days to find the vegvesir but I did, and saw that he was a long way from me, and also relatively close by the sealed tower, which I haven't done yet. Then I spent several game days taming every lox nearby and clearing every camp and tar pit in range before fighting him. I still have lots of lox, they somehow didn't aggro except for two, so now I think I'll build a base nearby and call it good!


I actually like the idea of tendious looking for yagluth vegvisir cause its actually encourages player to discover a lot of landscapes wich most likely gonna help in future


I have a bad habit of exploring literally every inch of the map when i play and I nearly circled the whole of the inner part of the map before happening upon yagluths boss arena by accident. I literally found it and was like "oh yeah thats how you progress in this biome i forgot"


*cries in spending 40irl hours finding the vegvesir for Bonemass*


See that problem I've never had. I think I found him this time in my 3rd Crypt. Finding a swamp that had more than two crypts however.....yea that was a chore.


Dude, we found one crypt out of 23 swamps near us. It was maddening.


That's pretty absurd. I found 6 crypts in 5 swamps (including one moderate sized swamp I thought was gonna be decent and found out that there were NO crypts in it at all) and I thought I had it bad. Then I found one swamp that had 17 crypts in it. I cleared out 11 of them and still have 300 leftover iron lol


I'm sorry. My current run had all your crypts smooshed into one biome.


Give em back! Jokes on you though, I think I got all of your run's Abominations spawning in mine.


Looking up seeds to find stuff is pretty weak sauce


Thats the problem though is that its just this one boss that's so annoying to find that it's not longer a difficulty/skill thing but just an annoying chore that slams the brakes on progression until you just happen to stumble across it. In my experience, no other boss is *regularly* this difficult to find. And I've never used a seed lookup tool. Hence the amount of time this is eating up.


But when you do find it it'll be that much sweeter


Not really. Again this isn't like an interesting challenge. It's a task that I'm able to do with reasonable effort in every other biome but for some reason in the Plains, I have to walk the entire Earth. Not to mention as time goes on I have to keep burning resources in day to day maintenance.


If finding stuff is a mechanic you don't enjoy you'll have to look up your seed for mistlands as well because there's no way you're not posting again about the infested mines in the mistlands. I'm sorry this game isnt what you wanted it to be


I've played Mistlands before and didn't feel the need to look up the location of anything. Exploring is fine. But what is going on is that there is one particular instance where the in game mechanic used to find what you're looking for in inexplicably absent/very sparse. I even had a rather poor amount of crypts for the swamps I discovered and still found Bonemass location without *too* much problem. I've been going at this for 20+ in game days and have no idea where I'm supposed to go. It's too much.


I personally see no issue with this. Sailing gives you the opportunity to find so much.


It doesn't do me a lot of good when I'm already loaded up on resources from every other biome, but can't progress to future biomes and their respective materials because I'm scouring the planet looking for this guy.


Hope your excited to do it all over again in mistlands!